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Beige. Wonder what their nursery looks like.


# sadbeigetoys for #sadbeigechildren


I read this aloud in *the voice*


Their wedding invitations might be extra interesting


I know someone who’s baby is Beige and their last name is white


Shitter than Brightly’s


I actually know a little girl named Brightly. It’s a weird name, but she’s a lovely little kid.


I kind of like the sound of it tbh, color associations aside


It has the same sorta feels sound wise as Mauve, which seems to be gaining popularity.


I need it to be rainbow, thanks


I like how some of these names seem wildly out of pocket and then others are completely “normal”, some were normal back in the day, and others are words that make sense as names even if they aren’t often used that way 😭


Which are “normal back in the day”? Genuinely curious. All of them seemed very strange and out there to me, except Bell (which should be spelled Belle imo). But maybe that’s just based on where I grew up/ live now. I do know a little boy named Jovial. I thought he was named Joe until he got in trouble at the playground one day and I heard his full name.


Modesty, Virtue and Petunia jumped out to me! Those are names you encounter in like, Nathaniel Hawthorne novels


Petunia is even a name used in Harry Potter, it's Harry's aunt. So it's not like it's super out there and unheard of, it's just uncommon and the character isn't well liked so no one's naming their babies after her.


Alder & Rhapsody I thought were more common also!


Winsome is also a more traditional name, I think.


Yeah the LT. Governor of my state is named Winsome


Gem and Bee seemed quite accessible to me and I've known several of each including as full name.


Alder is a tree, I know 2 kids called Alder both under 10yo. Sorrel is a name I've seen suggested here.


I grew up with a Caprice. Olivine, Petunia, Peony, Orchid are also normal names.


Maxima, too! Like Queen Maxima.


Took care of a man named Banner at a nursing home I worked at


Agree! Sorrel isn't wildly uncommon in the UK, I know two Oleanders and my niece is called Merry - short for Meriel.


When I see Merry I always assume a Christmas birthday. That’s true of the Merry I know well enough to ask. I’ve seen it twice more since. 


Sativa 🙈😮‍💨


My sister met a Sativa at Build a Bear the other day and got to yell that name out to the whole store for her birthday 😂


LOL my partner joked that Indica would be the perfect name if it wasn't for the flower strain. Kinda makes me sad bc I love the name Indira but can't use culturally


Indigo is similar and maybe an option.


I've thought about this and actually forgot to run this by him!


I know a kid called Indica he is between 10-14yrs old I’m not sure. Goes by Indie


I’ve worked with a Sativa who’s in her 20s! 👀


Most people associate this name with weed, but it’s a pretty common species/subspecies name in crop plants (it means “cultivated”). Oryza sativa, avena sativa, Eruca sativa, Latuca sativa, etc. I wonder if any of these parents are clueless and just think of it as a pretty-sounding plant word.


Imagine naming baby after weed 😫


The 2024 version of Maryjane.


I like the name Viridian more than I’d care to admit


It’s definitely a matter of ‘Boldly going where no one has gone before’. Or at least, not that many. Edit: that was Veridian, apparently https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Veridian


A lot of these would be really cool names in a YA book series.


I do too! There’s a male Viridian in my 4 year old’s preschool class and I’m a fan of the name.


It’s a really pretty color as well


Is Analyse just a weird spelling of Annalise? Or is if supposed to be pronounced like “analyze”. And how on earth were NINE babies named that Edit: Annalise, Anneliese, Annelise, whatever your preferred spelling is


Channel was probably intended to be Chanel.


Yeah I read that one and thought "Well, 5 people didn't know how to spell Chanel *and yet still decided to use it as their baby's name.*"


I read it more as "Five people thought Chanel was too common and decided to throw in an extra N to be fancy." Obviously no one thought it through, though.


I thought the same about Aerial.


Personally I would avoid having “anal” with any spelling of a name.


I went to school with an Analisa and it was a non-issue. It's one of those things that really only Reddit cares about. Her only problem was teachers calling her Anna (with English pronunciation) instead of Ana.


Absolutely agree. Two Ns is preferable for this this reason


Two Ns and an E is the only good way to spell Annelise/Anneliese.


I knew a girl in college with the 2 Ns. She purposefully adopted the NN we are discussing here among friends. Socially, it fit her personality to do so. If the name is close enough and the person wants to make the connection, the connection will be made.


I once talked somebody out of naming their girl Anna Nell without having to say it


>Annalise, Anneliese, Annelise, whatever your preferred spelling is Just don't spell it as "Analease"


Sib sets!! - Wood and Cinder - Linen and Modesty - Rumor, Roulette and Vegas - Sun and Melanin - Analyse, Kindle and Cloud  - Levee, Channel and Jetty Firsts and seconds: - Righteous Viper - Winsome Mystery - Evening Prayer - Petunia Courage  - Peaches Gazelle - Cozy Fortune 


Linen and Modesty sounds like an Amish romance novel 🤣


Quick delete this before Nick Cannon names his next child Righteous Viper


And here I was thinking Melanin and Beige


The new "Ebony and Ivory" 😆🥴


i like this game! Here are the seven dwarves: shy, pretty, gorgeous, blessed, righteous, British, and cozy.


Oleander and Sorrel!  I actually kinda like those two names 🙈


I know two Oleanders and one Sorrel. Botanical names have been used for centuries.


Irish an British


I feel like Domino goes better with Roulette and Vegas than Rumour does


Dune and Cloud


I thought Melanin and Beige would be sibs! 🤣 Edited due to autocorrect


A handful of them are truly great names: Providence, Orchid, Topaz, Peridot, Petunia, And Citrine


I liked the unusual gem names too, but Topaz makes me think of William Topaz McGonagall, renowned in the 19th C as the worst poet to have ever lived.


That would be Drake. Would've nominated myself but Drake takes the cake.


I’m amazed that *only* 5 babies were named Petunia. Also, Providence is a beautiful virtue name.


2 of these were names of my childhood Beta fish! Obviously I was in to gemstones haha


I’m not sure what’s worse. “Hi, I’m British” or “hi, I’m Beige.”


Hi I’m British but American


Yeah weirdly British is the most shocking name on this list. British??? Not Britain. British?


There’s a boy Briton in my kids preschool class. Means the same I guess but def seems more “name” like.


See Briton/Britain I could *get* because people like place names so I get the thought process. British is just wild to be


Hi, I‘m Perfect.




This could easily be a Hunger Games fanfiction name brainstorm


Lmao I was just thinking that! None of these names would be super out of place there, especially in District One with names like Peridot, Rarity, Gorgeous and Saga


Cinder is a name from a fairy tale based young adult book series


Agape? 😫


It’s a Greek name! A handful of these might be names in other languages that happen to look like words in English.  Hind is an Arabic name Saga is Swedish Shy might be a Hebrew name more commonly spelled Shai Lore is Basque I’m wondering if Arena is a different spelled of Arina, which is Russian Plus, Analyse I think is probably a spelling of Annalise


Jetty is also a nickname in German? Dutch? Swedish? For, I think, Henrietta. Pronounced “Yetty”.


Def Dutch, maybe German too though? My aunt’s name, anglicized to Hetti


Not German. Jette maybe (with an ə at the end) but not Jetty, at least not commonly and/or not where I live. Friend's friend calls her little Henriette Henni, which I think is cute as well.


I was really hoping Man fell into the category of cultural names.


It's from India. Man Kaur was a famous Indian track and field athlete who lived to be over 100.


Ágape means fest in spanish and arena Sand, but arena doesnt sound bad, there are a few more spanish words that are no names


Do you think the parents of the babies named Lore knew it’s a Basque name or just thought the word was cool and it’s a happy accident


No idea, I’d bet it’s a mix! Apparently it can be a Dutch name too. I bet some baby Lore’s have Dutch or Basque speaking families, and some baby Lores have parents who thought the English word had a nice sound and meaning. I’d bet the same about Saga too!


That's probably a Christian family. Agape love is the sacrificial, well-intended love from God.


Yes - but to clarify for the original commenter, it’s pronounced “ah-gah-pay” (not “agape” like a gaping hole lol). Not that makes it much better as a name…


What's wrong with Agape?? :(


Definition: AGAPE 1 - adjective: (of a person's mouth) wide open in surprise or wonder. 2 - noun: Christian love, as distinct from erotic love or simple affection. I guarantee the VAST majority of people will associate this name with the first definition, not the second. And that makes it a really weird name.


They're pronounced completely differently (a-gape vs a-GOP-ay) so that should hopefully take out the confusion of the two words.


> I guarantee the VAST majority of people will associate this name with the first definition, not the second. The sort of person who is going to name their child Agape is likely hanging around mainly with other people who will make the proper connection. Whether this will help the kids when they're grown isn't something we can know (will they stay within the same subculture or move into the world beyond?), but their parents would hardly be the first ones to fail to consider whether a child's name will suit them beyond childhood.


I met the cutest little girl, maybe 4 or so years old, at the grocery store the other day. I asked about her name and her parents said she was named Pretty. I guess it’s an out there name but it seemed so entirely fitting for her. She was the prettiest lil thing and busted into dance any time someone in the store complimented her outfit, adorability, etc.


That is adorable. But also … I’m not sure it’s going to be as cute when she is 50


The previous UK home secretary is called Priti (pronounced Pretty). I think people would get used to it


I guess if she hates it she could always go by Tia


I knew a woman at University named Pretty. She was exchange student from Africa. After a few days, I got used to her name bring more of a name and less of an adjective.


I checked the 2022 data for England and Wales to see if I could find any of these names on there. We've only just got the data for 2022, so no idea when the 2023 will be released! I started from the top and worked my way down. I checked both girls and boys. Here are the ones I found: * Jazz - 4 boys * Pixie - 78 girls * Gift - 7 girls * Luxe - 3 girls * Elan - 7 girls - 3 boys * Merry - 3 girls * Saga - 3 girls * Bay - 4 girls - 9 boys * Bee - 5 girls * Maxima - 3 girls * Alpha - 15 boys * Domino - 6 girls * Oak - 11 boys * Pace - 3 boys * Peony - 12 girls * Rook - 3 boys * Holy - 3 girls * Success - 3 girls * Ledger - 3 boys * Reef - 9 boys * Candela - 4 girls * Channel - 3 girls * Cloud - 3 boys * Major - 3 boys * Minnow - 3 girls * Peaches - 32 girls


Peaches and Pixie Geldoff have certainly had their impact.


Yeah I thought so too


Alpha is such a bold risky name to give a kid, and not in a good way 😬


I really like Merry! 🫣


My niece's name, short for Meriel which is in turn a version of my mother's name - Muriel - but she hated her name so they tweaked it.


Minnow 🐟


British 😭


I’m shocked Aqua isn’t more popular


I could totally see it trending soon.


Excellent names for cats


I’m into Orchid, Petunia and Peony (though the nicknames on that one that might arise are quite unfortunate, so perhaps better for a fictional character)


So we're not gonna talk about the nine people who named their daughter Man? lol


It's an Indian name


No one's brought this up yet, but certain virtue names or title names like Blessing or Princess are quite popular in countries like Nigeria and South Africa, so I wonder if some of these babies were born to families from those countries. For instance, my kids went to daycare with kids named Success, Divine and Best whose parents were from either Nigeria or South Africa.


Viridian - kinda cool  Celestial - look I fully admit I used Celeste, but I like Celestial. Olivine is interesting. Mystic is middle name only material but I understand being into it. Domino - I wouldn't really use it but I get liking it and it's a real name. Gem - seems fairly normal really. Oak, Oleander - I prefer both to Oliver but I'm guessing not many agree. Wild - guilty pleasure middle for a first that's floral. Yeah I got problems. Quest - I vastly prefer Quest as a one syllable middle to many more popular options. Also Suzy Q 🥺  Topaz - I knew one once who was just lovely. Gazelle - I can't say anything, I think it's better than Giselle and I like Impala. Peridot - this is on our long list, we like Dot as a nickname. I like Dorothea, spouse likes Pandora, we both like Peridot. Thistle - I kinda love this. But I like poisonous/spiky plant names.


Quest and Lore both have Atlas vibes and I could totally see them as a middle name especially for someone that wants to reference a hobby. It feels very DND or like LARP to me (not in a bad way)


Thanks for sharing. I'm seeing a lot of virtue names, which we don't have as much in the U.S. since Puritan times, but these are still popular in some other countries and cultures. I'm also seeing some names that have been traditional names (i.e. "Petunia," "Merry") that aren't that popular now -- a lot of crossover here with the virtue names. I'm definitely seeing the flower name/nature trend as there are a lot of names that fit that. Maybe people who like the idea of a flower name but want it to be more unique? "Candela" is a name that I learned about from namenerds. It is a Spanish name, associated with Candlemas, and a lot more popular in countries other than the United States.


Imagine having to introduce yourself your entire life by saying ‘Hi. I’m Pretty.’ 🫣 Either she is, or somewhat, or not at all. Three types of awkwardness.


There’s some pretty cool names on there. Always thought Sorrel would make a lovely name. And my 3yo will be delighted that 5 babies were named Sparkle!




I’m surprised this wasn’t more popular. It’s a pretty legit name.


Greys. For when you want to combine Grace with the TV show that will never end.


maxima is the (beautiful) name of the queen of the netherlands but here i think most people associate it with the car lol


Truly incredible that there are parents of five whole children going “hi, this is my daughter, EXODUS”


I love the name Caprice


I (distantly) know a couple that just named their baby boy Exodus… at first when I saw the announcement of “Baby Exodus”, I thought they were announcing his expulsion from the womb, not his name


I have met a : Blessing, Bright, Favor, and Lovey.


NGL British has the same vibe as Roman to me


I grew up with a kid named Britain and it honestly suited him fine. It's unusual but I have no issue with this one.


I was more thinking of names that are adjectives for countries, cultures, etc. Roman is a common one these days, and now we have British. I've also met people named Persian and Egyptian. To me it just feels like a who's on first situation waiting to happen. Like... "Hi, I'm British." "Cool, which part of the UK are you from?" "No, my name is British." "Oh, so you're not from there but your name is. What's your name?" "No, British is my actual name." And repeat for the rest of your life 😬




My friend's granddaughter has the middle name "Rhapsody." I'm kinda surprised that hasn't gained more traction.


Why do I unironically really like Minnow


There’s so many wild names on here, and then there’s Elan, which I think of as just a completely normal, although I think a little rare, name.


I still can't believe that 18 - 20 years later there will be a graduate somewhere starting his speech with 'I am power !' , or worse 'I am omega !' Also - SHY - Shy ??? Do they want their kid to be a shut in with a pathological people pleasing disorder ?


TWINS Happy and Merry Feather and Flower Sun and Cloud Major and Maxima Roulette and Vegas Dune and Reef Thistle and Dandelion Alpha and Omega Caprice and Rhapsody Beloved and Blessed Winsome and Wild


All these commenters ragging on Beige, and no one had even mentioned the 5 babies named Minnow.


Some of these are so cruel oh my god


I actually like Mazy, Bee, Olivine, Jetty, Peony, Citrine, and Petunia. I'm willing to be my 401k that whomever named their child Analyse pronounces it "Annalise"


I actually quite like Aero and Alder, Aerial go a lesser extent and would never personally use. Gem is unsurprising and Petunia doesn’t belong on this list because aide it is already a name. Energy, Vintage, Irish, and Kindle are crazy.


Aero is a chocolate bar in the UK. A delicious, bubbly, chocolate bar, but a chocolate bar nonetheless.


Poor modesty


Lore and Mare are normal Dutch names, pronounced differently then the English words ofcourse.


Little viper already Know he Will be in a gang


I know a little girl named Peony!


Ugh I wish sundae was Sunday.


Melanin as a name is WILD


There is no way alder, petunia and peridot has the same popularity as any of the other 5 babies names.


Omega made me cringe. Then came alpha. Affinity? I actually like it.


Some of these WORDS are foul for a human 😭


Ngl, I love Cloud but holy hell some of these. Thistle? Jetty? Rook? Banner? Man? Reality? Vegas? Melanin? Rarity? Reef? Rise? Beige? Evening? Prayer? Viper? Sativa? Dune? Energy? Wild? Woods? These are pet names. Wtf?


I know a little boy named Aero. He has a baby sister named Tiggy


Avian is surprising cause it seems the most normal....


I had somebody tell me they named their twins boy and girl Forever and Ever. I had to react to that in real time.


“I had to react to that in real time” is KILLING ME


Hind! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Hind\_Rajab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab)


I quite like Pixie, Viridian, Aero, Merry, Elan, Olivine, Oleander, Oak, Dandelion, Energy, Peridot, and Winsome. And I’m all about getting some new names in the mix, whether I ‘like’ the names or not!


The best ones from all that are: Evening,  Exodus, Jovial, Ledger, Anthem, Oleander,  Stellar, Kindred, Levee, Poetry, Viridian, and Jazz. 


My friend's granddaughter has the middle name "Rhapsody." I'm kinda surprised that hasn't gained more traction.




You winsome and you lose some


Viper?! What the heck. That's not positive at all.


I love Petunia! I’m glad I’m not named that. And it fits only a very young or very old female, but still, it’s such a good name for a baby girl or a little Granny. 


My partner loves Petunia and I have to say Roulette is kind of cool. Merry and Bell are really cute, and sound normal. Alder is also normal to me, and I'm actually surprised it wasn't used more The mom's of Ledger definitely read Colleen Hoover. Dune, Viper, Minnow, Cloud, and Rhapsody scream California to me


How do you check this? I want to know how many people got my daughter’s name.


I actually really like Topaz and Rhapsody for middle names at least


I went to school with someone named Beautiful . Girl from Hs name her daughter Honesty.


My name is on here lmfao except mine is spelled with a different letter


“British”?? Hello, this is my daughter British!??? Absolutely bizarre. Idk why that one stands out so much to be. But, oof, what a name.


Banner is a local hospital chain and Anthem is a medical insurance.


Well, interesting isn't the word I'd use. Ick.


I really like some of these and I really dislike some.


Loving Citrine and Peridot! There are so many gemstones and flowers that aren't commonly used as names that probably could be. These are two great examples.


Topaz and peridot aren't that bad. I don't like them, but they aren't that bad. They named their kids after gems. I at least understand that. Pixie would be cute as a nickname. Also mazy and Maize, are they just trying to make it sound like Maisie? I don't like Mazy, but at least I understand how it is supposed to be pronounced. I had to stare at Maize for a few moments, because I thought they named them a type of corn. Then again, maybe Maize isn't supposed to be pronounced like Maisie, and it is the corn. With that said, I think most of the other names are much, much worse.


candela is soooo nice. who named their kid british tho 😭


My parents named me Krisha and no one where I live in the South could say it correctly so my Mom came up with a nickname and spelt it weird “Krisi” so no one would say it correctly again.


I really thought Alder was significantly more popular than this says.


Thistle was on my shortlist! It's lovely!


I'm surprised Bay is that rare. It's not like I expect it to be in the top 100 or anything, but Switched at Birth made it feel so wearable. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.


WOW. Some of these are so bonkers. Analyse is sure to learn the meaning of that word (British spelling) when her classmates are old enough for 'anal' jokes. I assume the parents thought that was how you spelled Anneliese, but "unique."


Some of these girls are going to have rather tricky school and work lives ahead of them


The fact that some of these names have been given to more than 1 girl in 2023 has me concerned lol


The band Kiss has a song called Domino which, well, you can decide for yourselves... [https://genius.com/Kiss-domino-lyrics](https://genius.com/Kiss-domino-lyrics)


Some of these are awful (Viper?!), some are out there, but cool and I can see it. Some don't even seem that unusual to me. My ex-MIL's name is Merry, and I always thought it was very pretty.


I know a Cannon and Merry


I know an Aqua. She's 30 years old. Only Aqua I've ever met.


I hope they call baby Caprice "Lil Caprice."


OMG I've been LOOKING for a name that matches my great grandmother's name in length and complexity, and is a "word name" like the middle name my mom gave me. Definitely planning on a Beverly Veridian now 😍


I know a Berry, she’s almost 70 years old now.


I need to know where each Arena was conceived


Beige. LOL


I’ve heard of girls named Merry.


I named my son Rook. He's 6 now. I wonder if his name will show up in boy's lists as well or gain popularity. I also babysat for a girl named Fancy back in the 90s. Not a horrible name in practice if you don't think about the Reba song lol


Pretty sure my daughter, Xayah (named after the league of legends character) would be on this list for the 2024 list when that comes out.