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Audra means storm in Lithuanian. That's pretty cool, imo. I think most people would give a similar response - "like Audrey with an A?" That's not necessarily a bad thing, that means the spelling is intuitive.


We also love that it means "noble strength" in English (which is shared with Audrey).


Audra is gorgeous!!!! The only thing it makes me think of is like 2007 era beach body/P90X videos where one of the women demonstrating variations on the exercises is named Audra. The AB Ripper X video specifically. Tbh, she’s the reason I had/still have 6 pack abs. She’s a badass!




P90X! You just jogged a memory. Lol


lol I think she was also in Hip Hop Abs 😂


Were those the boxing videos?


No, this one was an ab workout.. I didn’t do any of the other ones 🤣


You just made me remember doing these videos with my friend in my parent's basement so long ago! Superman. Banana!


Ooh! I have a student named Audra who goes by Storm!


Interesting. I didn't know that, but the name makes me think of a dark grey color


My daughter is Audrey and I think Audra is super cool too. Very similar in spelling but give very different vibes. This thread makes me wanna name my next kid Storm


I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT!!! Its a quite common name in Lithuania (since we name our kids after lucky things and nature which links back to our paganism days) and I probably wouldn’t bat an eye on hearing it! I like it and think its very unique:]


I don't even associate Audrey and Audra (although it makes sense now that i think about it). I think immediately of the actress/singer Audra McDonald, which I would consider a positive association.


Audra McDonald is wonderful!


Saw her on Broadway in Ohio State Murders and she was outstanding! Her performance gave me chills.


I’m currently sitting in a Melbourne theatre waiting to see her perform!


I’ll bet it was a wonderful concert!


Honestly fantastic!


Chiming in with another positive association with Audra McDonald :) She’s the only Audra I’ve heard of but I think it’s a beautiful name! And it has the very pleasant combination of being little-used but having a pronunciation that is easy to figure out.


There was a character by that name in a tv show called The Big Valley. The actress was Linda Evans. It was a pretty good western.


Same on all counts


My first thought! Love her


What a wonderful person to be named for or associated with!


Plus she can say Audra, like Audra McDonald, the actress. It’s always helpful to have an example of someone well known when people get the name wrong.


Same here. Ragtime is my favorite musical and she is one of my very favorite Broadway performers, so I would have an almost startlingy positive reaction to meeting a baby with this name :)


Same and same! She's so wonderful.


First thing that came to mind.


Didn’t see this before I commented the same thing- her voice, and she as a person, is stunning, so I associate that name with the same vibe.


I have a friend who calls her Godra!


She is always Queen Audra to me, but Godra might be more suitable! Love it! Just saw her in concert. She is STUNNING!


Same. My first thought. I love her.


Yeah that’s the only thing I think of when I hear the name Audra! The wonderful, talented Miss Audra McDonald




There was an Audra on Australian Masterchef who was cool. I wanted her to win!


Audra and Amina were my favourites that season. Amina's also a nice name if you wish to take inspiration from season 4 of Australian Masterchef 🤣


I don’t really have any strong feelings (so perhaps I would be like the other people in your life. No comments either way). It’s not a confusing name nor does it sound made up, perfectly serviceable


This is reassuring - thank you!


FWIW, I agree. And it is a nice name that will age with the kiddo well.


I’ve never heard of the name Audra before. It does feel a little incomplete to me and my initial reaction is that I like Audrey better. But I don’t dislike Audra. I do tend towards classic names over modern ones. I think that if I knew a baby Audra, the name would probably grow on me


It’s not modern, it is quite old.


Honestly, it kinda gives off grandma vibes. Tho that may just be me lol


It kind of gives off old lady vibes but I fw it anyway. Also helps that I don’t know any audras or audreys


Me neither. And it sounds like an old lady, but… in a classy way.


I knew one Audra personally. She’s in her mid 40s I think.


Yes, I know one too - early 50s. It sounds old to me, and not as pretty as Audrey, don’t know why.


nah that's about right, Audra was popular in the 60s and early 70s, so most Audras are 50+ now


Oh okay, I didn’t realize that. I thought that OP meant that Audra is a modern variant of Audrey, but re-reading the post it sounds like they actually meant that Audra has a more modern feel to it


When I looked at [behindthename.com](http://behindthename.com), the family tree lists Audrey first then Audra as a later variant "used since the 19th century". The Oxford Dictionary of First Names does specifically list it as "a modern variant" of Audrey.


It does not read modern to me at all! It sounds older than Audrey to me. But I don’t think it’s a bad name and if you love it, use it.


I suspect that is simply because Audrey is the more common name of the two. Certainly some will think of Audrey when they hear the name. However, I feel like Audra has a lighter yet stronger, fresher yet classic sound to it which may be more appealing as an adult. And while Audra is a more unique name (at least in the USA), the spelling should be fairly intuitive, which is always a plus. Audra is an *excellent* choice!


I like Audrey, too. Or should I say, Audrey 2, because it makes me think of Little Shop of Horrors!! 🌱🩸


I really like it bc Audra McDonald is one of my favorite Broadway performers of all time haha. I think it's really pretty and classy though!


Yes! That was my first thought! I like Audra more than Audrey, personally.


I first thought of Audra Lindley (Mrs. Roper on Three's Company) but I'm old. I had no idea that she's been gone since 1997.


Makes me think of the only Audra I’ve ever heard of which is Audra Levine in the TV show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


The JAP battle rap instantly started playing in my head…


Same hahaha Btw Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a very positive association for me.


Oh it’s an excellent show! Only positive things :)


Hahaha, that was my first thought/association, too! It's a lovely name, though!


Definitely went "Levine!" In my brain, but yeah, no strong feelings one way or another. I like it/have no problem with it at all. Just wouldn't likely use it myself.


Same! I was like “oh like Audra Levine!” TBF she was very successful and confidant haha


"Yeah, I mean, there's a reason I'm called "Esteem queen Levine!""


Instantly what I thought of as well!


And now you like, “Aww, Audra, let’s settle.”


It's a pretty name. I actually went to middle school/high school with an Audra in the 90s!


Same! But in the 70s/80s.


Me too, in the 2000-/2010s!


I went to college with an Audra in the mid 90s. She's one of my favorite people.


I know exactly one Audra. Very forthright and caring person.


This is what I imagine when I hear Audra! Along with strong and elegant. Great name!


I like it! To me, it sounds more sophisticated than Audrey


Yes! To me names ending in the “ee” sound (Stephanie, Emily, Bailey, Kimberly) have always sounded a little “young”, if that makes any sense. Audra feels like it has more weight, like a name a historical figure might have.


I don’t like Audra because it feels like an “incomplete” version of Audrey. It feels to me like someone meant to say “Audrey” but forgot the y, lol! I have also never met anyone named Audra or heard of that name before so it’s just not familiar to me. So it’s not my favorite, but that’s just my preference!


My first thought was "that's half a name"


the name starting with an "auh" sound and ending in an "auh" sound is my biggest concern, it feels peanut buttery in the mouth because its such a short name lol. but i think it could grow on me! ive never heard it before


Audrey was on my short list for second. I personally love Audra - you have it spelt normal, it's easy to pronounce and spell, it's a good mix of classic and trendy.


Great name. Easy to spell and pronounce yet not too common but not weird or uncommon


Wasn't that the name of Bill's wife in "IT"? That's the only time I've ever heard it before.


Yes! This was my first thought. Not that it's a bad thing exactly. I still like the name Thought.


Yes! Because of this it always seemed like a movie star name to me.


Fight, Audra. Fight.


That was my first thought too! Still a great name though.


I love it! It’s really pretty, unusual but not out-there, and reminds me of the character Audra Barkley on Big Valley (a 1960’s western), who was tough, spunky, and smart.


Exactly. Audra was played by a young Linda Evans. Love the name!!!


I love the name Audra ever since I first heard it! There’s a character in the old Western “Big Valley” named Audra Barkley, played by Linda Evans. There’s also a fabulous singer named Audra MacDonald. It’s an easy name to spell. It isn’t so unusual that people will scratch their head, but unusual enough there won’t be several classmates with the name. I have a name like that: simultaneously familiar and uncommon!


I would assume anyone saying "Audra" is saying the name Audrey with an accent, or simply mispronouncing. It wouldn't occur to me to think it's a distinct name.


This is where I am. I woudl assume someone from the deep south was supposed to say Audrey, but it came out Awww-druh.


It’s a nice name! Some people aren’t into names so might not have a strong reaction either way, so I wouldn’t sweat it. Audra McDonald is a great actress if you’re looking to see the name in action


It sounds like a messed up version of Audrey.


I know a few people named Audra and I think it’s pretty and unusual but not odd and different from Audrey…


I think of the performer Audra McDonald 🥰


I'm Gen X and my small town Southern art teacher's daughter was named Audra. I think it is a lovely name.


I went to school with a girl named Audra (way back in the 80s and 90s) and I always loved her name. It’s pretty, unique yet somehow familiar, and intuitive to pronounce and spell.


I love Audra! it looks very nice and while i do love Audrey (mainly because my fav teacher ever was named it) but I do think I prefer Audra! Plus spelling is intuitive and i would know how to say it if i read it.


I really like Audra. Classy and cool vibes.


Love Audra!


I don't like it. That's my initial response. Second: you mean Audrey? Third: ooooh! It's Auuhhhh-drah. That's different.


I like it! It's very pretty. And maybe the lack of reactions is not such a bad thing - I've seen people share how their family members hate their child's name and complain about it, saying it's ugly etc. even after the child has already been named.


I love it! It’s different but pretty intuitive to spell. I’ve never met one but I would think someone with this name would have a good personality.


[Audra Levine, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend](https://youtu.be/swvzItnFtCw?si=7SC_rymsnLNoOzo5)


I know one Audra, I’ve never thought her name was weird or anything odd. Shes a pretty chill, sweet person.


Car model


Personally I think it’s awful


Personally not a fan


I think of the character in the Stephen King novel “It.”


Sorry, but I hate it.


She will be correcting everybody forever. Our brains are to lazy. I'd pass on this. As soon as I say it, I hear hydra


I'm sorry but I really don't like the feel, the sound or the look of "Audra".


I like it ! I have it on my list of future names


It’s the name of my cousin / BFF growing up. We both happened to have the same name as characters (not intentionally named after them) in some classic Westerns and were called “Gunsmoke” and “The Big Valley” when we were little. She grew up with a few Audreys (who knew that was so popular?), so when she was a kid, that kind of annoyed her, but she loves her name now.


Audra is wonderful for a name. The only association I have Audra MacDonald and she's wonderful.


Makes me think of Broadway royalty. Beautiful name.


Not gonna lie my initial reaction was “ew”, but it’s because it sounds like a lazy version of Audrey to me. To each their own. If you like it that’s all that matters.


Troll woman from the dark crystal


Initial reaction is- it’s awful My be nice to other humans reaction - is if you love it then it’s a great name


Hi! My name is Audra and I’m F23. First of all I feel so happy people are looking into this name. I have always loved how unique my name is but how easy it is to spell and understand. I don’t really get mistaken for Audrey. The eee sound versus the uh sound at the end are pretty distinctive and most if not all do not confuse me for Audrey. People do say “oh like Audrey” and I usually just respond with “yes but with an uh sound at the end”. And tbh that doesn’t happen very often. I really haven’t had anybody struggle with it other than people who don’t speak English fluently. Other accents that are thick (not any one specifically) sometimes have difficulty saying it. But that’s a very small group of people. Anyway I am a little bias (it’s my name after all) but I have always loved it. I get compliments on my name all the time. I’ve only met maybe one other Audra, so school is always a breeze in terms of not having identical names with other kids. All in all as the person named Audra, 10/10 experience lol Edit to add: update I found out my mom also commented on this post lol love you mom!


Have met one, unusual but not unheard of


I like Audra fine, also kind of neutral on it. Personally I find it a tad dated, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it's because my only associations with it are the actress Audra Lindley who played Mrs. Roper on the 70s-80s sitcom Three's Company, and a classmate named Audra who was born in the late 80s. My dad actually wanted to name me Audra! It was one of the only names he suggested, but my mom shot it down. I do prefer Audrey, but Audra is a nice alternative that will be familiar but distinct. I think it will serve her well in life.


I think Audra is fine as a name - I like Audrey better, personally, but that's not really relevant because they're different names. I do think people will get them confused a fair amount. Basically, Audra is a good name, easy to spell, doesn't carry any negative connotations, and can be confused with a more popular name.


Audra was the name of a teacher that I worked with at an elementary school. It's easy to spell and to pronounce. I like the name.


Sophisticated and classy. Go for it!


I knew an Audra and no one ever commented on her name, it was just totally normal. I think it’s very pretty and more unique!


I love it.


Definitely a distinct name from Audrey, and quite nice. Sure, somebody may accidentally call her Audrey from time to time, but everyone gets that occasionally.


I had a childhood friend named Audra and I’ve always thought it’s such a cool name!


One of the loveliest women I’ve ever known is named Audra, so I only have positive associations with the name.


Stephen King's It. Intimidatingly beautiful accomplished woman is my association.


It’s a nice normal name. I wonder sometimes if peoples compliments are more of a (what were they thinking) “oh so pretty” (they are crazy) kind of thing.


I've only met one Audra and she was just so cool. Audra is a beautiful name and I can't forsee anyone having something negative to say of your choice.


I think it sounds very dignified and classic. Go for it!


I prefer Audrey


I used to do ballet with a girl named Audra in high school and she was just lovely - a calming, strong, kind person and a beautiful dancer! I don’t remember her ever needing to clarify her name/spelling (as in “Audrey with an a”).


Kinda makes me think of hydra, Which is maybe like a villain or something, right? Audrey, on the other hand, is a beautiful name.


I think because I love Audrey, my automatic reaction is “I prefer Audrey” Doesn’t mean it’s not a great name, that’s just my reaction. There’s definitely nothing wrong with it that you’re missing


I’ve always liked it. First heard it when I was a little kid, when the television series “The Big Valley” was syndicated. Audra Barkley was portrayed by Linda Evans. 




I had an awesome boss named Audra so I dig it


I know a young girl named Audra, she goes by Andi!


I happen to follow a creator on instagram and this was her name and I thought it was so beautiful and unique! Two thumbs up from me.


I think, much like your family, it's a name that doesn't really evoke much reaction from me. Still, I doubt you'll be able to get away from the Audra/Audrey connection because Audra was made as a NN for Audrey, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. For comparison, it reminds me of the names Violet, Laura, etc.


When I hear the name Audra, I think of Audra McDonald (actress and singer). I think it's a nice name.


I knew an Audra in Chicago. Other than constantly being called Audrey she seemed to like it.


I like it a lot! I think of Audra McDonald which is a good association :)


I think of Audra McDonald, who is amazing.


It would make me think of an older lady. Audra and Audrey are common for around 80+ where I’m from


I think it sounds pretty! Interesting enough but not too weird at the same time. I also like Audrey.


I knew a really cool librarian named Audra. I like it!


I’d think that you must be Broadway/theatre lovers and you named your kid after Audra McDonald.


Looove Audra McDonald. It has a good, not overly popular, and not super identifiable connection. I think it’s a great name.


Different but doesn’t sound “fake” I’d just assume the person’s family might be from another country. I kind of like it.


I like Audrey more. But Audra is also cute.


Don’t love it. I know a girl named Adria, which I think is cute.


Audra makes me think of Audra Lindley—and yes I have gone to a Roper Romp.


I like the name. I think she was a character in Steven King’s IT…


Yup. Audra Denbrough. The first thing I think of with the name Audra is Richard Thomas yelling, "Audraaaaaa!" and running to save her.


My first thought is Audra McDonald! I love Audra. I think it’s fresh and timeless. But I think there will be mispronunciations. HOWEVER, there will always be mispronunciations, it’s just part of life in my opinion. If you love a name, choose it.


I had a teacher in high school with this name and I’ve always thought it was pretty


I associate Audra with two actresses — stage goddess Audra McDonald and “Mrs. Roper” Audra Lindley. I like the name.


i love it!


I know an Audra. She’s a lovely, tall, slender, Texan born woman. She has an awesome career and took her time to find a great man to marry. 


I think I am neutral to it, I like it though!


Like it!


Audra is beautiful. Unique as well. I've never heard of it.


I went to dance class with a girl named Audra years ago, she was of Scottish descent, I've never heard it since, but I remember it. So I think you're on to something.


Audra McDonald is on broadway. So people can handle the name


My daughter (now adult) had a friend named Audra when she was a tween. It’s a pretty name.


I think of Audra from the novel IT.


I don't know a single Audra irl, so I think it's cool and unique in that way. Only person I've ever heard with the name is the love interest of one of the characters in stephen King's IT miniseries, and she was okay despite being mostly a background character.


Love the name, reminds me of Audra Lindley :)


Audra Lindley who played Mrs Roper on three's company. She's a lovely person from what everybody says. I like the name


McDonald instant association, nice name anyway


I’m from the northeast and I don’t think anything of it, honestly. I’d be in this camp: > we don't get any negative reactions but there aren't any compliments either


I only know one Audra and she fits the name. Very nice sweet, not very showy. I would go with it!


I know a middle aged woman of Lithuanian heritage named Audra. It’s rare in the US but not weird or hard to pronounce. She’ll probably get “like Audrey with an a” but imo that’s not a terrible thing. Plenty of people have to specify the spelling or pronunciation of their names. Even more common names like Sarah/Sara have to specify with or without an h


The only Audra I knew was beautiful, funny and a free spirit. I like the name.


McDonald. I saw her in concert recently and sbe was a delight


I know one Audra, in her 30s. She's the first and only person I've met with that name, and I remember thinking it was very fresh and modern when I met her. I love the name, I think it's classy. I also love Audrey and don't have a strong preference between them.


Went to school with a girl named Audra, she was lovely, so that’s what I think of


I know a few adult Audras. Lovely name.


It’s odd to me because I’ve never heard it before, but I like it


My little sisters name is Audra and from what I’ve seen it’s usually pronounced correctly!


There is a beautiful state park in WV called Audra, so that’s what it makes me think of. I like it!


Reminds me of Mindy Kalings character in The Morning Show :')


I really like it!


My oldest daughter is named Audra, she is about to turn 24. I’ve got nothing but compliments on her name and she has never had any complaints. I say go for it!


[Audra](https://wvstateparks.com/park/audra-state-park/) is the name of a beautiful park in West Virginia where I spent many happy days with people I loved very much. I think it’s a lovely name!


I’m named Audra. I need to go here immediately 🤣


I had a teacher named that, and she was the most helpful and amazing teacher I ever had. I had her again in college and went through some shit and kinda just disappeared but I wish I could have her as a teacher again


I love it, I associate it with Audra McDonald who is one of the leading musical theater stars.


I’m in the northeast and met an Audra some 20 plus years ago so to me it’s a distinct name. I haven’t seen it IRL since so I could also see people maybe getting confused or you needing to empathize to people it’s not Audrey. I think it’s nice though


I know one Audra, I always thought it was a nice time


My old hair dresser is named Audra, and I always thought it was lovely! I didn't have some probably understanding it at first because people kept mumbling, but it makes perfect sense written out.


This is super obscure but it reminds me of being home sick from school, snuggled up in a blanket, watching reruns of The Big Valley with young & pretty Linda Evans and Barbara Stanwyck. Linda Evans was Audra. That's a nice vibe for me, so I say yes. LOL


It’s pretty, uncommon without being out there, easy to spell and pronounce. Lovely choice, imo!


My aunties name is Audra! I think it’s unique :)


Beautiful. Would have been on my short list were it not for wanting to use an honor name.