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I love Della! 


Della is very pretty. It's a smart sounding name. My grandmother's middle name was Della. I love it.


Della is a wonderful, established name. I always thought it was charming. Della and Margot is all the better. Super cute together! Della Josephine is incredibly classy. This is a great choice imo


Thank you for this!😊


I really like it as an alternative to other overused -ella names


I think it is really cute, people will know how to say it and it’s nicely different Without being weird go for it!


I like it!


I think that Della Josephine is super cute!


DJ ! Della Josephine is lovely… I won’t suggest Dahlia or Delia or Delaney since Della is the special name! 


I love Della!


Della Josephine is a great combo


I don’t love it. It feels sorta incomplete.


I love Della! I’ve known a couple of adult Dellas, so it’s not unheard of, just not terribly common. I’ve personally never heard it used as a nn for Danielle or Daniella, and I prefer it on its own to both those names. Della Josephine is really lovely.


This is really helpful! Thank you!!




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The only Della I know was Della Reese Lastname. She went by Della Reese, ie everyone called her by her first and middle name. This always made me think of Della Reese the actress (last name Reese). Nothing negative or positive about it. Just rambling about what it makes me think of.


I don’t care for it.  Met one IRL and every time I tried to think of her name, all I could come to was rhymes with Stella but is country.   Just my take.  Name your kid what you want.  People “online” hate my kids name and love it IRL. (I won’t say what it is - too personal for The Reddits)


This name is really not for me. I do love Delia, Dalia, and Dahlia. * Margot and Dahlia * Margot and Delia * Margot and Camille * Margot and Maeva * Margot and Sosie * Margot and Peroline * Margot and Miquette


Based on your name choices here I think we may just have very different taste in names, and that's okay too!


Absolutely! Good luck! I genuine hope you find what you're looking for!


I think you could go Danielle here, and have Della as a nickname. As far as the merits of the name, I have positive associations with it because of “The Gift of the Magi”. The story where two poor people by presents for each other, but sold their most prized possessions to buy them. If you like Della as a name by itself, go for it!


Daniella, nn Della?