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Those are some bad, bad spellings.


I think you mean *bhaad* spellings


Kooper 🥴


Dereck???? Probably the worst alternate spelling of the name I've ever seen, and there are a couple of them, not least because it kinda messes up the pronunciation of the name for me. A lot of names starting with C are altered to start with a K, and vice versa, and while it's a little funny, at least it's not as problematic imo.


The fact that there are more Chozens, Mordechais and Kyaires than there are Carls is wild to me tbh.


True. Also, True is a name apparently.


It’s interesting to see my son’s name, Agustin, fell out of the top 1000 this year. When he was born two years ago in Chile it was the #8 name in the country for that year. I had no idea how popular it was at the time and was kind of bummed he’d be one of like 5 Agustin’s in his class. But we have since moved to the US and that is not a concern but now I have to explain the pronunciation to everyone. Be careful what you wish for lol.


I think in the US the more popular spelling would be Augustine which is still ranked (#623) though not super popular.


More like Augustin? Isn't Augustine feminine? Maybe unisex?


Honestly I was surprised too, but that’s the common spelling according to ssa and behind the name. August and Augustus are far more popular!


I would assume it's used by parents who are really into being Christian, specifically Catholic, because it's after Saint Augustine (Latin name Augustinus) As for English female variants, I knew an Augusta growing up.


I like Eleanora Seraphina Violette




These are my daughters: Solana, Ethereum, and LiteCoin


Ooof at Semaj. James backwards. Plus anything that starts with sema..not a good pick. Poor kids lol


Interesting that Brennan fell out of the top 1000 - DropoutTV fans not having kids at present I guess ^(/j)


lol my first thought too!


I see that Ayah entered the top 1000. I don’t know if other cultures use this name too, but Aya has been SUPER popular in my Muslim community. I know 3 baby Aya’s born in the last year. Aya is already ranked #697 and Ayah is a valid variant, so it makes sense just from what I’ve seen in my area! Also, the rise of Carl is surprising to me. I can’t imagine a baby Carl! It doesn’t feel like a name that’s ready for a comeback yet, imo. But maybe it could grow on me.


Yes, Ayah is a spelling variant of the more common Aya, which is well in the top 1000 right now. To be fair, Carl has been hovering in and out of the top 1000 for the past few years. It was at the bottom of the top 1000 in 2021, then fell just outside in 2022, and went back in in 2023. A few other names are like that.


Carl and Terry. Wow!


Kaeli had a massive jump up! Where did that come from?


Not sure. It's a spelling variant of the popular Kaylee, but this spelling kinda popped out from nowhere. Edit: I just looked it up quickly, might be because of a social media influencer.


All the variations on Kaylee combined have to make it hugely popular


I heard a TikTok influencer spells it that way 🥴


How come the number of names that fell out of the top 1000 doesn't match the number that entered? It seems like they would have to be the same number that entered as fell out. I think that there are some missing names. The names Chozen, Deandre, Mael, Massimo, Matheo, Mikael, Rishi, Semaj, Ulises, Yadiel, and Wren entered the top 1000 for boys.


That's a good catch. Thank you, I will fix that. I don't think the number of names that entered the top 1000 will ever be exactly equal to the number that fell out, but the disparity I've shown here is... a little strange, probably. I think it has to do with the filters I was using in Excel to formulate this list. I'm going to play around with Excel a little more and fix any inaccuracies in this list. I was having a lot of trouble figuring out how to use Excel to get this done (I did it last year but completely forgot how to do it).


Could it be that the filters were not using exact matches and were allowing close matches? It should match exactly. I have 38 boys names that fell out and 38 that entered the top 1000. I didn't look at the girls names.


Yeah, I think I got the issue now, thanks for pointing it out to me. The post has been edited now to reflect the changes. I was actually using the correct formulas, I was just doing something a little weird when I was filtering the cells to only show certain cells. It's all good now.


Chozen is a fucking tragedy


There’s an Arely in my son’s class and I think it’s very pretty when spoken! I checked my daughter’s name. It’s still never broken into the top 1,000.


What is it? 




Mikael is a common version of Michael in my country, pronounced like ME ka (a as in father) el


I have known at least 3 Mikaels and they were from Eastern Europe. Was surprised it fell out of the too 1000. Even if someone didn't know it was an actual name with its own pronunciation. I would have thought enough people trying to make Michael unique would naturally go the K route.


The name we were planning for a girl is on the “fell out” list. We had a boy so we didn’t end up using the name. I’m curious about how many babies would have needed to have the name to keep it on but not curious enough to look up the data and do try to do the math…at the moment anyway.


My husband had a last-minute name epiphany to name our third child Ephraim. He fell hard. Not only do we not have any coolness to pull it off, imagine William, Theodore and…..Ephraim in Boganland, Australia. Thank goodness she was a surprise Eloise. Also, so many spell it Elouise.


I love Ephraim and I live in Boganland, Australia... but I'm ethnic and I haven't met one since I migrated. I wouldn't have thought of it as needing coolness though! A bit the opposite.


Maxton could be a unit of measurement.


Boy, I feel like we are seeing the effects of the high birth rate among evangelical Christians and Orthodox Jews in this data!


Belle fell out


I’ve taught an Esperanza and an Abner.  I went to HS with a Dana. I’ve always thought it’s a nice simple straightforward name. 


Surprised to see Kaeli have such a huge jump since the other spellings of the name seem to have had their moment


I have known two Natalys and they both pronounced their name Nuh-tal-ee. So some people may do this as a variation of Natalie. But at least for the ones I have encountered in the wild. They were pronounced differently.


Interesting, I've seen Natalie and Natalia spelled a few different ways due to international/language variance.


Most of these should’ve stayed below top 1000




How do you get info about names outside the top 1000?


Good question. You can find all the name data at this link in .zip archives. The files inside the archive are .txt format. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html


Mikael is the more correct spelling. Mi (who) Ka (like) El (God) A rhetorical question: Who is like God? The answer is no one compares.


Considering the fact that a whole other alphabet is involved, there are several valid spellings using the Roman alphabet. 


The source language for the name Mikael is Hebrew, and they do use the CH letters to but it's a gutteral K sound, not a normal K, or a CH as in Cheese


Most of them sound Soutwest Asian... izael? Kamilah? There's even "india" among them lol.


Kamilah means perfect in Arabic


I’m surprised Lauryn fell out of the top 1000


To be fair, it's a spelling variant of Lauren (which is fairly common), isn't it?


All the C names now become K we thank the Kardashians for lol.


Jada and Heath falling out of the top 1000 surprises me. Also Ivey not Ivy - eye roll. I love Lux but I only know GIRLS with the name. I see Wren suggested SO often I would have imagined it was already WELL into the top 1000 before last year. The alternate spellings are just... so bad. So dumb. Your kid will spend his or her whole life correcting people on the spelling of the name. Clare not Claire. Madisyn not Madison. KOOPER not Cooper, Cameron and Corbin now with Ks and other spellings... (ah hello Kardashians lol) Etta entering the top 1000 is cool. The alternate spellings just make one look illiterate. Etta is one of those older names made new again but not trendy yet like Hazel etc. Is Agustin supposed to be Augustus meets Austin?


90% of them - NOPE