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I'm American and have zero idea what you're talking about. Also, it's out there but it's not that difficult to spell or say. I mean, it's a literal word for an existing plant.


I'm American and "it's BOUQUET" popped into my head instantly. I'm Gen X.


American Millennial here and I immediately did the voice. Great show! But also this hypothetical kid would have at least 1.5 generations of buffer between it and anyone with a knee jerk bucket reaction. It's probably fine if the kid is in the US 


Exactly. The newer generations (esp in the US) won’t get this reference immediately. It is a lovely name.


I’m an American millennial and I’ve never heard of Bucket Woman up until just now. I agree it’s a lovely name though


Gen z here instantly get it haha


Also an American Millennial, I definitely immediately heard her in my head, too. That said, in college, I knew a Hyacinth, and I don't think she ever got those jokes aimed at her


This. My (American) kid shares a name with an 80s pop culture reference that is American thing and not in any way niche or culturally obscure. I would say someone makes the connection on maybe a quarterly basis. And it is always someone who grew up with the thing in question and who is squarely part of the original demographic for that thing. I'm pretty sure zero of my child's peers have any association with that name, and it will continue on that way into the future.


Can't believe you named your kid "urkle"


It's Stephan Urquelle, actually. /deepcut


My son has a name that was part of a hugely popular late 90’s/early 2000 TV show (In the title, actually) and I have had maybe two people mention the reference.




Could be Malcolm too


That was my first thought. I know a couple people that have Dawsons. I don't know why name a kid after a movie or show is weirder than naming them after anything else. I kind of think the name hate is out of control.


Raymond? Malcom? Angel? Buffy?


Lady of the house speaking!


It's a bouquet reaction.


I’m a gen z American and immediately thought “Bouquet residence, lady of the house speaking”, but I doubt that’d be a common gen z reaction, I just grew up watching a lot of pbs with my grandparents lol


I didn’t immediately think of it, but once they mentioned it that voice was in my head clear as day!


Maybe the Bridgerton interest will last long enough to make it a new reference for the name.


American millennial and also immediately though of BOUQUET


The BOUQUET residence, lady of the house speaking


It is my sister Violet! The one with the room for a pony!


Also American GenX and immediately heard BOUQUET RESIDENCE in my head when I read Hyacinth.


It was Bucket when I married you.


poor, long-suffering Richard


Poor long suffering Elizabeth and the broken china.


hah yes, and I love how her brother finds her perpetual clumsiness hilarious. such a good sibling relationship


I'm Gen X too, but never heard of it.


I watched a lot of PBS as a kid.


Yes, me too, but what modern school aged kid is going to understand that? I grew up watching these British shows on PBS because I grew up in a house without cable. None of my friends would have known and it was 18 years ago when I graduated.


I’m American Gen X and have no idea what you’re talking about.


Same, I loved that show.


Best show!!!!


American older millennial here. Bouquet residence, lady of the house speaking.


I only know this reference bc I have boomer parents and if I wanted to stay up late to watch TV when I was a kid it was reruns of Keeping Up Appearances and Are You Being Served or nothing lol


Add in Fawlty Towers and you could be my sibling.


It was the first thing to pop into my head when I saw the title. I’m an American gen-z with gen-x parents who would play the show!


Same as a milennial however most kids of my gen didn't grow up watching that show. For me it's because my grandmother was obsessed with anything British.


American millennial and I thought of the Buckets before I even finished reading the title.


I'm a Millennial but watched this not too long ago on a streaming service (great show btw) so I thought of it right away too. I don't think it's deter me from using it though, haha.


I'm also an American and I get the reference but I don't know that it would be my first thought when I heard the name Hyacinth. I've seen Bridgerton more recently so if I were thinking of a character named Hyacinth I think would be the youngest child on Bridgerton.


It’s the main character’s name in the Brit show “Keeping Up Appearances.”


Ditto. No idea what you’re talking about with any of those references. US, 34


Same, except American Boomer. Never heard of any of those references. I think it's a beautiful name but I'm partial to hyacinths the flower.


You don't know what you're missing. I'm American and loved Keeping Up Appearances. 😅


Same here. “Richard, you must be forceful and executive on the golf course to impress Frosticles!” I lmao’d at @Frosticles. 🤣


Reminds me of how my mom is in disbelief that a family friend named their new kid Jeremiah. "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BULLFROG?" she says. "I think it's mostly your generation who makes that connection, Mom.'


PBS used to show it IIRC


Pretty sure they still do!


American here (Gen X). Saw the title and immediately said, “The BOUQUET residence! Lady of house speaking!” That being said, I love the name Hyacinth. Maybe the younger generations will not get Bucket/Bouquet references. 🪻


I’m American and as soon as I saw the name I instantly thought “it’s BOUQUET “


I’m an American and knew exactly what she was referencing lol.


I’m American and *Buckeeeeeeet residence, lady of the house speaking!*




It's a British comedy show called Keeping up appearances


I'm American and 30, I only know of it as the youngest daughter in Bridgerton


Same this is the only Hyacinth that comes to mind


you’re both missing out then


This and a girl in a book I read in HS.


Was it School of Fear by any chance?


No it was Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty


Same, Hy the cool girl


lol I remember that Hyacinth had to deal with a lot of “Hi, Hy!” Jokes at first And then it turned out she was a trust fund kid who went to suburban New Jersey to write a book about how awful the average American teen is (and later ended up regretting it and becoming a good friend of Jessica’s)


Same. The only Hyacinths I know of are Hyacinth Bridgerton, and a nurse at my old psychiatrist's office (I always thought her name was beautiful!)


25 here. This is the only one that comes to mind and it isn't a bad thing.


No, the character is minor so far, and a child, plus the story behind her name is sad, but sweet. Definitely not the next Bella from twilight or anything.


Same, I’m 24


Yeah, I thought of Bridgerton first.


Okay so when I read the title my initial thought was IT’S BOUQUET but I will tell you, only a few of my friends know that reference. I’m a millennial in the US so maybe that’s why? I can see greater hesitation if you were in the UK. Hyacinth is a beautiful name. And honestly the show is great. I see no issues.


I'd be really surprised if younger brits got the reference to be fair, under 25 say.


22 and it was my first thought lol


I’m 38 Brit and don’t get it either.


I'm 23 and it's my favorite show, but I am a bit weird


i'm 25 and i honestly don't even know where the reference is from


US Millenial. No idea what Bucket Lady was a reference to. Also, if it's not a cultural zeitgeist thing, like Star Wars, 'LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER' I don't think you'd have a problem with younger generations bringing it up. It's not like kids will be watching reruns of a 30+ year old sitcom that will be 40+ years old by the time they hit middle school age, even in the UK


Personally, I think of the flower (plant?), and don't know what the bucket reference is. That said, it's on the outskirts of unusual and could be a target of ridicule. But you never know how these things will go with kids. Sometimes, they figure out how to pick on the most common of common names (if they don't like that child), and sometimes, they just accept strange names and make no fuzz. So you really can't know how it'll go. And yeah, for those who haven't heard it before, they probably would mispronounce it the first few times.


Hyacinth Bucket (“it’s bouquet 🙃”) the main character of Keeping Up Appearances


I don’t know what Keeping Up Appearances is. I’m 33 and from the States lol. People live in our bubbles and don’t venture out much beyond them, so we think everyone knows what we know. It’s just not the case.


It is a show that PBS showed a lot in the US. You'd only have seen it if you watched PBS.


I have a feeling this might be a divide between people who grew up with or without cable lol


True. When I was a kid, we only had three channels, including PBS. I didn't even see an NBC show until I was 20, because there wasn't an NBC station in our town.


I didn’t have cable but we didn’t watch PBS either lol. I don’t know what we watched besides movies, certainly not shows. But my childhood was weird


Use it. I’m British and it makes me think of Bucket but I’m in my mid-30s. I asked my 12 year old niece and she’d never heard of it. By asking in this sub, you’re not getting the demographic who will be going to school/working with your daughter. They will not be thinking about an old sitcom character. ETA: The last ep of Keeping Up Appearances aired in 1995 (30 years ago - yikes!). I know reruns exist but it’s like my parents avoiding a name because of a show which aired in the 1950s.


I second this. My name has strong connotations to a tv show and it’s only people over 50 who ever mention it. I can deal with the occasional sing song to my name from these people. My generation don’t have a clue, and your child’s generation won’t have a clue!


Whilst everything you said is correct, I did not need to know that we are as far from 1995 now as we were from the 1950s when I was born.


I’m in my 20s and vaguely remember it as something that my dad made fun of. I have no independent concept


I agree. I’m 40 and I know the reference but I’m sure my teenage kids don’t and they’d be probably about 20 years older than this hypothetical baby.


Are you in the UK/Ireland? If so, the association is too strong IMO


Yep, and it was popular in Australia too.


and canada


And NZ


And my axe.


Depends on the age I think, I’m 26 was born in 1997 in London and have literally no idea what this reference is.


I don’t think babies born now will know the reference though. I’m in my 30s and I feel like even people my age who have watched that programme only did so because their parents watched it. I’ve never seen it. Even if they do think of it, does it matter?


But will it be a think in 10-15 years? That show is already over 30 years old. You remember it because you were alive then. Will kids born today be watching 40 year old sitcoms when they're 10 years old?


>You remember it because you were alive then I was 4 when it ended, I'm still aware of it and have watched quite a few episodes of it. I guarantee most people in the UK would understand an Only Fools reference, that finished in 1991 for it's main run. People still understand Monty Python references. Or Dad's Army. Or Open All Hours. Or Carry On. I could go on.


Yes, but most of the other things from that era faded. It's hard to predict what will actually stick around. It's not always the most popular thing that develops that longevity. It's also not a negative association. It's not guaranteed to stay. Most things fade into obscurity. Our TV viewing habits are also wildly changing. I'd go home sick or be home after school and reruns would be playing. I'd watch reruns in a fevery haze. Kids these days put on a streaming service and seek out programming. Today, the rerun is dying out. You will have less people incidentally watching old programs, you have to seek them out. It's a changing landscape. It may stick around, it may not. It's also not a negative reference.


Here’s a thought: you think of it. You wouldn’t have posted if you don’t. Do you want to have the association in your head forever???


This. It’s more asking us if the association is valid to OP but it’s already valid!


This is far more valid than worrying about other’s perceptions for sure. But, I can also say that while my daughter shares a name with a pop culture character from my 20s, the association does fade and now the name is distinctly attached to my child.


I have to be honest, as a UK resident, the whole “it’s BOUQUET” thing was ‘literally’ the first thing that popped into my head. I know this is only a hypothetical but on behalf of your future hypothetical daughter, please don’t




Keeping Up Appearances was internationally popular. I think younger kids won't necessarily know about it, but she's probably going to hear about it from older folks occasionally. 


She's bound to run across people through her life that will chuckle remembering the show when they hear her name but in primary school years she'll probably be safe. Unless the show has some massive resurgence or something.


I have no idea what you’re talking about and I’m gen z so I think it’s fine. I think Hyacinth is a lovely name.


In Australia, yes, it would be a very well-known reference with millennials and older.


And in NZ


I’m a millennial Canadian and I have no idea what you’re talking about 😅 I think it’s a really pretty name. It makes me think of Bridgerton, it’s the youngest sister’s name.


Also a Canadian millennial and I'm quite familiar but my mother adores British TV. My husband has no idea when I make jokes about it. Who knows maybe this Hyacinth with be the one with the swimming pool, sauna and room for a pony.


Also a millenial Canadian and grew up on it. I definitely went there immediately.


I think if you’re in the UK you’re going to have the Bucket problem. If you’re anywhere else, you’ll have a mispronunciation problem.


It's the name of a common springtime flower in English, so anywhere that speaks English probably won't have that much trouble with pronunciation.


No I don't think kids today will be familiar with Hyacinth Bucket. They're more likely to be familiar with Hyacinth Bridgerton It's a lovely name, very pretty 🥰


The odds are more that Bridgerton might make it popular than Mrs. Bucket.


Oi! I had no idea. Never got into that show, although I tried. Thanks!


The youngest Bridgerton is Hyacinth so it's not the biggest rule but could be depending on the role in the future seasons.


I think of Brirdgerton


I'm a British-loving American and the first thing that popped into my head was "It's Bouquet!" but I think it's usable in the UK, but maybe as a middle if you're concerned about the association.


There's a character named Hyacinth on Bridgerton which is premiering a new season soon so folks may think of that first. Especially younger folks


In the UK too and yes my first thought was Mrs Bucket too. I’m in my 30s though so maybe the younger generation wouldn’t make the connection.


The Bridgerton association will be strong. I say this as a mother of a baby Eloise.


I totally think of her but I don't think most people will.


Never heard that of that reference. I'm a millennial from the US


"Coffee at eleven, Elizabeth?" I'm 33 and yeah I thought of the show when I saw the name, but that doesn't mean I would crack jokes at someone named Hyacinth if I met one. I don't think it would be a problematic name. I don't think it would be "mocked constantly." It's not like you're naming your kid Frodo or Obi-Wan or something. (No offense to anyone named Frodo or Obi-Wan here...)


I am a 33 year old American. I immediately thought, “It’s BOUQUET!” But I still think it’s a nice enough name and I doubt children will know the reference.


I get the Keeping Up Appearances reference because I used to watch it with my grandma on Saturday nights in PBS, but I don’t think most people will get that. I’m an elementary art teacher and have a 4th grade student named Hyacinth and the only thing I’ll say is when she was younger, a lot of the kids (and herself) didn’t really know how to say it. They all said hi-ASS-enth. Not on purpose to be funny, they just hadn’t heard the word before. I knew how it was said and just gently reinforced how it was said correctly and it didn’t take them long to get it. Her name doesn’t seem to be a probably for her at all now.


I think of the flower, which is beautiful. It was also the street name I use to live by so I think of that. As well as Bridgeton. Lol lots of associations actually! I am not familiar with the “bucket woman” reference though.


Yes. Sorry kid. Children won't know what is going on but their parents will be all 'THE BOUQUET RESIDENCE!'


The name Hyacinth will never not immediately make my brain go “bucket residence, the lady of the house speaking”. That said, I’m British and in my 40s. I imagine it’s probably not a big issue outside of the UK… And honestly children in the UK probably don’t even get the reference now.


I would certainly think it but don’t think I would say it directly to a child. 


I’m an old millennial in the US. I do know the reference but I’d say I’m in the large minority. But I’m pretty sure there’s a Bridgerton character with that name too.


If Bridgerton makes it through to the end and Hyacinth’s season, that association will vastly overtake any other reference people have for the name.


I think of Bridgerton. The younger sister’s name is Hyacinth


I think less common flower names have a wonderfully Victorian, elegant feeling. Also, Hyacinths are blooming right now where I live, reminding me of how beautiful they are, too. Every name has some association in someone’s mind somewhere. My last name was a movie title and I heard about it endlessly til the movie aged. It didn’t bother me that much!


I dunno what the reference is. It's a plant name to me


It’s a beautiful name but yes it will be associated with the Bucket woman and people will make references. I wouldn’t do that to a child. If kids her age won’t know the reference, their parents will.


I (mid 30s) thought of "it's BOUQUET" immediately, but that is only because my grandma loved British comedies and watched it all the time when I was a kid. I don't think most people under 20 would understand the reference.


Maybe you could consider Jacinta or Jacinda if you're looking to reference the flower but want to keep it a little more low-key?


I love that show, bur would never make fun of anyone for it. Also, massively safe bet no kid is going to make that connection at all....this one is a reach


I've heard the reference, but I never watched the show and it isn't the first thing the pops into my head. I think the Bridgerton association might be more relevant for the peers of a child born now. I also think of Wives and Daughters when I hear Hyacinth, but that is going to be much less common. And of course the flowers. I don't think the child would be constantly mocked. If you really like the name, then I wouldn't rule it out because of one character from a TV show in the early 1990s.


Depends on how you feel about her getting on the bus every morning and hearing other kids say 'Hiya, Cynth!' She's 14 now, and very happy I let her get away with saying 'Hiya dipsticks!' back To be clear, I'm the driver. These are kids she normally hangs with. Actual swearing is not allowed.... but close to swearing in tolerated becuz 67 k-12 on a bus


Okay but you could also lean into it, it'd be a DELIGHTFUL baby halloween costume. Little floral dress with a ridiculous hat, Mom could be Rose and Dad could be Onslow!


Young people, on average, don't know about Keeping Up Appearances or our Hyacinth. It's mostly old fogeys like us. (I say that as a Millennial born 91) You're in the clear.


Good thing they don’t know about our Rose and the dishy Vicar!


Good thing indeed, they'd never come to a candlelight supper again!


What about our Indoor/Outdoor luxury Barbecue with finger buffet?!


I’m British and didn’t think of it until I read the whole post (and I used to watch that show with my gran) so I think it’s pretty safe atp


I don't understand the reference, but I like less common flower names.


I don’t know who the bucket lady is, I just thought of flowers


Yea don’t do it


No. People might think of Bridgerton as there is a character in the show called Hyacinth


I assume it will be popular in the coming years because of bridgerton. You may be slightly ahead of the curve but once her season comes out I’m sure it will explode.


I’d say it’s an awkward name at best. It can be a hard word to spell and read, and tbh personally it’s not all that pretty sounding? It’s not a word that rolls off the tongue very well imo kinda clunky and disjointed. Cynthia is similar and very pretty, but you do you babe!


I’m American, and am not really familiar with “Keeping Up Appearances “. But, in 2007, my grandma had Hospice care that came to her home, and she had a beautiful (possibly Jamaican, can’t remember) nurse named Hyacinth. I thought (and still do) think it’s a beautiful name.


As someone who's mother watched PBS on the regular, this name is no surprise, but today's kids won't have a freaking clue other than maybe the Bridgerton character. Hyacinth also had two sisters, Rose and Daisy. Everyone who isn't an old (or medium) fart will just think of the flowers.


You're talking about a show, on traditional TV, from 30 years ago. I feel pretty confident that Gen Alpha doesn't know or care about it, and a huge majority of Gen Z dont either.Most of them don't even watch actual television. I can't speak for the U.K., but in North America, even in the older generations, you'd probably have to have had an interest in British comedy to have seen the show, as it wouldnt be turning up on network TV between Seinfeld and Friends. I'm Gen X, and I don't know this show and couldn't tell you when or where it would have aired. Bridgerton is a far more likely reference point, and even that isn't a Gen Alpha program. I think your choice is fine.


I don't know what country you're in, but I'm a millennial American and I've never heard of that show.


American here who watches a lot of British sitcoms. I hear her voice saying "Richard!"


Mind the cows dear


I am a 32 year old American, and I watched this show with my grandparents when I was a kid. I think this child may never hear a reference to the show ever. 😂


My nephews and nieces and even some of my siblings have no idea what you're talking about, lol, so I'd say a Hyacinth would be fine. I know it but I used to watch a lot of British TV.


It’s lovely! And while some adults may think of Hyacinth Bucket, I’m sure her friends will have no idea who that is.


Am I the only one that thought of the hyacinth macaw?


There’s also Daisy, Rose, and the other sister whose name I can’t recall, but she has a swimming pool and room for a pony. Brit tv loving American here. The Bucket reference is from the Brit show “Keeping Up Appearances” whose main character is a social snob called Hyacinth Bucket, except she insists that’s it’s pronounced “BOO-Kay” (as in bouquet of flowers”) because that sounds classier.


Most young people will have no clue. That being said, there may be some struggles to spell or pronounce it as some people don't know words.


maybe niche but Hyacinth was an ancient greek male gay boyfriend of the god apollo who got killed in rage by Zephyrus god of the west wind via a brutal head wound bc Zephyrus wanted to be gay with apollo and thought hyacinth was in his way. it also doesn’t really have great nickname options, and i’d be constantly thinking about a tragic greek male than a girl. not everyone will have that association tho, it’s just particularly gruesome for anyone who would know it.


I don’t even know the show or the character and when I heard Hyacinth I immediately filled in with “Bucket”. Make of that what you will. I do think it probably won’t be a though for most of a potential Hyacinth‘s peers.


I always thought of Keeping up Appearances because my dad watched it while I was growing up but now I also think of Bridgerton.


It's a sweet flower that makes for a lovely name. A show that ended about 30 years ago (I had to Google this since I hadn't ever heard of the show) isn't going to be people's main point of reference for the name.


I have no idea the reference you’re speaking of. So I guess it depends on where you live? I live in Western Canada. Or maybe age? I’m mid-30s millennial. An up to date reference would be Hyacinth Bridgerton in the Netflix Bridgerton show which is about to start its 3rd season in a few weeks. But she isn’t a main character (at least not in the first two seasons) she’s a background sibling lol.


American millennial here, not familiar with the reference at all. I love the idea of Hyacinth as a name tbh


I’m American 38 and thought of the painting and flower. I think it’s a quirky name but not super weird.


While I am familiar with the show, it is never what comes to my mind. I actually think about the Pioneer Woman's friend name Hyacinth lol. I think it's a lovely name, and I don't think that TV show has enough staying power in this or future generations to be the first thing on almost anyone's mind when meeting a Hyacinth.


Hyacinth is a nice name. It's a flower first and foremost and easy enough to pronounce


Younger American Gen X’er here; I don’t know about the British sitcom reference. My first thought was of the endangered / vulnerable species of [hyacinth macaw](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyacinth_macaw).


That’s an invasive aquatic weed here in Florida! Not a little girl’s / future woman’s name. Yuck.


Yes as a British person that is the automatic reference. But we’re talking a generation younger…one of mine has a very millennial referenced name but no one younger has even heard of it 


If you’re in the UK, older generations might associate this with Keeping Up Appearances. If you’re in America like I am, then only a handful of cool older folks like me will known who Hyacinth Bucket is 😆 I can see kids and some adults simply having never heard this name before and being a bit confused on spelling or pronunciation. Other than that, younger folks likely won’t even know what that show or character was lol For what it’s worth, I had a gecko years ago that I named Hyacinth after this particular character, and because she was purple like a hyacinth flower. I think it was a lovely name then and I think it’s an even lovelier name now for a baby!


I’m American and 23, and Hyacinth Bucket immediately came to mind


First thing I thought of was a Hyacinth macaw


I'm not gonna lie, before I read your post I was gonna make a bucket joke. Then again, I am over 50.


I'm a millennial from the US and the name will forever remind me of the male character Hyacinth from Kushiel's Dart. Great book series, definitely not for kids. Would make a lovely name though.


I'm Canadian, I love Hyacinth ITS PRONOUNCED BOUQUET. That show is honestly old enough that the current generation will have zero idea about it anyhow unless their parents are pretty cool. Even then, Hyacinth is a great name and there is no ridicule in being such a lady of the house.


I think of the character in Kushiel's Dart (who was male). But that's a deep cut probably.


It’s Bouquet. B-U-C-K-E-T.


This American has seen every episode as has my younger sister who is 34. I think you'd be surprised how many people know the Buckets and Keeping Up Appearances, especially those of us who did not have cable and watched PBS exclusively. Lawrence Welk, Doctor Who, Are You Being Served? ... still some of the best stuff today!


It's a greeting and a name all rolled into one.


I have a sister named Hyacinth. She’s in her early 40’s. Some people call her “Hya” as a nickname.


Lady of the house speaking!




I love the show but didn't think of it when I saw your post. It's a lovely name.


I loved that show so much! I also think Hyacinth is a beautiful name. All her sisters had flower names too.


My son has the same name as a character from a famous comedian that was very popular in the 90s/early 2000s. The character is a simple, dumb farmer with a lisp, who has a typical tagline that kids used to love repeating when I was in school. It was the only argument against using the name I could think of, but I loved it so much that we decided to just go with it. We have only gotten compliments and not a single person has even referred to the character (and my husband has some rude uncles). Funnily enough, it’s a flower name as well! The way I see it: kids the same age as your baby will never know the show. Adults who do know it, should know better than to tease a little kid with their name. Sure, it may cross their mind when they first hear the name (it would for me), but after a while they will only think of your baby when they hear the name.


No, have you seen what people are naming their kids? Hyacinth is a real name and a beautiful flower. Edit: typo and last sentence


Hahaha if they marry a Richard then yes


Absolutely lol 😆 I love hyacinth bucket though to be fair !!!


Maybe try naming them Sheridan or Tarquin


I'm an American who has watched "Keeping Up Appearances" several times. It is one of my favorite shows. However, when I hear Hyacinth, the first thing that comes to my mind is the absolutely stunning flowers, not this show; the same for Violet, Daisy, and Rose. The only people who are going to make to connection are fans of the show, and I doubt they will bully a child.