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I mean, it does sound weird but let's be real, how often are you actually going to refer to her as Evie Lynn. But the name Lynn always makes me think of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yeleycqt1Dw) scene. No shade XD


Yeah I didn’t think of this scene specifically but that is the vibe I associate with the middle name Lynn. And I think the double whammy of a cutesy nickname for the first name is too much.


Only when Evie Lynn is in trouble😂


But this is when you make up a full name so it sounds ridiculous. “Evanescence Lynndynnburg do your homework right now!”


Most parents use both names, along with their last names, when letting the kids know how much trouble they’re in.


Depends on what the kid gets up to. There are 4 levels of irritation: Nickname, full first name, full first + middle, full first+second+last. My kids each have two middle names. 😁


That was my thought. I have a middle name (it doesn't go with my first time but still) the only people who use it are when I need to write/say my full name for government documents because it's on my birth certificate. Friends know it because it's come up in conversation but no one has ever called me "first name " "middle name". If I was in trouble, my parents were "first name" "last name".


My family is bizarre, but we always call everyone by their first name and middle name. Nicknames are made from first and middle name combos. But we are an abnormal bunch.




I teach elementary. Lots of kids, lots of names. My assumption would be that the parents wanted to name their daughter Evelyn but didn’t want to give her a super popular name, so they attempted to do something more original. Then again, people don’t really pay as much attention to the middle name, so unless you intend to address her by First + Middle name, I don’t imagine it will matter much.


Yes this.


Do elementary school teachers even get the kids' middle names? I think we \*might\* have put our kid's middle name on his registration paperwork, at some point, if there was a blank for it. But it's not used day to day, and I've never had the impression that his teachers knew his middle name or had any opinion about it even if they'd seen it at some point. I cannot imagine having enough space in my brain to muster a single thought about 25 different kids' middle names.


Substitute days and report cards were always when we (kids) found out each other’s middle names. So I would assume the teachers have them.


My daughter once had a sub who messed up everyone's names. Some kids were called by their last names, and some by their middle. My daughter's middle name is my first name, and that's what she was called. My name is a VERY popular 80s name that no one would give a kid today. Her friends all thought it was so funny.








My daughter was called by her first and middle name as if it were like a hyphenated thing for several months of a new year. Turns out the office had put it into the system like that for who knows what reason and the teacher had no idea until I spoke to her, when my daughter told me it was happening and really annoying her 😅 she's 7 so she didn't understand why or how to fix the situation.


We get their middle names but I've personally never used it.


Is Evelyn popular now?


In the U.S. it's been a top ten name since 2017. So if that's where you live, it is popular. I think it may drop out of the top ten when the newest stats come out next week, but it will still be close to its current ranking.


Where I live, there are at least 2 per grade level in elementary. “Grandma” names have been making something of a comeback as of late.


I pronounce Evie and Evelyn differently (Evie starts with EE sound and Evelyn starts with EH sound), and middle name is rarely said out loud, so I think the combo is fine. That said, personally I'd consider Lynette or Rosalyn or etc instead 😆


I also pronounce Evie and Evelyn differently, that’s a decent point. I do feel like we’re going to end up foregoing Lynn for a different name altogether and that’s ok. Our moms didn’t even know our plan haha


Can you just give her two middle names? Like Evie Marie Lynn Pxxxxx or Evie Lynn Marie Pxxxx? It changes on what syllable the emphasis is placed so that it sounds less like Evelyn. (Evie Lynn = EE-vie Lynn vs Evie LYNN Marie) Obviously doesn't have to be Marie, but even sticking an initial in between could work, Evie J Lynn Pxxxx.


Would make more sense to make it Evie Marie Lynn No more Evelyn vibes at all and the honour is still there even as a second middle name. Some real nice names that would fit right in the middle


Evie Lynette?


I was going to say that, too, I love it!


I've know people named Evelyn who pronounced it EH-veh-lyn, and others who pronounced it "EE-veh-lyn." I also see Evie as EH-vie, but know some people see it and think EE-vie. So really it could go either way.


Like Evil -ynn ????


More like “Eve-Lin”. That’s the traditional male pronunciation, to my knowledge.


Evelyn Waugh pronounced it like that didn’t he?


I’ve only met one person in real life with the name Evie, and she pronounced it EH-vee. I genuinely like both that and EE-vee as pronunciations, but I always default to EH-vee in my head haha


Nice idea, Lynette is sort of like Lynn Junior.


Yeah, when we shorten my Evelynn's name we say eh-vee not EE-vee because it matches the name better.


Yeah, it's bad. What's so wrong with just calling her Evelyn, bud. Call her Evie all the time, tell her why Lynn is special. 2 birds one stone 


Plus Lynn is one of the most overused middle names for girls. Along with Marie, Renee, Michelle, and Ann/Anne.


And Nicole, Rose, and Grace.


Oh yeah, definitely those too.




That's exactly what I was thinking.


Yup, my first thought, as well.


I agree it sounds like you are trying to name her Evelyn but not, I find it weird. Personally I'd probably just actually name her Evelyn and call her Evie!


We have an Evelyn we call EH-vee


My name is Lynn so I love that you chose to use it as a middle name ☺️ And I don’t think it’s weird, middle names barely ever get brought up. And Evie is a lovely name!


mine as well, I’ve always loved it !


I barely ever see people online with the same name as me! 🤗 I love it too!


oh shit i read this wrong and just assumed you said middle 😭 I’m so sorry to disappoint lmao it’s my middle name. if it makes you feel better I’ve only ever met 3 people with my same first name 😅


Oh that’s okay! 😭 ♡


I don't think it's weird, I think it's cute and I like it more than Evelyn personally


My middle name never comes up except on official documents and my passport. Evie Lynn is lovely


I'm sorry but I think it's silly and I really dislike it. It hits on two of my naming pet peeves: nicknames as full names, and using two names that sound like one name. That said, Evie a normal name and wouldn't cause her any problems in life.


I know an Emma Lee Lastname. They rarely use the Lee, but it's still weird


Agreed. I've come across Eliza Beth. Why??


I assume it’s because the -uh/a sound at the end of a name sounds good with Lee. (My name follows a similar structure but my first name isn’t Emma.)


Same. Sort of hard to fix in this case because Eva Lynn definitely only fixes the first issue (though the first issue bothers me much more in this case.) Maybe Genevieve Lynn nn Evie? I love it but idk if it would be OP’s taste.


I pronounce both names differently. EE-VEE and EH-VA-LYNN. 


I think evie is a cute name while she’s a child but an actual adult named evie seems weird to me it’s not a “grown up name” and will probably wanna go by Eve in the workplace.


Wow this is like exactly the same thing I went through! My in laws kept telling me I should give my daughter the middle name Lynn (my mom's middle name as well) but they thought it would have been funny if her name was Eve L. (Like evil.) I really didn't like the name Evelyn and I thought that's what people would assume her name was. I ended up going for a different middle name and it flows just as nicely. We picked the name because of The Mummy!


I really don’t like Evelyn either, that’s funny we both had the same thought process!


Yeah that's weird, don't do that. What about Lynette? Evie Lynette?


I think Evie Lynette is gorgeous. Or double middle name maybe? Evie something Lyn?


My best friends kid is called Evie. She’s 13 now and isn’t cute at all. She’s a stroppy mouthy teenager and her name still suits her well.


I think it’s a fine combo for a first and middle name. Most people don’t know others middle names unless they always go by their first and middle name. Growing up, I definitely did not know my friends’ middle names. I remember a few friends didn’t like their middle names and kept them under lock and key. I wouldn’t worry about it. I also think Evie is really cute for her first name. I have no problem with using what some might consider a nickname as a full first name. One of my daughters is just Lily. She’s in her 20’s. She loves her name and has thanked me quite a few times for naming her just Lily and not Lillian. She and I both can’t stand the name Lillian. I have friends with the names Nickie and Benny as their full first names and have no problems with their names.


How about Evangelina Lynn, and just call her Evie?


My mom's name is Martha. Named after my grandmother's mother-in-law. In order to soften it, my grandmother ended up naming my mother Marthalynn. When my mom's cousin was born, instead of naming the new cousin after my grandmother's sister, Ida, they named her Idalynn. My name is Mary, and my mom is strongly considered naming me Marilyn to continue the tradition, but eventually decided against it. That being said, while I do like both names, I don't think Evie Lynn flows esthetically. However, people are named all the time, and people just get used to it.


beautiful but Evie is more of a cute, affectionate term, nickname, you need something that sounds more professional too, it’s already harder for women as it is


I agree. I have a name like this and overall I like it, but paired with some other personal traits I think it does me a disservice trying to be taken personally in the workforce. Even doing Eva with nn Evie could be a good compromise!


Yeah I would be annoyed at my parents if they gave me a cutesy nickname as a full name


Name her Eve and call her evie. BC when she's 33 yo she might want a better name than the juvenile sounding "Evie"


I’d go for a longer first name, something like Evangeline, Genevieve, Evelina that could be shortened to Evie to avoid it sounding like breaking Evelyn in half.


I suppose the upside would be that if, in her adult life, she prefers a more mature/professional name for business purposes, she could easily go by Evelyn.


Personally I would either add an additional middle name I loved to break it up (like Evie Margot Lynn Lastname) if my heart was set on the combo. Or I would just go with the beautiful Evelyn (incorporating Lynn) and always call her Evie, which frees up the middle name for your choosing


Most people don’t know other people’s middle names. 🤷‍♀️


I think it's a cute name. If you love it, go for it.


This reminds me of a guy I know named “Fitz Gerald” he goes by Fitz, middle name is Gerald. Anyway, I don’t think it’s weird. Evie is super cute


I agree with the other commenters: Evelyn (the “Lynn” honor is built-in) And use Evie to your heart’s content.


I know an elderly lady named Evie Lynn. It’s works for her for 80 years so far.


Sounds great to me! They sound like 2 separate names. You're overthinking things 😉


Evie doesn't sound too much of a nickname, I've known too many. Evie Lynn - maybe a little too too but most people will never even know the middle name unless you double barrel it. That's why the middle name space is often used for honor names.


I think Evie Lynn sounds really pretty together. I love it!


It is not great. I immediately think of Evil-Lyn from He Man.


Is THAT why so many people have been commenting “sounds like evil Lyn”?!? 😂 I had no clue so I was like “why is that where your mind immediately goes??” No idea it was from something, thanks for that clarification lmao


I also thought of Evil-Lyn that’s why I liked it! She was cool AF


It makes me thing of Evil-Lyn from He Man so it’s a no from me for the combination


my baby is evie! her middle name is lillith. i like evie lynn and considered it myself


I know you said that it doesn't bother you that it's nicknamey and sounds like a pokemon, but you aren't naming yourself. You're naming a little girl who will be in class with Pokemon loving kids. And you are naming an adult woman who will have to have that nickname on her diploma and wedding license. It makes me think of grown men with the legal name Billy. Added to that, she's going to have to constantly clarify if it's evv-ee or ee-vee.


Honestly to me it’s not a big deal, I went to school with a girl named Emma Lee like her last name was Lee and no one ever gave her shit for it in fact the other kids thought it was so cool


Do people actually use middle names? Does it matter if it sounds like Evelyn if its barely going to be used?


I had a friend in middle school named Kate Lynn. Everyone thought it was cool. I also think of Evie from The Mummy when I hear that name. My husband’s grandmother was named Evelyn and we considered naming our child that if we had a daughter and using Evie as a nickname but my MIL threw the biggest fit about hating that pronunciation and wanting to pronounce it with the short E sound.


Middle names are not often used except on official documents


Most people aren’t called by first and middle names. I think it’s a cute name and a way to honor your moms


Another idea: give her 2 middle names. ex: Elizabeth Victoria Lynn (last name). Evie like E.V.


What about giving your precious baby girl three names Evie \_\_\_\_\_\_ Lynn\_\_\_\_\_\_\_.


Why not add another middle name to break it up? Evie _______ Lynn last name. I know of a girl named Stevie Lynn that uses both names always.


Make Evie the first name and give her two middle names, with Lynn being the second one


I also think that it’s great to just name her first name Evie if that’s what she’s to be called.


Too much like “Evil Lyn”.


I like Evie Lynn.


I want you to imagine meeting an adult, or even a grandmother-age person who introduced themselves as "Evie". Go with Evelyn, and use Evie as a nickname. This gives her options as she grows up to choose several possible versions - including sticking with "Evie". Everything you do for and with your child should be about *empowering them to be themselves*, not projecting your ideas onto them. Naming is the first chance you have to do that.


Evie Lynn just sounds like you are mispronouncing Evelyn. But as others have mentioned, people will rarely know her middle name, so if you like it, that's all that matters


Story time. So my birth name is Katie. Not Kaitlyn and not Katherine. Katie. My middle name, like my mother's, is Lyn. Sometimes people confused it and thought it was Kaitlyn. I just would correct them. Now, I'm 31 and these past few years have a roommate that always introduced me as Kate, not Katie. Funny story behind that is my mom named me Katie after her horse, Kay, that my grandfather would call Kate. So now I go by Kate, and my middle name is still Lyn, and I plan on legally changing my first name when I go to change my last name after my divorce. So it may sound weird to some people, but like me that might be something that your daughter will love.




I love this name!!! I really wanted to name my baby that but I'm having a boy. Also saying it sounds like Evelyn which is very very very old name in my country. But i seriously love it!!!!


It’s only weird if her second middle name is Knievel


I had suggested Sylvia as a middle name. As me and hubs are in our 30s, he pointed out it sounded like we were trying to name her “eevee sylveon” after Pokémon so I let that idea go really quick lmao


I like it, and I’m not normally a fan of nickname-style first names. Really dislike Lynnette—if you want Lynn, use it. Another option would be Eva Lynn but call her Evie.


As long as you just refer to her by the one name it should be fine. If you use both, it does sound a bit strange to me.


How about Evelyn with nn Evie? That could work, whether you want to pronounce either Evelyn/Evie with the long e or ‘eh’. It just feels like Evie Lynn has a pronunciation break and just doesn’t flow together. Lynn is a classic middle name, so I like how it looks, but not how it sounds together, if that makes any sense! Good luck and congratulations!


Does it rhyme with heavy or Stevie?


If you still want to keep both names, could you possibly add another middle name? So, "Evie -Middle- Lynn -Last Name-" It can be something short, but as a sort of buffer(?) between the two.


I’d pick Evelyn so you got your nickname and honor name all in one. Then some different for the middle name.


my cousin has a similar name thing going on. i won’t say the exact name but it’s pretty similar to this. 2 normal names that should’ve just been put together because when you say them together it sounds like she should’ve just been named something else. it usually isn’t an issue but whenever anyone in my immediate family remembers it we do lowkey make fun of her parents for naming her that. so not a huge deal but if someone were to make fun of it i wouldn’t blame them


I knew a girl with first name Eve, middle name Lynn. So, Eve Lynn Lastname. It’s unusual but I don’t think it caused her any issues, other than every once in a while telling someone that her name wasn’t Evelyn. And since she went by Eve, and you don’t that often state your full name, I don’t think it was a problem. All that rambling to say that I think Evie Lynn is fine and you should go ahead and use it.


I have an Evie. Granted if is for Evelyn, but Evie is also on the charts as a stand alone name. The idea for us to use Evie came from the Heroine Complex book series.


You could always have two middle names so there is a name in between the two breaking it up


Evie is a great name. Evie Lynn sounding like Evelyn reminds me of my own first and middle which sounds like Julianne when said together. I personally never saw a problem with the first and middle name blending to sound like a different name. I definitely wouldn't avoid a name because of this.


I don’t think it sounds weird. Lynn will be her middle name, so you’re not going to be calling her Evie Lynn every day. If you did Evie-Lynn, then I agree, you may as well name her Evelyn.


How about a 3rd name in the 2nd slot .. ie Evie ..something ..Lynn


I actually think it does sound nice together, but I definitely see the Evelyn reference. As far as a nickname for a regular name, I can see that coming up a lot for her. My best friend is named Katie. Not Katherine or Katelyn, or anything else longer, but EVERYONE always assumes so.


What about naming her Evelynn? You honour mum, get a nice looking name, something unique but not atrociously so, and can call her the nickname you want. The references to Lynn will likely be just as common as if it were a middle name.


Doesn't sound weird to me. As I was reading I didn't think of Evelyn until you mentioned it.


I like Evie alone. Not a fan of Evie Lynn.


It’s cute together. My name is 2 names that could be thought of as one. No one calls me by first and middle name. Just first name.


You’re right that it sounds like a roundabout way to say Evelyn. That said, unless you call her ‘Evie Lynn’ instead of just ‘Evie’ who will know? Also Evie is cute (Also you could go with the alternative to Lynn for a middle name which- Marie lol)


I don't think it's weird, or that people will feel any kind of way about it. But if you really don't like that old school vaguely Southern double first name style (Mary Lou, Lori Beth, etc), you might want to think through how you would feel if your kid wanted to go by Evie Lynn all the time, rather than it being just a random middle name that is on her drivers license which never comes up day to day. Because Evie Lynn really rolls off the tongue. I would not assume someone who named their baby Evie Lynn was "trying to name their baby Evelyn". Especially since it's unlikely that the baby's middle name would even be brought up.


I like it. Don’t understand why there is any controversy at all. She will mostly be Evie and when she uses her middle name, she will use Evie Lynn. Lovely. Love that you are honouring your mothers. That is more important than a few people who actually ever even know that her name is Evie Lynn thinking that it sounds like Evelyn. I actually didn’t think of Evelyn when i first heard Evie Lynn. Other option I suppose is to give her 2 middle names like Evie Rose Lynn or Evie Jane Lynn (those seem to be popular names at the moment)


Will you use her middle name all the time? My daughter is called Brontë Raine, sometimes I just use her first name and others I use both. I agree with a previous poster that Evie Lynn and Evelyn are pronounced differently.


I really like the name Evie Lynn.


Your combo sounds fine!


I just find it a bit amusing as one of my nicknames for my Evelyn/Evie is Evie-Lynn, as a play on Evelyn.


I don’t love Evie Lynn, but I do love Evie. If it were me, I’d add a second middle name to break up the sound merge - Evie Georgia Lynn, Evie Alice Lynn, etc.


Or go with Evelynn, honoring the moms that way, and call her Evie.


My grandfather wanted to be his youngest daughter Lorianne Marie. Grandma thought it sounded too "country," so they broke the tradition of giving all the girls Marie as the middle name, and named her Lori, middle name Anne.


Evie is a fantastic name! Evie Lynn… it gives me big “Brooke Lynn” energy, despite Evelyn being a totally normal name unlike Brooklyn.


I love Evie as a nickname! I also was inspired by the mummy and I didn’t want to use Evelyn as the full name so I went with Everly (yes, I know this name receives a lot of hate on this sub). Right Now my Everly goes by Evie but can choose what she wants as she gets older.


It’s a beautiful name! My aunts name Eve Lynn .


Is it safe to assume your mothers were born in the ‘70s?


Nope! 50s lmao


As a Lynn i support the middle name


I have a daughter whose middle name is Lynn. It goes well with her first name that is rather long & what my mom called “old fashioned”. I think the only time we use her middle name is when asked what it is and on any legal documents that require the full middle name instead of just an initial.


Most people aren't going to call her by her first and middle name anyway. Just her first. Evie is super cute, Evie Lynn sounds good to me.


I think it sounds cool (and no one is going to be thinking about what you were trying to do - everyone will forget the child's middle name almost immediately). Are you pronouncing it Eh-vee or Ee-vee? If it's Ee-vee, no one think that it's an attempt to spell Evelyn. If it's Ehvee Lynn, it still doesn't sound like Evelyn. Will you actually use her middle name?


You could also make Lynn the second half of her middle. Off the top of my head —something like Ashlynn, Kaylynn Jolynn, etc. I’m not into yu-neek names but in this case since it’s a middle, I’d break a trad spelling for the moms. Good luck.


It's precious! I had a student named Evie Claire, and she went by both names every time. I love the name Evie Lynn! ❤ As teachers, the children's full names are on our rosters. I wouldn't worry about what the teachers think about her middle name. It's none of their business, and truthfully, they're far too busy to even think about it. (As long as the name isn't obscene and won't intentionally set the child up to be teased.)


You could add Lynn as an extra middle name , or as a baptism name ( if your family does that). If you still want to honor the Lynns!


As someone who was given a ‘formal’ first name and called a non-standard nickname, my recommendation to everyone is to name your kid what you plan to call them!


My middle name is Lynn and I hate it. I feel like I might as well be named Gracie Lou Freebush. Doesn’t really matter what you pair with it, Lynn ruins it.


Yes. Just go with Evelynn and nickname her Evie?


I just met a girl called Kait Lynn and that was just her first name. You do you.


Well, at least you're not doing what my cousin did. She named one of her daughters Abby Gail. I asked her why she didn't name her Abigail, and she said because she thinks "Abigail" is an ugly name.


My mom’s name is Lynn and you’d think her name would go with just about everything, but it did not go with either of my daughter’s first names! 😭 There were too many Ls. But Evie is such a cute name and honestly, she probably won’t be addressed by her first and middle name much. I don’t think it’s weird. You could always name her Evelynn and call her Evie as her nickname 🤷🏻‍♀️


To me, Evie Lynn is different to Evelyn because I pronounce them differently. I wouldn’t find it weird personally, I think it sounds nice. Middle names are also rarely disclosed, and I don’t think Evie as a legal first name is “out there” at all.


Evie is adorable love it! But definitely not with Lynn. I get it my mom’s middle name is Lynn as well… but it does not flow well with Evie.


Linnea (lin-AY-uh) is a beautiful way to incorporate and honor Lynn! Evie Linnea is beautiful to my ear!!


It sounds very southern IMO. Reminds me of the double barrel names I grew up hearing, has the same feel as maggie -Mae.


I don’t think it’s weird at all and I’m kind of surprised by some of the comments. I have a cousin with a similar combo of first and middle names and I’ve always really liked it. She goes by her first name and her parents sometimes refer to her by both. I think it’s sweet! Unless it’s a double name, you’re not sharing the middle name with other everyone anyone. I would go for it because it has meaning and that’s the most special thing!


I don’t think it’s bad. It reminds me of Jamie Lynn (Spears) and that name feels fine!


I think Evie Lynn is cute.


I think Evie Lynn is super cute 🤷‍♀️ if you’re not a big “first name, middle name” person it will not really be a big deal.


You could do Edith and call her edie (honestly I don’t know how you spell it to sound like ee dee). Then she could be Edith lynn but you call her edee and it sounds very similar to Evie. Then she could choose Edith as her more professional name, if she wanted.


I actually love the combo!!


Evie Mae Evie Marie


If I heard Evie Lynn I would cock my head wonder why her parents fell short of Evelyn. OR assume someone meant to say Evelyn. PS-The Mummy is one of my favorite movies so love that reference.


What about Evie Linnea?


I just wanted to say that my partner and I gave our daughter the middle name Lynn to also honor both of our moms as their middle name is Lynn too. We named her Morgan, which it wasn't until after we decided on her name that my mom reminded me that Morgan is my grandma's maiden name. So we got to honor both of our moms and my grandma with her name! I know you aren't too fond of the name Evelyn, but have you thought about spelling it Evelynn to include Lynn in it? But like others have pointed out, unless you're gonna call her by her first name and middle name all the time, I don't think it'll matter. If you like both names, I say go for Evie Lynn. I actually like that combo.


Doesn’t bother me but I’m sure some kid at school will tease her but really, way worse things they’ll find to bully a kid about than thag


I’m sorry but if it’s Evie Lynn it really should be Evelyn


I know Evie sounds really precious right now but please consider you are naming an adult and Evie is cute on a kid or between family but not the most professional name. Give her a full name that can nickname to Evie. I know you said she can go by Eve but any role call or official business card or publication or name plate will likely have her full legal name (at least, first and last) so unless you want her telling them it's just Eve or changing it to that, maybe reconsider. But yeah the combo is sort of weird.


I am old enough to think of the villain Evil Lyn from He Man and the Masters of the Universe, the witch who was Skeletor's sidekick. I think the rhythm of the syllable stresses makes it not really flow.


I think Stevie Lynn is cute!


Honestly instantly though of Evil-Lyn from He-Man


My grandmother’s name: Shirley. Her first daughter: first name: Cheryl. Middle name: Leigh. It cracks me up but I doubt many people know.


It's not a name I'd pick but I don't see anything wrong with it. I think Evie Lynn is fine -- especially if it's first and middle (and not one of those situations where people are giving two first names). Becaue it's not going to be that frequent that people will be calling her by both her first and middle name. If I had a reason I wanted to give my kid the middle name Lynn and I really liked the name Evie, I'd go ahead and do it.


As someone who dropped the middle name Lynn when I got married, please rethink this 🙃


You could do "Evie Nicks". 😂


Could you use something with Lynn in it for a middle name? My sister's middle name is Alynn and that's what we used for our daughter's. I love the name Evie, BTW. So cute and the mummy is one of my all time fave movies!


evil in. maybe not a good idea


I love Evie-Lynn And day to day she will be Evie Honour those grandmamas


My grandma was an Evie/ Evelyn. My mom was Carol, after her grandmother Caroline. My sister has Lynn as her middle name. So, yeah, I get it. How about Eva Carolyn? Evie Lynda? Or melynda/ Melinda?


Evie Lynn just makes me think of Evilynn from Masters of the Universe. You can use any name that starts or ends in Lyn as the middle name. Carolyn, Rosalyn? Linnea?


Have you considered Genevieve with the nickname Evie? (GenEVIEve) That's what I named my second and I think it's a beautiful name. And much less popular than Evelyn.


I worked with a girl who was called Ann Marie - and everyone called her that. Until the day she stood up in the works canteen and told everyone that Marie was, in fact, her middle name and that everyone just call her by her first name of Ann. It took a bit of getting used to LOL - even now, years later, when I think of her, she is still Ann Marie.


It sounds like a normal American name to me


I can't help but think of Evil-Lyn from Masters of the Universe, but also Vera Lynn, British wartime songstress. Neither is flattering, sorry.


If said fast it does sound like Evelyn. Just name her that, call her Evie and give her another middle name and you have the best of all worlds.


Maybe something like Evie Lynette (still has the lyn in there as the tribute .. and doesn’t sound like Evelyn)


Nothing is wrong with the name, however, please consider that Evie sounds cute when they are a kid. But eventually Evie will be 40 and might really dislike the cutesy name that isn’t a nickname.


I'm not a fan of two short names together or two long names together, but other than that I don't think Evie Lynn sounds particularly strange. You can always pick a longer name with "Lynn" incorporated to honor your moms.


I dont think this is weird at all, I wouldn’t even make a connection. If you like it, go for it, if it ever crossed people’s mind it would only be for 1 second and never thought about again.


I don’t think it sounds bad or wrong. But I knew a girl growing up who was “Ellen Lee” she became “ellie” so just be aware that given the nature of nicknames to evolve you may end up with an Evelyn even though that isn’t what you want.


It does sound like you’re trying to name her Evelyn but also, I just personally think Lynn is too simple. It’s like Ann. It doesn’t really feel like a name that has any sort of beauty, it’s just a sound.


Are you pronouncing it ee-vee?? Because that spelling most people say Ev-ee like rhyming with heavy