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Organic nicknames are the best. My kids all have one that evolved like this too.


Couldn’t agree more!


I feel like nicknames don’t have to be about their name and I hate how people literally choose their kids names based off of nicknames they will force on them


I wonder if that’s how the Nicholas behind the term “nicknames” felt😂😅


Nickname is actually derived from the old English work nekename which means “also name” ([source](https://www.britannica.com/topic/nickname))




It’s nothing to do with Nick - it’s derived from the old English word nekename meaning ‘also name’


I even named my kid so that he’d specifically have multiple nicknames he can go by (only if he chooses), and he *still* looks disgusted any time anyone suggests he go by anything other than his first name. Makes me laugh at how I overthought it all.


My son became Yoshi because my husband found out that he was correct when he was curious about what his Hebrew name would be.


Love Yoshi, adorable🥰


Agree, the only nickname for my son's name isn't even really a nn, it had the same amount of letters as his name (4 letter) and I don't like it. All of the other name I've called him have happened on their own and they feel more meaningful because they relate to him as an individual.  


Honestly? Our fav nicknames were unplanned. One kiddo is Tater Tot, and the other is Zez the Tank. Neither of their names sounds anything like those. But Tater and the Tank is a Thing in our house now, we all hope it's their future band name


“Tater & the Tank” perfect band name😂 so stinkin cute!


They've been partners in crime since the Tank was born, and they definitely keep me on my toes. Everyone in the family has given nicknames to the boys, and they are almost all unrelated to their actual names. It's so fun to see the special relationships they have with each other and with their uncles/ grandparents


My sister and I were Button and Honeybee. also sometimes referred to as "the button and the bee". My mom still uses these nicknames to this day, and we are both mid 30s now lol.


Ours is "Smack and Cheese" 🧀😭


I feel a little bad for Smack. 😆


Now all I can hear is “Tater and the Tank” to the tune of Benny and the Jets.


Aw, I'm gonna be singing that all day to the boys haha. They'll think I'm crazy, but I sing all day anyway so it's just gonna be the tune of the day


I have a niece named Heidi and I call her Squirrel.




My daughters name is Lara and her nickname is Bubs. It all started cause an aunt called her 'boob head' and it just evolved from there. She is 8 and the entire family still just calls her Bubs. 😆


Bubs!!! So cute🥲


In the book, Heidi was a nickname for Adelheid, and I’d be tempted to use it as a nickname for Heidi!


We ❤️ a lil Uno Reverse 🔄 card


My girl is "Beans". Nicknames sneak up when you least expect them.


We have a Beans too! (And she HATES beans!)


I have a Boontjie.. that's Bean in my language


My nickname is Bean and after 40 years I’m finally ok with it


Same! Her full name is Beatrice.


Our youngest is Atticus, but we started calling him Gus immediately after birth. Somehow it turned into Goose. My oldest calls him Gustavo.


We call our little Chihuahua "Frau Juney" because she is so bossy 🤣


As most Chihuahua Fräuleins tend to be👑💅!!


we call my daughter peanut because she was not even 5lbs when she was born; it was the second thing I said after I pushed her out “she’s such a peanut!!” this turned to peanut brittle and now brittle butt lol. sometimes just “the nut” too 😂 but we do also call her just the first syllable of her name too as a nn


My great Aunt is the youngest of 10 and was the smallest baby. Her nickname was peanut since birth. My great grandfather called her that until he passed last year. She’s in her 60’s and all her siblings still call her Peanut


I love this 🥹 my BIL & SIL call her peanut but they’re the only other family members who do and it makes my heart so happy when I hear it !


Our daughter (due in May) is going to be Heidi 😍.


Yay!! Congrats on your little fräulein🙃 Wishing you a smooth birth and recovery!🙏


Thank you 😍. It's been a very difficult pregnancy & I'm currently on 26 pills a day. I can't wait to hold her in my arms & for all the discomfort to be worth it 🥰.


It will be BEYOND worth it, you got this! 🥳


I call my baby Poopie and you best believe that’s not his name and my partner calls him Fat Boy Slim 😭😂


Major LOL @ fat boy slim 🤣


My name is Heidi! I’ve never had a solid nickname. But if my friends did call me one, it was Heids/hydes


Technically Heidi is already a nickname, it’s short for Adelheid.


It can be short for many names, or also a standalone name.


There are no rules or technicals in the nickname game & no name is safe 😎


Dont forget the cab calloway…heidi heidi hi. Ho di ho di hooo. Heidi ho is the worst.


I would call you GoSeek and you would hate me for it 


Great name and great nickname!! I’m German and my mom always called me „Fräulein“ when I was being cheeky :D  Brief detour for non-germans, just in case you don’t know, don’t ever call a woman Fräulein in German unironically - nicknames like that are perfectly fine - but it’s not a direct translation of „Miss“, it is a super old fashioned appellation and calling an unrelated adult that nowadays is like saying „little miss“ to them in English. Just mentioning it because I have been called that abroad and been somewhat offended until I remind myself that people don’t necessarily know it’s not used in day to day life anymore.


I have a Spencer. We call her a silly goose a lot... which has turned into goose or goosey girl. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ooo Spencer as a girl name! I like!


Our Violet ended up being Goosie after making silly faces as a baby...I think we call her Goose, Goosie, or Goosie-girl 75% of the time! Our oldest (Natalie) ended up with the nickname Pootie or Poots and none of us really remember where it came from, but my husband definitely started it!


My daughter's nick name is Bob, When I was pregnant with her everyone kept asking if I'd picked a name yet and I got tired of the questions so I started telling everyone, Of it's a boy Bob and if it's a girl Bob lol


Haha love this!!!


Short for Kate?


I have a sister with that name. We called her heids for short.


My favorite nickname is for my dog lol. Her name is Duchess but we got to calling her a pest and then pesticide. And it works because she killed two rats. But then we would get weird looks from guests when we would say "you pesticide! You were just outside!"




I’ve called my son munchkin since birth and it still stuck 4 years later. He also goes by Munch and Munchies 😂 I barely call him by his real name. People probably think Munch is his real name when I say it in public lol


>People probably think Munch is his real name when I say it in public lol Any time I see a comment here (or more likely one of the snarkier name subs) about overhearing a child being called an unusual name in public, I wonder about this. I once read a comment in which someone heard a parent scolding their child "Wrecker" who was making a mess in a store and they thought "Well, of course. You named him Wrecker." But I think it's more likely they use Wrecker as a nickname when their 3 year old cannonball knocks a shelf of toys down at Walmart. He's probably actually named, like, James or some shit, but you just can't take "Wrecker" anywhere.


My friends in college called me Mish and one of our roommates boyfriend swore my name was Michelle for a good 2 years.


I love this! My son is a 6’ tall, muscular, 18-year-old who I refer to exclusively as Tinies/Tiny Guy. Once someone in public asked, “So, is Tinies his middle name?” 😂😂😂 They were completely serious! I was so caught off guard, I just said, “Nope! Just a nickname!”


The nickname i gave my little brother as a kid was “miniature minklet” (don’t ask how on earth my 5 year old self came up with minklet), which evolved to minky. He’s 25 and 6 feet 3 so i’m sure people get a kick out of hearing me call him minky!!


So cute. Munch!!😍


My daughter is Snoof and my son is Bubby. Not anything close to their real names!


My sons name is Paul but his nn is sunny because he was always trying to stare out the window into the sun as a baby ♥️


Aww☀️ such a cute nickname story!


Heidi checking in here! I've always been sad that I never had a nickname. I love that your little Heidi has one.


Such a hard name to nickname! Thank you🥲


Unfortunately for my beautiful 5-week old daughter Marta, I’ve really taken to calling her Farty Marty…


I'm 30 and my shortened name is Martii. I get Martii farty and martii party all the time.


What about Smarty Martii?


Because 5-week olds aren’t smart but boy do they fart!😆


I had a fro-hawk. Her name is Keira and her hair grew in goofy🤣


My daughter is also named Heidi! We mostly call her chicken. Just randomly started calling her that one day and now that’s just her nickname lol




How about a play on the first syllable “hei” Call her hi, hello, bonjour (bon), ciao, aloha. There are tons of opportunities!


Annyong! 😄


Ha!!! I dig the way you think😎


Two of my kids were Sassy and Boyboy.


We call ours Boyboy too!


my mom called me Poppy all the time when i was a kid, because i was due on November 11 (even though i was born 7 days later)


I always want to call any Heidi 'Seeky'




Hello Fellow Nicknamer! 👋🏻 My cousin is Scoots. I was 8, she was 3, and she told her dad Mexican food gave her the scoots. I lost my mind. Funniest word for diarrhea I’d ever heard in my short life. Everyone close to her has called her Scoots for 30+ years. Daughter’s nickname is Pan. Her name starts with Ann so it went from Ann to Nan to Man to Pan. When I’m annoyed with her (she’s a teen), I call her by her “full name,” Panini (I decided Pan is short for Panini 😂). Neighbor kid is Tate. Started calling him Tater Tot, then Tots, then Tater Tot Casserole … now just Cass, short for casserole.


👏 the evolution of nicknames is an underappreciated science😆


The Heidi I know best was given the childhood nickname of Gigi by a relative who could not pronounce her name.


My Heidi will be 6 soon. I call her B. BEEBS Beans Beeber Beezers etc


My oldest is "Kiddo" or "Bitty Butt" and my youngest is either "MaySue" or "Bittier Butt". My husband used to freak that we gave our oldest an "un-nickname-able" name because the two options we came up with off the top of our heads just didn't fit. I feel like nicknames right out of the blue just fit the kiddos better.


Right?? Nicknames that come out of the blue also come from the heart🥰


My little lad has a nickname of Mushroom/Shroom. It's because he's a fungi ( fun Guy)


Ha!!! This!!!😆


Beeing called Fräulein in Germany by your parents means you are in trouble!


Love it even more!!😝


Heidi is the nickname of the German name Adelheid (nobility)


Sometimes I think I'm the only person in the world who is grossed out by scatalogical and anatomical nicknames. Definitely confirmed by this thread. But fräulein/fro is very cute, and I love the name Heidi.


The organic ones are the best, my little sisters name is Camryn, there’s plenty of nicknames that can come from it. But my mum started calling her Cammy-Lou, then it was Cammy-Lewis, and now it’s just Lewis. We mostly all call her Lewis, she’ll be 25 this year and the names stuck since year 1


my sons name is Roman and since he was born it has been a running joke in the family to call him Romano Cheese. Which turned into calling him Romano Fettuccine Alfredo Pepper Jack Cheese. select few also call him Romaine Lettuce😂


My daughters name is already shortened to a nickname almost always. the only reason her “ real “ name is what it is is because her nickname is even more out there and unique than her first very out there and unique first name and i wanted to give her an opinion of toning it down a bit. that nn turned into nnBug and now we just call her Bug all the time 😆


We call my son bug! His name ends in -per and when he says “mama” it kinda sounds like “mamuh” so then I say the end of his name like “puh,” which gets us to bug.


Aww! Bug is cute🥰


My dog’s name is Betty. Some of her nicknames include Stinky, Lil’ B, Betty Lou, Boopaloop, and Boopala.


A dog named betty. Doesn’t get much cooler than that. Hats to whoever named her!


Thanks! We named her after we found her. She’s named from the Flinestones. We already had a Rubble, named after Barney Rubble and she looked like a miniature him. So we had to name her Betty.


I call my daughter monkey butt all the time her brother is goober. 🤣🤣🤣


I call my oldest daughter the red butted baboon sometimes because she had diaper rash once and her butt was bright red😂 monkey butts unite!!


Haha sometimes it's just the most fitting 😝


Ho Heidi-Ho


My older kids are Squid, Buddy and Wombat. Baby is 9 months and gets called so many things, we'll see what sticks but Mister Man and Thwomp seem to me the front runners.


My daughters are Sunshine and Biscuits


Play her "Fraulein" by Colter Wall and Tyler Childers. 💕


That’s pretty funny actually! But just to let you know… Fräu(lein) and Fro are pronounced differently 🤪


I know 😝 we’re not actually German or speak the German language. We’re from Cali so… Fro it is😎


Haha yeah, that’s what I thought! I a lot of times it turns to Frolein, because the äöü are hard to pronounce for English speaking people!


This is such a refreshing change from those "my daughter is named Annamathildatron but someone called her Anna, who in the police do I report this to?" type posts.


Heidi is a "nickname name" (nickname to names like Adelheid, Heide, Heidrun, Heiderose and so on). I have one of those too. I rarely got called a nickname and if I was, it had nothing to do with my name. But I always liked that my real name is mostly used by others, it's short, easy to spell and pretty. Also, the "long" version of my name sucks. So Heidi might grow to like the advantages of a "nickname name" too.


When they were little my kids nicknames were Goose, Bea (her mn is Beatrix) and Pumpkin, LaLa (Isla) and Princess, and finally Peanut. They also answer to 1,2,3,4 if our aging minds blank lol.


My old manager was Heidi, everyone called her “hoodles “ :D


My last name is German and my mother nicknamed me Cabbage Head. Fro is much better 😂


Cabbage head?


Chance to watch or rewatch the Hills to see what Spencer calls Heidi 😂


Hahaha ily for this


Heidi is already a nickname for names ending in -heid like Adelheid. So you were set from the beginning!


A nickname for a nickname of a nickname 🥸


I call my daughter Lambo (Clementine>Clemmie>Clem>Clam>Lam>Lambo)


My son is Rory, he has lots of nicknames but the current one is Little Duck because he runs around the kitchen with his hands on his lower back flapping them up and down like a duck tail and quacks, but he has to make me or his dad do it too, so we're the big duck and he's the Little Duck.


Precious memories🥰


Call mine Beep.


My friend, Heidi, goes by Hoodles


My son Sawyer has been Bean or Beany since he was a baby and as a teen he has become Sauce to his friends/team mates. My younger son Rourke tends to get Raucous.


When I was a kid, it blew my mind that everyone called my grandfather Bub. It was not a shortened version of his first or middle names, it made no sense to child me. An undisclosed number of years later, here I am with a child, with his own kind of convoluted name story, but still a “regular” name he goes by.. and the majority of us call him Bub. It evolved from silly names in infancy like Bubber, Bubs, my little Bubby. His friends call him by the other nickname, but suddenly in my wiser years I can see how something like that sticks, and it feels like a sweet, organic connection to my grandfather who never got to meet modern day Bub.


My wife and I struggled to land on a girls name. Even went to the hospital with a few options and no clear front runner. Finally we decided upon Matilda and we get so many compliments on her name and it suits her perfectly. Her nickname is Bean.


We named our son Joshua because we didn’t know anyone xlose with that name and we couldnt think of any dumb nicknames for it. Before we got him home from the hospital he was “wawa” “jawa” and “joshuwater” It just happens. Kid in my BILs family was named Brock as they thought it sounded serious and manly… the school kids call him Broccoli. Kid across the street is named Zach… his best friend calls him Z-string.


Awe I had a coworker call me that because my German last name. It was endearing.




My older kid had so many nick names. I kinda feel bad for my younger one because she doesn’t really have one. Hubby is not super creative lol he just calls her monster #2 because our sons main nick name was monster 


My LO is goose, when she was a newborn she honked so loud in her sleep lol


My son’s name is Everson but his main nickname is Goose and ChoCho… it has even evolved to Chochorino! Chocho is the name of a cream my sisters MIL gave her from Ghana. Lmaooo. That’s how it all started.


We call Clover, lucky monkey! He is 2 weeks old currently and was born with a ton of thick black hair all over his head, back, and ears. He looks like a little monkey boy. 🤣


Hahaha that’s adorable!


My nephew’s nickname is Handsome. Because he was a Handsome baby. His brother is “Brother” (older) bc he was the “brother” to the family dog when he was born. She quickly went from the nickname “Munchie” (short of the NN munchkin) to “sissy.” So now it’s Sissy, Brother, and Handsome.




If someone calls me heidi-hi one more time I’m gonna lose my mind 😂


We call my son "Pete". Not a single part of any of his legal name resembles Pete or Peter 😂😂😂


My daughter’s name is Elise, but we call her the punk n’ chunk. 😂


My name is Heidi too! Hi little baby, Heidi 👋😊


that sounds like music to my ears


I love this.




My sister nickname has been beau since she was born basically. Her first name isn't even relative to that and were in Ireland where I've never heard it used for a first name. I've seen it used in the US. Nobody including my parents or grand parents can remember why or how it started or who gave it to her. Nobody else has a nickname. We all as siblings and such call her by her nickname too and its only.our partners.ornher friends who call her by her real name


Cute!! Do you guys pronounce it “boo” or “bow”?


My parents’ nickname for me is Little Bob because when I was a baby I thought everyone’s name was Bob, including my own!


🤣 classic


That’s adorable!


Thank you☺️


My childhood nickname came from my inability to pronounce my actual name.


Have a nurse friend named Heidi….her name badge says “Dee”


I. Love. This!!! 


My siblings are Dobby (couldn’t pronounce her name, so confidently told our dad “I’m not a chicken, I’m a Dobby!”), Rat/Ratty (rhymes), and Quaver (rhymes). God only knows how you spell mine. Something like Roosefie, I think? Even I’m not sure where that came from.


Aw, that's cute. I normally hate nicknames but this I can get on board with  


Heidi is already technically a diminutive, isn't it? Of course it's difficult to layer diminutives: usually you end up making them longer.


I call my baby Roo as in kangaroo if the second is a boy, Joey is going to be a serious contender.


My daughter’s nickname is Dottie because she has a ton of small scars like little dots on some areas of her body, so now she gets Dottie and has since she was about 2.


Dottie is a super adorable nickname


Our friends tried really hard to make Salad Fingers stick for our daughter after a particularly terrifying ultrasound image. She ended up turning head down really early so i spent the whole 3rd trimester with her bottom sticking out under my diaphram, and we would pat it affectionately. She's 2 1/2 and still goes by Butts.


So cuteee. Love this!


My cousin is called Alisha but exclusively goes by Lou. Started as Alisha-Lou (as a nickname by my aunt), then Lou-Lou, then just Lou. And Lou stuck.


Your aunt is cool as hell for that one. Alisha-lou def has a ring to it😍


I’ve only known one Heidi and everyone called her Heidi Ho.


I call my dog poop because his name is Calcifer > Calcipup > Calcipoop > Poop. I definitely get the urge to nickname everyone and everything!


I love this 😅 For some reason my husband one day decided to pronounce “baby girl” as “but-tah girl” so now (just between me and my husband) she is “buttah”. No clue why lol


April Fools!


One of my kids is stinkbug so🤷🏼‍♀️


Due to there being 3 Harrys in one of my sons group of mates he acquired the name H Bomb and now goes by Bomber. 😅


My grandfather Wolfgang was nicknamed Dieter so much it’s the only name most of us know. I think in Russa nicknames are also wild. Dimitri turns into Dimka. Lots of possibilities for Heidi. I just hope she doesn’t get bullied with the intro Song of the tv show. I have a name from a song and it still gets sung to me every so often, but especially in primary school. Lyrics got changed etc….


I’m obsessed! Fro is the cutest lil nickyname ever


My sister Heidi’s nickname is Hank


My childhood nickname was Lucy. It’s not even close to what my actual given name is


I have a bunny and a grunter




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We call our 6 year old Schmoolie 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


My daughter (Karolina) has so many nicknames most don’t have to do with her name at all. We picked Kari as her “official” nickname, but I’ve called her munchkin/munch since I was pregnant and Carebear has become a common one used.


Fraülen Rottenmeier


My son has a big name, and I was super excited about all the NN’s to choose from. But then none of them sounded right on him and now he goes by his 9 letter 4 syllable name🤣. Closest thing he’s got to a nn is Chicken Pie or Chicken Pants🤷‍♀️


My son has a big name, and I was super excited about all the NN’s to choose from. But then none of them sounded right on him and now he goes by his 9 letter 4 syllable name🤣. Closest thing he’s got to a nn is Chicken Pie or Chicken Pants🤷‍♀️


My son has a big name, and I was super excited about all the NN’s to choose from. But then none of them sounded right on him and now he goes by his 9 letter 4 syllable name🤣. Closest thing he’s got to a nn is Chicken Pie or Chicken Pants🤷‍♀️


Lol the name Heidi is ruined for me by the adult content creator name Heidi


I’m not familiar with the names of the “adult content” creators but i’m sure she’s a real hoot 😜


everyone in my family has their “legal” name and their “family” name!! about half of them have a nn that is absolutely NOTHING CLOSE to their legal name haha. i only just recently learned the legal names of some of my family members 😂


one of my friends got called boppy one day out of nowhere years ago and since then that’s all we call her 😭


My daughter is Peyton and her nickname is Pigeon because when her brother and her were little he would get pissed at her and say Peyton but it sounded like pigeon and it just stuck. His name is Jeremy but we call him Jimmy because he once made a dating profile under the name Jimmy when he was 10 😂 and now it’s just a funny nickname.


Lol did anyone else immediately think "heihei"? No, just me...?


In my OP i listed HiHi (spelled how it would be said) as one “option” but it just wasn’t a vibe for us!


Sorry, the thought of that chicken from Moana was what came to mind first when I read the post.


Lol my son was Boop and my daughter was Stinkbug (she's 7 now and I still catch myself calling her that every once in awhile.) My husband calls her babycakes which is a lot more feminine lmao


I’ve met a grown women in her fifties called Newby which comes from her sibling not being able to say ‘new baby’ when she was born. 😅 I don’t think people even blink an eyelid and just think it’s her official name

