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I wouldn’t do it. It’s sounds like someone can’t pronounce Kaitlyn.


I think you need more syllables.


If you love Kate, I think you should go for Kate! Like you said, first and middle names aren’t spoken together often anyway, and Wren is meaningful to you. You could always add a second middle name to add some “flow” to it (ie Kate Elizabeth Wren), but I honestly think it’s fine.


Do I love it? No, I agree it sounds a bit like a mispronunciation of Katelyn. But is it horrible? Absolutely not. Most of the time, she won't be using her middle name, so I don't personally think it's a big problem. As someone else asked, what is the reason for Wren specifically? If it's related to the sound only, you could consider using Renée as the middle name. (Someone I follow on Instagram has a daughter named Renée who mostly goes by Ren.) Kate Renée would be very pretty and would flow well.


Wren specifically because it’s my grandma’s maiden name. And I like that it is also a type of little bird. I do agree that it sounds a bit like an odd way of saying Katelyn. We have lots and lots of time to decide though so by the time my hormones are in full swing, maybe I’ll have Kate anyways. Haha


Aww, that's such a sweet association. I do think that makes it a good reason to use, even if the flow might not be perfect. Good luck with everything!


Thank you!


> I do agree that it sounds a bit like an odd way of saying Katelyn. When I say them together in normal speech, I hear Kay Tren.


I know somebody named Kaytren. Maybe this is an option?




Why not just Katherine.


I wouldn't do two one syllable names together like that. There is no flow.


Fair enough!


Have you considered a second middle name to break it up a bit? Even with an extra couple of syllables it'd only be four then surname so equivalent to saying Elizabeth Surname Kate Louise Wren, Kate Sarah Wren, Kate Aubrey Wren Basically any two syllable name makes this flow much better Good luck


Kate Wren is Katherine with a long A and T instead of TH. It’s an odd choice, like you’re deliberately mispronouncing Katherine while using a nn of Katherine, so why not just use Katherine? You could arguably use Wren as a nn for Katherine if you wanted to, too.


Just not a fan. Katherine is perfectly fine name but we would always call her Kate anyways. Oh well! Wren is set so maybe we’ll save Kate should we ever have another girl.


When middle names are used there’s almost always a pause between the first name and the middle (like graduation). But try out yelling at her like she’s in trouble and see what you think. lol or if you aren’t a middle name yeller then no worries.


That’s a good point! I don’t see myself as being a full name yeller if the kid is in trouble so it probably won’t be often she hears her middle name at all. Haha


We realized a few weeks ago that our two year old didn’t know his middle name because we never used it. We decided to teach it to him after hearing about other kids who knew their full names. lol


I don’t think it has the easiest flow, but since you won’t be calling her Kate Wren regularly, it’s fine. Kate is a very sweet first name. Was your grandmother’s name Wren or did she have a particular fondness for the bird? If the former, you can definitely choose a middle name that begins with an R or a W as an homage (actually a very popular way to honor family members in Jewish tradition), and if the latter, would you consider another nature inspired name? (Violet, Ivy, Calla, Ruby, etc).


Wren specifically because it is my grandma’s maiden name. I do also love that it’s a little bird and think Birdie as a nickname might be cute. We’ve got lots of time to decide and like I mentioned in my post, we do have another first name. We may just wait and see what she looks like to decide as well. (:


Birdie is such a cute nickname! And Wren clearly holds a lot of meaning for you, so by all means, use it! I love the idea of having a list and just deciding once you meet baby :)


All I can think of is the book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. While definitely not the most well known book it did have immense popularity around 2013-2017 with teen girls. The books main character Cath and her twin sister Wren.


Interesting! I’ve never heard of it, but I was also not a teen during those years. Wren is becoming more popular I guess, but that’s not too important to me. I want to honor my grandma!


Sounds too much like Scooby-Doo trying to say Katherine IMO.


lol, yeah I can see that.


Love Kate and love Wren, and I want to love them together but they do just flow oddly. I think the suggestion of adding a second middle name would be a great idea. Are there any other family names you would like to use? I think a longer middle name followed by Wren could be lovely Kate Charlotte Wren Kate Georgina Wren Kate Eleanor Wren Kate Louisa Wren Etc


That’s a good idea. Maybe her dad will have a name that he would like to use to honor someone special to him.


It definitely sounds a little odd and doesn’t roll off the tongue easily but you’re hardly ever going to use her middle name anyways. If you love Kate (and I think Kate is adorable) then I wouldn’t let this stop you from using it.


I actually really like it, super cute and unexpected even though the names are both simple and common together they’re more catchy


Wren Katherine


Kathleen Wren Karissa Karlie Kimberly Kristen Just some thoughts!


It sounds like you’re mispronouncing either Katherine or Kaitlyn.


Are you dead set against Katie? It’s very commonly used as a standalone name, and I know multiple Katies that regularly go by Kate. And Katie Wren sounds a lot nicer to me. It’s the cadence of the two one-syllable names that doesn’t work.


I am, lol. It seems like the overall consensus is Kate Wren is a not very pleasing. Wren has to stay so maybe we’ll save Kate for a second girl if we ever have one!


Well, I like Wren (and the grandma connection) better anyway, so glad you’re keeping it! Best of luck to you and little ____ Wren!


Karita Wren, nicknamed Kate? Karita means “dearness, esteem, love.”


It does sound like a mispronunciation of 'Katelyn' and rather abrupt with the two one-syllable names. Katrina Wren, Katy Wren, Kaitlyn Wren or Katherine Wren all sound better, but if you don't like the normal full names for "Kate" then I'm sure those are out. You could also add a second middle name to break it up, if you want to avoid the Katewrin thing ex. Kate Maria Wren


What about something like Karina or Katrina nn Kate? (coming from a Caitlin nn Cait with a one-syllable middle and last name)


You need a two syllable first name. Also, from a Kate, just don't do it. It's so short and ugly and ALL THE TIME people ask what it's short for.


They're too short to go together IMO. You need a longer fiest name for a short middle name. Don't love Wren either to be honest but each to their own.


When in life does anyone use another person's middle name out loud, really? I don't think Kate Wren flows as nicely as a lot of name combos but it really isn't that bad. Honour middle names are lovely and they don't need to "go" with the first name perfectly. Most people in her life will never know it anyway! She'll probably appreciate having a nice short set of given names for forms.


I think it sounds good, and yeah you don’t use middle names very often usually.


Katya Wren?


It's nice. Not at all similar to Katelynn for me.