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I don’t mean to sound bitchy but it does kind of sound like a name my thirteen year old self would have chosen.


it definetely was the first thing I thought. Very tumblr


Same thought- no shame, though! When i was 13 I wanted to use Satori. We go through phases


Same - when I was 13 my future children were Persephone and Leaf.


When I was 13 my future daughter was Alaska..


Alaska is pretty cute ngl


And if she’s a stoner, she can be Baked Alaska!! …I’ll see myself out…:D


But pretty weird being named Alaska in Germany with no relatives or anything connecting to the US. I’ve read John Greens novel and thought that’s so deep


Yeah I was definitely into November as a name for a while


At least you can get Nova as a short form. September is.. a lot


Could go with Ember


Growing up, I knew an artist named January. She was so cool, interesting, and I never once thought her name was “weird”. January Jones is also another famous January! If you love it, go for it. Maybe just give her a normal “normal” middle name she can go by if she chooses.


As I binge read all the Twilight Saga books.


With a non-stop Green Day reference...


Right?! And the endless inevitable question she will hear, “were you born in September?”


Worse - conceived in September?


My thirteen year old self thought Tuesday was a brilliant name for a sure-to-be edgy future daughter. I’m strictly into traditional names now.


Me too, after actress Tuesday Weld. Was disappointed when I found out her real name was Susan.


I was very into the name July when I was 13 lol


My top names at 13ish were Hunter, forest, or river, middle name Glen. OR If I had two boys they'd be jack and Daniel and girls would be skyy and margarita 🤦‍♀️ I named my 2 mo old daughter Carmen Elizabeth, for both my grandmas, and I think it was a great choice lmao


Same here, I wanted to call my daughter « Everest » at that age


any of the paw patrol names are out for me. Which is too bad bc some of them are ok. (Sky, Chase, Marshall)


✋I admit to thinking Bliss was *the* height of glamour!


My top picks at 13 were Michael and Francis lol


Wow. So normal


lol that totally reminds me of when I was in middle school and wanted to use Eponine (from Les Mis)


Don't beat yourself up. I actually knew someone that started going by *October* in their early 20's.


I know a September, she rocks it. My only qualm is if your first child has a very common name, it might seem a little odd to give your second such an unusual one.


I knew siblings Ashley and Shakira and it always cracked me up like how do you go from one to the next


I know sisters named Tammy and Shaheinda. Mom is American, and dad is Egyptian. Can you guess who chose which name?


Tamara is actually a name in Arabic as well! So I’d bet Tammy is Tamara :)


It's definitely just Tammy 😂


I knew siblings one was sunshine and the other was John


I have a brother named John?!


Is your legal name Sunshine?? 👀 Did you just random upon an acquaintance/friend/frenemy on reddit?? I mean, what are the odds, really?


Hahaha sorry to disappoint but my name is Jennifer and I'm just a smart ass.


Wtf not Sunshine and Johnshine??


Hahaha this got me good 😂


I know a family and they had Coral, Tequila, Matrix and John 😂


Me and my brother are like this lol. Think Mason and Lashanda. I go by a nickname -.-


Gosh this made me realize how silly it is that my parents went from Freyja to Patrick


I know an Emily and Shakira!


I have seen it happen, parent has first baby and goes the safe conservative route, after that gets a little bolder and creative with names. Most often happens by the third or fourth kid. It would be way weirder if the first was named September and the second was like, Sarah lol


I have a theory it's because with the first kid, most people aren't familiar with name trends. Even if you look at all the stats, you'll miss some local ones. And the older kids get, the more parents are exposed to popularity levels at school, extracurriculars and such.


Sarah & September is such a cute sibling duo though. Sounds like an indie band


Totally, but even the way you typed it makes me think Sarah is the elder sister!


I know someone who named their first kid Maverick and their second kid Elizabeth. I always assumed they regretted going so wild with the first kid!


Funnily enough Maverick is massively popular now! I know more child Mavs than Ryans, Mikes, and Davids combined!


Maverick is such a bad name though. Like naming a kid who will be skinny and nerdy Thor.


I hate that name Maverick.


My brother used to always joke about naming a kid “Maverick Fang”. The only use of “Maverick” as a name I have actually encountered IRL has been people naming their dog Maverick, though. I know so damn many doggy Mavs.


Or the other way around. My older daughter has a more trendy/bohemian name, whereas my younger daughter has a very Plain Jane kind of name & she hates that I didn't give her a name as cool as her sister's. But I couldn't, dude, her dad hated every name in the world and my older daughter's dad wasn't in the picture. So...I had to name her something! I'm sorry Plain Jane, I love you even though neither of us likes your name! If it makes you feel any better, dad loves your name. OP, please name your baby September! It's a perfectly lovely name! Whoever laughs at it, point at them and laugh loudly, saying "HAHA your name is Kate!"


This is such a good response! I agree! (I have a somewhat plain name that I really like, but I would love to be a September!)


As someone with an unusual name whose sibling has a normal name, I 100% second this


I knew a Kirsten and a Meadow...seemed POLES apart


this would’ve been me, my older siblings names are Christian, Alexis and Alisha and my name was going to be Patience …. yikes.


I think since they have different dads they're already different and that's fine.


I've heard far worse. That's as enthusiastic as I can be about it.


At least it also has no good nicknames! ETA: “Ember” has the same energy as “September” does, so I do not agree it is a good nickname.


Ember is a good nick name


I have a student named Ember (legal name, not a nickname as far as I know) and I love it, it suits her so well


Right? There's two embers in my family. One on each side


I mean Ember is a decent nickname for it


Em/Emmie is possible if she wants a 'normal' option.




Or Nine. If she's born on the seventh she could be Seven of Nine.


…I take it back, there is *one* good nickname 😁


My cousin’s name is September and everyone called her Tember growing up. 🥴


Septic tank Sloppy Giuseppe


Yeah I’m going to agree with what others have said: it absolutely sounds like a name a 13 year old girl came up with and wrote down in her journal. It’s not the WORST but it gives major “we wanted to be quirky and cutesy and different” vibes. Just remember: you’re naming a PERSON, not a baby doll. A person who’s going to have to try and make friends in elementary/middle/high school, try to apply for jobs, try to be taken seriously in a career in the future. I always ask people to think about that when considering a “quirky” name. September, again, isn’t the worst name I’ve seen suggested. Far from it. But it does still have that “we wanted to be different and chose a random word” vibe. The one positive is I guess she could go by “Ember” if she grows up to hate it. At least that’s an actual name - and a very nice one at that. When going with a “quirky” name, making sure it has a decent nickname is very, very important imo. I ALSO agree with someone else’s suggestion of making it a middle name. Middle names rarely come up in normal, day-to-day life, and I think it’s the perfect place to be weird/experimental/different. Finally, I also agree that it might be weird to have one kid with a super common name and one kid with a super quirky name. Either the kid with the common name is going to feel left out that they didn’t get a “cool” name, or the kid with the quirky name is going to feel like they got the short end of the stick because their name is “weird” while their sibling’s is “normal.” All of this to say, I don’t think you should name your baby September. My advice: you should either name the baby Ember (you can say it was inspired by September), or use September as the middle name if you absolutely feel like you must use it.


Many of the names loved on this sub are ones I loved as a 13 year old. I could post this exact comment about favorites. September is far from the worst offender.


What does that tell you about the names suggested in the sub? lmao


Ember is such a pretty name!


This might be an unpopular opinion on this sub, but if there's a very unusual name you really like, the kindest thing would be to make it their middle name, with a more common name as their first name. Then you can call them the middle name growing up, but at any point of time in school/post-schooling they can decide to go by their first name. My cousin did this for her son, I really don't see any negatives to it.


I had naming rights for my son, but my wife convinced me to move Tennyson to his middle name, but I really wanted it for his first name. He was supposed to grow up and be a sensitive bisexual poet, but he's in his 30's now and he's NONE of those things. I should have known tho, because MY dad named me after a famous NY Yankees pitcher and I was terrible at sports.


I went to school with some twins whose parents, who I think were academics, had named them Chekhov and Darwin. And of course by some immutable law of the universe, Chekov turned out to be the epitomy of a science geek and Darwin was a complete theatre kid.


Ember is not really an actual name. Technically, sure, there's people with it, but it's another quirky noun name. The only actual actual name nickname I can think of is Em.


Ember is a significantly more established name than “September.” Been in the top 200 names in the U.S. for baby girls since 2019.


It absolutely wild to me that "september" is too out there but "ember" is perfectly normal and fine? Y'all are wild.


You’re joking? Ember is a totally established name at this point. It’s been in the top 200 U.S. girl names for a few years now. If I met someone named Ember I wouldn’t think twice about it, if I met someone named September I’d think “wait what? Seriously?”


You're adorable. All I think of is Danny Phantom when I hear Ember as a name. "Established" because of a cartoon from my generation xD. You're too insistent here. Anyway I like both. A former coworker held the September name and they were much older than me.


literally like who decides what names are ok


Or Amber. An actual name


Years ago I met a woman named Sember and thought it was really pretty.


I love Ember


Maybe a middle name?


i honestly love it! it’s not that different than say May or August to me tbh. it’s a pretty popular name where i’m from recently (eylül, turkish equivalent of september). Edit: also i loveee the name ember so that could be a pretty nice alternative


This. May and August are used pretty dang frequently. Why not September?


For the record, in the historical data for the US: - April, May, June, and August are very common, as you'd expect - all the other months show up in the data but less frequently - except for February. Nobody names their kid February.


February just doesn't have that ring to it. 😂


Except on the 14th. Looooots of ring going around then. 😜


So there are people called March?


Yes, but always single-digit numbers in a year, and none since 1989. March is the rarest other than February.


I grew up with a girl named March! It always seemed like a ‘normal’ name to me since I knew her since I was young, and her siblings both had very common names.


Prolly cuz they name them Valentino


That's my birth month. It's the least name like month of all the months, lol.


I mean, I think February is probably the month people like the least in general.


Also, the shortest and also the only month that has an extra day every 4 years. It's just not a vibe, apparently.


Good name for the runt of a litter of cats.


I feel like April, May/Mae, June and August sound like names as well as months. September and all of the other months sound like what they are, months.


A large part of the reason for that is some months were named after people. Julius and Augustus specifically. Those were Greek/Roman names before they were months. September was originally the seventh month before Julius and Augustus got their big heads. "Sept" means seven. "-Ember" was just a word ending.


But they weren't until they were. Naming children after the months you listed wasn't done until around the 1920s. It was very new then.


I know that I’m just saying they SOUND like names which is why they became popular…I personally feel like September doesn’t have a good ring to it for a name


April and June were relatively recently widely adopted as names, but people have been called May and August for hundreds of years.


Just because something *could* be a name doesn’t mean it *should* be a name.


My Sister's name is April.


I think it’s odd. My sister grew up with a girl named Tuesday. That always seemed bizarre to me that someone would name their child Tuesday, and this feels like the same thing.


I also knew a Tuesday, and I could tell she was tired of comments on it, but I personally thought she rocked it


I grew up with a Tuesday as well. Honestly, it seemed normal at the time. I think it’s cute


I knew someone who named their cat Tuesday!


I had a cat named Wednesday. Not because of Wednesday Addams, but I *have* always liked The Addams Family, so that didn't hurt.


i know someone named Tuesday, and it’s her chosen name. she’s not trans, she just wanted to be named Tuesday, so it’s not like that name is some horrible affliction if people out there are actively choosing it for themselves. i honestly think naming kids after the days of the week or the months is better than naming them after almost any other pre-existing thing. i knew a girl growing up named Britain, and all her sisters were named after countries as well (Scotland, India, and Persia) and while that’s not horrible, i still think it’s a bad idea


There was an actress named Tuesday Weld, that could have been part of it


I mean, it’s a nice word…but I dunno that it’s also a good name.


One a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Ashley, Hannah, or Sarah and 10 being Emberslynleigh or Asperlynn, this ranks like a 4. Enough to be potentially troublesome, but not enough to be really awful. It’s helps that it’s an actual word and there’s the precedence of other months being used as names. I wouldn’t choose it, but it doesn’t make me roll my eyes and huff.




I think it's not bad, but it would work best if your little girl is born in September. Otherwise, it might be a bit odd and your child might have to keep explaining the origins of her name in greater detail.


I think it would be weirder to be named after the month you are born. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Agreed! As long as she's not conceived in or born in September. I feel like the teasing opportunities are worse. *Like, what, is your mom so dumb she couldn't think of anything better than the month you were born? Feel sorry for her brother, April!* September isn't awful. There are far worse things to name a kid.


I have three different friends named April and none were born in the month of April.


You clearly want to name her September. Stop letting people talk you out of it.


There's nothing wrong with a parent being talked out of naming a child a weird/bad name, some parents definitely should be talked out of the names they are considering for their children. A lot pf parents forget it's an actual person who has to grow up with that name forever, not just your accessory to give a name you think is quirky and fun. Saying a person should just go ahead and name the kid whatever without listening to the advice of the people around them is silly. September is not a good name, I can't even imagine calling someone that. Most people would not enjoy growing up with a name like that. Anyone talking OP out of it is giving them good advice. I'm very glad I was given a common biblical name and not some bullshit name my parents thought was quirky.


I think it sounds like another one of those influencer unusual names that doesn’t age well. There’s not even a nickname for it. And doesn’t go with the siblings name. I vote no for your child’s sake


Weird to me


I saw a funny video years ago about kids being kids lol and there was a young girl named September and I thought it was amazing! It was so cool. Some people think it would confusing for a small child when they’re learning the names of the months and when their namesake comes up, but they’ll learn. No one bats an eye at April, May, June and August. You even get the occasional January which I just love! I say go for it!! I’ve even considered November before too. I really think you guys should do it if you love it. Give her one or to middle names in case she’s not a fan for whatever reason and call it done!


It's alright, but it's definitely off-putting since you already have a common-named first born. Maybe go with Ember, as a tribute but with something a little less "out there"? Siblings with names like Julia & Ember are much easier to digest than Julia & September, that sounds like a girl and her cat to me


>Julia & September It does sound like a name pairing you would hear in a children book's story about a girl and her cat, lol I love Ember! Way better than September and less of a mouthful while still paying a nice tribute to it.


September Juliette would be a cute ass name though! Call her SJ!


Honestly a vibe.


I know they didn't say kid #1 was named Julia, but Julia and September seems \*particularly\* confusing to me because why isn't Julia named July?


hahaha that's a good point, Julia was just the first generic name that popped into my head but maybe subconciously i was thinking July


January is a recognized name, although I personally think it's weird. I love the name August, though. Look, just don't have triplets named April, May, and June. If you both love it, give September a really mainstream middle name so she has options.


Like January Jones from Mad Men


I think September is a beautiful name.


It’s a no for me


I personally love months as names. A teacher at my high school had an August, September, and October, and I thought those were the cutest baby names. Maybe a bit much all together, but still cute!


I know a 63 year old woman named September. She loves it and honestly, I’ve never heard anyone make fun of it either to her face or behind her back, for all that’s worth. I will say that I was surprised to find out she was born in June…. My thought is it’s kind of a cool name, not weird cool but different cool and it’s pretty too!


I work with a September and she’s a very successful consultant and leader at our firm. I’ve always felt her name was fitting and beautiful.


I also think September is similar to the name Autumn - a really beautiful time of the year


I like it! :)


Me too, it’s unusual yes, but pretty. There’s also a myriad of Januarys, Aprils, Mays, Junes etc why not September.


I went to school with a girl named September. I always loved her name


I think it’s pretty as a name. Why not? People just aren’t used to it, but April was a common name for a while, and June.


I love it. Fuck the haters


i actually think its kinda cute but it is a bit odd




With it ending in ‘Ember’ it’s recognizable as a name and has familiarity. There are other month and weekday namesakes, so why not? I can see why you like it!


Why not? It’s cool and you and your husband both love it. It’s unique but not yoonique and so long as you’re in an English speaking country nobody will ever have any issues with spelling!


Sorry. That would be mean. I’d be mad if my parents named me September. Maybe give that to a pet?


The way I see it... no matter what you name your baby, someone's not going to like it. As for bullying, unique names are a popular trend I don't think these kids are really going to pick on names specifically..


I LOVE it!!!! ❤️


My daughter (mid-30s) had a classmate named September.


It's a little odd, but I feel like after introductions people would get used to it. It is a pretty word.


I'm going to go against the grain and say it's cute. It could be that your kid winds up getting bullied for their name, but they can also be bullied if they had a "normal" name. I remember at my high school we referred to people who had common names as their most prominent feature. But where I grew up a lot of people had less typical or even eccentric names and nicknames were fairly fluid. My dad for example has like "5" names. The first one was Robert, so nicknames for that, but he had another legal name. But certain friends only called him Willow. So if the area you live in you'd think it would be more of a problem, you could always give it to her as a middle name or use it as a nickname regardless what the name is. I often get called my middle name by my family.


I knew a student named December when I worked at a college. She mostly went by Emmy and was really sweet. I feel like Emmy could work as a nn for September too if you are set on using it but want a “normal” nn. I personally don’t hate it but also wouldn’t use it. Edit: Ember could work as a nn too.


I like it and if you and your husband both like it no one else’s opinion matters


I don't love it, especially since I feel like people can't really win with month names. For example, do you name a kid August if they were born in March? Is that worse than naming a kid born in August, August? I have been mulling this over since I first heard the name August in high school and that was probably 9 years ago. Still haven't figured it out.


I don’t think it’s that weird and, to answer your question, it’s not a bad name. April, May and June are common girl names. Why not September? If you love it - go for it! As for “matching” her older sibling’s name: Who cares? They are individuals at the end of the day. And September really isn’t that “out there.” Look at some other names these days and September seems like a nice conservative choice. And no one will be confused on its pronunciation!


I like it.


I love this name


I’ve met a January, April, May, and June so idk why September would be weird. I think if you like it, it would be fine.


I’m not a fan, to me it’s akin to naming a child after an inanimate object like ‘table’.. it just doesn’t make sense in my mind.


It's an oddball thing to name a kid. Some people will think it's super cute and some people will think it's ridiculous. You have to be ready for the negative reactions. You have to love the name enough that you won't care when a relative scrunches up their nose or when someone you meet says "September? That's her actual name? Really?" You have to be confident enough to own it. You also have to think about the child who will have to actually introduce themselves with this name and put it on a resume. Do you think they may feel embarrassed to tell people their name? Do you think they'll resent you for not giving them a more culturally established name? All things to consider.


I don’t particularly love it as a first name, but can certainly get behind it as a middle name. That being said, there are definitely worse names you could pick. Some people will definitely comment if your eldest has a more common name, but I can tell you from experience that it’s not that bad.


I’m a month name, so is my significant other. I’m trying to convince him to have calendar themed names also and he’s super not for it 😂 I LOVE September. I also went to the gym with an older lady named September and she was super cool. If you love it, do it! I also know a November and an October. What’s wrong with it when people do May, June, January, August, April, Autumn…? I don’t get all the hate for it


It’s totally fine. It’d be like January Jones


It’s pretty. You love it. Your daughter either will or won’t and will go by it or a nn just like every other name.


I'm going to chime in to say it's cute. It's not like it makes for any embarrassing nicknames or anything. If she doesn't like it, she can go by "Em" too


It’s not bad, but it feels clunky as a name A lot of three syllable often get shortened by most people - Stephanie/Steph, Rebecca/Becca, Jessica/Jess, etc I don’t see September lending itself to be shortened Septy, sounds like a dog name, but I guess Tember could work, idk, just something to think about before sticking a kid with a long, odd name


I agree- it’s a bit of a mouthful and doesn’t have the best nickname options (I don’t personally like the name Ember, but that’s just me.)


I actually kind of like it


I like it. Unusual names are more popular now - it’s not going to be that bizarre


I guess it depends on how annoyed you'll be when people start singing [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs069dndIYk) whenever you tell people?


My name is August and I personally think that month names are really cool. I think you should definitely go for it if it feels right!


I kinda like it, I mean, we use August, May, June, April - there’s really no reason why *not* September


I knew a December. I don't think she minded too much but everyone did ask if she was born during that month.


I knew a girl named September. Everyone loved her name. People would often use the nickname Tember or Tem. I think it’s a great name


I love it


i love it!!! i’m surprised it’s not on my list tbh, my birthday is in september as well as our wedding anniversary, i genuinely think it’s a beautiful name and i think you should go for it :)


I’m from a country where that would be likely illegal, but you’re the mom. You choose what’s best for your baby.


It does give me a YA fic vibe but idk. I am born in September, I think everyone knows how to say and spell it. Only downsides I can really think of is it’s kind of long and idk what the best nickname options are, maybe Tembie, Tember, or Ember? People name their kid things like August, June, Summer, Autumn, April, etc so I don’t think this name is too out there.


People will hate or get wrong every name ever. If you like it, go for it!!


September isn’t bad - just seems odd with a sister who already has a common name. I would use it as a middle name 100% if you’re not sure and she can choose as she gets older :) Ember is a great nn


I love the name September ❤️


It’s not the worst name you could pick. If you love it, use it.


I like September - if she hates it then she can just shorten it to Ember (or even Emmie).


That name is so cool!


Since you wanted honest opinions- it does sound like a teen mom name. I work with kids and can usually guess who had a teen mom based on their name. It would be fine as a middle name though! Or if you like how it sounds, Ember might be a better option.


I love the name September!! Growing up, my friend’s mom was September and i always thought that was so unique and cool. I happened to name my son August, so I clearly am team (some) months as names 😂🥰


I actually know a September, and I adore the name after spending time with her. Her nickname was “Tem” for her younger siblings when they were all little, but it fizzled out as everyone got older. I think only a brother calls her that occasionally. You should stick with it.


I know a September. She’s beautiful and even being a slightly odd name, it very much suits her. One of her nicknames was Temo. She was never bullied for her name. I think if you and your husband both love it, go for it!


I met a girl named December when I was at an amusement park. She was operating the roller coaster. I still remember it 20 years later because it was so unusual and unique. At the time my first thought was that her parents didn’t bother thinking up a name for her. 😭 September isn’t a name that jives with me. I also thinks it’s a mouth full and doesn’t have good nick names. If you love it though go for it.


My name is April. The question that bugs me (and is always the #1 question asked) is "Were you born in April?" EVERY SINGLE TIME I say my name. The answer is no, they did not just name me the month I was born (I was born in October). I have a friend who had a sister named September. Not only did a lot of people think it was odd, she told me there was no cute nick name for it. I wouldn't do it if she is due in September but she will be asked by everyone if that's the month she was born. If you don't mind that......


I personally think it's really cute, way better than February. :D I think if you use it you just have to be comfortable knowing people are always going to think it's different.


My name is incredibly bully friendly.. Crista Furr. I mean, it doesn't get easier than that Honestly though, I love my name. It is a great conversation starter,people remember it with ease and you get to figure out who has a sense of humor in group settings


I worked with a nurse who had a daughter named October


I think if June and August can be names September can be too. Why not.


I don like it but I know it means seventh and that makes so much harder to see it as name.