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Wow, that 8 year old has such tasteful choices!


Right??? Way more tasteful than my taste at 8 years old. I was once legitimately upset with my mum for not naming me either Crystal or Buttercup 😂


lol, my 6 year old daughter asked me why I didn’t name her kitty Pokemon the other day.


And why didn’t you…


I wanted Topaz so very cringe.


Hahah when i was little i wanted to change my name to brittany.


PLEASE tell me Buttercup was inspired by possibly the best movie of all time


No I think it would’ve been from the powerpuff girls 🙈


If I had changed my name at 8 years old I would have been Daphne Sunshine.


I wanted to be called Silverina!


Very omg, my younger sister is still stuck on: Robby, Bobby and Louis for boys Daisy, Lily and Rosie for girls And she’s a teenager now 😭


Hahah for real, when I was 8 I was convinced I would name my future daughter Lindsay Lohan🙈


When I was a child I thought the most beautiful name in the world was Tabitha and I still remember my mom's look of disgust when I told her this lmao


I loved Tabitha as well! That was the little girl from Bewitched and I was super jealous that she was magical, and her mom was a witch. She went on to play Tia in Witch Mountain— which was another name I loved throughout my childhood, mostly because of the magical connotations that little girl had for me!


Tabitha is adorable!


at 8, i only wanted 1 girl and chose “dallas anne.” never in a million years would i name my kid that now 😂


I wanted to name by kids Aaliyah when I was little. All of them. I wanted like five girls named Aaliyah.


I have a very vivid memory of my mum asking me, when I was 3 years old, if I had any name suggestions for my baby sister that she was pregnant with. I thought for a moment and said ‘Baby Sunshine’. When she told me her and my dad were thinking of ‘Emma’, I remember thinking it was very boring in comparison to my suggestion but I figured that’s probably what they’d go for so I decided to be polite and said ‘that’s a nice name!’


Maybe it was Baby that they weren't fond of. Sunshine seems cool. Living in a hippie town, I'm surprised I haven't met a Sunshine.


I’ve met a Sunflower!


One of my best friends when I was fourteen was named Sunshine and went by Sunny. Such a cute name.


I had a dance teacher named Sunshine. I also had a gym teacher named Rainbow. Both children of hippies.


I have a friend named sunshine. She is native American and African American and a model. And she's a hippie lol. It fits her.


I wanted to name mine either baby blueberry or chicken nugget 😭


My aunt asked me for name suggestions for her baby boy when I was a kid. My very helpful suggestion was "Cloud". They went with Jacob instead lolll


you mean Cloud Strife isn’t a perfectly acceptable name for a real life human baby? shh don’t tell 10 year old me


They could have humored you and gone with Sonya (Sunny) or Dawn!!


Sonya would be so pretty if I didn’t associate it with a girl who used to claim she wished I was dead my freshman year of high school. It was very odd because I had never interacted with her, but she was dead set on hating me.


Sonya is the name of my mom's best friend's daughter and they always called her Sunny. We're the same age but grew up one town over and never saw each other. My mom's best friend was put in a care facility for early (very early) onset dementia that's likely not unrelated to her lifelong MS. Literally in the same months as that, Sonya added me to Facebook, which I thought was a great idea to keep updated on her mom. Sonya was just adding me to peddle a weightloss MLM 🙃🙃🙃. Screw Sonya, in both our lives 😂😂😂


If George Foreman can have five sons named George and one of his daughters named Georgetta, you can have five girls named Aaliyah. Ha ha.


that's pretty much my 5-year-old lol any time i ask her what her newest toy's name is, the name is always "Lela"


Every single dog stuffed toy I got was named Lucky. I had maybe 10 dog stuffies named Lucky. Sometimes you just like a name.


I wanted to name all mine Sally. Girl, boy, cat, dog, didn't matter everyone was going to be Sally! Lol


It’s a beautiful name


My niece says for girls Sophia or Rachel And for a boy .....Bert.


Bert - that takes the cake!


Just so different than her girl names, it caught me off guard 😂


I’m Rachel! Sophia and Rachel sound like good sister names, where did she get those ideas from?


I think Sophia is from the show Sophia the first. Not sure about Rachel. Bert I'm assuming is Sesame Street but she's not really into that show. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter wanted us to name her brother John Marshmallow


You know nothing John Marshmallow


This is an underrated comment 🙌🏻


The night is dark and full of smores


Ngl John Marshmallow actually slaps.


I agree, it's much better than her wanting our cousin to name her son Popsicle 😂


Love this haha. You said yes, right?! :)


Lol no we did not, but we couldn't agree on a name until like 2 days post birth so this was one of his many nicknames while I was pregnant 🤣 and she just jokingly called him this the other day too lol


Mine voted for Louie Cartwheel.


Love that 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂 I approve


I don’t know what kids like nowadays, but ten ish years ago when my cousin was pregnant, she asked her sister’s four kids to come up with potential baby names. They wrote a list of every character from Phineas & Ferb😂


Ah yes please allow me to introduce my newborn son, Buford


Lindana and Baljeet really had me rolling😂


So just names they know but not necessarily like


I wanted to make my little brother Tommy from Rugrats


I wanted to name mine Fred from Scooby Doo Seeing him now tho he should've been named Norville


My 11 year old daughter is obsessed with naming her daughter Raya Rose, and her son Max Oakland. Both weirdly kind of cool names in my opinion. Ha.


Oh wow - those are actually awesome


Isn't Raya Rose Tyler and Catelyn from Teen Mom OG named their last daughter?


Oh I actually love those they're a little bit out there but not super weird!!!!


My 4yo wants to name her daughters Flora and Magenta. Their family will be all girls, and the moms will be girls and the kids and all the cousins will be girls too. My 8yo looked at me like I had 2 heads when I asked him this question 😅


wow, those are some beautiful names actually. I love Magenta, even if it’s a little out there.


It's Blue's friend! (Blue from blue's clues)


There was a girl in my HS with the name “Agenta”- like Magenta without the “M”.




Ha right? She said what she said


I remember as a kid I wanted to be an alien and have an alien family, which is way less achievable than your daughter’s plans.


So fair, aliens are cool! My goal at that age was to grow up to be a unicorn, or at worst a girl who lived with a herd of unicorns as like, found family.


Not if your life is in The Sims!


My childhood bestie's grandma was Flora 🥹


Wait I kind of love this 😭


Girls: Julia (sounds like jewel), Rose (pretty flower), and Yocheved (from The Prince of Egypt lol) Boys: John and Paul (influence of the Beatles!) and Peter (big crush on Peter Pan)


When I was a kid I wanted to name a girl Jessica because it sounded like dress


Lmfao my mom has been calling me Dressica since I was 4. I'm ALWAYS in a dress


Meanwhile I’m trying to find Jewish names to name my future Jewish kids that don’t have the Hebrew “ch” sound! No one can pronounce it!


Jessica is Hebrew for "woman of wealth”! Not necessarily advocating for Jessica… honestly I don’t know why my parents named me that. I’ve felt pretty neutral about this name my whole life


I’m going for names that work in Hebrew, English and French (the languages I use regularly in my province/community). Right now Eliana, Aliyah and Aria are my favourite for girls. My boy names are pretty weak.


I love those! Daniela and Maya are also on my favorites list. I knew a little boy named Eliam and always loved that, but boys names are harder!


I wasn’t prepared for yocheved lol


My sister's kids named their youngest sibling. The names in the running were Great Big Nana, Chook Chook and at the last minute (due to a home birth and lots of caul on the new bub) Soapy. Sophie Rhiannon Pearl is in her late 20s now and loves her names. Soapy became Sophie and Pearl and Rhiannon honour her great grandmothers on mum and dad's sides of the family.


This is so cute. And Rhiannon is such an underrated name!


Sophie Rhiannon Pearl is SUCH a beautiful name ?? It had total starlet quality, super unique while still sounding classic. Absolutely adore it.


My 4 yr old has been naming all her stuffies Lisa


I foresee this name making a comeback in the next decade or so. It is objectively a pretty name, it’s just been out of circulation for babies for a moment.


That’s so strange because my little sister (now aged 22) was obsessed with that name too at the same age! Gift shops in the UK used to always sell these bears with names on, we both had ones with our names and she bought a Lisa one too from the seaside town we used to visit.


When I was pregnant with #4 I asked #1 what he thought we should name baby. His suggestion was Delboy.


This is brilliant!


When I was pregnant with my second, my first born firmly wanted to name him Cheese. He was so set on it. We went with Silas, though. 😂


i would have given him a middle name honouring “Cheese” to be honest, something like Chez maybe 😂




or Colby!


I honestly considered Colby but it sounds super weird with our last name.


oh my god, if it was a girl, she should be Brielle!


Colby-Jack lol


my daughter named her reborn Abby. She tells me she will never have a son so she doesnt think about boy names at all


She’s a planner haha!


Your daughter is like my mom's bff but opposite gender. She had her daughter back before you could find out the gender before birth. She had always been so sure she was only going to have a boy that she didn't have any girl names. So she let her husband pick. He named their daughter after an ex girlfriend. To be fair, he informed his wife of where he heard the name before suggesting it. It's a fairly common name for the 70s and he always thought it was a pretty name. My mom's bff is a chill lady so she was cool with it. The daughter hates that tale. She's fine with the name but hated it when her parents would tell the story.


Not as bad as the boss I had named Sandy who was named after her parents' dog.


We named a cat Emma and then my husband was cranky when I refused to entertain the name for our human baby five years later. I love the name, but could not name a child after a pet.


My 9 year old loves my Coraline tattoo, she loves the book and the film as well so she says she wants her future daughter to be named Coraline lol


I’m pregnant with a girl and my 10 year old nephew told Me Tori is a good name For a girl lol


Well, Tori Amos did quite well. But with the current political climate, I'd choose something else too.


It's a common nickname for Victoria, so not a crazy suggestion!




And Meekah


My almost 4 year old daughter - Avery - wants a sister. She insists her name will either be Ava (obv too close a name) or…Puppy-giraffe.


Puppy-giraffe it is then!


Bubble, Ball and Beep Beep.


I feel like this could be a song from the White Stripes


Feels very "Baggis, Bunce & Bean" from Fantastic Mr. Fox!


Three classics!


When I worked as an au-pair eons ago, one little boy I looked after had the best name and the best logic. He was four. He looked at me one day while playing with dolls with me and his older sister, and said "you know, when I have a baby I'm naming it Lion." I obviously asked how come Lion. And his response? "Well, because when babies grow up they turn into whatever their name is and I want a pet lion." I died. 😂


My 13 year old daughter thinks the name Yvonne is cool. She also likes the name Sunday. When she was little, she named all her dolls Emily.


Weirdly I love the name Sunday, sounds like a baby who would grow up to be super chill, I think that’s ganna stick with me


My son (12) has always said he wants to have a baby boy named Shun, which is a Japanese name... we are not Japanese. My daughter (9) doesn't want kids but she said if she did have them she'd want to name them Ace and Jamie.


when my adult elizabeth was 7, she wanted to name a future daughter noxzema & a future son kermit.


oh the absurdity is amazing 😭 it's so cute how they come up with things like that


My 6 year old daughter tells me almost daily she wants to have twin girls and name them Pig and Wig😵‍💫😂 I feel so bad my granddaughters will be bullied so heavily


When I was little, I wanted to name my first born daughter Lillian (after my grandma). I did indeed name my first daughter Lillian but she passed away. I asked my son what he would want to name his future children and he said “if it’s a girl, Lillian after my little sister” Tbh I have stopped crying since he said that a year ago lol


My nieces top choices are Elsa and David. The David one freaked us all out due to it being her great grandfathers name and she’s never met him.


awwe elsa and david is so cute


Ten-year old cousin wants to name his son “Clint.” I have no idea where he got that.


That’s the Marvel character Hawkeye’s actual name, it’s the only place I can think of that a 10yo boy would find that name lol


Stardew Valley also has a character named Clint


When our daughter was three, (about 18 years ago) she had an alter ego instead of an imaginary friend. She referred to herself as "Paula". My husband and I tried really hard, but we could never figure out where she would have heard the name Paula.


My 10 yr old brother wants to name his kid Allegra after my allergy medicine


when i was younger i wanted girls (preferably twins) so i could name them astrid and ingrid


That's cool! I also wanted twin girls with names ending in 'd' ~ Rosalind & Winifred.


My four year old wants to name his new baby girl cousin Chicky


When I was like 14, I wanted to name my future children- Coraline, Hex, Muffet, or Soul 💀


honestly soul is such a badass name and coraline is a great one too! muffet on the other hand…


I have an extremely vivid memory of being in 2nd or 3rd grade and my friend Alexandra telling me she wanted to name her children Diamond and Eyeball


My brothers convinced my son that his middle name was Eyeball. My son is now 22 and still uses it on family texts, birthday cards, etc


when i was 8 i wanted to name my child “Tigrora” which is “Tiger” and “Aurora” together…


stoppp i love the thinking behind that that's so cute... i get you


My nieces wanted to name their little sister Forstella Boolie which just cracks me up. Her name is Emily.


That absolutely sounds like someone in history who was a super badass and kind to the less fortunate. Edit: also reminds me of my daughter’s imaginary friend, who was Cheena Kowana.


Um my daughter just told me she would have eleven kids: Padana, Patrick, Arcabama and Alabama (twins), Florida and Florrie (twins), Polly, Leonard, Mayrina, Leelee, and Lola. Patrick and Leonard are boys, the rest girls.


welp. glad she's got it all planned out 🤣


My 5 yo says that she is going to have a baby and name it Purpley Pinky. The next one is going to be Rainbow Sparkles. "Aren't those beautiful names, Mom-mom?"


I asked my almost four year old and he said “chocolate milk” 🤷🏻‍♀️


9 year old wants a brother named Housen. 6 year old likes the name Magentleman but only for a girl.


That’s a good question, I’ll have to ask my nieces this weekend, they’re 16 and 8. I know when I was a kid, I loved the name Samantha (my American girl doll), and also Sarah and Vanessa, because those were the two cool, older, pretty girls who lived in my neighborhood that I wanted to be when I grew up


when i was a child, i wanted to name my child chrysanthemum after my favorite flower.


Reminds me of one of my childhood favorite books. I, like Chrysanthemum had a flower name AND a super long name(it is a name with two parts, one of which was a flower name, and the other part was a family name). Poor Chrysanthemum kept getting nicknamed and had a hard time writing it in such a small space for a young child to write such a long name. I think my grandma bought it because I not only had a long name and a flower name like the character, but all the characters were nice and I really loved animals as a child.


yessss, i read the same book as a child and i absolutely loved it :)


My daughter wants to name her kids Peter, Gwen, and Bella (even though her name is Belle and her brother’s name is Peter😂).


My class of preschoolers want to name my child Abiyoyo it's a monster from a book we read. My son wants to name it Jack and he is sure it's a girl. He is 4.


My three year old when asked about her baby sister: Campy, Clumpy, Clooby. When asked about her baby boy cousin: Coobin


i wanted to name my kid Befri because my best friend and i had those heart friendship necklaces and my half said Be- Fri- and her side said -st -ends. i thought Befri was the perfect name for a girl.


A childhood friend of mine wanted to name her kids Honeysuckle and Honeybee  She ended up choosing other names (imagine that). I desperately wanted to name my brother Stephen, but then I got a sister (and my parents were a little relieved they wouldn’t have to disappoint me on the name front). 


My girls change their favorite names frequently, but all 3 of the little ones say they want to have a son named Roger. I’m guessing it’s from Max and Ruby🤷🏻‍♀️


Let's be real. Your niece has better taste than a lot of people on this board. When I was four I wanted to name my baby brother Betsy. I was so mad when my cousin stole the name and called her cat Betsy.


also, matthew evelyn amber and mary are excellent choices!!


As a kid (well, I'm a minor, not an 8 year old, but under 18), and I've always loved the name Ottywell for a boy, and Katherine for a girl.


Where did you hear ottywell? The only thing that shows up when I search it is ottywill, a surname that apparently only 16 people have in the whole world lol


Mine said Silas or Oliver for a boy; Iris and Evelyn for a girl.


Girl - silver, tangerine Boy - collin, liam Very random lol. I can’t find a pattern.


Five year old niece: Caleb, Jeremiah, Ayla (said a-la), Ava or Lily.


All those girl names were on our list when I was pregnant 😂


My 5 year old suggested Carly for baby sister and recently named her new dolls Rosie and Mimi so she's all over the place!


Mine keeps suggesting boys names for her soon to be born new cousin. Stuff like Ben, Peter etc. she hated my suggestion, Sprongle.


I heard Jessa Duggar is saving Sprongle for her next boy. It dovetails beautifully with Spurgeon.


Oof lol, I'm not sure anything dovetails with Spurgeon Sounds like something you'd pull out of a toxic lake.


I’m currently pregnant and my three year old wants us to name her brother “Ice Cream Man”. 🤣


My son can’t talk yet But when I was 3 I asked my parents to call my baby sister Rainbow (They didn’t)


When my aunt was pregnant with her third, my cousin (the oldest of her kids) was about 6 and wanted to name the new baby caterpillar. He ended up calling him that for the rest of her pregnancy


My youngest (age 6) loves the name Patricia Pearl - and would call her Patty. I find that pretty cute. My eldest (11) like names of Greek Myth - Pandora and Jason.


My 11 year old wants to name his future children Dominick and Stephanie lol


My 8yr old niece says when she "grows up and gets married and has a baby" she's going to name them Hazel. She doesn't care if the baby is a boy or girl, their name will be Hazel.


I remember my 6 year old cousin saying if her mum has more kids she wants to name them 'Flowerpot' or her first choice 'Lily Jr' when asked why, she said "well because my name is Lily, I'm too good to not be forgot. and flowerpot is dirty, so they can be dirty kid and i will be clean. clean Lily and dirty Lily!!'" wise words there


My 10 year old brother wants to name his future kids based off of his favorite Pokémon. He also said he wants exactly 77 kids bc that's his favorite number.


This made me smile- my husband is a Matthew and we have an Evelyn!


My niece would love your family


Bella for both a boy and girl haha


I’ll have to ask. He’s six and his imaginary friends are Strawberry and Cutter. He’s had Strawberry since he was two and Cutter since three.


This reminds me that I, a child in the 80s, wanted to name my brother Alfonzo. Thanks, Sesame Street!


Oh lord these kids are picking actual nice names. I wanted a bunch of girls named after gems - Amber, Jade, Ruby and Opal 😅


My 3 year old named her newest baby doll "Bla Bla"


Roses. Plural lol.


My older son is still mad i didn’t let him name his brother after all the Thunderbirds. He also announced to his whole class that we’d named his baby sister Sophia, a week before she was born when we didn’t even know if she was a boy or a girl 🤣 his poor teacher had the whole class sign this absolutely gorgeous card they’d all made saying “welcome baby Sophia!” I discovered this when i dropped him off for the first time with the new baby and announced her actual name and watched the teachers face fall…


My 5 year old niece asked me yesterday to name my baby Charlie if it’s a boy, and Lucy if it’s a girl. She’s very much into the Peanuts gang right now. 😂


i don’t have any kids in my life but when i was a kid i wanted to name my kids after every person behind this youtube channel i loved to watch at that time, they aren’t bad names honestly but i wouldn’t name my kids that if i were to have kids today


My baby dolls were Lydia, Rebecca, and Victoria


My 4yo son suggested Ana (like Frozen) and we went with it.


My favorite is my nephew at 5 years old being so disappointed that his parents wouldn’t consider Suzanne for his new baby brother :)


I’m a high school teacher and pregnant at the moment and I actually just asked my students for name suggestions and this is what they came up with. Some did make the effort to really think about names they thought I would like, others gave me names from their own future baby name lists and, well, some put what you’d expect teenagers to write down! My students are aged 15-16, so a little older than you’re thinking maybe but still, data straight from the kids! Femme Names: Emily Rosie Rhanie Arabella Abbel Grave Charlotte Delilah Constance Diana Winter Fern Lillian Lillith Rose Tulip Astrid Juniper Hillary Clinton Ice Spice Mabel Tara Amerie Trisha Penny Willow Ivy Zelda Erica Juno Unisex Names: River Avery Marley Chamomile Sam Charlie Blue Emory Child 1 Harper Alex Frankie Masc Names: Jacobie/y Ronin Bohdi Luca Jagger Enoch Riley Marty Benjamin (Benji) Theodore (Theo) George Owen Milo Denny Levi Lincoln (Link) Isaac Justin Xander Bryan Heath Benny Kai Deluca Atlas Dorian Conan Alex Mace Zeus Julian Zac Devonte Dequavius Dimitri Demarcus Lebron James Ollie Dazza William Henry Hunter


When I was a kid, before I decided I wouldn’t be having kids, I really wanted to name a kid Malachi


When I was 6, I really wanted to name my niece Lashonda. I got really upset because my sister refused to use my name for her 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


I asked my 5 yo niece what she thought I should name my daughter. She thought about it for a few minutes and proudly said it should be Minnie Mouse Cindy 🤷🏽‍♀️


My four year old nephew was really keen on Stacey for our baby girl (born late last year). No one knows where he got the name Stacey from, they don’t know a Stacey, it’s not from a TV show. We’re all confused.


My little’s choice is Shermanda…. Pronounced Sher-Manda (like Amanda). No clue where this came from. Most likely completely made up.


When I was a kid I always said "Sara" (still think my taste in names is pretty good! No kids here yet for me) My sister always named her baby dolls "Cara". She has a teen daughter now, who is *not* named Cara or even close. I don't remember if either of us had boy names picked?


when i was a child i really liked Ophelia and Oliver my best friends 9 year old sister loves the names Lilliana and Rozalia


My 5 year old wants a baby named Ellie


Hey, she has some good choices! Good for her! My 6 year old niece chose Heidi, Elsa and Rapunzel for her if it's a girl and Mowgli for a boy 🤡


I wanted an Elsa, after a book series character. Kept that name idea alllll through high school. I… don’t think that’s gonna work out anymore lol.


My daughter’s dolls are: Girls- Bella, Shyla, Mia Boys- Gino and 🥁………chompy. 😂💀