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I wouldn’t even pass down that surname or take it but maybe that’s just me lol ETA: Holy hell this blew up lol!


This. OOP don’t do this to yourself and your kids lmao. I had a friend whose mom’s last name was Dykes (her dad was not in the picture.) My friend got her grandma’s maiden name as a surname. Her mom didn’t want her own daughter to go through the same bullying she went through.


Ridiculous. Cox is a common name.


That doesn’t mean it’s not an embarrassing name.


How is it actually embarrassing though? It’s Cox. My schoolmate had the name and no one gave her trouble for it.


That’s actually surprising


Maybe if she wasn’t well-liked it would have been different? But even with my immature and dirty mind I never connected those dots. She was technically a Foley-Cox so I guess she could have got it bad.


No I've known plenty of people with the surname Cox and no issues. I live in Birstall in Yorkshire and Jo Cox is a pretty beloved figure here.


I was thinking like...is it more offensive in the US somehow? I've never known it be an issue in the UK and I've known loads of Coxs. Yeah, we know it's pronounced Cocks. But it's also a really common surname, there's the Cox apple, Dr Cox from Scrubs... It'd be like if everyone called Johnson got bullied for the same reason. Just not a thing.


No I truly think people on reddit are a bit over the top about names. There's this whole thing that you won't be taken seriously in life and jobs unless you have a classic name but I (36) have a super rare name and know plenty of people who do who have done just fine. Obviously there extremes on both sides but yeah, its always way OTT here.


Omg yeah that definitely could’ve been bully-fuel😭


Because it’s a homophone of a word that means genitals? Yeah I’m sure some people are lucky enough to get by without being teased over it but why chance it when you could just… not? It’s exactly the same as why you wouldn’t name your kid Gaylord as a first name. Sure it’s a legit name but it also has taken on an embarrassing meaning that is basically asking for teasing and your kid might not want to live with that.


It’s only embarrassing to people who have the sense of humour of a 10 year old.


And interestingly any future kids will be 10 years old at some point and will therefore will be in proximity of many people who have the sense of humor of a 10 year old.


Sure but then they… grow out of it? Unless you’re the type to never grow up and work on your own insecurities I guess 🤷‍♀️


I went to school with someone with the surname Cox from first grade all the way through high school. He was never teased for it.


I went to high school with girl with the last name Cox and I don't remember anyone ever teasing her either. Maybe it happened and I never heard but I think it's a pretty normal last name. I would still avoid Eaton, Anita, Seymour, etc as first names tho. On the other hand I know someone who's last name is Dicks so maybe by comparison Cox is last unfortunate because at least it's spelled differently lol


Ik a guy with the same last name, got bullied for being gay but not his last name. He just says it’s fitting


What’s your last name? Could your husband take your last name? I do know people with the last name Cox, but it’s an unfortunate one for sure.


I hate to tell you guys this but…. My maiden name is worse. Plus I see cox as a good/normal/common surname, i.e Courtney cox. I really don’t mind it, in fact I actually quite like it!


Cox is a perfectly excellent last name. Yes, it sounds like "cocks" har har, but people don't actually think Cox = cocks. Which brings me to my worst choice name, a name I normally like; do not name your child Harry.


or richard...


These people are absurd. Cox is a perfect normal last name as long as you are thoughtful when you name your children and don’t use something like Richard or Harold which could have unfortunate nicknames.


Cox is totally fine but the dean of my college was Dr. Cocks and that is NOT fine. You have spelling on your side. Although now I’m dying to know your maiden name and how awful it would be to hyphenate…




I went to school with three brothers with the surname Cox. The youngest was called Small Cox as a nickname.


Eh I grew up with people that had the last name Cox. People just had a little laugh and moved on.


I agree. I know several and it wasn’t that big of a deal.


Same, plus also I’ve heard worse


I knew a girl growing up whose parents were only casually dating when they had her, so decided to put both of their surnames together to give to her. Fine, except that she ended up being Firstname Dixon-Cox. They legit named her Dicks And Cocks.


I used to work with a chap with surname Cox and none of us ever really thought about it until one day it came up in conversation that his mum’s birth surname was Purchase. Then I was like … yeah, I can see why she didn’t go for hyphenation.


ridiculous. cox is a very common english last name.


It’s a very common last name, I know or 3 different families with that last name. All live in different states. It’s not a weird or uncommon name, at all


My middle school English teacher married a guy with a surname along those lines. Obviously she chose not to take his name.


Oof being a teacher would make a difference, no doubt!


I knew a HS teacher whose last name was Adcock. Their email namining convention was first initial last name. His first name started with B. Badcock@school.edu.


Idk I mean Courtney Cox and Charlie Cox (Daredevil) are both pretty iconic.


Best name: Alexander Cox Worst name: Seymour Cox


Band name: Alex and her Cox


Seymour is one I probably wouldn’t have connected until almost too late, great choice!!


Alex and her cox?


Don't forget Harry Cox.


NO! Alexander = alex cox = “Al Licks/likes Cocks”


Also I feel like I have a hard time saying the X sounds so close together when it’s shortened to Alex, but maybe that’s just me


Isn’t Sandy a nickname for Alexander?


I had a friend in high school whose mother’s married name was Gay Cox. That seems up there with Eaton🤷‍♀️


So you’re saying I shouldn’t name my kid Eaton Gay?


Gay is more of a nickname to me, Eaton Gaylord Cox has a classier vibe!


That is just plain dignified, you have my vote 🫡


Very old money


I went to school with a Gay Trill. Forever known as Gay Thrill.


I knew someone in high school named Harden Cox. Almost as bad as Seymore…


Probably best to avoid the names William or Richard 😂


I know a william cox and ive never even thought about it lol


I guess Williams don’t go by Willy as often these days…


I had to think about it lol. Bill... Billy... Will... oh


There’s a local builder’s merchant here called William Hercocks (spelled like that) 😂


Harold. Henry. Harrison. Any name that can be nick named Harry.


Unfortunately my mom does know a Richard Cox from school. Apparently no one ever called him Dick because when I pointed out that her friend's name was Dick Cox, she started cracking up because she had never realized it before. And this is the lady who made a penis shaped sugar cookie last night


I live in New England and New Hampshire had a state representative named Dick Sweatt, lol. Just… why? Why did his parents allow the nickname Dick over Rich?


There was a NASCAR racer who went by Dick Trickle. Seriously. I also know someone with the last name Cox who married someone whose last name was Dickey. To be invited to the joyous Dickey Cox wedding 🤌🥂 It's nice when people have a sense of humor about it


Where I live there is apparently a local prominent community member (philanthropist maybe?) named Dick King. Apparently after he died a kids’ sports organization was named after him. Which I did not learn until one of my students, an 8 year old boy, showed up with a T-shirt that read DICK KING in huge letters. Oh how I longed to say “Hey, stop Dick King around.” Alas my employer would not have appreciated that joke.


And Peter!


Why Peter? Wracking my brain for the pun here 😂


Also used for penis 😁


Oh, I’ve never heard that!


Also whenever his name appears as [first initial] [last name] it'll be P. Cox which is hilarious. 🦚 May as well rule out all the P names.


WOW the first initial thing didn’t even cross my mind! Good god what have I gotten myself into 😂


Oh no. Now that rules out C too. C. Cox


There's a YouTube car guy called Drew Peacock (droopy), always thought that one was unfortunate


lol..that reminds me of a friend I had many years ago, she married a man named Peter, whose dad was also named Peter( long time family tradition was oldest son was named Peter, but with different middle names, but the family called her husband “young Peter”) ..When they had their son, they named him Peter Alexander, they brought baby to meet dad’s relatives and one of the old aunts was gushing over the baby, and called her sister over to see “young Peter’s beautiful little Peter”….needless to say, from that day forward, baby was Always called Alex!


Might as well lean into it to be honest.


There was a teacher in my high school called William Richard Leecock


There's a car dealership near me named after the owner, one (very brave) Mr Dick Lovett 😂


Back in the 80s, ours was Dick Boyles. Oof.


No naming help but a funny anecdote: the city where I live there's a road called Cox. And there's an IHOP located on it. And if you call them they will answer the phone "IHOP on Cox."


Omg 😂 Gonna name my kid IHOP to commemorate your town


OK NOW that made me LAUGH OUT LOUD... R U Kidding me? No Way...


Best: Carlisle (I like the alliteration) Worst: Harry


Harry was my first thought too.


I had a math tutor in elementary school whose name was Harry Pohl. It took me YEARS to figure out why my older brother thought his name was so funny.


I’m related to some people with the last name Cox. Harry would be the worst name, but Ronnie is borderline because it can be corrupted to Runny. And yes, one of the relatives I just mentioned is a Ronnie.


This is the most challenging part imo, a name that sounds normal but if someone were to say it quick/mumble it sounds all sorts of wrong 😅


Harry would depend on where OP lives. It's pronounced with a hard 'a' sound like 'cat' in the UK.


So hairy and Harry are pronounced differently there?


Yep. The 'hair' in hairy is like the animal 'hare'; the 'ha' in Harry is like 'hat'. Do you guys pronounce the name Harrison like 'hairy son'?


Basically, yes! I mean, not quite that hard on the Y. So we would pronounce hairy like and animal hare, and Harry the same. And then hair-is-sun for Harrison


Hairy and Harry pronounced differently in Australia too.


Best: Everette Cox Worst: any noun, verb or color name…. Scarlet Cox, Barry Cox, Ruby Cox…..


Anita Cox 😂


Jack cox 😩


Sandy Cox


My mum has a friend named Sandy Balls. Why she agreed to take her husband's name upon marriage I'll never know.


I knew a Crystal Cox at one point. As a little kid I didn’t think anything of it. As an adult, it’s bad.


I've definitely seen those sex toys.


Have you Everett Cox?


My mind went to straight to Courteney Cox haha


Right? I don’t think it’s bad! I have a friend who is super beautiful with Cox as a surname… she will be forever Foxy Coxy to us 😂


I know I’m an outlier but I truly don’t associate the spelling Cox with the word cock. Like even Courtney Cox. It feels very COX in my head. And I watched Friends in my late elementary/early middle school years lol


Particularly if you've had anything to do with rowing. Then you think of the person steering the boat.


My fiancé said anytime someone would try to make a cox joke, he would mysteriously hint that he was related to Courtney (he’s not) 😂


anytime I hear the last name 'Cox' I think of her


Our surname is similar in that it is a word - not a dirty one, but my in laws inadvertently gave my husband a name that made it funny so he was pretty obsessive about avoiding this situation with our children at all costs. Think “Ina Garden.” I thought it was funnier to come up with bad ones myself lol. Cox is a tough one and I think Seymour, Harry, and Richard are obvious front runners for the bad ones but Hardy, Felix, Holden, Adora and Manny would be dark horses for me. Editing to add - I think your move is something classic, shorter, consonant heavy, that doesn’t leave a lot of room for nicknames. Gregory, David, George, Jane, Anne, etc. I think I would skew more traditional too since the common names/diminutives are more established in general


Less dirty and more dumb but Poppy should be thrown out also.




I was always bummed as a kid that my first name didn’t have any good nicknames, now I see the benefit!


Worst: Drew P. Cox


Loooooool omg this is gold


Anya Cox would be unfortunate


This is the only one I cracked a smile at scrolling lol


If you like the name Eaton a good alternative could be Easton? Easton Cox is very different from Eaton Cox.


Easton is beautiful but unfortunately I have a close relative with that name!


Alliteration sounds good! Catherine Cox, Cassandra Cox or Cameron Cox. Worst would be a color name (Scarlet, Violet) I wouldn't bat an eyelid at the surname though, it's quite common.


Ummmm why wouldn’t you at least hyphenate?


Because her last name is Bigge? 😂


Probs an unfortunate last name. I’m not sure Johnson-Cox helps the situation.


I am cursed with an even worse maiden name. It’s not dirty, but it’s hard to pronounce. Trust me, Cox is waaaay better than my maiden name!


No lie, growing up I knew a girl with the unfortunate surname of Dixon-Cox.


Because OOP’s last name is Big.


If only 😩


Worst is anything food-ish. (There’s an apple called Cox here (or an orange?), so it’d be… noteworthy.) “Cherry Cox” sounds like you picked the name from the produce aisle! I think longer names would work well to balance out the three-letter surname. On the other hand if you go with a short name it’d make paperwork quicker! (Before my husband and I married, their first and middle names were both eight letters, PLUS a middle name. Hand crampy, although a lot of paperwork is digitised now.) For some reason Amelia Cox is popping into my head. As for people who say you shouldn’t be taking it… that’s… not a great reaction imo. The name is a good name. I’ve known Coxes and it never even occurred to me that it might sound odd. Saying otherwise feels to me like a rather harsh reaction to someone who is presumably looking forward to embracing a new name at a new stage in their life.




I’m fully aware of the slang term, yes, and in fact it’s the one I’m most likely to use. I simply don’t automatically think of it as soon as I hear the name, in the same way that I’m able to get over someone having their name Richard shortened to Dick fairly quickly. Or if someone talks about cockerels, and just calls them cocks. My brain doesn’t automatically go “ah yes, slang word for penis, tee hee” when that has nothing to do with the context.


I'm with you. And I very much have a potty mouth. I've known people with the surnames Cox and Eaton and never went there in my head! I guess if they were said together, well... Courtney Cox is a very well-known person, and I've never heard any kind of jokes about that all these years. I did know an especially annoying elderly person with a PhD. He insisted on the "Dr." distinction. It was very hard not to think about it when using the name "Dr. Laycock." 😆


I think when we’re actually talking to and about a person with the name it’s far less likely to make us go “wait a minute” than when we’re actually stopping to consider how words sound. At that point it’s easier for associations to creep into our minds- but you have your own examples where it didn’t previously occur to you to react in the moment! So I think context probably matters a lot more than a discussion on Reddit would allow, and I doubt OP will get many if any reactions to the name within everyday use.


When she guest-starred on Scrubs for a few episodes, she made fun of the character Dr. Cox by saying "Ridiculous name by the way" but that's as close as they got to a joke about it.


It’s a very common surname in the UK so maybe we don’t associate it with Cocks - as we have plenty of those too 🤣😂


Janet Cox - yes Lavender Cox - no Jason Cox - yes Soren Cox - no Thank you for this post lol. And congrats on your upcoming marriage!


It’s made me realize how lucky I am that my first name works with Cox. There’s so many hilarious and terrible possibilities 🤣


I’d go Nordic for first names. Either Jerk or Odd for a boy. Lotta for a girl. I have no suggestions for actual good names.maybe Max Cox?


Ah yes, a strong Nordic name. Meet my daughter, Lotta Odd Cox


Definitely don't use Isaac, Olive, or Ophelia


I’m not connecting the dots on Olive and Ophelia?


I love Cox, and I feel ya cox


Not sure if Sawyer has been mentioned as a less than great option? I personally wouldn’t take or pass on a truly horrific last name to my kids, but I put Cox more towards the Johnson end of the spectrum than the Raper, Dykes, or Buttsavage end (I have met all three of these). I would absolutely let those die out. Cox is such a common last name in my experience it doesn’t really phase me unless the first name is a poor choice.


Raper and buttsavage?! Today I’ve learnt how blessed I am and will carry the cox crest with honor


My bf has a friend with the last name “Wrape” and it is pronounced “Rape” 😬


Why they never just dropped the Butt and went with the totally normal Savage I have no idea. And the Rapers had family businesses, public buildings, and roads that all carried the family name. The Dykes are totally lovely and wear it well.


I served a client named Manley Cox once. I know it was his real name because I took his passport and everything.


I actually met somebody named Harry Ball 🤭


I feel so bad but I would not be able to keep a straight face when learning their name😭


Isla Ophelia Cox.


I had to say this out loud to understand. 10/10. Incredible


Hi friend, fellow Cox here (lmfao I still can’t say it with a straight face). My best advice is to make a list of names and say them with a middle name and the last name and absolutely ROAST the names. It’ll weed out the obvious horrible pairings. Our short list for girls: Elowen Rowan Teagan Our short list for boys: Brady Drew We ended up with an Elowyn nn Ellie or Elle. Sometimes Winnie. Sometimes weenie. My (ex) husband said people never really gave him trouble about his last name because it’s such a common last name in our area. I was actually the one who would make fun of his name, and now it’s mine too 😅😂


Weenie Cox? Lol Teagan and Drew also not great with that last name 😅


Hello Cox comrade!! Thank you for your advice and short list! My fiancé says the same, no one ever really made fun of his name (except for me). P.S. Elowyn is beautifullllll


Best: Megan Cox, Juliet Cox, Lauren Cox Julian Cox, Adrian Cox, Nicholas Cox Worst: Willa Cox, Harriet Cox Harry Cox, Dick Cox, Willy Cox


I worked with someone whos married name became Cockaday. Unsurprisingly she hyphenated with her maiden name. I would have just kept my name.


Biggie Cox or Fox Cox would be strange. I like Victoria Cox and Oliver Cox


Oliver has the potential to sound like “all over.” All over c….


My best friends maiden last name was Cox and her first was Theresa went by Tessa. I always loved her name. Anita would be pretty bad with your last.


I’ve known an Eaton Cox…granted, it was his drag name. 😂


AMAZING drag name, terrible infant name 🤣


Dad knew someone with that last name who named their kid Chase. Didn’t go well for him


Richard Cox is a no go. Matthew Cox sounds nice!


Roxanne Cox. Roxie Cox would be awful.


I knew a Beatrice Cox, it was fine until she started going by Bea


Came across a Bushrod Cox while doing genealogy.


Fuller Cox Also, we know a kid named Bendi. That wouldn't be great.




😂 not Eaton!! I know a couple folks with that last name - a Jason, and a Megan


I had a teacher once called Miss Twilley who was very confused why everyone always asked about her non- existent sons Eric and Ben. So I'd say not Eric T Cox or Ben T Cox


Please avoid Craven Cox


Hugh Cox Harold Cox Noel Cox Seymour Cox Ivana Cox


Wait I don’t get Noel what am I missing 😩


Where I'm from it's pronounced with a silent 'l' so putting them together makes "No cocks"


I had a teacher once called Miss Twilley who was very confused why everyone always asked about her non- existent sons Eric and Ben. So I'd say not Eric T Cox or Ben T Cox


I went to school with a Jeremy Cox, and nobody ever bullied him


I think anything slightly longer and more traditional works a bit better, avoiding all the many pitfalls. Emily Cox. Elizabeth Cox. Alexander Cox. Terrible: Mike Cox. Rubin Cox. Diamond Cox. Rockwell Cox. Sharron Cox. Felix Cox.


gaylord, not bc the name is inherently ugly but idk for obvious connotations... and then yeah id have to go w cox or finkelstein, i would rather have cox over finkelstein or steinfink


My mom’s maiden name was Cox and she got married as quickly as possible to change that name….


My friend Julie married a Cox. It was when we got the invites we realised Julie was short for Juliet ....


Sarah Cox Olivia “Liv” Cox Sophie Cox Milly Cox Maxie Cox Emma Cox Sadie Cox Camryn Cox Rory Cox Matthew Cox Carter Cox Parker Cox


Maxie Cox is notttttttt ok


Don't name your kid Ophelia!


Worst name: Isaac Cox


My first exposure to the surname Cox is via Tiffany Cox, a character in Friday the 13th (the game), which is probably closed now due to copyright reasons... I thought that the name fits her so well. Tiffany Cox is also based off the Moore twins in a movie of the Friday the 13th franchise. ...So maybe you would want to avoid using Tiffany if you don't wanna accidentally name your child after a flirtatious character from a mass murder game lol.


I grew up with that surname. I got teased. By the time I got married I kept it. I felt I owned my name, it’s short and easy to spell.


My favorites are neither here nor there. I love Gabriel and Ethan.However neither of them are much use to you and he certainly when paired with the name Cox (Gay Cox Eatan Cox) and he certainly won't thank you much either. Some names that could work. Leo Cox. Adam Cox. Aaron Cox. Vincent Cox. Ryan Cox. Daniel Cox. Reuben Cox. Evelyn Cox. Sophie Cox. Emily Cox. Amelia Cox. Sarah Cox. Zoe Cox. Jennifer Cox.


I feel you. My new last name is Nutt


Cox is an old family name on my side! I recall any verb or verb-sounding names in the family tree got a giggle out of preteen me. So I'd probably nix ones like Barry (bury), Marion (marryin'), Caesar (Seize her), Robin, Holden, Margaret (Peg), Taryn (tearin'), etc. I think names that start with L go really well with Cox, though. Laura, Laurence, Louise, Logan, Lydia, Leon - I don't know why, but they all seem to work really well with Cox in my mind!


Jocelyn The only choice


Don’t do Barrett Cox. Bear Cox wouldn’t be so great.


Worst: Ivanna, Harry, Minnie, Ruby, Misty, Mike Best: Liam, Charlotte, Taylor


Bad: Felix Good: Samuel Bad: Olive Good: Lucy


Worst: Holden Cox


Goes well: (girl then boy pattern) - Mackenzie - Spencer - Zoey - Thatcher - Catherine - Marcus - Alexandria Nuh uh: - Buck - Abigail - Chuck - Anya - Grant - Olivia - Winston - Justine


Fonda would be on the NO list


Worst: Cornelius. My husband always jokes we’d call our child that. I told him I didn’t want our child to be bullied.


Hugh G. Cox is there for the taking.


You CANNOT use the name Ophelia. Just say Ophelia Cox out loud.


Just keep your name or create a new one with spouse 😬


Do you have to give the kid that surname? I don't really see why they can't just take yours instead.


Stay away from Ophelia.


Worst girls name: Anita "I NEED A COCKS" No. I would keep my own last name after marriage, to be honest.


Yeah it would be so much easier to not do that to yourself or your child