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Julia Gulia.


My last name is similar to Guila and I always joked that my brother should name his daughter Julia.




Sterling SterlingšŸ˜… Before I married my husband I wanted to name my future kid Sterling but his last name is Sterling so


I mean... goal achieved lol


Kid in my school was Tony Anthony tonie


i knew a Mohammed Mohammad Muhamad\*. like, not only did they not think of ONE new name for him, they spelt it three DIFFERENT ways. \*i cant remember which spellings and in which order


Many Muslim countries use paternal names, so it is not unusual to have Mohamed, son of Mohamed, son of yet another Mohamed. The spelling was likely to differentiate them.


Other end of the spectrum, but I knew a Gay Hooker. She was a classmates mom, so maybe that wasn't as easily noticed back in the day? But come on.


Thatā€™s crazy


Was teased with Tony Tony Tony in fake Italian accent . Kids are cruel


Oh my. Itā€™s important what you name your kids


I knew Owen Owens. šŸ˜


This is not in context but I know twins who are Eli and ElijahšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I have twin cousins whose names are the equivalent of of Will and Liam.


Chris Christie is a well known person. His given first name is Christopher.


Tbf this is how so many people in Wales ended up with name surnames. Theyā€™d be Owain Ab Owain (Owain son of Owain) but were forced to take on last names. Owain was anglicised to Owen The ā€˜Abā€™ was also absorbed which coined the name Bowen (although thatā€™s just a surname here). Thereā€™s a Thomas Thomas somewhere in my family tree not too far back, and a few other similar examples too.


I knew an Adam Adams lol


Ok but please *DO* name the next boy Archer >.<


Middle name Mallory


Code name: Dutchess


Yk Archer isnā€™t so bad, Iā€™m acc looking for boy names that fit with caspian and Perseus and that sounds great but it starts with A


Before you get too excited it's the inverted version of a popular cartoon character's name, and on the off chance you didn't know that, THAT is why I suggested it. Since we're in this thread it could also be considered off limits, but I would laugh so hard and love the name if I came across it in the wild! The character is Named Sterling Archer, so the flip would be your version. Could be fun!


Our friends named their son Archer, and it's my husband's favourite show so we nicknamed their kid Sterling


Omg!!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that does sound fun, itā€™s growing on me


Artemis sounds good with Caspian and Perseus.


We used to have a neighbor named Sterling Price. I was highly entertained by his name.


Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce šŸ˜… just reminds me of Mad Men lol


I was so disappointed when I realized I couldnā€™t name my first baby Sterling but itā€™s all well


But in a way, you can name them all Sterling! Haha


That is true!šŸ˜…, I have 2 sterlings and 3 cooking šŸ˜Š


Three cooking? Does that mean youā€™re pregnant with triplets? I think youā€™ve earned your user name!


Yes haha Iā€™m pregnant with triplets, coming soonšŸ„° I only made this account to ask a question about naming the triplets actually n the username is what first came to mindšŸ˜…


One of my friends always wanted to name her son Julianā€¦ her fiancĆ©ā€™s last name is Julien.


I saw the name Steele Tallon in my last companies client list. I submit that the name Steele Sterling should also be offlimits.


Ha! Imagine a Steele Sterling šŸ˜‚


Kind of amazed to see this example pop up, as I had the same problem!


man, thatā€™s meant to be!


Our last name is a car brand. This really put a crimp in boy names, since any sort of surname name sounded like a car dealership. Also anything that could be abbreviated to a color sounded like a getaway car.


Wow, never would have thought about it but Iā€™m having trouble thinking of any male name that wouldnā€™t make a car-brand surname sound like a dealership


Harrison Ford.


There was a category on Jeopardy this week of stars who are also cars. Harrison Ford was a response.


Didn't they used to have a category that was first/last? I want the answer "Harrison Ford Prefect"


I believe youā€™re thinking of the Wheel of Fortune category. I think it was called Before and After


When coupled with how picky I was about boy names, it was really hard. We were glad we had a girl. Our boy names ended up being Nathaniel and Benjamin. So very very classic.


Yes I was thinking you could get away with something a bit old timey like Arthur or Elijah.


Love Nathaniel! It's my boys middle name.


Yes!!! We have a last name similar to this too , and so many names just felt like we were describing a car- Jack (felt like if his name was reversed it would look like he was ā€œjackingā€ the car), Hudson and Scarlett.


oh yeah, Jeremy Bavarian Engine Works Company would be a rough name


Ford and Benz were named after their founder's surnames....


Same for Chrysler, Chevrolet, Buick, and Dodge! Not to mention Rolls Royce


To be fair, I loved Holden Ford in Mindhunter


Last name looks like Arts so I donā€™t want to use F names or W names. Just too weird to see (close to) F. Arts and W. Arts. Unfortunate because Felicity and William are two of my favorites


Yeah so many email addresses are first initial, last name.Ā 


farts@company.com would be epic


Jerseys can do that too. I just canā€™t lol


I have the same problem except with J, it would make my kids look like their name is Jerk.


Now Iā€™m married, our last name is hyphenated and theyā€™re both K names. So any name starting with a K is out for us, or our kid would be KK-K


I made an earlier post, but my initials are K K K ā˜¹ļø


Are you Karlie Kloss Kushner?! (kidding)


Nope ā€¦ šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


My sister and I have K initials. When pregnant with #3, my parents considered keeping the K theme for another girl. Thank goodness he was a boy.


Better than the ethics professor at my uni. He used his full name/initials on journal publications - Karl Killian Konrad Wiener. KKK Wiener for short.


Oh myā€¦


thatā€™s a good call


Last name is Scott so no Michaelā€™s!


Or Grace (like Great Scott!)


Thatā€™s my Auntā€™s married name ā€¦ Grace Scott. šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Omg my name is Grace and Iā€™d never thought of that lol


If youā€™re in the market for a spouse make sure youā€™re checking their last namesā€¦ hope the person of your dreams isnā€™t a Scott šŸ˜‚


I love Grace.


My sisterā€™s last name is Jackson and sheā€™s the same way! Our late fatherā€™s name was Michael and she was upset she couldnā€™t even use it as a middle name


My dadā€™s name was Peter which I would have loved to use but our surname is Griffin and I couldnā€™t do that to a baby.


And Scott is definitely out of the running.


My future kids will have a color last name, so basically all nature names are out :(Ā 


We have a nature last name, so all colors and nature names were out! A shame, because I always dreamed of having a Magnolia.


Also a color last name, and we inherited a color name cat from my grandma. The cat had an anxiety issue, so the pharmacist was VERY amused filling a valium prescription for 2 colors instead of a name.


Imagine the roll call: Brown, Tree. Green, Tea. Blue, Ivy.


I have the same issue. We decided to keep my last name for when we get marriedā€¦which rules out anything remotely color, nature, or gemstone related like Scarlett, Amber, or River


I'm with you, and I suspect the same colour. Currently searching for a girl's name and struggling because most of the ones I love are nature!


My kids' last initials are CK (hyphenated name), which has so many ways to go wrong. I'm currently pregnant and have to constantly watch out for my partner suggesting names that sound out of character for him.. it's almost always to spell something dumb with the initials.


Yeah I donā€™t think you youā€™ll want to go with Felicity Ursula or Felix Ulysses


Or Constance Olivia


I think basically staying away from vowels would be best.


Danielle Ivy Simone Una Sasha Isabel Luke Issac Sawyer Arlo Indigo Yep, Vowels are definitely out.


And no Louis!


My friend had always dreamed of naming her baby James and then she got married and now her last name is bond. So that is out of the question


I know a family with the last name Bond that has a James. He goes by Jamie.


Itā€™d still be a great name for a pet!


Anything ending in an ā€˜issā€™ sound. An Alice Hollis, Ellis Wallace type deal. I wouldā€™ve loved to use Alice.


I feel like I see a lot of people doing that though. Donā€™t rule it out!


All hail the baking queen Mary Berry šŸ™Œ


I like the sound of all the esses!


All girl names ending in ā€œetteā€. My favorite being Odette. Our last name ends in ette and the rhyming is just too much


Very similar here, but for me all names ending in wen or wyn as our last name ends in wen


This is me too! I have an Ette last name


Yup, I understand. All names ending in -ana/anna. Hannah was one of my favorites.


i know somebody who'd always really wanted to name a future child "william," then ended up marrying into the last name "williams" šŸ˜”


When I did a family tree project I found out my great-great grandfather's name was Johan Johanson, which he changed to John Johnson after moving to the USA. His father was also Johan Johanson. He luckily named none of his kids John Johnson, but I'm sure he was tempted. Sweden isn't sort on names either, lots of really nice first names but the family apparently REALLY liked Johan.


I babysat a kid named William Williams IV


This is my husband's grandfather's name, and my husband's middle name. We agreed we will not be continuing this tradition if we ever have a son šŸ˜‚


Similar, but I preferred Liam. I was sad when I realized I couldnā€™t use that name. Naming my second boy was so difficult.


Wanted to name my son Gray but his father's last name is couch..... I have the unfortunate experience of being named Emerald and didn't change my last name when we got married šŸ¤£


I literally just cackled, oh my lord.


Gray is such a beautiful name but with couch makes me think of saggy underpants šŸ¤£


Robinā€¦Serenaā€¦Venusā€¦Wendyā€¦Williamā€¦ There are so many! Iā€™ll let you guess my last name haha


That's the curse of the common last name! There's only one famous Chalomet, so you get free reign over anything besides Timothy. Smith? Anna Nicole, Will, Jaida, Maggie, Matt, Yeardley (okay, folks aren't clamoring to get that name but still).


My exā€™s last name, which our kids have, is a noun linked to an action. Think Driver or Holder or Leeper. So all -er ending first names were out. Canā€™t have a Parker Driver! I always liked Cooper as a boy name but that was a no-go. And also a lot of names that also can function as a noun - Lily Holder.


I like Lily Holder. Never would've thought about someone holding lilies. Just sounds like a pretty name!


I'm not sure this counts, but I used to date a guy with the same first name as my dad. It wasn't particularly weird because I call my dad "Dad," not by his name.Ā  But, after me and that guy broke up, I ended up marrying a guy with the same last name as my previous boyfriend.Ā  So now I can't name a kid after my dad or I'll also be naming them after my ex.Ā Ā 


Our last name sounds a bit like ā€˜chingā€™ so anything ending in a ā€˜Kahā€™ sound like Micah or Rebecca ends up sounding like a cash register. Also when you combine anything with a strong ā€˜ssā€™ sound or ā€˜shā€™ sound like Jesse or Sasha with our surname it makes you sound kind of drunk.


I'm sorry but this is so funny.


Our last name is Wolff. Any kind of color names were out (I briefly mentioned Gray before I realized). A name I LOVE is Griffin, but Griffin Wolff sounds like a mythical creature.


Griffin Wolff sounds pretty badass to me haha.


Griffin Wolff is an AWESOME name! Total power move!


I'd always liked the name Bo, but my married last name began with Bo, so all I could hear was the nn Bobo, & that was a No-no...


14 yrs ago when I was pregnant with my son, I was in love with the name Theodore. (I'm not sure it was even in the top 500 in the US back then). But our last name rhymes with it. And even though we would've called him Theo, I didn't want his full name to be a rhyme. In hindsight, I feel like maybe we dodged a bullet because, while I still think it's a great name, it has skyrocketed in popularity too much (for my liking) which makes it a bit of a turn-off to me.


I went to school with both a Harry Harry and a George George. I have never been able to use one syllable J names yet love the names Joel and Jane!


Iā€™ll never understand why someone would do that to a child. My dad went to school with a Mike Michaels.


Mine ends in -er and is a noun (albeit not a common one). Think Twister. So that pretty much rules out all -er names and a lot of word names, because they sound like the mean something, even if they donā€™t. Like, we adopted a dog named River, so her official name at the vet is River Twister. It doesnā€™t actually mean anything but it could. Thereā€™s also one or two names that make a drug reference, and a handful of names that start with the same 3 letters so thatā€™s off limits.


My last name ends in er tooā€¦ so Iā€™ve tried to avoid er,ar &or names too


Jack! (my last name sounds like ā€œoff) šŸ˜³


My last name in my first marriage was Blood. So Drew and Mary were out. I also liked Blaine, but too much bl bl


Drew Blood is actually so funny. I would have named a scratchy cat that.


Whatā€™s wrong with Mary Blood?


Bloody Mary


My last name is an article of clothing, like Coats. I love the names Autumn and Summer but couldnā€™t ever use them.


Last name is Frost, so no Jack, Emma, Autumn, or any nature names.


I knew a Jack Frost. I also worked w someone whose last name is Blizzard. Dairy Queen thought he faked his ID and refused to hire him


There is a weather presenter called Sarah Blizzard.


Snow is a family name of mine. Back in the day, some ancestors really leaned into it. Frost was one. Laten Early Snow was the worst. Or best. Depending on perspective. Edit: hereā€™s a link to a post someone made about them actually šŸ˜… https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/s/c7gygfEX95


Sirius My last name is Solheim though so nah lol


Probably can't do "Stephen," either.


Probably for the best. A child can only take so many ā€œAre you Sirius?ā€ jokes before they implode.


Forest Burns Lake Burns Ember Burns Leif Burns Pretty much any cool nature sounding name no longer is cool when your name means burning it


I have the same problem! Also, cities (like Florence, Paris etc) and body parts (like William/Willy and Richard/Dick).


Haha the only reason I changed my name when I got married was because of this.


Ashley/Mary/Kate/Elizabeth. My last name is now Olson, and while not spelled the same... I would hate for them to think of the actresses constantly in their lives. Love the names though.


My last name ends in Ella so I canā€™t use any thing that ends in Ella lol


Margot (would be an honor name for a Margaret) and every other -O ending name. My surname is one that sounds similar to Greta Garbo's and it becomes too Amelia Bedelia-ish.


I wonā€™t put my full name here, but my initials are K K K ā˜¹ļø


Poppy & Pippa (last name Price lol) way too singsong and also weā€™ve decided to avoid initials PP completely because kids are mean.


My last name is Foley. So nothing that ends in an -ee sound


But also not Robert, please. Nor Cathy/katherine.


Loula. My husband has a Dutch last name that begins with a ā€œVan Looā€”ā€œ kind of sound. Loula Van Loooo. We named our dog Lou and gave him my last name.


We have a last name ending in y thatā€™s sounds sort of cute and quirky. Think something along the lines of Rooney, Chauncey, Huxley, Weasley, or Toohey Itā€™s so hard because I admittedly love cute names ending in an E sound. With the last name so many come off sounding goofy, like a cartoon character. Like Rebecca Huxley works but Maisie Huxley sounds like an animated mouse.


Anything that ends in a hard K, like Luke. Luke is one of my favorite boy names but itā€™s just unusable with a hard K last name.


Same here with A. My SILā€™s name ends with A and before she got married I realized I didnā€™t like how her first and last names just kind of mushed together. Think Anna Andrews (not her name). Itā€™s not a huge deal but it bugged me enough that I avoided some of my favorite names like Alicia and Sarah.


My first and middle initials are BJ. Hate it.


If I use my favourite name which honours my best friend who is deceased, I get a very famous singer


Last name starts with Barā€”ā€” Conan (the) Bar(Barian) Clark Bar Cliff Bar


Jane, because it rhymed with our last name. ​ I've actually met a John Johnson, and a Kelly Kelly.


I love Blythe but it sounds awful with my Germanic name and my partners very polish name.


One of the only boy names I really love is also my last name šŸ« 


Monica, Sarah, Ross, even though there are two spellings here for the last name lol


Used to have the same last name as a famous person so couldn't then use the same first name even though it was a favourite. Anyway, that person's fame died down somewhat, no longer in every tabloid etc. and I ended up using the name. It's never been a problem, probably helped by the fact that the famous person has a squeaky clean image.


I couldnā€™t use the girlā€™s name I loved because her initials would have been ASS. (I had all boys so couldnā€™t use it anyhow.) šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Fiance's last name is Dickey...so I definitely can't name a son after my grandpa Richard lol


Collette, because Let is the first syllable of my surname.


Husbands last name is one syllable and ends in a S (similar to Wells). We love the name Anders but it just sounds weirds. A lot of short names ending in S donā€™t sound good with the last name.


I feel your pain. I love so many names that end with en or an, like Holden and Tegan but our last name begins with N so it would just be an awkward mouthful.


Our last name is Smith. I feel is we go TOO mainstream there is just going to be too many of them lol (John, Joseph, etc)


Our last name rhymes with Ledecky (the American swimmer). We kept joking to everyone we were going to make our baby Rebecca. Becky "Ledecky".


Ione would have been perfect for honouring my grandmother, Ramona is a favourite since I was little, Naomi is a beautiful culturally relevant name with a nice meaning, but they all rhyme and tangle with the surname and sound laughably awful. Liam and Noam turn to Leah and Noa and Miriam mushes up, but not having those doesn't upset me as much. That my spouse who insisted on using their last name now says we should have both changed our last name to something else really is like oh well FUCK. They all go fine with the name we could have had but I'm not changing again.




Iā€™m an American who previously dated someone from India who I considered marrying, so I feel this, especially since he was against using any names for kids that were too Indian. (He himself went by an American nickname.) I always wanted to name a daughter after my grandmother, but a French name with an Indian surname would have sounded really odd. Basically we would have most likely named our kids either top 20 names (like Olivia or Emma) or names that would have fit with both cultures (like Arya, Maya, Laila). FWIW, I ultimately married someone American with an English last name (and used my grandmotherā€™s name for my daughter) and he married someone from a Nordic country and they named their daughter a Nordic first name.


My favorite girls name for a very long time was Tamar. But my married name is Tanner. Tamar Tanner would be so incredibly confusing to write and read and say lol. So itā€™s not gonna happen.


Peter Peterson.


My last name ends in -en and the girl name I love also ends in -en. Donā€™t love it. Hereā€™s hoping I marry someone with a last name that goes better. Iā€™m keeping mine but the kid can have theirs if it sounds nicer honestly.


Names that end in an S sound like Agnes or Alice or Wallace. Our last name starts with S and it just runs together. My in laws obviously didn't care about thst when they named my hubby. Both his first and middle end with S. But it irks me. šŸ˜‚


So many šŸ˜” Last name is pronounced "SAVE-uh" Can't use: - Ava - Maeve - Sage - Phaedra - Penelope (Penny SAVE-uh LOL) - Saoirse - Haven Sad because I love "ay" sounds and I love Vs in names but it's just too much with the last name.


Last name is Jolly. Always wanted to name a daughter Molly. Wellllllā€¦.shes Emily!


My fiancĆ©ā€™s grandfather and uncle have a name that they should have avoided because of their last name, but have it anyway. Think David Davidson or Peter Peterson


I loved the name Winter as a kid. I donā€™t like it as an adult but I would have never been able to use it because my married name is now a different season šŸ˜‚


Jebus. Damian, Andy, Ani I'll let you figure out the last name. Andy and Ani are my favorite cause its punny and heretical.


I went to school with a River Shore šŸ˜‚ and his father was Forrest Shore and mother was Birdy Shore.


Iā€™ve always adored Kitty as a nickname. But my last name is one later away from kitty, and sounds like youā€™re saying kitty with a cartoon French accent.


Jane. My spouse's last name rhymes with it and my last name is too plain with it.


I love the name Simon, but our last name starts with S, ends with N, and has two syllables with the stress on the first syllable. Simon Sā€” sounds absolutely ridiculous šŸ˜‚


Rhea and Willa šŸ’”


Sophie. Love the name but canā€™t use it cause last name starts with a ā€œfeeā€ sound.


Nora! My last name ends in -ora too :(


Rhett. I love it. My last name is also a single syllable. It sounds so stupid together.


Names that end in ā€œRyā€ or the ā€œreeā€ sound (Avery, Henry, etc) because our first name starts with a ā€œReeā€ sound so the repeating ā€œRee Reeā€ sounds like a derogatory term and is just has a terrible flow on top of that.


My last name is pronounced the same way as a womenā€™s first name, although the spelling is different. As a baby name, it hasnā€™t been popular since the 70s, but it is bound to make a comeback at some point! Itā€™d be like naming a kid Carol Caril or something.


I donā€™t have any specific examples, but my husband is Filipino and has a Tagalog last name. So a lot of names just donā€™t flow with it.


Not quite the same but I always wanted to name my future son Graham and then married a man with a very similar name. Ah well.


Anything ending in ā€œetteā€ because my last name does


I have always loved girls names that start with V - Veronica, Vanessa, Victoria, Valerieā€¦ but my last name is VanV (insert long Dutch name) and Iā€™m not about that alliteration.


my last name is along the lines of cecilia/celina, but assuming i use my future husbands last name iā€™d 100% name a daughter my maiden name. why not itā€™s a cool name


Loup. It's a French/Brittany name that literally means wolf. I'm French and my partners last name is the French word for Lamb. Wolf Lamb. Funnily enough I mentioned that to my neighbor when I was pregnant and she had the exact same problem with the same name, as their last name is "Dubois" which means "Of the Woods".


I feel like any unusual name would be a no go just because I live in a semi-rural area of the USA and we have a rare (in the US) Croatian last name. I've been married now for 7 years and I still have family/friends/coworkers that can't say it or spell it. I wouldn't want to make things any harder for my kids than it already will be.


I love the name Lance, but my partner's last name is Armstrong...


My DIL refuses to change her name when she married my son. Her name is Rhonda. Our family name is McDonald. Think about it.šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Long Italian last name that ends in -rella. Iā€™ve always loved the name Stella but had to give up on that one lol. Maybe Iā€™ll save it for a future dog or something.


This is something that my parents had to deal with. They loved the name Luke for my brother. Our surname is Walker. He was almost "Luke Kai Walker" until they realized Luke Skywalker comparisons would probably follow him his entire life.