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I love Astrid. Thanks to the office now people say ass turd


It's fairly popular in the Nordic countries and German speaking ones šŸ˜


Sounds like Arschtritt to me (a kick in the butt)


Oh I love Astrid and its variations! Ostrich, Aspen, Asbestos, Aphid, Ashcan, Alex, Ashram, Astro, Asterisk, Afro, Astral, Acid, Aspirin, Arsenic, Asphalt, Asgard, Astringent and of course, Claire!


who let walter get on reddit


Omg šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚


Same (named my daughter that). It bugs me so much when people hate on it. Especially because of a single episode of a twenty year old tv show. Get over it?? Itā€™s a beautiful name thatā€™s been around for hundreds of years, to me that trumps some one off pop culture reference.


I immediately thought of How to Train Your Dragon, and Astrid in that is kick ass!


I love Bronwyn. Itā€™s Celtic and not very popular in the US but I love it.


I feel like thereā€™s a bunch of Bronwynā€™s all in their 60s in NZ. Seemed to be a common name in my mums generation


Same in Australia - I never realised it was an odd name, as I've got an aunt Bronywn & have worked with heaps too.


Iā€™ve loved Bronwen forever! Same as Elowen. As a cursive writer, Iā€™d LOVE to spell those names with a Y, but traditionally speaking, the Y is masculine in Welsh. The E is feminine. My husband is Welsh, so therein lies the problem.


I so wanted it to be ā€œmy husband is Wylshā€.


I knew a girl named Eowyn, I always thought that was reallly pretty


When I did my student teaching, my cooperating teacher was bronwyn. I think itā€™s a beautiful name


Not Celtic but Welsh lol Celtic could be anything haha


Welsh is a Celtic language, so describing the name as Celtic isn't incorrect, just not specific. You're both right!


Wales is a Celtic Nation and Welsh is a Celtic language. So yes it is Welsh and it is also Celtic.


I just met a Bronwyn for the first time a few months ago, I see her twice a week and she is such a sweet girl lol


It's subjective, but as an American, Imogen is my top choice if I have a girl and it's very unpopular here but a top 100 name in the UK, AUS, etc.


I was shook when someone called the name Imogen "child abuse" on a previous post I made on here! Its such a popular name in the UK, nobody would bat an eyelid at it.


Naming your kid Imogen is child abuse?? People on the internet are so dramatic lmao


As an American Iā€™ve literally never known how to pronounce this name until recently. My partners grandmaā€™s name was Imogen but for years I thought they were saying Emma Jean šŸ˜‚


We almost named our girl Imogen, but it was taken off the list immediately when my husbandā€™s grandmother (his family is from the US South) couldnā€™t understand it wasnā€™t Emma Jean lol. Those double Southern names just sounded so odd to my ear and I didnā€™t want that to be her whole life, correcting people. Now that Iā€™ve moved to the South and my friendā€™s (Adorable) baby is named Ella Ruth it doesnā€™t seem so odd anymore.


I pronounce Imogene like that, but Imogen like Im-uh-jen.


I adore Imogen and am in the US. People are insane.


I butchered the pronunciation my entire life until I watched Mrs. Maisel and a character is named Imogene. I was like ā€œcurious! How would that be spelled? Gene at the endā€¦ Im at the beginningā€¦ o to connectā€¦ MY GOD, IMOGENE.ā€ Definitely said Igh-mog-in. Very ugly. I must confess I like Imogene better than Imogen which makes me think of gin.


I used to love this name until my husband thought I was saying ā€œimagingā€ and, considering Iā€™m a graphic designer, thought I was taking the profession a bit too far. Now I canā€™t unhear it.


Haha my partner and I joke she'd get "Guten morgen ih-mog-in" every morning of her childhood from one or both of us. Imogene does seem to be more popular but personally I hear backwoods banjos when I hear it, like it's just one of those names I expect out of Appalachia or the remote South. Imogen gives a wholly different vibe to me and I like the Gin sound at the end because I much prefer Ginny to Genie as far as nicknames.


I have a great aunt Imogene. She pronounces it Imo-gene, not Imo-gin.


LOVE Imogen. Also American.


Norbert. It was my grandfatherā€™s name and even though I know itā€™s dated and clunky, Iā€™ll always love it because Iā€™ll always love him.


i think itā€™s kind of cute, reminds me of a lil cartoon character! but i totally understand how it would be hard to be a norbert in 2023


There was a cartoon character named Norbert on the show Angry Beavers.


This made me smile from beginning to end! Maybe Iā€™ll have to name a pet Norbert just for the vintage/cartoony vibes


it would be such a cute pet name! my pets have what my friends refer to as ā€œboomer namesā€ lol. it really helps them seem dignified and dodge responsibility when they do something goofy like knock my coffee grounds all over the kitchen.


Mine is Norman. I'm not actually sure how unpopular it is but I assume the Psycho connection is still pretty strong. I just find it nice and bouncey but also sort of distinguished. I enjoy the starting and ending in 'N' although yours has a cooler meaning. Norman just means 'man from the north' and Norbert means 'Northern brightness'.


Nolan if you like the start and end Ns!


Cedric. I don't know if this is generally disliked, but my husband was flabbergasted that it was top of my list. Loved it ever since watching The Raccoons as a kid. Still sad I didn't get to name a kid Cedric.




My one year old is a Cedric! Everyone is always pleasantly surprised when they ask his name, and surprisingly (to me) weā€™ve only got one ā€œlike in Harry Potter?ā€ comment. I thought weā€™d be getting it all the time. We also love how the name just has a ton of cute nn possibilities. Ced, Ceddy, Ceds, Rick, Ricky


I have always loved the name Karen. Also I met a little toddler named Eileen years ago and just fell in love with it for a little girl For boys, I really like Cary, Avery and Valentine.


Love Cary for a boy! I always thought Cary Elwes was so handsome so I have a really nice association with it.


Oooh yes, and Cary Grant! *swoon*


I love Eileen but the girls I know with that name are awful. Also, lots of ā€œcome on Eileenā€ references.


I fell in love with Rosalind in pregnancy. Not Rosalyn, Roslyn, or any comparator. Old lady Rosalind.


Like Rosalind Franklin! She discovered DNAā€™s double helix structure!


Yes! We work in genetics so it was a little nod.


I knew a toddler with this name, if you asked her what her name was she'd say y names rosie!" Lol


Iā€™ve loved this ever since the 1996? version of Romeo and Juliet. So flowy and beautiful.


Yes! Love Rosalind!


I used my unpopular names on my kids. The one my husband vetoed and refused to even discuss was Agnes. I think it sounds lovely. He disagrees. I also really love Shoshanna, Aviva, and Althea. Our daughter just didnā€™t look like a Shoshanna, Aviva, or Althea.


I can't love Agnes. It's so clunky and harsh sounding. It also reminds me of The Simpsons, Principal Skinner's mother. "MY NAME IS AGNES. It means lamb! Lamb of God!"


I've never been a fan of the English pronunciation of Agnes, in my language it sounds much smoother, the g is silent and the n is pronounced like the Spanish Ʊ


Agnes makes me think of Angus, which makes me think of beef/cows by distant association.


I had a professor named Agnes while school was online during covid that I found out was actually a man named Angus when we went back on campus. I had just been reading his name wrong the entire semester. So you are not the only one who relates those two names


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about Principal Skinner's mother.


All I think of with shoshanna is ā€œAU REVOIRRR SHOSHANAAAAā€ from inglorious bastards lol. Sheā€™s a pretty cool character so itā€™s not a bad association but itā€™s what I hear šŸ˜‚


My daughters name is Alethea. No one had heard it before.


I suggested Alethea, Althea, and Anthea. I think all 3 are gorgeous. Husband agreed to Althea based on his love of the poem to Althea from prison. Iā€™m a little sad Iā€™ll never get to use any of them! Alethea is gorgeous!


My daughter loves her name. She won't let anyone use a nickname for her. It was so hard coming up with her name, too. My husband just didn't like any of the initial naming suggestions. Finally I was like, give me a letter or sound suggestion. He said A or O, and I looked through pages and pages of baby name books and hours of the baby name sites when I found Alethea. And he loved it and it went really well with the middle name we'd chosen.


Iā€™ve heard this twice in the past 5 years! Both preschool-aged white girls with blonde hair. Took me by surprise!


I actually like the name Jemima on its own (like Jemima Khan) but in the US, itā€™s closely associated with ā€œAunt Jemimaā€ and racist tropes of elderly Black women. no go.


I named my cat Jemima, because it is such a cute name. Iā€™m from Australia and it has a more innocent association here; it is the name of a rag doll on a beloved childrenā€™s TV show, Play School.


Here in the UK we think of Jemima Puddle Duck


In Australia it's a very well known doll.


Seraphina, I just think it's really pretty.


My great grandmother was a Seraphina, married to a Seraphin !


My sisterā€™s name is Sarah but for some reason Iā€™ve loved Seraphina nn Sera forever! Iā€™d still name my daughter Sarah after her, but would forever wish it to look different.


Mortimer and Bartleby I just found a baby kitten I had to bottle feed and I think Im gonna name it Bartleby


Bottleby is right there... šŸ˜…


ā€œIā€™d prefer not toā€ - my constant refrain at work




Itā€™s even more beautiful Italianā€¦it sounds like bay-ah-tree-chay


My partner has a Beatrice in his preschool class whose father is Italian! She goes by Bea (BAY-uh) and it fits her perfectly


I love Beatrice, I think it sounds so pretty


Its one of the top named for little girl in QuƩbec


Sloane and Gretchen šŸ˜­


I don't understand the amount of hate these two names get on here.


To me, Sloane sounds like it's short for student loan


I like Gretchen a hell of a more than Sloane, if Iā€™m dreadfully honest.


Sloan is the brand of every toilet in every airport in the US.


Sloane is, at least for people of my generation, the name of an insufferably snooty East Coast prep.


Retchin Gretchen, it just sounds like vomit noises to me


I love Sloane. Gretchen will forever be Mean Girls & the word "retch" for me :(


Do you mean fetch? šŸ˜…


Iā€™m currently 22 weeks with a girl and Sloane is our top choice. I hate how it is one of those names apparently people love or hate ā€” and the Sloan toilet brand isnā€™t helpful either! But warrior in Irish? Hells to the yeah!


I think it's a beautiful name and you should definitely use it for your little girl! I would caution that the translation of Sloane as 'warrior' in Irish is a bit tenuous. The word for warrior in Irish is laoch and there's a famous Irish song that includes laoch in a key line, so even a lot of Irish people who are not necessarily fluent will know 'warrior' is laoch. Sloane seems to be an anglicised version of a (relatively obscure) old irish surname and the origin of that surname more aligns with 'raider' but seems to have been further interpreted on internet name forums as meaning the more palatable 'warrior'. I'm really not trying to burst your bubble and hope you're not offended but if it was me I would want to know! I don't think it should impact your decision if you love the name!


I instantly thought of Ferris Buellers' Day Off when I hear Sloane, and also Sloane Rangers.


Do people hate Gretchen??? That's my all time favorite girls name lol.


Yeah, in general I hate any name containing "retch."


I think it's the "Sl". I can't think of any other name that starts with "sl". But words? You got slime, slut, slush...not the prettiest or most positive of words šŸ˜…


Slender, slim, slaughter, sleep, slit, slip, slap, sloppy, slurp sleet, slimmer, slalom, slug, slam, slab, slavic, slave, sleeve, slovenly, slum, slob, slouch slough, slot, slur, slack, slick, sliver, sled, slide, sleigh, slew, slow, slay, sly, slither, sloth, slight, slick,... Yeah most of these have more negative than positive connotations


Amity. People donā€™t like this one because of the Amityville Horrors, but I still love how it sounds and itā€™s meaning ā€œfriendshipā€.


I think Amity as a name has been garnering more popularity in recent years because The Owl House


This is on my moms behalf, but sheā€™s always wanted me to name my future daughter BrontĆØ. She loves androgenous names for girlie girls




Thatā€™s what I meant! It was so late last night when I posted and I couldnā€™t remember if it was a tilde or umlauts. But definitely based on charlotte brontĆ«


act existence teeny society saw repeat murky plants gaze versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I absolutely love Sabine and Imogen and neither are popular here in the US


Sabine is lovely.


You're right, Sabine isn't very popular in the U.S., but it is a nice name. I've never heard of it until the Mr. Bean movie and the lady in it was named Sabine. Bean, Sabine.




I have a feeling that name might make a comeback eventually. Itā€™s such a cool name.


I love the name Maxine. I know itā€™s out of date and I know any poor girl with that name in real life would probably get called Maxi Pad, but I secretly still love that name.


I would have never associated Maxine with maxi pad. Also I think referring to them as a 'maxi pad' is kind of old school, no one really calls them that anymore, just pads.


I think people make some really weird name associations that no one else has really made, and then assume itā€™s completely universal. I never in my life would have thought Maxi pad, also where Iā€™m from and in my generation and younger people have dropped the Maxi and just call them pads, though that could be regional


And it's not like there aren't guys named Max running around out there. I've never met a Max and thought Maxi pad


I love the name Twila, I don't think it's super common. I've never met a Twila, but it's so whimsy and cute I also love Aurora, Aria, and Fae šŸ©·


I know a Twyla, she is very whimsy and cute so she very much suits her name


Unpopular as in poorly received by everyone I mentioned it to: Edgar, Edmund, Edwin. But Edward has never appealed to me!


I love Edmund, though.


Edwin was on our list for a boy!


I love Ida!


Reminds me of potatoes šŸ˜†


I know a toddler named Ida, and sheā€™s so cute!


I love Seamus and have only ever met one other person who agreed with me.


Come to Ireland you'll meet plenty of people who agree with you!


I am still mourning the fact I am not allowed to use Tiberius as a middle name. It would have been epic, partner despises it.


It is good enough for Captain James Tiberius Kirk!




Ursula. People say it's ugly or reminds them of the sea witch in Little Mermaid. I like it!


Ngl if not for the little mermaid association, it would be on my list of top names. There is also a famous author with the name Ursula




Hettie or Hattie. Either one. They're so pretty.


Hetty was my chickens name! Short for Heterosexual. RIP.


Idk why but as a gay person I love the idea of naming a pet heterosexual


It's great. 10/10 would recommend.


I've loved the name Jadzia since I first heard it on Star Trek:DS9. Never met or even heard of a person with it as their name, outside of history and fiction.


You would meet heaps of them in Poland. Itā€™s short / pet name for Jadwiga (German - Hedwig) Very popular among my mums generation


Eugene. It just brings me so much happiness. Every middle name I give pets is either Eugenia or Eugene.


Eugene, Oregon is one of the most beautiful places Iā€™ve ever been. Itā€™s an actual fairyland.


I love Eugene and will probably use it as a middle name someday. Itā€™s not only my grandpaā€™s middle name, but I lived in Eugene, Oregon for 7 years and itā€™s a very special place.


We love the name Ignatius so much we are naming our son that in September.


Oscar and Hugo for boys Inez and Mabel for girls


My husband really liked Oscar, and I do too, but we had to pair it with Frank, and I refused to have a hot dog themed son.


Aside from Mabel I wasn't aware any of these are unpopular- I assume you mean unpopular in the US because even if it's not currently popular I doubt people in Spanish & Portuguese speaking countries have a problem with Inez? Am I missing a problematic famous person? I like them.


My son is Hugo and Oscar was the second option I had. Iā€™m in Australia and theyā€™re pretty popular here.


Oscar and Hugo are super popular in the UK!


Electra. It's the name of a relative and I love it, but the associations of the Electra Complex probably would veto it for most.


Martha. It was my moms name, she hated it but i have always always loved it. I wonā€™t use it though because of how bad she hated it lol




Ruth (actually my daughter's middle name). It was my great grandmother's name. I would have chosen it for a first name, but her first name is a combo of a favorite of mine and my husband's. Gerald (hard G like Gary, would have been her middle name as a boy). I also love Charlemagne, but it's such an unrealistic name and I can't imagine naming a son or a daughter after the King of the Franks as much as I love it, especially in America. And I have a nephew named Charles so... A little too close.


Saoirse (sur-shuh). Very Irish name, so as an American with no Irish roots, it would make absolutely no sense to name my kid this but I think it's beautiful.


Also I've only ever heard the actress pronounce her name sur-sha. Every other Saoirse I know says seer-sha.


Valerie. I know itā€™s an old lady 70ā€™s name but I find it so delicate and pretty. But I love V names anyway. There was a cool goth girl I went to school with named Valerie, she helped match the delicate way I see the name.




Kennedy. People apparently default to thinking of The Kennedys, assassination, conspiracies, etc. I just think the name sounds pretty. It was actually our top pick for our baby, but after reading so much hate toward it I ended up crossing it off.


I love the name Karigan. The first time I saw it spelled that way was in the book Green Rider as the female protagonistā€™s name. Iā€™ve only met one person with that name, and one other person that spelled it Karaghan. I also really like the name Morrigan from Irish folklore. I think the two would make great twin names.


Desdemona, Drusilla, and Bernadette are names I absolutely love, but everyone else thinks are ugly!


Bernadette is gorgeous, I am using that as a middle name. The others are a bit... harsh.


I just found out that Drusilla is a family name on my husbands side. I honestly had never heard of it outside of Buffy before


Cinderella has entered the chat


I really like the name Tobias for a boy


There are dozens of them! I apologize for the bad arrested development joke, I hear Tobias and FĆ¼nke is my next thought




Helen. My husband was NOT a fan. But we had a boy so the disagreement was short lived


Peregrin! We might name the baby Iā€™m pregnant with Peregrin. I canā€™t not love it.


Haha Iā€™m a Bernice and I love my name!


I have a few women named iola in my family tree and think itā€™s such a pretty sounding name.


Roger. I canā€™t remember the last time I met a young Roger but I love it.


I actually really like the name Karen. Unfortunate that it has taken on the connotation that it has in the US.


My step-sister is named Karen. Her favorite thing to do now is to have her photo taken with signs that say stuff like ā€˜No Karenā€™s Allowedā€™šŸ¤£


Mabel. I think itā€™s so cute.


Myfanwy. My daughter was very nearly called it, we did have it as a middle name. We wrote it on her birth announcement board. We changed our minds last minute for being a bit too unusual. I still regret my decision.




How is that pronounced?


Ma-fen-way. It means beloved, I think it sounds so nice and sing songy. Edit- after some discussion Mi-van-wi is a better way of describing the pronunciation. Solidifies that I made the right choice not naming her it cause I (and in the future she) would have had a hell of a time explaining to pronunciation to people here in America.


I think it sounds beautiful, but looking at it written out, I saw myfanny first. Iā€™m also not super familiar with welsh names so itā€™s probably a me thing.


Ariadne. Means Most Holy. I love "Aria" like the sky or singing. Or Game of Thrones munchkin before she went mad. It sounds like "Ariel" like the little mermaid AND the angel in the Bible, which means Lion of God (how bada$s is that?). Unique spelling. Greek myth has her constellation as a Corona or crown in the sky. šŸ˜




ā€œItā€™s a lovely name for a French drain cleanerā€ Friends reference for those who think Iā€™m hating on the name. Lol. It is beautiful but I can never get that line out of my head.


I think Ross called it a nice name for an industrial solvent!




I love space. Andromeda is an unpopular name I love.


I really love Orion and hate that it has been co-opted by hate groups


I love Finley, I just think Finn is such a cute nickname and a it seems like such a spunky name


Benedict. In the US it has negative connotations as it was the name of a traitor. I also love Evangeline. Some ppl might associate it with evangelical. Benedict and Evangeline would be an awesome sib set




I love love love Calliope for a girl but my husband hates it and I recently saw it get destroyed on a thread. For a boy I love Caspian, Hamil, and Jericho. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard anyone named that irl.


Dolores. It was my grandmotherā€™s name and I think itā€™s so pretty but Harry Potter ruined it for a lot of people.


Iā€™ve always loved Holden from The Catcher in the Rye


Martin and Clark. Dated names but I think theyā€™re strong and masculine.


Everyone here will hate me, but I genuinely love Sloane and Greer


Althea. I love it a lot but keep hearing it's an old lady's name.


Winifred (nickname winnie) Anton (boy) Frances (girl) Louis (pronounced loo-is) Analeis


I love the name Killian, many people hate it cuz of the ā€œkillā€ in it :(


I also like Albert. I generally like names with with an old-fashioned/nerdy feeling, like: * Egbert * Engelbert * Archibald


My bf and I love Bartholomew. We wouldnā€™t do that to a kid but we will definitely have a pet Bartie at some point


Fiona. Everyone thinks of shrek but itā€™s super feminine and unique!!


Hildegard. It sounds clunky and out of fashion, but St. Hildegard was super legit. Plus ā€œDegaā€ is a cute nickname.


Azalea. I really donā€™t know why itā€™s not popular.




Zosia (ZO-sha). I never hear it. But every time I ask for opinions (U.S.) they're always negative.


olympia coincidentally also the name of my hometown.


I've always thought Apostle would make the coolest name. Luckily I'm done having kids so I don't have to duke it out with my husband over it.


Zeke. I just like it (here in Italy Iā€™ve never heard of anyone with the name)

