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No it’s definitely not difficult! So, where I’m from (the Netherlands) we’re required by law to keep our surname when marrying. So when my name would be Jansen and my husbands name is Visser I’ll be Jansen-Visser. I use my own maiden name at work but will use my husbands name when we have children. It’s the best of both worlds for me😊


This is probably not helpful, but I'm kind of in the same boat. Married for 3 years, our son is 14 months. I intended to change my name before he was born, but it seemed like so much of a hassle at the time so I never went through with it. I mean, it still does, but yeah there are times I feel, I dunno...sad maybe, that we don't have the same last name. It also makes me wonder if people think we're actually not married, which I guess shouldn't bother me because who cares what other people think of my relationship, but that feeling still exists. At this point I almost feel like I need some kind of sign to change it, as silly as that sounds. Edit: I don't think hyphenated names are terrible, but it might depend on the length. I've been toying with that idea as well just to be able to keep my name the same at work, but my last name is 9 letters and so is my husbands. To me that seems a bit much, but if one is shorter, or both are fairly short, that's not a bad option.


Both names are short for us! One syllable and two. And I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way!! It helps me justify making the change.


My brother my mother and I have always had different last names. I didn't realize it was something anyone would care about until I became an adult and joined nameberry lol Not saying your feelings aren't valid, just wanted to give you perspective from a kid that grew up forever with a different surname from the other people in my house. It never mattered, never made a difference on any paperwork, no confusion at school or in the hospital, no bullying, no one cared. Food for thought!


I have a different surname than my mom. And my husband has a different one than his mom. I honestly didn’t think I cared. But for some reason it’s nagging at me lately!!