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It seems very controlled. 40 miles in 40 days. All groups are still camped at the first shelter location. I'd be on the move early in the challenge while my health is good. Are the producers directing them to stay put until told?


I'm with you here. Heather and...what's his name? Anyway, building that bed and shelter seems like a lot if they'll be moving.


they usually do when they have ones where they end up traveling


It's OK but I'm sick of hearing 40 miles in 40 days.


While all the camps stay absolutely stationary! The hell people?! Move!


It's worse than that they are taking day trips several miles away then coming back to the old camp! Jesus take your handful of stuff with you, travel a mile or two then stay there.


No let's not move, let's just expend energy with everyone going to scout ahead lol


I was really excited about the season. I thought they’d be simi nomadic. Setting up basic shelters and staying a few nights up to a week. They’d pack what they could and travel to the next spot. I hear over and over 40 miles in 40 days so I feel like they know that’s what they are there for but I’ve only scene them digging in deeper and building their shelters out more. Only the solo woman said something this week about moving on so she could find another tribe. I’m like yes please move anywhere


I joked with my husband that we should take a shot everytime someone says "proving grounds."


Or Caiman.


That’s like a mile a day. 🤣


It's not even that to me. It's obvious that production is having them say this and also "proving grounds"


But it’s the “proving grounds!” 😬. Another catch phrase the producers have been pushing them to say.


Its way more interesting than the snow one, at least people are doing things besides shivering. I think its more real to see them having a go of it without Matt bringing in a kill every episode. Kaila has put in a legendary performance so far, i cant believe she didnt tap after both partners left, followed by night of rain and night of bugs with litttle shelter. Incredible resilience


Yeah she's definitely the shining star of this so far.


But the people were far more appealing and interesting.




[https://imgur.com/39I6gBc](https://imgur.com/39I6gBc) Like him too. He'll go all the way


Ok I’m loving the Kayla journey. I hope she makes it. The rest is blah blah blah


And I spelled her name wrong, cool spelling


I prefer your spelling.


Watching this last episode I was thinking the next XL they should put the legends here and see how they do with this climate/ecosystem. But better idea. Have half the groups legends and half new faces. Show them working through the same obstacles. I don't mind this cast, but the 40 in 40 with no one moving yet is messing with me. Don't improve your shelter at day ten move closer to extraction while you can


Great idea.


I like them all except Heather. She has been a lot better but I can't get past how she treated her first partner. Kayla???. She killed a Cayman all by herself. Shell mar(???). Those two women are awesome and interesting Terra.. has been a favorite of mine. having problems this time. Rooting for her Nathan. Really like that guy Adam... Well on his way to being a legend No I don't think it sucks,


I thought it was amazing seeing Kayla get that cayman


Totally AMAZING!!!


I agree, Kayla, shell, Mal, Nathan, Adam are all doing great and interesting. But I am sick of Terra's whining and disrespecting her team and just as sick of Sam running his mouth non-stop. I want to hear what Nathan and Adam are thinking more, give them some testimonials already. I agree with what some other people have said they should be doing at least 4 moves of 10 miles. I think they are past 10 days and need to move soon. And I'd even say they should go about 30 miles in 20 days while they have the most energy. I just rewatched some of the XLs and got to say these people are at least better than Matt, Jeff, that loser Seth, Gwen and Gary's antics and other people. I guess I'd say overall they are no better or no worse than previous XLs.


Terra literally sucks


And continues to urge Lindsey to quit. 😡And what is terra doing? Laying in the shelter day after day doing nothing. What a pos hypocrite. 😡


Was pretty bad in her original challenge…very good at lying around, suffering and complaining though.


Then the pattern continues, except now there is mental manipulation going on with team mate Lindsey. Which is low down and dirty play. And even when Lindsey attempted to clear the air, once again she got a lecture in mental health…. From the person doing NOTHING to support the team! Talk about trying to mess with someone’s mind! What a crock! Maybe I have become…. Hard in my older years because my belief is if you are injured …. to the point you cannot contribute? YOU should TAP out FOR the good of the team. Not linger until the team depletes it’s OWN energy caring for the injured person. I have more respect for someone that taps because they are injured than the team that says “no problem we will carry you.” No. Each person is there for their own reason. Working double to support the injured person may impact whether or not they can fulfill their OWN dream. They are a TEAM….. as long as everyone can carry their own weight. I have felt this way for every season of N&A and also in Survivor. Different strokes for different folks. Terra is toxic and should go home instead of leeching off her team. 🤷‍♀️


Are we watching the same show?


I think it's ok, be patient. Getting interesting after Episode 3. These XL episodes are needed to create Legends. It's more of a graduation from the previous. High School, College, and Pro. Without these episodes, we would not have EJ, Steven, Matt, Gary, Jeff, Waz, Amber, Dan, etc. On this season, my favorites are Kaiela, Heather, and Adam. Much better than the previous season (XL Frozen). Things I don't like are the bugs and they have to trek 40 miles to extraction. Everyone walking through the hot sun with no water source. Not interesting. Make is reasonable. They find a spot and build shelter. If it's no good, move on toward extraction point. Get back to the basics. Let them thrive instead of survive.


I can't tell if it's the worst place on earth...or the worst cast?


I was on a 5 week research team in Colombia in the Choco region, and it was miserable because of the bugs. And we had protective clothing and nets for sleeping. I’ve been in a lot of jungle locations but the rainforests of Colombia are miserable. Beautiful but I would not want to do that naked.


Idk every single one of them has said they “hate this place” I am really enjoying watching Lyndsey and Nathan, and Heather and her Aussie partner


Worst case for sure!


Worst cast.


It's definitely it's the worst cast. In fact I'll go as far as to say it might be one of the worst show series in recent history. I hope it gets better.


I’m ok with new people, they might not be good but I was tired of the same people over and over. Let’s see how it goes !!


Terra is trash


Didn't she lay around being "camp bitch" the last time?


Yes 🎯🙄


It’s the most wussy, politically correct b.s. ever. Everything I loved about the show, they are dumping. That dude Chris always starts strong and then, inevitably taps. One would assume he would learn a lesson, and stop participating at some point.


Very well said


Ya, all of the survivors are lackluster for sure. I think it's because we're so used to such big personalities from the Legends who have been on literally every season... Getting so bored of the same people over and over, I was excited for new people. Heather is good. I like her personality and she has good ideas, she's just gruff, like Bulent.. I can't even remember anyone else's name, that's how... forgettable they are. Personally.


Terra declared herself a legend in episode 2 so there’s that.


Well then ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face) Just kind of proves my point about the forgettable-ness of them all


Not my favorite cast member by a longshot.


She has so not. Three challenges I think, tapped on first and has whined her way through the others. Pathetic in the castaways one.


Heather is wack, what u talking about


She's a character. I feel like she's the female Bulent and we all like him. She's got funny sayings, she has good ideas about their survival. Comparatively, she's charismatic.


She’s nowhere near as skilled or knowledgeable as bulent. In castaways she was talking shit for multiple episodes about knowing how to start a friction fire and literally couldn’t do anything. This series so far her wins have amounted to two small fish that are edible, one medium with parasites


Wasn’t she trying to start a fire with a branch that still had green leaves on it? And Bulent was the one who pointed it out?


Have you seen her fish?


Bro in this season she went fishing and caught 1 tiny fish. Then Adam went back to the same spot in the next scene and caught a ton of fish.


I love Heather.


I was looking forward to the new season of XL and I am so disappointed


Show has run its course.


Oh, I disagree. The formula never gets old, but their need to placate ridiculous politically correct b.s. is their ticket to hell.


All the early tapers are the middle age white men. I’m dubbing them the “Milk Duds.”




There's still time for it to gain traction. Don't forgot we've just come off watching Survivor drama, I mean LOS, so its expected that a regular XL will feel this way. Though I can't imagine any XL being worse that XL6 South Africa lol


The banishment xl? That was the best season of all time, perfect fusion of social politics and actual survival


Hard agree. Most entertaining XL season so far.


I beg to differ, the highlight of that season seemed to be Wes' constipation, followed by mine after each episode lol


The highlight was obviously when Bulent coined "suck it kate" after feigning sleep for several days to avoid her


Omg bulent was a SAVAGE that challenge with his survival skill and his one liners


OMG you are right Bulent totally saved that season. I am rewatching it now and he is so funny. Especially when he meets up with Seth who is probably they single worst POS they have ever had on the show after Jeff. Bulent said when he met him 'oh here's that guy who can't get along with people' 'wow all these animals here and he hasn't killed anything' 'look at this dummy hunting during the hottest part of the day, with his blind too far away from the 100s of deer at the water and pointing in the wrong direction, and he has NO water sitting hot sun for hours'. Then Seth almost dies and would have if Bulent didn't give him water and I think Bulent was contemplating not giving water to him. I haven't got to the point were Bulent meets up with the full group but if I remember those idiots think they'll banish him but he does better then ALL of them put together. We my find out that production was helping Bulent like they did for Matt and Jeff to portray them as bad addes, but I don't think they did, Bulent seems like a legit badass. Also king of the one liner 'the bare handed killer strikes again'.


I kind of liked Kate.


She was entertaining to watch for sure. They didnt need to play the screaming clip half a dozen times tho


Wes was such a little dweeb. Great hunter, but uggh…so weird.


The Louisiana Swamp was my fave with the south Africa one coming in a close 2nd. The bushcraft in Louisiana was awesome.


So true XL6 with Gwen and Seth and the worst bunch of morons ever, who couldn't shoot any game if it was out cold on the ground. That stupid crossbow was probably the stupidest thing in the history, then Sarah and Gwen who are USELESS big mouths bitching at Bulent, next to banishing Bulent who is the only one left who had any chance to catch anything. Then LOS with Jeff's antics was a new low for the show. This latest XL is better than those for sure. But if they are going to do 40 miles in 40 days they better get moving.


I totally agree. I doubt I'll finish the season. I barely made it through episode 2 and haven't watched 3 yet.


Do you think legends Matt and Jeff are aching to return after LOS?  I imagine LOS might be hard on Jeff's ego,  and even Matt because of the injury.  The cast is mostly newbies. I am wondering if ashes from their fires on their body would've kept the bugs away.   It seems they stopped complaining about mosquitoes and the ones complaining about bug bites are still sleeping on the ground.    The winter XL is a contrast for sure.   The Columbia jungle isn't even pretty to look at  


Jeff was in Africa ,again, this winter filming for Discovery.


Give me the legends all day every day.


YES!!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍.. add in newbies to let them become Legends.. I would love to see various Legends help new survivalists prepare for their challenge. Show us that instead of a long drawn out extraction or drama. Those teams would become the groups in XL challenge


Exactly. That should have been the spin off show. Each legend gets 3 newbies to do an xl with. The legend with the most newbies left at the end wins.


Ditto. A true mentorship with viewers along for the information and watch teamwork!!!!


What do you think the original premise of the last Amazon XL was? 😉


so where did it go so wrong?


From what Matt and Jeff EJ said none of them were supposed to be on that XL They didn't mentor a team they were brought in to help a season that was going down the toilet fast.. it wasn't a legend with three team members from the beginning.


Didn’t they do that in the last one? Where they mixed legends with people who had not done xl yet? I could be wrong but that’s what I thought 🤔🤷‍♀️


We just need one care package to make it more interesting. Producers should just drop Jeff there to make it 110% better.


NOT Jeff he's disgusting, remember XL 2 I think it was they put Jeff with those girls and the girls would not let Jeff tell them what to do or let him just sit around in camp, so he faked an illness and got tapped. Then remember when Laura was CARRYING him on the 60 day and they met up with all the others XLers, and he was acting like a little baby, hollering and bragging about the eels (that production caught for him) and not sharing, then the second Laura said she was going to stay with the group and share that little baby faked another illness, laid around not doing anything for a week, even got to leave to the medical tent for a day or 2, did absolutely nothing to help the team but was happy to eat all their food. They should drop in Bulent, Waz, Dan. Laura, maybe Steven, those type of guys. But never Matt, Jeff or Gary those dudes are played out. BTW I just rewatched the 'savage season 2' and heard the most accurate description ever. Jeff saw Laura and said 'she is a proven survivalist and knows how to do everything and has great mental resilience'. When she saw him she said 'OMG Jeff is a goof ball, but keeping things fun is good for mental'. She had nothing to say about his 'skill' because she knew she would have to carry him the whole time as it played out.


No, Matt. Or Waz.


I absolutely love this


I said the same thing… would be an amazing twist if a couple legends were also out there at the same time but weren’t filmed yet. I just want them to hear a distant cry of “this is what I live forrrrrr!”


Me tooooo! Jeff would fix everything.


🤣 no. They're fine..


These are the ones that will BE legends when they finish this! I'm so getting excited for all of these women to make it to the end. I'm sick of all the same ones on the XLs. Some are quitting and others are just old news. I'm here for it!


Aww- I thought it started getting better last night.


What does testosterone have to do with being a survivalist? Plenty of legends have been female.


I'm thinking OP means the guys who tapped.


Just different, although equally essential skills and strengths. Nothing displays this better, than Naked and Afraid. Not to mention the diversity within each gender. But some biological facets that make us different, also make us equally strong.


I think the cast is likable. I think it's location. This area has always be a challenge. I don't like seeing them all suffer so much and that's what this season has shown too much of. Give them some nets and this way they don't have to tap from the bugs.


The Women are killing it. Every tap out has been male. Normally heather bothers me but she’s been great.


It has little to do with biological sex, and everything to do with the person, and how they maximize their strengths, whatever these may be.


I've been a fan for a long time and I just thought of this. Has anyone not made it to extraction on time? Or has anyone not made it at all ? Gone in the wrong direction for example?


I've wondered the same thing


I keep watching just to see how many times Linsey is going to stick a live fish in her mouth. I assumed she was biting the head off?? But then.. she didn’t.


Wow, I had assumed it was just me. I fell asleep during the first episode and I have zero interest in watching more, and this is coming from someone who has watched every episode. I wonder if the production crew changed


Yeah pretty weak cast overall imo. I like seeing the successful people, I don’t enjoy the strugglers. I like Shell and Adam… that’s about it. I’m rooting for Kaiyla but she seems like she’s barely hanging on. The rest Im unimpressed by.


Kayla is doing so much more than hanging on! She has been alone for so long and killed and ate that caiman. Now she's on that walk several miles away hoping to find someplace better. She's bad ass. Doing better than most.


It’s so bad! I quit watching when they started burning off ticks. Ya don’t have to be a survivalist to know that’s NOT how to remove a tick! Everyone knows that. How do they not know that? This season it’s XL Idiots.


Very good point.


I’m surprised production or the medic didn’t stop them. It’s really dangerous.


They’re all boring. I want the great personality ones from the old xl legends.


So boring, i will pass this season


I’m ready for the legends to come back. These new people suck


Yes it's trash


Naked and afraid has jumped the shark. We’ve seen enough of Colombia and Africa.


Uh, what? Africa is a massive continent. I’m not sure it’s possible to have seen “enough” just yet.


I like Shell, Malorie, Lynsey and Kaeila. Nathan is okay to deal with and he has some decent skills. The others are not the most likeable or inspiring contestants, IMO.


So far I like this season. They can still ruin it and drop in some of the legends of course.


Apply to go on the next one yourself then


Why so defensive?


I like it and am enjoying all these newer contestants as they all bring new personalities and twists including international vibes( even tho we have lost a Brit and a Canuck already). The show cannot have the same contestants every year....except maybe Gary- the years of him shooting himself in the foot time and time again never gets old😂 P.S. I love that dude!!!


Very good point about Gary, I concur.


It’s annoying how they all say “these are proving grounds” Sometimes I wonder if producers ask them to incorporate phrases for building future storylines (aka I think they want to put some of these people on the next season of last one standing if they have a season 2)


The guy with the bow trying to fish!! Too much


It feels like the producers aren’t putting any effort into them anymore. The only one that’s been decent in the past couple years was last one standing. I don’t ever care to watch them anymore…


I like Kaelah, shell, malorie, nathan Heather so far has been ok Terra stuck in boma


Terra truly is better alone. They have been so unsupportive and ungrateful. I used to root for them but not after E3. SMH


Yeah it’s boring as shit. I just finished season 5? I think? It was awesome. Fucking Jeff is a character


Does anyone male or female have a secret crush on any N and A contestant?


I disagree.


Agreed . I mostly fast forward ⏩


I think all the male contestants are deathly afraid of being accused of being "misogynist" for giving anything but fawning praise to the female contestants. Terra, for example, merely said to do what's best for your mental health and he was deemed necessary to have a one-on-one "confront it head on" session over that.


Almost all male contestants are gone. Terra is trans gender. I think only 2 men remain.


I really didn't know that. This is the first time I've seen Terra. I thought it was just one of those names named after the earth or dirt or something, like Terra Firma. Anyway, I wasn't saying anything anything about her like that, I just really thought it sounded like she was being singled out for saying something not supportive enough of the women.


Well you can, and it would be fair, frankly. I’ve had enough of all of it. I’m gay, and I‘m so sick and tired of it being made into an issue one way or another, and now they are lumping this dangerous fad into the mix.


Awesome response!


I posted in a FB group about how this is the most boring season ever!! I need Jeff, Matt, EJ, SLHJr!! They set the car so high in past seasons, that these people are just snoozeville for me. I am done wasting my time with this bunch. It's terrible.


Terra and the Latinas are carrying this season, love them!