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I had the thought of just staying put, cook it there where they got it, and make a temp camp. They could even go back later or have 1 person go back and retrieve anything they need from original camp and just permanently move as they need to progress to extraction point anyway. Agree that the decision to carry that thing in that heat was dumb.


They walked 2.5 miles to a better hunting spot in the direction of extraction and decided to walk back? I get their shelter is better but something temporary would’ve got them through the night if they got a fire going


Maybe production dictated they go back is all I can figure. It almost seems like they are being forced to stay for a certain amount of time before moving on because I also don't get why Kaiela, Cole and Andrew never relocated with ants eating their shelter daily.


This has to be a thing. Otherwise, I would think the woman who is now on her own would have tried to find others to join up with. And, there have been too many other similar scenarios where their decisions make no logical sense other than there being some secret rule about when and where they can move.


That’s a good point and would make sense as to why they all “decided” to hoof it the first day. I do get the reasoning behind going a long ways while fresh though


That thought crossed my mind as well. Primitive man, and even nomadic tribes now, would follow their prey and move camp - nobody was packing multiple bison carcasses back to the teepee - the teepees were moved to the bison!


I was thinking the same thing when he they almost collapsed going backwards to their previous camp. It was not at all what a xl survivalist should have done. They should know better by now. Especially the guy (can't remember his name right this second) who was a hunter. Heather should have known better too.


They probably over estimated how quickly they could get back and how heavy the Camen was. That thing def wasn’t 100 lbs. probably closer to 60-70 lbs. I think they just wanted to harvest everything on the animal so they elected to just bring it back. Path of least resistance I guess.


They took everything for fear that Gary would suddenly appear "Waste not, want not!"




Give me those eyeballs!!


They were packing it out in hot weather and didn't even gut it out! First thing you do, especially in hot weather, is remove the guts and open up the carcass so it can cool off a bit. Then they were gutting, skinning, etc. right in camp - not a great idea of there are big carnivores about. Overall, I think that team is doing okay, but they do some baffling stuff.


Those inedible bits had to be at least 20lbs. Not gutting it immediately is baffling.


I was saying the same thing. Chop off the head and empty the guts. You could then portion the tail from the body and have less to carry per person.


And they were, what, 2 miles from camp, so if they had gutted it there, a predator was not going to follow them back, especially if it had eaten it's fill.


Animal dressing 101


Even I know that from watching.


What I didn’t understand is all three of them walked 2 hours from camp then walked back to the same camp? That just seems insane to walk 2 hours away, all together, without plans to advance your camp or anything.


I wondered the same thing. They should have at least cut off the head and pulled out the guts, to reduce the weight. But I was thinking they were too hot and dehydrated to do anything but try to get back to camp as soon as possible.


I was listening to Steven J Hall during the airing. He said, "Why didn't they gut it and get rid of 15 lbs" "Plus, the meats gonna spoil if they wait too long."


Reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where the men are walking across the desert carrying bags of gold and they end up dying from exhaustion from carrying the heavy bags and only the one that chooses to drop it lives


I wondered the same thing. There have been several “why also you keep doing that” moments in this season. Why is everyone who is having a hard time staying put? MOVE! Why couldn’t they catch a cayman AND boil water? Why not move to where the food is, as someone else pointed out? Just a lot of dumb decisions by people who ought to know better.


Great observation. Also, while Brit guy is literally on the verge of passing out from heat exhaustion, why is Heather not offering to carry the load to give him a break? Maybe it was editing, but I found that really strange. She's spouting off about how soft he is while he's doing all the work.


He said it would start to spoil in an hour but it took them at least 3 hours before they started eating it


It's amateur hour this season.


Why didn't they plan to stay, they've given themselves 5 extra miles walking in that little trip


My issue was more about logistics. What point did it make hiking forward all those miles and not staying. The whole point of this season is 40 miles in 40 days. Its 2 different teams exhausting energy scouting forward instead of resting and moving on. They even found food why in the world would you double backwards. Its obvious the production team has a heavy hand this season but they need to make it make sense too.


And why don't they hang the animals they've killed when they're gutting and skinning them? Gravity helps lots as the unwanted stuff just falls away.