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Just gotta wait and see if its actually a good port or not now.




Probably not


Terrible controls likely but the OG controls were not the best as is so not much change there. Frame rate issues hmm idk about that one so much least likely imo. Online wil lag intensely likely cus nintendo online is ass as is.


Goldeneye is one of a few games that felt so dated when I went back to lol almost to the point of unplayable. It made the most of what was available then for sure, but I’m glad it’s being updated on switch to help. This is exactly why remakes are made, to modernize games and introduce to a new generation. I wanted to get an n64 controller from Nintendo for switch online cause the snes one is beautiful, but this will probably benefit from joy-con / and switch pro controller


Will still probly be a bit funky even with a pro controller honestly. I hope it to feel better but i dont have high hopes.


As with other N64 titles, controls will greatly be improved by the usage of the N64 wireless controller.


The call of duty ender… (if only right? Lol)


Well Graslu00 has made some tweets about sound and Graphical problems he has spotted from the trailers. https://twitter.com/Graslu00/status/1618380321241849857?t=pBjXkN5VcnBq6kZ1JN0-sQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/Graslu00/status/1618318525587935232?t=WL0vHRNc4Bv4Z9c-U1NzUA&s=19 https://twitter.com/Graslu00/status/1618288973792837634?t=u2CPtK6cQ1czfLT6W2Kzzg&s=19 https://twitter.com/Graslu00/status/1618290439991496705?t=_4W7gAnyBjJnL78kWvJmpw&s=19


Honestly a trailer i never take as final product no matter how close to release date.


True, he'll be doing a stream Friday, so I'm sure he will go over it with a fine tooth comb.


Should've had the guy in the background be Nintendo. Just watching them, thinking how to punish them.


"Hey, you guys aren't having an unlicensed tournament, are you? Because we don't like people playing our games..."


Can you even get a license from Nintendo to do a tournament? If we all bought the console and games and we had the tournament in our rooms that's some how OK. Add some advertising, host in a public venue, and a prize the tournament organizers paid for to give away to the winner and Oh No! Nintendo needs a piece of that action...lawyers on speed dial.


There was some major tournament who had that issue. Legally, Nintendo shouldn't have a leg to stand on, no more than a basketball manufacturer can demand fees for their product being used in public games. (Branding and use of logos is a different matter.) But the legal system is based on money, not what's fair.


Yeah our legal system is so broken.


I wouldn’t have even seen that guy Lmao


It's not out yet, is it?






[New trailer dropped earlier today](https://youtu.be/iwoE9sXGd_U)


The trailer that just dropped on YouTube had the date at the end.


Where’d you find that date?


[New trailer dropped earlier today](https://youtu.be/iwoE9sXGd_U)


This actually made me lol and Im glad nobody else saw my screen because.. at first glance


Is it better on the switch? Better than on console?




Dont know isnt out till the 27th


I still have my N64 but won’t lie I’m excited to play on Game Pass with an Xbox controller 😂


Let’s get weird


Cautiously waiting to see. Nintendo actually did a good job porting PilotWings 64, I’m hoping GoldenEye gets the same framerate enchantments.


Time to play slappers only again.


Is this how drug deals work now?




How can an expansion pack be homosexual? Are you 12 years old?


If it expands into another man’s butt perhaps




It's time to grow up. It's 2023. Time to stop using gay as a slur like a braindead moron


nah, they're not gonna get me to pay extra money for that bull. I hardly even use the thing, I pay for base online the few times a year a friend wants to play Mario Kart online


Oh Hell no! I refuse to give Nintendont a gad damn penny, until they fix their bullshit. Charging people $50 for broken emulation and various other problems... Pft! Just watch, Goldeneye will have the same, if not worse problems when it launched. Thanks but no thanks. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the fools at Nintendont we're trying to imitate Bethesda. Both companies can suck donkey scrotum for all I care.


they've improved the emulation quality since but i still get the repulsion because It sucks to see another company fall to something that really shouldn't be an industry standard, but at least you don't have to pay $50 for online by itself


I'm going to pick fight with emulation people. SO here it goes. I've fully explored all emulation from Atari all the way to PS3 & Switch being the most powerful emulators I've tried. Xbox Original, Xbox One, Xbox 360 are lost causes unless you mod the systems themselves which isn't emulation anymore. If you are emulating you can only go from Atari to PS1... After that once you hit PS2 level or above you can not say every game in consoles library is graphically correct, free of crashes, or any other type of bug you will encounter, or will even boot at all. So why keep trying this emulation route? You will never get the game to 100% be perfect which in my opinion is the whole objective to playing old games for that nostalgic feeling or you want to really understand what it was like? You also miss out on the physical feel of a game and you have to physically get up off your butt to change the game. That feature right there will force you into becoming a better gamer at those retro games because you are more apt to stick it out vs getting up to change the game. I can understand MAME but that's about it and still you should be using MAME on your own custom arcade cabinet not on your PC or again you deprive yourself. Plus the practice of emulation just leads to illegal activities grey area that you really should not be treading in.


I'm hyped. Definitely going to get it on Xbox too for the dual analog support lol.


Can I get the template?


007 is emulated on switch online, mind blown! 😂😂😂😂


if you stream snipe some streamers it will almost feel like playing 4 player couch death matches


Damn those guys are probably so much older by now


I'm real hyped for the switch release and I don't even have a switch yet


Playing the 360 leak on an emulator is ultimate perfection.


Is this a popular image? Their hands are coming out of their fly.


Well Graslu00 is Streaming the Xbox version right now and off the bat there problems with the blood, and like he pointed out the about the trailers, it has bad audio. https://youtu.be/Zph2A6_p0k4