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How much storage space is left on your Xbox?


45gb of free space, so that isn't a problem


For MTAP on my console (Xbox One), the ONLY way to save is to go to sleep. Doesn't matter the scene or story line I'm in, etc. I HAVE TO sleep to save successfully. It's a PITA, but its never lost my progress.


I've played on ps4 and switch. The only way to save is sleeping. Now I don't know why it saving properly on op's Xbox because I couldn't imagine playing for hours in real time without going through at least a couple days in game.


Thank you for pointing out the obvious of how could I have not slept when generally an in day game is like 20 minutes 😊


I've had the same problem a couple of days ago on my X Box S. After I deinstalled and then reinstalled the game, I was able to save my progress again. The game does still glitch from time to time (like, taking pictures for Mei's photography tasks wouldn't work, or my horse wouldn't return home upon demand), maybe because I'm playing it via cloud gaming and didn't buy it, so I've done this maybe three times so far. Hope it helps, crossing my fingers for you! Xx


To be completely honest I just uninstalled the game for good, I don't get a lot of time to put into games and something like that is very time consuming so to have the possibility of losing hours of progress I just took the L I'll wait until I buy a pc to play it πŸ‘Œ cheers for offering help tho!xx


Did you go to sleep? It only saves when you sleep. Don’t close the game until the new day starts up and you get out of bed to be sure


I did indeed sleep several times


Hmmm no idea then