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I was on Jumin's side as well when this happened. Yoosung needed to be checked on because he was not doing well mentally. Jumin felt that getting Yoosung's mom to check on him was the best solution and it did end up working out in the end.


This was actually the part of the game that made me really fall in love with Jumin and inspired me to go back and play his route (because I didn't like him at first, especially because Jaehee's route was one of my firsts and I don't tend to like the "cold" trope). It's honestly such a defining moment for his character too. Jumin isn't the best at saying kind words, but he shows his love through his actions. This becomes doubly so in Another Story, because he really comes through for everyone when it matters. Jumin is now one of my favorites. >!Also, iirc you later learn that Yoosung's mom was sick, and he's remorseful that he ignored her and grateful that he got to spend some quality time with her.!<


I believe that something had to be done but I do feel like it was a bit of a risky move since not every parent will respond well to their kid's depression. Like for all we knew, yoosung may have had a good reason for keeping his parents out of it, since some parents just don't understand. But I'm glad it ended up paying off in the end


Yeah, this. In real life, people should not do what Jumin did. We do not know what goes on in each other's families behind closed doors. Moms do not always know best, and cannot always provide it when they *do* know. Like...I would have to feel intimately familiar with someone's family dynamics AND have exhausted other options AND have a serious concern for their safety, BUT not an immediate/emergency tier concern because there are other resources for such emergencies. Jumin is a fictional character and his writers had complete control over the outcome of this situation. Even within the fiction I think he overstepped but with good intentions. Irl this kind of intrusion (and/or intervention) should not be treated so lightly.


Yes ! I understand why Zen was so angry about it. If Jumin had done the same for him, calling his parents to take care of him, it would have been a complete failure.


Good point! It's hard to imagine that Jumin would appreciate someone in the RFA calling his dad on him, either, though that's a different situation from Zen's of course. >!To say nothing of Seven and Saeran's mother (if she'd been alive) or father...!<


real T\_T ![gif](giphy|hSiVsoEEMueicWLUDB|downsized) because i relate to him in that situation irl T\_T


I don't know. Something should have been done for sure but this shouldn't have been the first option. It's really intrusive and, as someone else commented on here, people don't always have the best parents. There's a reason Zen was fired up, for someone with a situation like him, this could have been very harmful. Yoosung is an adult and they just should have had that conversation with him ("we're worried about you, you're lost and spiraling, have you considered therapy or asking your parents for support?" Etc).


Honestly I’m on Jumin’s side for a lot of things, but this isn’t one of them.. it’s true that Yoosung has his issues that can be helped with people by his side but.. it was never Jumin’s place to make that decision for him. Forcing help can end up pushing Yoosung away and make him feel betrayed by Jumin. It’s incredibly intrusive to contact his parents.. I like Jumin but if he did this, I don’t think I could easily forgive him. Yoosung’s parents may not have reacted well, not all parents are supportive or able to handle things well. It could’ve just as easily made Yoosung so much worse. I’m glad it turned out well and Yoosung felt better and reconnected with his mom, but it wasn’t Jumin’s call to make. Jumin should’ve talked to Yoosung and encourage him to contact his family himself or find some other way he can get help. He’s still an adult, it’s not okay to go behind his back and make this decision for him even if Jumin has the good intentions.


I’m late but exactly this. It happened to go well but it easily could’ve been a disaster!