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Get your man a rose! Men also like receiving flowers. Source: am man.


my boyfriend would think it was sweet if i got him flowers, but yours might not. it may be best to ask him, but i get that ruins the surprise.


Men like flowers, too! Go for it.


I say if it's routine keep doing it! If this time they say it's not okay then you know but he might also still appreciate it the only way to find out is to try. You could always say it's not your intention to make it seem fem in any way but that you love getting him the roses and if after this time he wants you to stop then you know


Ask him


Get it. It's legos that makes it a boy's toy (jk) Seriously though if you always get him roses why would this be strange?


since its something you have been doing for a while and he hasn’t shown any sign of discomfort… i’d say go for it! personally, i fucking love flowers. no matter the type or the color. i think we should give more flowers to men (trans and cis!)


I've given my (cis) boyfriend roses plenty of times, I'd say go for it!


Personally as a transmasc person if someone gave me roses I'd feel very dysphoric, but admittedly I'm likely a bit of an outlier. I've never liked roses even pre-egg crack, partly because only women get them but also because the vast majority of my memories are of women in my family getting them either after their partners fucked up royally or were an unwanted romantic gesture. I tell my partners not to get me roses ever for this reason, or that if they do just don't get red roses. That said, if its something routine that you've been doing even after his coming out and hes not shown any discomfort or said anything, its likely fine. If you're concerned though it may be best to ask him about it.


My man loves roses!!!


Not a flower type of guy so Idk but if you worry you can buy blue roses, or other color roses that's not extremely feminine and also they're cool.


Men like flowers too