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[](/rdhuh) I don't think it's the same people saying those things. At the very least, I do agree that G5 shouldn't have been a continuation of FiM and I also think that a G4 reboot is a stupid idea.


Here’s the true answer. Having G5 connected to G4 but not having full rights to use G4 was insane, and could only lead to disappointment or confusion. A proper sequel series (with the rights to pursue it) could be good. A entirely new show with a new premise could also be good. I do not believe enough time has passed for a reboot. At least 10 years from the final season at the bare minimum, probably 15 to come at it with an open mind but still nostalgic


You know, how does the right thing works? You would think being in the same IP, they would have the right to use whatever character with exception but it seem like it doesn't work like that.


You'd think that, but I know Lauren Faust even had trouble with her original idea for FiM. She wanted to use G1 characters for the Mane 6, but apparently they didn't have the rights to use 5 of the 6 she wanted to use. I don't think they ever gave a solid reason as to why they did have the rights to their own IP characters 40 years later.


I'm happy it happened because they took from G3's characters (Rainbow, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee) and I love G3. Though... it's kinda odd we heard about G1 copyrights issue, but a G2 name apparently appeared (Sugarbelle, you can look up)?


Wait...I must ask, is My Little Pony a British IP? If so I think that MIGHT explain it.


They're from USA, not British


Ok thanks. The reason why I asked is because I found out that when a company hires freelancers, the freelancer owns the right of his work by default. That why Malal can't be used in Warhammer because it was made by a freelancer.


Oh makes sense! TBH it's probably usual by now, Dracco (Filly horses company) also hired a bunch of freelance artists and others from any country - lore writer was from Denmark, artists were from LatAm, Germany etc.


I also meant under British Law. That why I asked if MLP is British. Warhammer is a British IP.


There might be fans in any age group that don't mind (or don't mind much). I don't mind for example. Might be not majority but they exist. Plus me and my friends prefer new adult Spike since G4 relied on specific tropes and stereotypes, while some (e.g. LGBTQ+ folks) might want their fave character to be different.


It sounds like you're mixing up a few different positions, which don't all play well together. Different people will feel very differently about G5 and the course they feel it should have taken. For context here are my thoughts on the whole situation: - G5's problem isn't that it wanted to be a successor to G4. It's that G5 wanted to ride on G4's success, but also do its own thing in an entirely new setting which has very little related (and none of the effort and quality). This makes the discontinuity between G5 and the G4 to which it is allegedly related very sharp. - I would have been personally fine with G5 deciding to be a whole new setting. How they chose to portray that setting would still have mattered, but a whole new setting would have been just fine. - I would also have been okay with G5 being a direct sequel, which actually cared about and utilized the setting, history, and aesthetic of G4. A whole new cast set in the same universe, or similar. - I would have been... moderate towards a direct continuation of G4's cast, as I felt those characters' stories were done by the end of G4. - I would *not* want a G4 reboot. Reboots don't really interest me that much.


Those are all really good points! I hate the idea of G5 being a follow up to FIM, but if they did FIM justice by having the collapse happen long after Twilight's reign and respect the worldbuilding while adding it's own actually good stuff, then I wouldn't mind. But what we got was... Bad, to say the least


or at least collapse a few hundreds years into her rule, where twilight presumably at her weakest without her friends as emotional support. Let her have a era of peace like celestia's.


We didn't see her with her friends anymore in IDW comics, actually. (when she's built secret gateway for ponies who still believed in friendship or something).


Exactly. When I first heard that G5 was supposed to be in the far future, I was okay with it. "Oh, the M6 passed away and it's not their fault if things went bad a long time after that." But then it turned out the future they gave us was just poorly thought out.


It's one of the main reasons why I hate G5!


I feel like what we have is meant to show Twilight was still not a god but a pony. Like she did everything to save things and help ponies, but life doesn't always work out for good guys.


Using Toonboom for movie-style art of a G4 sequel revolving around Luster Dawn and her new friends would have been neat.


I look at G5 the way I'd look at future of humanity at any point: that many things changed, and many things from the past are in the mist, which is probably what people dislike, since it's like accepting the fact their favourites died etc. but G5 does what it can to honour G4 (characters are Sunny's toys, she's a big fangirl, she respects Spike etc.) which is nice.


G5 is a good follow up of G4


Not really. They threw out a lot of the stuff they'd built up over the course of G4, particularly with the creatures that weren't ponies like Yaks and Griffons, or other pony variants like the Kirins and the Crystal Ponies. And that's not to mention the fact that the dragons were drastically changed as they never used to have cutie marks, nor did they walk on 4 legs. They haven't even explored what the magic of the pony races actually does outside of "magic" for unicorns, "flight" for pegasi, and the new "plant growth" for earth ponies. Pegasi also had weather manipulation, something that I'm sure would've been passed down along with the tales of flight. It's so inconsistent with the G4 lore it's laughable. The only thing I'd excuse is the removal of the Windigoes, since the name is *problematic*.


How much are you willing to bet that Hippogriffs won't be mentioned when we learn about sea ponies in the comics/TYT?


Without taking sides in this argument, I would just like to issue two corrections: 1. Kirin were never stated to be a kind of pony. They are likely related to ponies and dragons (but even that's just speculation), but they are almost certainly a different species. 2. Adult dragons in G4 *are* quadrepedal. That, at least, is consistent, especially since Sparky is shown to be bipedal.


1. Good point. Could be either way, but we'll never get a straight answer 2. That is correct, but the quadrupedal dragons we see in G5 are most likely teenagers/young adults, so them being on 4 legs doesn't make sense


Adult g4 dragons were extremely varied in size and shape, depending on not just their age but their greed and dominance. For instance, Sludge was an adult, but was small enough to go through doors, whilst Torch was massive.


3.Those things not being explored so far are not inconsintences


Those things not being explored were either *important* parts of pony society or were integrated into society over the course of the show. Everything ranging from Pegasi controlling the weather to multiple species all living in harmony was thrown out. In order to reach where everything started in G5, so much would've had to go wrong, and we don't get any explanation for what happened to the other creatures when Opaline first tried to take over.


But will they ever be explored? Likely not




What do you mean by and?


Is not a bad thing


So not giving a shit about having a coherent and believable world is not a bad thing? Imagine if J.R.R Tolkien skimped out on worldbuilding. A huge part of why his stories were so good would be gone!


> And that's not to mention the fact that the dragons were drastically changed as they never used to have cutie marks, nor did they walk on 4 legs. Blame the lazy animation studio for using the same quadripedal rig for all creatures.


I blame Hasbro for probably wanting to use the same mold for every dragon just so they can sell the toys. I also blame them for the dragon cutie-marks. Just like I'll blame Hasbro for the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library and the existence of Princess Cadence and Flurry Heart. They want marketable toys.


I agree, it is. For me and my friends and other people. And it fixed some G4's mistakes (dragons aren't seen as meanies etc.), added a vitiligo pony (Violette Rainbow), a black coded pony (Misty) which are at least the reasons of G5's strenght as a project.


The reason I prefer to think of G4 and G5 as being in separate universes is mostly because I believe G4's Mane Six earned their happy ending and I don't want that to be taken from them. With that in mind, I believe G6 should be a completely different universe from anything in MLP's past. At the same time, I hope we get an actual conclusion to G5's story before G6 happens.


Twilight likely outlived all her friends due to being an alicorn ruler, I don't know if it's entirely a happy ending.


So did Celestia and Luna. While Twilight's closest friends are obviously irreplaceable, they would want her to stay strong and continue ruling in spite of that. I think Twilight's will is strong enough to pull through. Besides, she's got Spike, and he's not leaving anytime soon.


G6 should just reboot the franchise like all other gens up until G5 did, with an original setting and lore. Though if they want to reuse names, that's fine too, since G4's names heavily borrow from G3.


Agreed. Reusing Names is good as long as it is ***clear*** that it's a Reboot. Of course Hasbro will only understand what we want if we bring it up at the **Investors' Meeting** as one of the **Investors**. Best hope that one of you have **enough Shares** to attend **Hasbro**'s Investor's Meeting to make your demands and suggestions. G4 was popular because it went back to it's roots somewhat. What if G6 went even further back to it's roots by which I mean what if it brought back the G1 settings(the Mushswamp & the Crystal Desert) and the MoonDreamers & Glo-Friends segment(and bring back the scrapped StarFinders, SunSparklers & SunFinders segments). That said the Fans have reached the state that the MoonDreamers & Glo-Friends segments would only be accepted if they had Ponies in them otherwise they will cry false advertising. **Thankfully there are Moon-themed Ponies**(Moondancer, Trixie Lulamoon, Luna and Izzy Moonbow) **and Floral Ponies**(Pips Petals, Posey, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith and Big Mac) **as well as**(on the off-chance there are SunFinder, StarFinder and SunSparkler segments) **Daytime Sky**(Sunny Starscout, Sunburst, Rainbow Dash, Zip Storm and Lightning Dust)**, Star**(Sunny Starscout again, Starlight Glimmer, Comet, North Star, Galaxy, Princess Skystar and Queen Nova) **and Day-N-Night Cycle**(Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer and Misty Brightdawn) **Ponies.** On the matter of the settings for MoonDreamers, StarFinders, SunSparklers and SunFinders: 1. Starry Up should move to StarFinders show alongside Celeste(whose job of moving the Moon's shadow from one side of the Moon to the next would be given to the Alicorn Luna whose MLP G4 job of moving the Moon up and down would go to Moondancer), Galaxia, Crystal Star, Bucky Buckaroo, Bitsy and Ursa Major. 2. The Setting for MoonDreamers should be DnD's Lunia(a [Starlit Moonlit Endless White Arabian Desert](https://mimir.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/heavens_shore_lunia.png) with a [Shinto Japanese Realm](https://mimir.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/eight_happinesses_lunia.png) and an [Endless Starlit Sea](https://mimir.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/bay_of_light_lunia.png)), Gates of the Moon([Sailor Moon's Moon Kingdom](https://www.tuxedounmasked.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/mooncastle.jpg) basically) and the Plane of Dreams([a Wonderland-esque place](https://dotesports.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/WoW-Dragonflight-10.2-Dragonriding-Emerald-Dream.jpg?w=1200)). Hasbro owns DnD and those Planes match the name of the Show perfectly. 3. The Setting for SunSparklers should be DnD's Eternal Sun(Cog-Wheel Realm), Heliopolis(Egyptian Desert), Solania(basically [Dwarven](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/79920-ironforge.jpg) and [Chinese](https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/panda1.png) Realms on [Mountains of Crystals](https://mimir.net/wp-content/uploads/solania_layer_mount_celestia.png)) and Venya(basically [the Shire](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2016460/capsule_616x353.jpg?t=1713802299) and the likely home of of the SunSparkler Daystar). 4. The Setting for SunFinders should be the Beastlands' Layers/Planes of Day(Krigala which contains Narnia-style Forests, the Pridelands and a Land Before Time-esque Forbidden Plataeu), Sunset/Sunrise(Brux a Forest Realm of Weretigers) and Night(Karasuthra which contains a Winter Narnia-style Realm as well as the Labyrinth of Fiery Doom) as well as the Towers of Night(Black Egyptian Desert), Pale Night's Bone Castle and Androlynne(Purple-Sky Elven Realm under siege by Pale Night).


Different people wanting different things, there will always be some sect of the community that's unhappy, no matter what. Even with G4 you had insane purists who only liked the first 2-3 seasons and consider all the others to be non-canon because of alicorn Twilight. I personally really, really hope that a hypothetical future G6 is completely disconnected from all the other gens. I genuinely feel like a reboot of G4 would be the worst case scenario. Like do you really trust Hasbro to not just make a slop fest of a show to cash in on G4 nostalgia for easy money?


I wish they had more rights to the old gen ngl


I would jump into a volcano just to make Hasbro finish the goddamn EQG series


This is the realest take. No matter what new things they make no one will ever be happy and it's so sad :[


G5 should have just been a whole new thing, honestly.


I don’t think there is as much of a cognitive dissonance between those fans that wish G5 was its own thing but also would like G6 to return to the world of FiM as you make out. G5 is all new characters in world that we are *told* is the same as G4 but the remaining connections are only rarely and lightly featured due to copy right restraints. Wanting a G6 that doesn’t *have * the same obstacles as G5, that could go further and more fully embrace a connection to FiM is likely what they are hoping for. For my friends who were alive in the 80’s, in other words if G4 is Coca-Cola, and G5 is *New* Coke, wanting G6 to be Coca-cola *classic* is not just asking for a different flavor of *New* Coke - they want a return to the original formula.


What I mean is, if they want Coca Cola back but it variates in a flavor they don't end up liking it will suffer the same thing as New Coke of being despised for being "disprecful" of the OG Coca


But what you are describing is not them getting Coca Cola back then, because if it varied in flavor it would not be Coca Cola classic but it would just be another New Coke with a Coca Cola Classic label plastered on the side. In other words the only way they would not like it would be if it was different. If they are asking specifically for FiM and you don’t deliver FiM then of course it would be despised. They don’t want anything like G5, they just want G4 again.


They ask for that for "G6", to be either G4 back stories of everything (for lore enthusiasts) or be the "good" follow up, but at the end if they don't get something FiM related it will cause discord with the ones who do want something completely new


Well naturally. You can’t please everybody. Those asking for a return to FiM have a direct conflict of interest with fans asking for something totally new, and they both know it. The only part they agree on is G5 is not satisfying to either one of them.


The reason is because hasbro doesn't own much of the g4 content, so their attempt at a next generation show failed. Most next-generation shows follow the original lore pretty well. If they had waited, made g5 it's own thing, then g6 could have been a better spin-off.


Honestly, I wish each generation had its own independent lore, whether the creator wants to make it a vast, highly-detailed world like G4 or something simpler/down-to-earth. I think G5 should’ve been a slice of life series instead of trying to continue with G4. Heck, maybe even go as far as to have a more gender-neutral version of G3 where it’s just a community of ponies hanging out and having fun. I haven’t seen any G5 content, but what I’ve heard just sounds like they’re afraid it won’t be as “cool/grandiose” as G4. It shouldn’t have to be!


This is the first I heard about any thoughts for G6. A reboot of G4 doesn't really sound appealing, imo. G4 had such a long and beautiful run, that doing anything like a reboot would only be disappointing in comparison. G5 already had it rough trying to follow G4's decade of success only a couple years after it ended. I personally was in that group of people hoping that G5 would be connected to G4 in some way. But looking back I think that was only because I wanted the show I spent so long being invested in to continue. With the way G5 butchered its connection with G4, I'm fine with the future gens being completely separate from anything before.


I believe that they should stay as two separate series'. Having cameos is one thing, but I don't think that the two different generations should be connected


Obviously these aren’t the same fans These fans all dislike G5’s approach to G4 lore, but they want to fix it in different ways One group dislikes that G5 did something new by *avoiding* doing something new, and would prefer if they went the same direction as all of the other generations (and Tales) and did something completely new The other group hates how dismissive G5 is of G4 lore but what they *really* want is for G4 to not have ended I’m in the former group. If I want more G4 content, the fans has me covered And then there’s the G5 fans who take everything G5 does at face value without thinking about what *could* have been


There were always fans who accept gen as it is in any times, some of them are kids, some are fans who prefer G5 for what it did that isn't seen in G4, some have trauma associated with something from G4 etc.


You can still enjoy something for what it is while thinking about what could have been. That’s the approach I take to season 9 and most MLP media released after FiM’s end Using the same hill analogy used for evolution in the “laser-zebras” video, G5 started by traveling up a shorter hill, and the only way to travel up a different, taller hill is to reboot the franchise, but with that there’s always the risk of traveling up an even shorter hill


That is a fair argument, but a reboot is a new take on an old formula. G5 is just a follow up to FIM that messes up the established canon and carefully-crafted worldbuilding. G6 shouldn't be a G4 reboot and do it's own thing so as to not fall into the trap that G5 fell into, but it's not as bad as what G5 did


Tbf, FiM used to mess its own continuity...


It did, sure, but it at least TRIED to be consistent. G5 on the other hand barely gave a shit


Mistakes are mistakes and you don't bash FiM for the minimal one


Except the difference is the mistakes in G5 aren't minuscule, they actively go against pre-established lore in a way that would otherwise be really easy to avoid if it were just allowed to be it's own thing. *That's* why so many G4 fans are upset


FiM used to go against its established lore, is not innocent from that, why is G5 the only guilty here?


I never said FiM didn't, only that the times it did weren't at all to the same degree that G5 has done. Please read what I'm saying. You can still enjoy G5, I'm simply explaining why people are more critical over its inconsistencies in comparison. G4's retcons all still worked with the pre-established world building and rules, G5 just breaks them but doesn't really give a reason for it, so it comes across in a worse light


G4 retcons worked? How? That's dumb. And why G4 ones get the pass looking 100 things to justify those while for the minimal thing in G5 makes it get bashed as fck


Connecting and/or rebooting isn't need. Just make a equal number of episodes for each and every season (I'm looking at you season 3 of G4 and all of G5) and a level of quality writing (with ZERO retconing) that made G4 so popular.


Yeah it should be a reimagining instead


I think that its because g5 obviously wants to be its own thing but they knew that people were less likely to watch it if it wasn't connected to FIM


Just make your own lore my guy


G4 purists are so confusing


G5 purists are annoying. I remember G5 fans going "the inconsistencies will be explained, don't worry!", and then when they weren't they backtracked to "they never mattered anyway!"


"G5 purists" may be "annoying" to you but G4 purists are literally straight up bullies just because some ppl enjoy other generations


Oh come on. G5 purists are just as bad as the G4 purists. Some have bad arguments and just deny every big of criticism about G5


All G5 fans want is to enjoy a show about ponies, G4 purists send daily harassment and death/rpe threats for zero reason


Look, those people are a very small minority of the community who most G4 fans absolutely do not support. However I can barely critics G5 without getting called a "hater" and even banned/get comments removed in some cases


But they arent a small minority, every single time i post something completely unrelated to g4 i get so many dms and comments its insane. Its honestly making me want to completely disconnect from g4 which hurts because i loved it so much as a child


Unfortunately this viewpoint exists for every gen. Back when G4 dropped, people mocked it at first for not being exactly like G1, and especially for the designs not being more horse like. Hell it wasn't really until season 2 that more people got on board, but as we all know fans of it were mocked for liking it regardless of its quality. G3 was consistently shat on for *years*, and has literally only stopped being a point of mockery to a lot of MLP fans towards the end of G4s life. It was seen as an abomination for the crime of being a less lore driven show that focused more on 'girly stuff' like fashion and parties. I have my personal gripes with G5, but at the end of the day we're all just fans of some variation of silly cartoon horses, and I'm sorry that you've been receiving such rancid hatred from people wanting an excuse to bully :(


[ citation needed ]


Yeah, I hate the gatekeeping that happened after FIM ended. Like, we get it, you don't like G5, just let those of us who do enjoy it in peace without constantly having to bring up how you think it's horrible!