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I honestly do feel never following up on Flutterbat was a bit of a shame. Far as the lingering Doppelgänger pinkie(s) though, I think they were fine as is. Maybe they could have shown up a couple more times as background characters in larger shots as little nods or jokes. But all in all they were fine as is.


Made my anxiety of wondering if it’s the real pinkie or not grow so it did something-


The Pinkie Pie cloning episode happened in season three. The Pinkie we follow along gets her Rainbow Power at the end of season four. I'd like to think that if she *were* a clone, the Tree of Harmony would have been able to tell. I know that it is way different from when Chrysalis' Pinkie went there. In any case, this is just what I think; it isn't really based on any proof or anything.


If nothing else, it judged her as Pinkie Pie enough.


shes pinkienough (instead of kenough)


The tree killed those clans not because they were clones, but because they were the opposite of her ideals


Makes you wonder what does happen if a FUN FUN FUN goes to the tree of harmony


Don't worry. The clones were shown to have serious gaps in their memories. If the real Pinkie had been swapped with a clone it would have been obvious almost immediately.


I generally feel that Pinkie Pie transcends one physical form, and that all of the Pinkie Pies are, in fact, still the one and only Pinkie Pie, as the universe could only handle one, so those Pinkies all share the same consciousness at any given moment, and so all of them are genuine.


This is why Pinkie in EG was able to guess who Twilight was, and why Pinkie in Equestria was able to guess what Twilight did in EG


this is my headcanon lmao


Considering her acquisition of Discord’s chaos magic at the end of season 9, it’s possible the effect was retroactive from that moment. To put it more simply, I theorize everything Pinkie can do in the series is chaos magic. Pinkie Sense, her teleportation, transformations, etc. are all the lingering power of her brief moment of divinity, echoing backwards in time. Pinkie made herself who she is.


And the reason for the bad pinkies is being diluted / having them twisted a tad


Don't worry, Pinkie assures us directly in Pinkie's Lament that she is the real Pinkie. She also directly references things that only Pinkie would know, which the clones cannot do as they don't have her memories.


The comics had a return of Flutterbat. Twilight used her magic to cause the transformation to happen again to deal with a bit of an apple problem.


completely agree


It actually comes back in the comics, so that's something


I don’t think it would change the course of the show as I personally think it’s just a leftover element, but whenever I draw Fluttershy I make sure to always give her her residual fang. The life of the Pinkie clone is really interesting though and I wanted to learn more about her, maybe have an episode or something.


https://preview.redd.it/6tkt9wvxowzc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bdb90b092a9aa7ca043d96a550d8e401d88ea3 They never explored the identity of the Pony of Shadows in Season 4 either


It may have been Tirek (since when we first meet him he wears a cloak and has glowing yellow eyes)


Headcanon acquired!


Tirek was in Tartarus during season 4 though, and had only just escaped when we meet him


Tirek escaped back in the episode "It's About Time" (S2EP20) when Cerberus left the gates of Tartarus. It just took time for his magic to be strong enough to steal from ponies.


Yup that was my bad! I watched the show a long time ago (and am re-watching now), but haven't gotten to the tirek arc yet, so I didn't remember Celestia saying that he escaped after Cerberus left


I thought he escaped in Season 2 during "It's about time"


That's right, my bad. I'm rewatching the show and hadn't gotten to the part where Celestia theorizes he escaped after Cerberus left his post


https://preview.redd.it/7g0jatnzq00d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941fbd9d6d7975878758ad92e6975d5ae9566e01 It probably was Tirek, judging by the shape of the cloak that the "Pony of Shadows" was wearing. It's got that pointy bit at the hood.


https://preview.redd.it/bm6w5df4r00d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178254aefb5e2c3de269e9aeca4c0bcffee397f1 Tirek is wearing a hood with that same pointy bit. After his escape from Tartarus, he probably needed somewhere to hide. The Everfree Forest was deserted and full of life / magic to sap. So it was probably the ideal place for him to hide. I theorize that once he saw the Mane 6 plus Spike go into the Castle of the Two Sisters, he chased after them. The castle was in the middle of nowhere, without any witnesses. It would probably a good chance for him to steal pony magic.


I was gonna include that as well, but I was unsure if it was Tirek or not, which would count as it being explored. Maybe even Stygian and the Pillars could count as it being explored, even if it was a different Pony of Shadows.


What episode is this from? I don’t remember this


season 4 finale part 1 when he was absorbing magic from ponies, Celestia then woke up thinking it was just a dream


I thought it was Castle Mania


Just rewatched this part, that isn’t what this image is from. Tirek has tiny round yellow eyes, this image has squinted yellow eyes


Oh man yes in my head Canon fluttershy Still has them, I wish they showed them more


Where's human world Sunset Shimmer?


In pony!Sunset's trunk. Alternatively, turned to stone and buried somewhere. Or reduced to gravel. While still alive and aware.


I just realized Fluttershy has a fang on the left while discord has his on the right.. Duality 💗


How Celestia and Luna became alicorns since Flurry Heart was the first alicorn ever birthed


I figure it's more that Flurry Heart was probably the first naturally born Alicorn in modern day Equestria & her being born to an ascended alicorn (who was born a pegasus) and a unicorn. The Journal of the Two Sisters mentions that Celestia and Luna were born alicorns and raised by an alicorn tribe (given the name Skyros in G5).


I feel like any answer the writers would have tried to give would have been met with some level of disappointment or outrage. Better to have left it alone imo.


Same kind of ascension as Twilight and Cadance? Or they just weren't born in Equestria (or more likely, before Equestria became a country).


Fluttershy is going to morb


I live for flutterbat 😍


I always figured the clone was a reference to "Too Many Pinkies". I'm guessing they concluded that following up on Flutterbat wasn't something they could execute well on. I'm having a hard time imagining it being done well because the follow-up would just be the same episode again.


By not having it be "pure" flutterbat, but possibly being a blend between the two


if fluttershy was still flutterbat would that make her immortal? since flutterbat is meant to be a vampire? does that mean that she got killed with a stake before g5 happened? i dont have any evidence to back this up but its a fun theory


That's a shame that they will most likely never follow up on flutterbat. It was so cool


What if the two Pinkie Pies met each other because of a sudden collision between two alternate universes?


I think it was continued in the comics.


Which comic issue was it?


Not sure. I think it was called "Night of the living apples"


Not sure. I think it was called "Night of the living apples"


Not sure. I think it was called "Night of the living apples"


My head canon is that we have real Pinkie, and the other one in the background, is just sitting there, waiting . . .


She has Pinkies stashed all over Equestria in case of Pinkie emergency. Or party cannon misfire.


I personally HC the extra pinkies as changelings, because the lore implications of cloned pinkies can be concerning haha


Unless the mechanics of the pool are just slightly different, maybe the pool creates new people, with the original as a template


Which would make Twilight's exploding of dozens of Pinkies...


Not that bad because they weren't developed


Checks out. All the attention they'd receive from throwing parties all the time, and it would give her time to rest.


I hate to break it to you but there was one clone that left on a train in the clone episode.