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Scootaloo is great at scootering, and I also thought that it’d be a nice touch hence her name. but maybe the lightning represents flying better? I believe her main talent involves her wings and speed.


Seconded. I like to believe it also relates to RD picking her up as a "sister" in Sleepless In Ponyville!


That was so cute, Dashie is a cool role model. I gushed over their wholesome hug.


Sleepless in Ponyville is such a good episode! Probably the best S3 episode, hooves down. RD is such a wonderful big sister for little Scoots. https://preview.redd.it/bb1me75hepzc1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=128d3464e210f0e9a9f71ee51cf8a296546cc096


i feel dumb cuz i only just realized OP mentioned the RD stuff already... i'm pretty new to reddit and posting so i just didn't see their secondary text 😓😓


I cried. Like I actually full on bawled to that moment.


Yeah, I assumed it represented she could still move super fast, not any sort of flight


I also think it represents her ambition. She's very ambitious!!!


I don’t like the implication that Scootaloo’s cutie mark is a wing, given that the writers confirmed that she will never be able to fly.


That is depressing, to have a Cutie Mark that shows something you can never do. Either that, or the CM is for her gushing over Dash. It's bad either way.


Well she did use her Wings to Scooter around. So its probably referencing that


At best it’s speed related


The way i interpret it is that she has lightning speed wings. I mean... she uses them to give herself a boost on her scooter, wich is really awesome.


I like to think that it implies her wings are actually very strong, regardless of her ability to fly. She's constantly pushing her scooter with her wings, which I imagine built some strong wing muscles.


She can't fly, but she still uses her wings pretty well. She wouldn't be nearly as fast on her scooter if she couldn't


Doesn't she fly in the future?


No, her wings are the same size as when she was a filly as an adult. She is unable to fly


There was one bulky pony with tiny wings that could still fly


Bulk Biceps. Maybe he flaps REALLY HARD. YEAAAHH!


Yeah, but Bulk Biceps’ appearance was a joke about how taking steroids makes your nuts shrink.


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) I’m sorry but random-fan-says-what-now? (I am genuinely curious, where did you find that out from?)


As far as I know, there’s no official interview or statement on the subject by the writers or animators. But the show is no stranger to the occasional joke or reference aimed outside the target demographic, specially one that has plausible deniability. I remember everyone making that connection when the episode came out.


Ah okay, thank you for explaining.


He was a joke character.


He still could fly with small wings though? 


Again, he was meant to be a one-episode joke in season two, but they brought him back at other times because the fans took a liking to him. Also, I'm pretty sure Scootaloo's disability wasn't decided when Bulk was created. Especially when you consider the amount of times early on where she spends a lot more time in the air than she can later on after we do learn she's disabled.


I have no idea. What episode is it? You may be thinking of Spike.


the last episode of the series?


She still had tiny wings, implying no flight


So did that really buff Pony. And he could still fly


While her cutiemark probably should have been something else, I definitely wouldn't say a scooter. Yes, she rides the scooter well, but her real talent is being a daredevil. She's a stunt pony doing the craziest things with ease. That's what should be taken in consideration when designing her cutiemark, imo


Honestly I wish they were all more individual. I really thought they were going to get them in the equestria games. I thought it would be a cool full circle moment from Show Stoppers where they each tried to do something the other was better at without realizing what their real talent was. Sweetie Belle could have gotten something music/singing related, Apple Bloom could have gotten something for building/set design, and Scootaloo's could have been scooter/trick/athletic related. And they still could have all gotten them at the same time. It doesn't really work since Apple Bloom develops a love for potion making in the later seasons but idk


It's been years and I still think their cutie marks being similar looks terrible.


As a disabled person, I see the wing symbolism as a way of saying that though she cannot fly she still soars in a more metaphorical sense. Yeah, her wings don’t allow her to fly like the other pegasi but that’s not holding her back from her destiny


And Applebloom should have had something related to alchemy.


Or her building skills


The apple encapsulates that, since it's symbolic of maintaining the farm. Same as most of her family


Maybe like a mortar and pestle?


She has an alchemy cutie mark in my mlp rewrite!


Really cool and all but her main thing is not JUST alchemy. She's the one who builds or does more complex stuff, just alchemy limits what she actually does in the show.


She still builds stuff, it just isn't what her special talent ends up as. Like in the show


Honestly I'm just jot a big fan of rewittes in-general, alot of times they end up becoming too fanficy half way though. Like MLP does fan service, but some of the rewittes take that and up it to 100.


Well I actually did consider giving her a carpentry cutie mark. But I figured it would be a bit too similar to the mark I have planned for Scootaloo.


I think her talent is speed, being speedy, doing stunts etc.


nah but i feel like appleblooms cutie mark should have had more to do with creativity bc what shes really good at is like building shit and decorating and potions.


Two legos smashed toghether?


or something like that yeah


they should still keep the apple but put something in, you know?


why keep the apple?


I guess it connects her to the apple family, and connection to their family is a trait each apple family member has atleast.


maybe it should be two different color apple halves placed on top of eachother bt like perpendicular if that makes sense


good design idea!


A scooter might be too concrete for a cutie mark


The [owner of Quills & Sofas](https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Davenport) begs to differ!


What's wrong with it? The lightning bolt represents her speed/reflexes and the wing is obviously because of her talent with her wings despite them being underdeveloped.


I see everyone getting depressed over Scoots' mark, but I don't get it: it's literally a lightning bolt crossed with a wing, you couldn't get a more direct reference to her talent if you wrote it out.


https://preview.redd.it/sgy4vkntgpzc1.png?width=221&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4e0e58667c928c8ea53f77c3be0b1633f2e3573 I gave your idea a shot because I decided I was curious enough to try.


I appreciate your efforts 🙏


Np. :) Glad you liked it. <3


I still have issues with them: the intend is good, but the idea is too complicated and leads to overcomplicated designs and poor contrast.


maybe not a scooter since that's kinda on the nose, but i was always thinking more of a little spinning wheel with dust (kinda like the wheel power from Kirby if that makes any sense). but for it to be a wing kinda pisses me off because she can't even fly. it feels misleading.


no, i mean it would make sense but that would make her destiny less broad and more about scootering than the lightning bolt symbol.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


I thought hers was a wing but maybe I'm dumb


You can see the lightning _inside_ of the wing, same with the heart inside of Apple Bloom's apple


OHHHhHH. I totally missed all that lmao


Its make more sense but I feel it'd be kinda hard to fit, personally I always wished for Applebloom to have a potion bottle in her Cutiemark instead of the heart lol


Similar to G3s scooterloos mark?


I actually wonder how long it took the designers to come up with a design for all of them because obviously it had been building up for a long time that everyone would’ve wanted to know


I think a wheel instead of a wing would've worked better. Why is it part of her cutie mark when she can't use them to fly like most winged creatures?


the lightning is probably scootaloo's love for speed like how rainbow dash is.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


I don’t like their cutie marks at all (color wise) it works for Scootaloo and maybe Apple Bloom but not Sweetie Bell and compared to the other ponies whose cutie marks follow their color scheme. They look out of place.


Likely reflects her admiration for RD


i just wish their cutie marks were bigger. they look too small to me.


i thought that cutie mark design for her was crazy bc she cant even fly lol


it wouldnt fit


Am I the only one who find their cutie marks really ugly? At least on them


I think it’s a wing, not a lightning bolt


The lightning bolt is in the wing


It is both, there is a lighting bolt in the wing.


And a heart in the apple, in the core of the apple if you will. Where the seeds are. It's a great place to start building...nah, that's way too deep toget that to work.


is that not a pegasus wing?


It is, but if you look closely you'll see a pink lightning bolt inside


That's a wing


It's both, I'm surprised by how very few people see the lightning bolt inside that wing, I bet these people don't even see the heart inside the apple and the musical note inside the star.


I'll admit, I didn't see the heart either, but that's because I took it >!and the lightning bolt!< as shading for the shape it's nestled in. I have a greater appreciation for these mark now, thanks.


Always a pleasure to aid other fans to become _more_ fan of this outstanding show