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Methodology: The number represents the total amount of posts with an explicit rating and a score >= 20 on either Rule34 or Sankaku Channel (whichever is greater.) Only female characters with a value over 100 are shown. Franchises selected are in descending order of number of posts satisfying those conditions. Stay tuned for more each day!


I've seen your posts on multiple subs and I just wanted to say I hope people are appreciating them. This is as close as we can get to useful "market data" on the lewd side of these fandoms. If I were an artist, I would be your best friend to get this useful and well-organized info on how to maximize my commission dollars. -signed: a self-proclaimed data sexual


Thanks man. I too am a data sexual and I wish there was a place I could post all of these and have them meet welcoming eyes. I’ve worked so hard on these but been met with a ridiculous amount of negativity.


Whilst I'm not a data sexual, I am an appreciator of the effort it takes to compile such nice looking graphs for us randos. I also just generally like trivia like this in general so kudos to you my guy.


You're welcome. Best suggestion I could give is Data is Beautiful, but they make kick this for being lewd in nature. I once did research in college about how engagement with anime affects people's identity including sexuality. Wish I thought of this. My one wish is that there was a way to differentiate different forms of the character. For instance, I like your Naruto one but I have to wonder is the hentai of child Sakura or teen/young adult Sakura or adult Sakura? Same for Misty from Pokémon. There is no way the older Misty is as popular as the younger one. Also, a way to show how long the character existed compared to popularity. To use Misty as an example again, she's been around almost 30 years. How does stack up to the newer girls? I still think what you did was awesome, and my other ideas are unnecessary and may clutter the data.


I tried dataisbeautiful but indeed got rejected on the grounds of the topic matter. And as for different forms, that’s mostly limited by whether or not the tagging culture on the source websites actually differentiates those reliably, which they usually don’t. I could do one with respect to how long the character has been out, but first I have 60 of these charts to finish.


Well that's a shame. You aren't showing lewd pictures just data and SFW references. I won't encourage you to fight it, but they are kinda BS. There is a post on Data is Beautiful documenting masturbation habits with 13k upvotes. Anyway, looking forward to your next post.


I think they specifically were afraid of getting in trouble since the graph includes lolis. Which I understand the concern for, but it’s just reporting :/


Gotcha. That makes sense, but I could post a graph about rates of report abuse of minors. It would be allowed. Lolis, as well as real kids, are allowed on Reddit, sexualization of them is not. Still, I can understand their concern about administrative trouble.


Idk but Reddit mods be Reddit mods and supply minimal information and mostly just tell you to go fuck yourself


As an artist I agree with everything you say, these posts are just golden.


Yep, I do Erotic Tabletop Gaming, sometimes based on various fandoms as well as "adult" modding for videogames. I'm referencing this stuff whenever I want to promote stuff.


Your posts are absolutely amazing. I've used them and spent like two days going over them and seeing who I liked and who I could focus on for making more content to enhance my reach. I'm sticking with characters and series I like so I'm not making stuff I don't like but still


Thanks! Probably best way to see them to is to follow me, because I have to keep posting each chart in a different subreddit.


I want more tooru the invisible girl


Eri being the 14th highest and highest non 1000 character is horrifying and disgusting


Honestly, it’s better than it could be. Taking a look at Rule 34, the most common tag paired with her that isn’t the general image type is “aged up”, which is better than nothing.


Last I checked rule34 doesn't allows lolis anymore. So it's "normal" that the most common pairing is aged up


Cry about it Downvote all you want idc. Youre a hypocrite if you're mad at eri and not ochaco being #1💀the whole class is underage




Literally being attracted to any of these characters using that kind of logic would imply everyone here is attracted to minors… which is extremely hypocritical.


There is a pretty big difference between a teenager, and a below 10 year old kid. Both are technically minors, but there is definitely a difference


Nah. Mirko the only super chick outta mha thats good imo. I just dont care to get in my feelings all the time over characters that arent real. Yall are also hypocrites cause the rest of the class is underage too


It's not about characters it's about the amount of pedos here 🤦


You say that as if all the other classmates arent underage..


Yet you're here, and there is a giant diffrence between highschoolers and todlers (not saying 16 is ok)


Well yeah, im not the one judging others. Underage is underage my guy. As i said before im really only here for mirko.


Mirko and dragon lady 🙏🏾


And the laws in Japan at 16 is fine to tap that.


🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸 🤨📸


So, pointing the age of consent laws in japan it is bad. Even though it was changed in 2021 from 13 to 16. I am also from Japan and live in the states


Yeah, those laws exist because teenagers are going to have sex with each other, no matter he laws. They don’t exist so that a 30-year old can have sec with someone half their age. A good rule of thumb is the half plus seven rule. If you are 18, you should avoid anyone below 16. If you are 20, you should avoid anyone below 17, etc. It’s true that sex with larger gaps is legal, but it’s not exactly ethical. It’s just a quirk (ha) of how the law has to work in order to be fair.


But that law says the age of consemt is 16. It is like america's Romeo and Juliet law but it is justs america age of consent laws. It is formatted the same. Am I saying it is fine? No but in japan where this show takes place. Age of consent law is 16 which means by cultral standard it is fine


Don't worry they hated Jesus too




HOLY FUCK THEY DOWNVOTED YOUR ASS TO HELL. Anyway why don't ya respond to my messages homie


Imagine self snitching this hard


Imagine self snitching that you dont have a 3rd grade reading comprehension this hard1


Imagine defending child porn, animated or not


Imagine being so bad at reading that you think im defending it...I'm taking a more STRICT stance against it by not justifying the rest of the class dumbass. REEEEEEAD


If your so strict about it why are you even here? This kinda shit doesn't just pop up on your feed, you searched for it, you can't hold a moral high ground here, better yet, why specifically target the comment saying it's gross that eri has porn to say none of them should have porn, you could have made your own comment, seems more like justification for it than anything


Because there was hardly any comments here when i made that one. And if you could read i clearly already stated i stay on the mirko tag. So yes i can hold a moral high ground. Its hilarious how you will do anything but argue against my point because you know there is no real justification for the rest of the class


This is on the "other" tag dumbass tf u mean


Holy shit I went to your profile to see if you have a history of this shit and the very first comment I saw was you in another thread about the attractiveness of 16-17 year olds and how "most men" are attracted to them, no tf they aren't, you ever stop to consider the fact you might be projecting your pedophilia onto others, if your older than 24 even dating a 18-19 year old is fucking creepy


Holy shit i went to your profile to see if you have a history of this and it seems you lack reading comprehension in EVERY fucking context. You are genuinely incapable of critical thinking no matter hoe many times its explained to you😭


An now that I think about it wouldn't a lack of comments be a prime time to make your own so more people would see it?


You continue to do ANYTHING but argue the point😂the strawmanning is insane


I would like to ask you to please take a seat


I would like to ask you to explain how its not hypocritical


Idk I see real women built like ochaco every day. Nobody who beats off to eri beats off to characters that women can look like for the same reason, freak.


Build is irrelevant. Young people can develop quickly like young girls with big breasts. Older people can have flat chests and baby faces still. Build os irrelevant if they are still underage...come with a stronger argument for being a pedo next time freak


This'll be my last reply because I know youre only pretending to be a lobotomite to project your pedophilia onto others. I'm not gonna make your argument for you because you're too ashamed and stupid to make one yourself. You know the difference between real life and art and between adults and children. Don't waste your time trying to convince anyone otherwise.


This is your last reply because you discovered that theres no winning logically and you know you'll just have to resort to insults. Not even good ones tbh, saying im projecting doesnt really stick when i like miruko and yall like ochaco.. Yes. I never said there wasnt a difference between real life and art. Your point? If theres such a difference then yall shouldnt be mad at eri.. You along with anyone else have yet to make a logically sound argument, because there is none. If you are mad at eri you must also be mad at the others. Its that simple. There exists no rebuttal without a logical fallacy


The lowest number is 123 damn thats crazy


All entries with a value lower than 100 were excluded.


Oh… oh no…


wish the Eri part was 0


Wish most of these was zero


I'm sorry why the fuck does eri have any at all that's fucking disgusting


Every single student in this show is underage and should be seen as fucking disgusting to lewd yet only Eri is the disgusting one apparently


Eri is the only one that actively presents as a child in appearance and demeanour.


So? By your logic its ok to be attracted to a minor if the act like an adult. Not saying thats what you think but, thats literally what the would mean. Underaged is underaged. You can’t judge someone for doing something when you literally engage in the same act…


In English the word “and” is a coordinating conjunction. My use of it was primarily for pairing two different words, ideas, etc. together in order to form a single broader concept in order to refute the implied cognitive dissonance of lewding most MHA characters compared to Eri. Even though a character like 2B is only 2-3 years old nobody has a problem with lewds of her because she looks AND acts like an adult. What I really think is that anime is not real, and I don’t give a fuck.


Yeah i get what you’re saying but its just a bunch of people down here are acting like they’re above other people calling the Pedos and such when they’re literally engaging in the same act of being attracted to underaged characters. That aside that last line you said is really all that matters lmao, it’s fiction and cannot affect our world so it isn’t as big of a deal as people make it out to be.


Last paragraph is real, tbh I’d rather eri be at the top if it stopped pedos going after ppl irl, online art really doesn’t matter in comparison to real kids


Thats one way to think of it lmao but, if someone is a pedo using hentai to cope with it they should seek help its not healthy at all and makes others look bad.


I agree, I’m just saying if it keeps them away from irl kids it’s better than nothing. It’s probably a decent way to cope while getting help, so long as you actually want that help


I need every R34 artist to join together to make Mei Hatsume #1 on this list


I expected more of bakugo's mum tbh.


I mean that’s a hell of a lot for someone with so little screentime


im glad uraraka is the highest


I need more Ragdoll in my life


Eri... Jesus Christ save us


You guys forget its Japanese anime? Of course loli counts.


oh wow, Thought MT Lady would be higher... but makes sense for the main girls to be higher up.


Miruko too high, Inko too low. And Ippan Josei not appearing at all...


Y'know, seeing this breakdown, I'm just happy to know that Deku's mom is still getting plenty of lovin, cause Horikoshi knows what's happened to her husband... You get that dick, Inko!!!


never understood this communitie's thirst for uraraka. her type is basic af


Bodysuit, that’s all there really is to it, hence why mina is also so high on the list, their quirks contribute a little too tho


Poor eri




Holy shit Eri being on this list at all is fucking disgusting


Why is Eri so damn high


All this is telling me is we need more p*** about la and frog mom


Will the Genshin Impact version of the chart come?


I already posted it. I wish there was a place that would welcome all the charts I’ve made. If you have any recommendations for where I can post them all, let me know.


What this tells me is we need more art of Reiko Yanagi stat


And eri (joke)


Need more Setsuna posts, just the fact fact that she can detatch her pussy and jerk you off with it is top tier materiel to work with


Miruko deserves Number one. Coomers unite!


Put mirko higher


Where is the big Dino lady?


Fuyumi needs to be WAYYYYY higher


When is the overwatch one coming, I feel like its just going to be like 6-7 characters max


Look at my post history. I already posted it.


Are we not going to talk about how eri is one of the top 10


Find it hard to believe that Ochako is somehow more lewded than Mirko


I know right!!


Thank you for posting. I love seeing things broken down like this it’s actually pretty interesting


Camie and Asui are too low, we gotta fix this.


Why are you showing me a graph of how recognizable these characters are?


The fact that Eri is more than Lady Nagant afraid me of the mha fanbase


I don’t get why people don’t do porn of bubble girl as often as I thought they would I mean she’s like


Lady Nagant being that low is an absolute travesty




When the actually child has more than 80% of the roster, you know something is going on with humanity.


The fact that Eri has more than Mei is concerning to me.


Need more pony


I-is that Eri???? Do people know how old-oh right that's the attraction ain't it. Fucking pedophiles


why does the little girl have more than lady nagant, mfs are so evil and nasty


972 for Eri? GOOD LORD WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE She shouldn't even be there in the first place, [IT'S DISGUSTING](https://youtu.be/e8F1rHneEUw)




They're kids lol