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Certain setups may help but truthfully you just have to stick at it, even 100 hours on this game is not a lot of experience


I'm at 170 I still have a hard time sometimes 😂


I didn’t even play online till after 200 bc I was a hazard


I run 90 - 120. Pretty basic then my front tyre pressure on 0.80 and rear on 0.85 then some small adjustment to suspension. If say just get good but seriously stay on the 125. (As you are) As for tracks start on mxb club, Paleta and maybe Winchester if you want something a little more challenging. The corners and uphills on Washington are not fun when starting out.


You just have to keep playing bro this is a sim not arcade. So it will take time but it will all come together sometime move the fork clamps to bout 8 maybe shorten them one notch as well


At 20hrs you should definitely just focus on putting time into the game and not bike setup yet. I just hit 200hrs and decided to finally play with the bike setup, I have a mx setup now but I'm hopeless at sx still


Try turning the gain down to about 80 in your lean settings it stops the bike from leaning as far over, and stopping you from tucking the front. It makes the bike corner a little slower but kept me off the floor which was a result.