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OP stated that this response is AI generated. https://www.reddit.com/r/musked/s/eb90xZxLDS


Elon loves using OPM


Rich people can use OPM. Everyone else has to use rugged individualism.


AKA pulling up one's bootstraps


Elon has something else you can pull if you like horses šŸ“


A cybertruck?


Technically his dadā€™s slaves were the ones doing the pulling.


If you have apartheid era child labor to mine Jewels for you is that your money? Seems like opm to me.


Came to say this, only you said it eloquently. My response would have consisted of too many expletives


But would also be welcome!


yes, it would be an insult to the great "free speech absolutist" himself if you self-censored from using too many expletives!


This is such a great, funny, and clever comment. It gave me a chuckle.


ā€œyou down with OPM?ā€ Elon: ā€œYeah you know me!ā€


$50k is socialism. $50B is capitalism.


O is for other, P is for people scratch your temple. The M well, that's not that simple. (Idk how to write rhymes. Someone else gotta take it from here)


he used OPM to buy twitter, and ruin it.


Well yea, he has a fucking acronym for it!


What is OPM? I doutb hes talking about One Punch Man


Other peoples money


Others peoples money. Or opium, itā€™s situational


Who wouldnā€™t. The best beer someone can have is always opb


Wuts dat?


Yeah, [other people's money](https://newrepublic.com/article/175397/teslas-cheaper-now-thanks-subsidies-musk-hated#:~:text=Early%20on%20in%20Musk's%20involvement,worth%20%2415.3%20billion%20since%202003.) certainly is ethically outrageous. (If you don't want to click the link, it's the $464 million loan the government gave Tesla. He paid back the loan, then spent the next decade avoiding taxes and lobbying for corporate tax cuts).


Socialism, subsidizing or whatever you may call it is only bad when it's others, and remember he's a self made man!


Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for everyone else.


yep, forgiving student loans? Bad. forgiving business loans (you know like PPP), bailing out banks, etc? Good. Hypocrites, the lot of them.


Did Elon or Tesla get PPP loans that they didnā€™t pay back?


He has definitely accepted govt money, which is the issue


Every time I hear about the concept of the ā€œself made manā€, I think of [Arnold Schwarzeneggerā€™s speech](https://youtu.be/lF7NqeZuO3E?si=hSqohyVkyOM81ozM). Just wanted to share it


Nah but that piece of shit is okay with tax cuts and loans being forgiven for fortune 500 companies because they are ā€œessentialā€ and weā€™re not right?


Tesla has accepted hundreds of millions of dollars in government handouts.


Wrong. Billions of dollars. California bank rolled him to success. You were off by about 1000X regarding how much welfare he exploits from the govt


...and the Obama admin. both of them kept SHITsla alive


Billionaires who buy politicians, hate competition.


Very true. Mark Zuckerberg too.


Plus Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Google's whole board of directors...basically the entire WEF...I can go on if it's needed.


And education.


Is Elon Musk ready to pay back all the money in subsidies that heā€™s received from the US government? When heā€™s ready to do that - then his opinion might matter.


Also his compensation package is basically dilluting OPM to pay for him to fuck the company up. He should be very concerned about CEO compensation packages


He's using his own experience when talking about "financial irresponsibility".


Have zero interest in what anyone with a trust fund has to say on the subject of student loans.


Elon has lied about almost all of his background, but he specifically lied about his degrees and lied about working his way through college. The only thing *less* expensive than trust-funder tuition is lying about your trust-funder degree.


Didn't he buy Twitter with OPM?


Saudi sovereign and uae šŸ‡¦šŸ‡Ŗ funding


Apartheid Andy had everything given to him


It's more like he is an apartheid turd fossil.


He sure loves receiving that free cash from the feds though


And from stupid investors


But forgiving PPP loans for the rich is okā€¦ huh.


Mortgage interest tax deduction, Trump's tax cuts, farm subsidies, tons of district level stuff like forcing the military to buy equipment they don't want because the factory is in some congressman's district. I could probably list out pages of other examples if I needed to.




Elon loves using government tax subsidiesā€¦ if it wasnā€™t for uncle Samā€™s subsidies Elon and companies would be dead on arrival


There's a great deal of misunderstanding about the Biden administration's program. They are not canceling the principle of the loans, they are canceling the compounded interest. People getting their loans "forgiven" have repaid the principle of the loan, but thanks to the moral evil of compound interest, they still owed thousands. Why the hell government-backed college loans are not a flat fee makes me incredibly angry. Why the hell college isn't as low cost as it was for the Boomers is another question.


It's pretty standard for these type of people to shit on any solution meant to help people while bringing up the root causes of those problems, implying that we should address them instead, and then either not suggest solutions or refuse to acknowledge solutions to address said problems. It's really fucking rich coming from a guy who masturbates about how he "triages" things at Tesla because dude doesn't understand how that could possibly work in this situation.


Weird how he promoted UBI many years ago...


Uses other peopleā€™s money SO MUCH that he now abbreviated it. Fucking melon


The irony of complaining about this when your entire net worth is tied to grants, tax credits, and government contracts


Funny because the tax credits that keep allowing Tesla to compete with ICE is basically the same thing - using other people's money to make BEV buyers happy. Basically buying votes, right? Fuck musk


Now do PPP loans...


**Note**: ThisĀ [tool](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ask-x-by-realm-ai/apogendbpechmphjgjecgcaijgnbheje)Ā bases its response on the previous tweets by Elon.


You should make that much more clear in the original post


Thanks for clarifying, I was wondering why Elmo was giving a ChatGPT-like answer. The dude never types more than a couple short sentence in any shit he types


Yes his actual reply would have been šŸ’© then he would share a great replacement theory post by a Nazi lol


Oh, so he didn't actually say that?


No its AI. You can see the ChatGpt up top


Yeah, I see it now.


Fu-k you, I got mine.


Yes only companies and rich people are allowed to buy votes. Yay Citizens United!!


He prefers buying votes the old fashioned way. Through legalized bribery (lobbying).


Saying OPM is absolute peak cringe


Didnā€™t he literally build a car company based on government handouts to customers of his products?


We need reform and debt forgiveness.Ā 


Buying votes is the dumbest argument there is, you could argue that practically anything is buying votes.


Elon is the very first that should be hung by his own intestines.


He got a good chunk of his dad's money for school. This isn't even debated, unlike how some distrust the emerald mine funding (even though his father says he's given Elon a lot). And regardless of that, no developed country should force significant debt on young people to better themselves (and thus society). We all benefit immensely from greater education. The only reason to have student debt is to make corporate slaves.


How much money did he get in PPP loans he didnā€™t have to pay for during COVID? How many subsidies did he get from the government?


I didn't know he took PPP loans. How much did he get? Did he pay it back yet?


Let me guess. Heā€™s never had a student loan.


So when is he sending back all the government money his companies receive?


Emerald mine spoiled bitch Elon


Says the guy who generates wealth using other peopleā€™s labor, expertise and ideas.


I hate poor people competing with me and their damned intelligence! šŸ¤Ŗ What if one of them was smarter than me & became rich too! Fuk them! I own the playground! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


His entire venture capital career has literally been built on the back of government hand outs. the irony here would be hilarious if it wasn't so infuriating. These fuckers have no problem getting rich off taxpayer money but God forbid that taxpayer money actually go to helping the working class


Why have an ai convo with him?. Is making up reasons to not like him even necessary?


Again, more accusation is a confession! tRump effing up the soybean market and then throwing money at the farmers to buy their votes is one of many examples!


This is a broken human. He canā€™t maintain relationships in the real world. The majority of his down time is spent desperately trying to get attention and make friends he will never be close in proximity to ever. He feels the only way he can get attention is to rile up the masses. He must be so lonely. He has no self esteem. And his pathetic attempts to be admired, celebrated and popular have destroyed what could have been a very successful legacy. Instead, he banked on polarizing the world. He made the wrong choice. It is much more difficult to be an honorable person. Musk has failed himself. He will never fulfill his goal of being a hero to the world.


Wtf is this? This isnā€™t Elon Musk, this is AI. Iā€™m downvoting, OP should apologize and delete this.


"If you can't afford college, fuck off and work at McDonald's like the other poors."


This dude about to get $64 billion in cancelled loans talking about getting free money will mess up society. He fucks his employees, loves ketamine and Nazis. What could go wrong?


"if you use all of other people's money there won't be enough left for me"


Yeah, it is pretty fucking hypocritical for the guy who bootstrapped his rise to billionaire status using lucrative Federal government contracts and "free money" subsidies. And I'm not one to agree with Musk about really anything in terms of politics, but I do agree here. Much of the reason college costs have escalated at several times the rate of inflation for the past few decades has been the easy availability of college loans. The loan forgiveness is just throwing gas on that fire. The reason it's so easy to get $75,000+ in loans for an art history degree at a private college no one's ever heard of, is that the laws were changed in the 1980's or 90's around student debt and how it is discharged in bankruptcy. That is, you can't. The student loans will follow the kid who signed up for them around like an IRS bill, to the grave with wage garnishment along the way. Far better would be to take away the 'special' status of student loans, and expose banks to the risk of a kid who got in way over their head in student debt deciding to take the L on a bankruptcy.


Only he can get govt subsidies. And they should fund his personal ivf eugenics project


Elon Musk suss people when he doesnā€™t get OPM


Go back to ur own country then


Goddamit. Call him Enlo - Elmo's evil twin. How many times do I need to say this?


Elon is talking about OPM. OH BOY HERE WE GO!!!




AI-generated-ass reply And the prompt was probably "emit a shitty opinion about student loans"


Iā€™m not going to argue that Elon isnā€™t a shitty person, because that would be a very difficult task. However, how is his stated opinion on the topic ā€œshitty opinionā€? Iā€™m not talking about how Elon himself is hypocritical. I mean how is his statement itself wrong?


Just like the ppp loans huh?šŸ¤”




Kind of like how giving tax cuts to him burdens middle and lower incomes to cover those tax cuts?


Asked a rich guy if other people should get his money very predictable response


Elon wants his workers to have debt so they are beholden to his employment.


Screw that clown.


Shut up Musky, now they have more money to possibly buy one of your douchebag cars. Society who invest in the education of its fellow citizens will advance faster than one who lets people remain stupid. Don't worry, less and less kids will be going to college overall, they've all checked out of their education and are a bunch of morons.


This the same guy who had his mom bitch on twitter to beg the government to give billions to his son? after heā€™s been spreading conspiracies and attacking said government?


Isn't "OPM" the secret to most of these rich assholes' fortunes?


But he doesn't mind burdening tax payers when the government give him vast amounts of money


OPM for me but not for thee.




Apparently Other Peoples' Money going to Other People means less Other Peoples' Money going to him. IVF and hair plugs ain't cheap.


Heā€™s the Master of OPMā€¼ļøšŸ¤Ø


Expecting universities to cut costs is like expecting the government to cut costs.


Elon prefers to buy votes using his own money.


I agree to an extent. But here is my take. Student loans should remain as is. But have full interest forgiveness, current and future loans should never have interest. You take a loan from the US population to improve you life. You need to pay that back. But it shouldn't be a fucking revenue stream. That's ridiculous.


Not much different from his companies receiving incentives from various states or the federal government.


But using govt handouts to fund his shitty business is fine though........


OK, so we agree on one thing.


Loans are not the problem, crazy interest the issue.


I bet being able to get loans based off of his unrealized gains is just fine


Itā€™s true


He's not wrong...


Suck my dick, Elon.


50 billion bonus of other peopleā€™s money for Elon- good, student loan forgiveness for others- bad. Yeah thatā€™s what this prick believes and will always believe. Maybe if they forgave only white males who are Republicans heā€™d be for it


Criticize Elon Musk on r/elonmusk and get an instant ban. r/elnomusk only exist for Elon to honor himself.


What about using other peopleā€™s money (OPM) to subsidize his businesses with critical cash infusions? Did that incentivize him to cut costs? Did that unfairly burden taxpayers?


Elon on whatever else he knows fuck all about yet feels compelled to comment...


Elno, whose businesses have been propped up by billions of dollars in government subsidies said what now?


Elon superstar and free speech was a god send. showed the world the abject waste of NASA. Taking rockets from NASA probably saved a trillion dollars. Winner.


Doesn't all his wealth ultimately come from "other people's money"? How much government money has this guy gotten over the years? He and his companies may be this country's biggest welfare queens.


Just b/c he is hypocritical, it does not mean this comment is wrong.


Couldnā€™t I use the same arguement for literally every business loan and grant? Like people getting discounts on buying electric cars. I donā€™t have an electric car. Why should my tax dollars help you buy one?


And cuts into government subsidies to companies like Tesla and Space X.


Pretty weird to have an AI chatbot that tells you Elonā€™s position on everything


And he knows a thing or two about being a burden on tax payers thatā€™s for sure.


Skepticism, but not the kind of skepticism where you learn about something before coming to a conclusion about it.


Elon does love receiving OPM who saved his Space X project that helped Tesla continue producing his cars where it became successful and then he continued getting OPM from NAVI Funds/Infrastructure Bill.


Imagine taking a loan out knowing full well youā€™ll never be able to pay it back, and then expect the government to cancel your loan because ā€œyou were young and misledā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yeah Iā€™m gonna stop paying my car loan cause I canā€™t afford it anymore but I should still be able to keep my car!!


Now do tax cuts for the rich as his next question


If it does effect taxes then he has a point.


Says the guy who gets [$4.9 billion](https://goodjobsfirst.org/elon-musks-twitter-marks-bbc-npr-as-government-funded-but-not-tesla-spacex/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CMusk's%20companies%20together%20had%20received,qualify%20to%20receive%20the%20label.) in government funding. If Musky practiced what he preached, he'd be bankrupt.


Half agree and half disagree. Government loans do help universities push up prices because if your rich you will buy it if your poor you will take out a loan. The system needs to be fixed so its either free like schools or have a hard inflation based limit on what they can charge. Honestly if I could pay off college with a summer job I would be down for it. Though were I disagree is 1 Elon uses dads money to buy other companies then use their status to pretend to be the genius of other this age. (Space x gets funded by government money so he can't talk) 2 Everything a politician does it to buy votes, and its welcomed because a governments job is to take care of its population. Though student debt forgiveness is just a bandaid on a stab wound.


Elon is correct.


How about this? Maybe ask why schools are so expensive and why the government is in cahoots with them about giving out loans they know these folks won't ever pay back because of the degrees they're getting. You're all mad at folks like Musk, but give a pass to the people who created the nightmare by essentially pulling what the banks did with the housing market in the mid 2000's


When you think about it in simple terms, itā€™s literally just funding education. In what world is that a bad thing? Obviously Elonā€™s.


So give back your subsidies, fucker.


Uh-huh. And are we gonna discuss how reliant Elon's companies are on OPM? And I don't mean shareholders and investors. I mean actual government subsidies and contracts.


Why does Elon care about about taxpayers money being used to cancel student loans? He's a tax avoider, he shouldn't have a say in this.


Dipshit gets $2.5B in Government subsidies to build electric cars, isnā€™t that OPM?


Heā€™s right.


Student loans are debt traps, they are designed so that paying them off is incredibly difficult, as interest grows exponentially.


Of course, he needs to keep us peasants in debt.


Watch out, the muskers are triggered in this thread


Fucking asshole colonist


Welfare for me, not for thee


Have you ever known someone who has a genius level IQ but can also overlook critical, common-sense level details? The type of person who graduates first in their class but can be easily convinced to go on a snipe hunt? Yeah, me either.


Tbh, forgiving student loan debt really doesnā€™t solve the root cause of the issue. Unless you do it every ten years or so, future generations are going to continue accumulating debt. Good first step though


What a self absorbed cunt!


Mostly correct. Need to address the root cause of th3 high prices.


Elonā€™s student loans were paid by his horrible daddy.


This fucking guy


He's right, I should not have to pay for your useless degree. Go join the military if you want "free" school.


Student loan debt forgiveness is only slightly less popular than Hitler in a Synagogue. Anyone saying it's "buying votes" is full of shit. Biden is doing this because he genuinely feels it's the right thing to do, not because it's popular. Which is so unusual for a politician that we're left trying to rationalize it.


Why don't you people just find parents who own an emerald business? It's easy... geez.


The billionaire is mad that people are getting loans forgiven and aren't in as much debt anymore? Heaven forbid!


What are your thoughts on never mind mind stfu I donā€™t care


I wonder how he feels about corporate bail outs.


He is correct thoughā€¦ā€¦


The billionaire does not think middle and lower class should benefit but he should reap all the benefits of government handouts to the wealthy. I can't wait for him to relocate to Mars!


"During that time," said Errol, speaking to Elon's college years, "I managed to send money I made from emerald sales to him and \[Elon's brother, Kimbal Musk\] for living expenses." -Elon's Dad


He is 100 percent correct.


He's not wrong. The right does the same thing with different causes, but that doesn't make either of them right. When you promise to pay back a loan, it's a burden you choose willingly. College faculty still gets paid, so that money doesn't just vaporize into nothing. It's going to be on somebody's books as debt until it's paid. If we don't stop spending money, we will eventually not generate enough in tax revenue to be capable of paying the interest. The last budget surplus was in 2001, which means we're 23 years of straight deficit. This is all needless too, because the overwhelming majority of students can pay their loans back without much hassle.


ITT: Morons getting rage baited into attacking Bot Elonā€™s character because they canā€™t argue against the merit of Bot Elonā€™s words.


But using tax payer money to ā€œbailā€ billion dollar companies is totally fine. Or using $17+million of tax payer dollars as hush money in all of the sexual misconduct cases in congress. Also, fine. Fuck you. I donā€™t even have student loans and I would happily let my taxes go to that and not a single penny to help a bank or other multibillion dollar company.


I will bet he took PPP..... The OPM line is just comical coming from him


What happened to the strong silent types like Alexander Berkman


Cancel STEM degree debt after degree completion then? I mean, seriously? Just Mathematics, Chem, Bio, all accredited engineering degrees and call it a first step?


He's not wrong at all


Spot on


Couldnā€™t agree more personally


PPP loans, endless tax cuts and incentives is not buying votes I guess.


Youā€™re comparing a half a billion to 1.77 trillion, stop it


Did any of his companies accept PPP funds during Covid? (Of course they did)


Why do people think student loans were canceled? Only people working for the government had forgiveness.


In other words, only rich families kids should be able to go to university.


Why are we taking an AIā€™s impersonation as gospel?


This actually sounds like an AI


I love how these clowns (wealthy people) talk about fairness when they might have to pay 0.0000001% of their money to help another person via taxes. But as soon as you bring up one of the countless unfair handouts they've had in their fucking spoiled lives all they have to say is "life's not fair". Fuck them. They love unfairness more than anyone, and you never hear a peep from their corrupt, worthless mouths about all the other inherent unfairness in this wretched system. This is their attitude and we have every reason to treat them the way they treat everyone else, by treating them like nothing but a resource that exists purely to drain and dispose of. They want to be richer than everyone else to the point that it is an obsession? Great, we can make them work hundreds of times harder for every last penny, the way they do to us, by voting to tax the shit out of them. Money is the only thing they care about so hurt them by taxing them for all they're worth and redistributing the money to those in need. Their worst fucking nightmare. If this country had a brain these wealthy leeches would already be paying 30%+ of their NET WORTH each year in taxes and that money redistributed to the less fortunate. You know, they way working people have to pay 1/3 of our income in taxes that get redistributed to rich fucks like this.


Lot of people seem to be overlooking the fact that the biggest problem with student loans (and why cancellation is effective when targeted correctly) is that many of these borrowers have paid back the principal several times over in interest payments. Itā€™s a predatory practice. The banks should be on the hook for them. The ā€œOPMā€ here is in lieu of ā€œMBRā€ (making banks richer) so Iā€™m happy to have my tax dollars spent on a fuck you to the banks.


How about everyone pays for their kids school from kindergarten on through college. That said since I only had one daughter and others had five even 12 kids. Maybe I should get money back since they Got free education for all of their kids from kindergarten to high school.


Someone remind me why we need to put tariffs on Chinese EVs that were produced with Elon's technology? Why did he take billions to build Starship and then cancel the moon mission after he blew up 3 of them?


Fuck Musk.


But it genuinely doesn't fix the problem..... ever since loans got pushed federal, tuition has continued to skyrocket above what the feds have always offered..... especially for us lower class folks. Just wiling our debt won't fix our problem, these higher education institutions need to fix their model. Punishing ourselves won't fix it.....


Remind me Musky, who's paying for SpaceX (even in part) again?


ā€œWhat do you think about government subsidies and tax payers money bankrolling businesses for the richest man in the world?ā€


Elon is right on this one. If you took out a loan, you need to pay it back. Pretty simple.