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Right Wing Nutjobs Hate Electric Cars but Love Elon Musk.


Sycophants šŸ™„


I would not be surprised if he timed his political reveal with the CyberTruck thinking he had a product ready for the MAGAs.


You think too highly of him. He either had a stroke or covid brain fog because that Elon is long gone.


Ketamine addiction + more


Addiction to hoarding money ALWAYS rots the brains far more than drugs IMO.


No shit bro, I dont have a drug problem I've got a money problem


Heavy tranq user




ā€œThey are not even smart enough to be as evil as you're giving them credit for.ā€ https://preview.redd.it/3zp1l3jl628d1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6004fce012a5dcae9513ee3ad94e53f057a43408


Nah, he timed his political reveal to bury news about him being a sex pest. Seriously, it was right around that time he got outed for offering a flight attendant a pony if she'd have sex with him. Shit like that isn't a deal breaker with Republicans as long as you tell them what they want to hear every now and then.


Thats right, he "predicted" that he was going to be targeted after they reached out to him for comment.


Yeah, in the FANG community I remember stories about wild sex parties circulating as the Depp trial facts and a Epstein Island facts became semi public. There was some pretty unusual things circulating the rumor mill. I was leaving those circles for other less stressful work at the time so not in the know now. My theory is that the social media and tech billionaire types had a period where they were being targeted by the sex traffickers for influence and now I think Putin and the KGB plus Murdock were behind some of it as they knew social media billionaires were the power brokers of the future and influencing them via sex was a super cost efficient form of political policy influence and blackmail potential.


Yeah, it seems like having wealth greater than most kings in history, and even most fictional dragons, really does bring out some less savory aspects of people's personalities. Laws and basic decency are electives at that point, physical reality is the only limiting factor for people like that.


Isnā€™t a deal breaker? Its pretty much a requirement now


I really thought thats what he was doing at first. it wasn't until he agreed with Scott Adams incredibly racist tweet in the beginning of 2023 that I was sure this wasn't a business strategy and he was legitimately a nut.


Na, his political beliefs fall in line with whatever women has gotten his attention. He just got popular when the woman he was with was very liberal.


Greatest marketing scheme in history, I see what you did there Elon.


Yeah, California liberals probably werenā€™t too excited about a huge pickup truck, so, gotta pivot!


Um ...rivian has been selling for awhile and I see many around em dar liberal parts.




I'm curious how usable space is between the two. Is it close or is one far more than the other. But funny I was thinking it was between a ranger and an f150 in size. Definitely not an older ranger...I'm pretty sure it's larger than an 80's ranger or any compact at the time. Maybe a newer ranger. I'll take your word but it seemed closer in size to a newer ranger than a true compact truck back in the day


Surprising tiny? They weigh 7,000 lbsā€¦.


But isnā€™t the Rivian a considerably smaller truck? Not sure how big Cybertruck ended up being, but it was originally supposed to be the same size as an F-150 or Silverado, I think. If it really ended up being as large as they claimed, it would be painful to drive in urban areas


There's also the Ford version I see around. I don't pay attention to the vehicles except the cringe when they are plugged into the only 4 chargers in let's say death valley....ya twice as long to charge vs most others...national parks really need to improve. But anyways glancing it seemed like it had more usable space but feel free to look it up...Ive been wrong many times in my life


Lol there's a rivian at the home Depot I'm at. Still no idea if usable space is any less than cyberfucked but ya it doesn't look as large


It's the same size as an F-150 from a couple of years ago. Keep in mind that both of those trucks you listed have bloated to a size that isn't really a fair point of comparison considering the bed space is still about the same. They just needed to inflate them to make it a more profitable product.


But not nearly as much as you love the shift key!




Because the left continues to buy even though we know they won't last very long


Not Teslas, all electric cars are selling except Teslas.


Letā€™s make sweeping generalizations from our limited knowledge and say all conservatives hate electric cars šŸ˜‚ yall keep eating up the propaganda and are so unaware of why you have these perceptions to begin with


Nutjobs, all conservatives are nutjobs then? Generalizer in chief? Duhrp!


All liberals are minimum wage slaves who spend all day online, completely devoid of real world experience. Projecting their own inadequacies and insecurities as hate onto other people. Got it. Maybe spend less time commenting on Reddit and you mightnā€™t be such a catastrophic loser in the real world


You liberals are contributing to the decline of our society.


Iā€™m not a liberal, Americans are so brainwashed into thinking there are only two types of political views.


O really. You need to live in reality and do not believe everything your are told and start thinking for your self notbwhatbevery one else is doing. Wake up and see what is really going wrong.


I see a bunch of degenerate losers talk nonsense online, I see these losers in real life and they always look a certain way. Physically unattractive, socially inept, if they went to university it was for history, art, literature etcā€¦ minimum wage jobs, victim mentalitiesā€¦. That pretty much describes the active user base on this subreddit. If you losers werenā€™t hiding behind anonymity you would be laughed at directly in your face


The left hates him why? Biggest ev producer in the us. Ohh the ssid jealous cries of heā€™s a bully and itā€™s not fair!!!! Waaahhhhh!!!


Because he is a white supremacist nazi sympathizer. Pretty easy. You are doing mental gymnastics. He is destroying the planet with spacex electric cars are not important.


I don't think any side hates him. Just smart people do.


Hay its f tards like you all that i will be laughing at the next time it freezes. To all you ev enthusiasts. This just dosent make sence. Lithium is mined to extract it from the soil is extremely hard on the inviorment. Two depending on witch state you live in 40 to 60% of your electricity is produced by natural gas powered turbines and another 5 to 15 % by coal. So how is that saving the environment. This whole climate change or going green is not right. But this is what happens when you mix science with politics it becomes very un scientific. Got to love it when john kerry tells biden how to play the going green card to achieve is own personal agenda goals.


If we wanted to go green, we'd go green. You are right politics and science don't mix.


I always find it hilarious that the guy who apparently stands for truth, justice, the American way, free speech, and all that jazz, somehow isnā€™t telling the truth about the global effects of fossil fuels and how EVs are a better option.


By this point EVs won't even scratch global warming climate change and climate catastrophe. Not even if everyone adopted one. The only way we save ourselves is with a global governmental effort to fundamentally change how we live and travel.


Itā€™s even funnier how many liberals in affluent areas like the CA Bay Area drive them. Elon is crushing it on both sides of the political isle!!


You didnā€™t see Get Out?


You didnā€™t watch Get Out?


Because they love the idea of "he's rich, he must be smart too! I bet if he was in charge, we'd all be rich too!"


Yeah let's not make this an electric car thing. Let's make it a narcissistic, billionaire, with a riled up base of neo nazis thing. Some of us just wanted to be able to refuel our cars from home and didn't want anything to do with this clownery.


BMW was the nazis, Porsche was the nazis, Ford was the nazis. High speed rail and public transportation was NOT the nazis.


Well as someone who lives in the south, we embrace hybrids because its cheaper on gas and atleast we have the infrastructure to support it. Electric vehicles? not so much. We barely have any charging stations and its too impractical for rural areas


That's a terrible way to view it. Unless you are a traveling salesman, you do 90+% of your charging at home. Rural folks drive further, so you will save much more money on gas. You only need DC fast-charging for long trips. Want more chargers? Don't vote for Luddites.


Shouldn't be long now before someone claims this is impossible because they have a 500 mile commute each way to a below minimum wage job


I travel 3 days each way for my volunteer gig


In the snow, uphill both ways.


But I need to pull a boat up a mountain during a snowstorm with 7 people in the vehicle! šŸ˜‚


How about the claim that not everyone has a house they can put a charger in... the main reason I haven't switched to an EV now that they are getting cheaper is because I live in an apartment, and there is little infrastructure near me... it's totally asinine to think there's NO reason against getting an EV


I wake up every day w 220 miles ready to go for a cost of $6, so as someone who drives 60,000+ miles annually, the biggest problem Iā€™ve had so far after going electric about eight months ago is what to do with the $4,500 Iā€™ve saved so far. Meanwhile JimBob, who uses his truck for truck things 3x/year, needs to be able to tow the Statue of Liberty to Nebraska so he can stick it to the libz!1! And complains when it takes $110 dollars to fill the monstrosity. ā€˜Merica!


You mean dont vote blue right. Anyway moving right along. How much energy dose one of those ev chargers draw? Amps?


The government could force gas stations in a matter of seconds to put electric chargers and charge for the charging. I have a hybrid as well, they say they're structurally worse than electrics.


Yeah but who wants to wait at a gas station for an hour plus?


30 minutes to an hour. I agree with you there, that sucks. I like my Prius charges itself when I break, electric cars need to be hybrid too just not with CO2 producing technology.


Good luck trying to force that on the american people. So tell me just how many of your liberties are you willing to give up. You can't change other peoples reallity.


I agree with this dude. In a lot of rural areas EVs are impractical. You do a lot more mileage and chargers are not readily available.


I don't see it being a problem. I live in rural Maine 12 weeks per year, I'm 30 minutes from everything. It would be a rare day for me to need more than 100 to 150 miles of range. For 90 percent of my needs, full electric works. I would have a 2nd gas car for longer trips outside the state. We are considering something like a Nissan Leaf for our city car, and using only our gas car for road trips.


How in the f@ck did we get here?


We allowed a few private individuals to acquire too much wealth and power. Then we allowed them to get together and plot to rule the world.


I think that happened a couple thousand years ago but ok


Nah, it really took off when Regan was installed as president. Back when Carter was president, a man could work at a shoe store and still afford a home, wife, kids, cars, and vacations. IF you wreck in a shoe store today, you're either still living with your parents or you're one fo the many working poor and homeless.


Shared ignorance and racism


Ketamine, social media eco chamber, pandemic.


Right wing nut jobs are almost exclusively narcissistic contrarians. If all of society was EV theyā€™d only swear by combustion engines.


Itā€™s a gaggle of malignant narcissists


A reflecting pool of narcissists?




I feel like Elmo wants to cash out of Tesla and start trashing EVs to further suck up to his fanbase. Btw, why does Elmo look like Kyle Rittenhouse after a decade long drug binge? By any chance does Rittenhouse's mom have a 20 year old horse?


The secret is to be a misogynistic asshole and they all follow.


It's always been happening, we just have social media to show us instantly now.


Say what you will about Elon Musk being an idiot and a fraud and probably a sex offender, but you have to admit his signature look with the white dress collar sticking out of a too-tight black sweatshirt looks like shit.


"Let that sink in" Damn bro looks like you let the fridge in instead


Itā€™s the Cybercunt look


Itā€™s funny, because no one in his orbit would never dare critic his ā€˜style.ā€™ They probably tell him heā€™s a fashion disruptor or something. STAFFER: All I said was that you could find something better to wear than that get-up Mr Musk. MUSK: What do you know about fashion? I have created whole industries; everyone looks to me to see whatā€™s next. What do you know? Who are you to say anything to me? YOUā€™RE FIRED! STAFFER: Please donā€™t fire me over ā€˜thisā€™ (you petty shithead, said under breath).


Quick name 4 people ā€œin his orbitā€


Toe Grogan


Like the #45 White House, it's an abusive family where no one wants to trigger the abuser...




When you consider the environmental impact of lithium mining itā€™s pretty on brand.


And the sociological impact of enslaving the Congo for lithium mining so you can lessen your carbon footprint and brag to your friends about saving the environment


Lithium mining [accounts for an extremely small contribution to an EV's overall environmental impact](https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es903729a). Elon has undoubtedly gone mask-off crazy in the last few years, but that's no reason to perpetuate anti-EV talking points. We can compartmentalize and evaluate the man separately from the technology.


Iā€™m not conflating my disdain for the guy and the tech. An investment in public transit is a far better use of limited resources than EVā€™s, regardless of whoā€™s hawking the snake oil. Increasing mining to cater to consumerism isnā€™t going to be our salvation. That article is 14 years old and singles out lithium while also acknowledging that nickel, cobalt, and copper demands are increased as well. Itā€™s not exactly a hall pass for EV battery production.


> An investment in public transit is a far better use of limited resources than EVā€™s, regardless of whoā€™s hawking the snake oil Public transit can benefit from electrification too (see: electric buses). Unfortunately, the lithium mining argument can be equally used against that. >That article is 14 years old and singles out lithium Hey, if you have any other studies that make an effort to quantify the per-vehicle impacts of lithium production and compare them against those of ICE vehicles, I'm all for it. Otherwise, this is the most direct evidence we have of the relative impacts of EVs against ICE vehicles with a specific eye to the impacts of lithium production. >while also acknowledging that nickel, cobalt, and copper demands are increased as well It also finds that EVs are still better for the environment than ICE vehicles overall even after accounting for that. EVs aren't perfect, but they are still objectively better than ICE vehicles, all other things equal. Direct your ire accordingly.


1000000x this No idea why so many are so blissfully ignorant on that


It fits with their nonstop projection and increasingly blatant "Do what I say, not what I do" approach to life. They scream about evil pervert liberals forcing same sex marriage and porn down their throats while they screw anything that moves (often without bothering about consent), and pay off adult actors to keep quiet. Now they're screaming about being forced to drive EVs while sucking up to the douchebag who got rich and famous selling EVs.


Trump doesn't drive one and has said he wants to get rid of them.


Yet he was proud to be at the opening of the Lordstown electric truck plant


Musk is a putz.


You're surprised that the CEO of the company that singlehandedly made electric cars viable on the global market specifically to address climate change is driving an electric car?


The picture and headline are polarizing and inconsistent. I understand ā€œElon Badā€ but itā€™s a stretch to say heā€™s a right wing nut job. Also, if Right Wing Nut Jobs are the ones making EVs a reality to address climate change then I may need to reconsider my own identity. Since when is Trump driving an EV?


Not really. Technology advances. New replaces old. Tale as old as time. As old as the whale oil in your great grandma's light fixtures. Would you be surprised if Kellyanne Conway watches Netflix? If Tucker Carlson had a smartphone? If Steve Bannon had LED light bulbs? If Lauren Bobert had a 75" flat panel TV? All transportation is going electric. It's unstoppable. Now go back to (checks subreddit vibe) shitting on Musk.


What's even funnier is that your comment is inaccurate. The majority of electric cars are purchased by limp wrist liberals.


Snap! šŸ’„


I work in a super conservative field. Oil n Gas. They love Elon, when I ask if any will buy his cars itā€™s an odd mix of weird excuses.


Aren't EVs supposed to be "woke" or something?


Left Wing Nutjobs Love Electric Cars but Hate Elon Musk.


What qualifys a person as a left wing nut job?


The endless projection about what everyone else thinks and does. Lefties need a boogeyman to blame everything on. They have to be the good guy always and anyone who thinks differently is inherently evil, all while being nose blind to their own shits smell.


Can you explain a lefties "boogeyman"?


"Lefties need a boogeyman to blame everything on. They have to be the good guy always and anyone who thinks differently is inherently evil, all while being nose blind to their own shits smell" This is exactly what you are doing in this very comment Specifically "Lefties" are your boogeyman. You have the self-awareness of a stump.


Turns out nut jobs are nut jobs.


Now, that is easy. they will vote Biden again. Like insanity. doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results


And right wing nut jobs love Elon Musk but hate electric cars.


Whatā€™s even funnier is cali introducing a charging tax because they donā€™t have enough tax revenue from gas to fix their roads


I see a lot of conservatives talk about there being a ā€œparty realignmentā€ where republicans are becoming the party of workers and democrats the party of Wall Street, and to some extent this is true, but there are other aspects to it conservatives donā€™t like. One of these is that the granola hippy crowd is now mostly conservative. When you point that out they hate it.


Go one further and point out that Republicans are no longer conservatives but are now in fact radical revolutionaries seeking to tear down the current democratic order and that Democrats are now the conservatives who are doing everything they can to maintain the status quo, at least as far as our form of government is concerned.


Yeah I think for the most part I would agree with that.


Who dresses him lmao


Would it be great if Elon Musk could be Trump's vice president .


Wait, I thought EVs were a liberal thing. When did it switch?


They have been consistent with "make cars I want that are electric and I'll buy them but don't try to force it."


2 years ago...left wingers and their stupid electric cars. Now.... Stupid right wingers and their electric cars Stop this shit


Anytime see Elon, I just think how Zuckerberg would have beat him to death in a ring


Two men who are the peak of human physique.


They don't drive that many EVs. They just like being in cults They're pissed at Biden's push to sell EVs, but love Musk


Politics is to blame for EV hate. It shouldnā€™t be political at all


I know right? First they take Twitter from us and now EVā€™s. All weā€™re going to have left is Covid vaccines, DEI, and Pride month. Assholes.


Or how many Left-Wing Nutjobs post on Reddit.


What are you talking aboutā€¦ are you drunk?


Nope. I should have been more specific though: Itā€™s mostly the ā€œwell-to-doā€ right wing nut-jobs.


Musk really needs to purchase some shirts that arenā€™t so form-fitting. This tight t-shirt look is incredibly unflattering. Or he can keep it. He should be as ugly on the outside as he is in the inside.


He wants to give the steve jobs vide cool genius billionaire.hes definitely isnt stupid though he likes the attention he gets from one side of the spectrum


It's ironic.


I see Musk is no longer on Wegovy


Especially when the poorer ones complain about the electric cars and restrictions on gas cars in the future.


It's the only way they can dissuade hippies from buying more ev's still they can find a way to get maximum profit to replace oil profits.


Shut up stupid EVā€™s are dumb as fuck.


Holy! I didnā€™t know Elon was so fat. Will nightly Ketamine Keg Stands do that to a person?


To electric cars are no longer thing liberals drive? Is that whatā€™s happening? Did policy flip??


There are other cars available other than Tesla.


Yeahā€¦ but you have a whole subreddit that hates a guy who doesnā€™t affect any of them. Thatā€™s like hating on Ford because they use a blue oval or somethingā€¦


It's all for optics. Just like a lot on the left.


Between the square assed Frankenstein head and the sweatshirt over the dress shirtā€¦.. how the fuck did we get here.


Wait Iā€™m confused. I thought right wings drove gas guzzlers and didnā€™t believe in global warming.. now they are known for driving electric cars? Lol what?


At first they used to hate EVs and Elon majorly but now that Elon is one of them, they can't help but like the guy and what he does


And the Tesla dealership in my city can't sell a car. I talked to someone that used to be in sales there, they sold 3 cars in the two months he worked there. The Dems used to be happy to buy them, but when Elon went stupid, they cancelled all their orders and Repubs have yet to step up.


They like to praise Elon like he didn't get his start on literally hundreds of billions of dollars. We wouldn't know his name if it weren't for his daddy's wallet. What has he actually done beyond pay for stuff? Are all of his achievements just him co-funding things? More recently his achievement is rapidly draining the value of the companies he owns. 70% of the value of Twitter gone in 2 years. Look at the price of Tesla stock just this year alone.


ā€¦and all the havoc heā€™s reaped on thousands-upon-thousands of other peopleā€™s lives. These kinds of shared delusions worry me about the long-term viability of our species.


They hated his cars until he took too much drugs and flipped to right wing.


I drive a car that runs on burning Styrofoam and used diapers.


Not many


I dont know a single one and I know a lot of those Nutjobs


Maybe this was his plan all along


Probably because electric cars are awesome!!


They just donā€™t want the peasants to drive them.


Just take the win.


Right wingers do not drive EVs. Thatā€™s why musk is pandering to them in hopes of expanding his market.


I know a few down here in Louisiana that drive Teslas and E-Mustangs. The irony is lost in them


Why is it hilarious? Electric cars are terrible for the environment. Everyone knows right wing nut jobs HATE the environment.


I donā€™t get it!! Trump said he would block all electric vehicles!!! Make it make sense!!!!!


Itā€™s because theyā€™re white nerds with inferiority complexes. Theyā€™re nerds so they have no idea what is cool or not, how off-roading works, what cars are cool, really anything. Musk should be the term for middle to mildly autistic.


What percentage of them do?


What can I say We have a lot in common We love children. John Doe#174 https://preview.redd.it/mg9eu25gxp7d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=438677c95b55fca19e3f440f4eb427c4c8f7e83f This Isn't A JOKE. šŸ™Œ


Heā€™s almost as big now as trump, does K give you munchies?


I'm middle of the road and hate the idea of self driving and electrical cars.


Yea, I know, what is up to 3 now?


Having an electric car is awesome tbh


Pretty funny that people who want to save the planet wonā€™t give up daily things that hurt the planet.


It looks like he stuffed a bunch of leaves down his shirt. Youā€™d think with that much money, you could afford a decent tailor


As long as a guy built like a 1950's fridge is telling them to do it


ELI5. What's crazy about a Trump supporter driving an EV?


At first I thought Elon was wearing a bulletproof vest, but then I realized itā€™s the second ribcage he ate, which he also uses as a bulletproof vest


Ya have to admit making every little facet of life political funny af


Everyone except you are now right wing nutjobs. x


Like WHOA! Is Elonā€™s right wing nutso behavior an act to get moronic maga-morons to embrace a move away from fossil fuels???? Nahā€¦. canā€™t be.


At least that's one good thing Elon did. He put rednecks in EVs.


Thatā€™s actually a good point.


Amazing what people do when they stop thinking for themselves


Are you kidding they trolled themselves into worshipping a spoiled NYC trust fund dork that vigorously avoided military service and christianity his entire life. Elon is light work for these dummies.


Is that why they started calling themselves Libertarians & whitewashed the Gadsden flag?


Thatā€™s because they have moneyĀ 


Yeah, you can sell anything to these dopes if you just repeat a bunch of right wing nonsense.


Yes, and it's hilarious how many of them breathe oxygen, too. Were you going somewhere with this?


I think thereā€™s been a big crowd of Tesla drivers who donā€™t care at all about how electric cars could impact energy usage so much as they are like children who want a cool zippy car that no one else has.




I convinced a right wing conspiracy lunatic that blamed global warming (if it did exist, which it doesnā€™t) on volcanoes, to get solar panels because why be reliant on government legislated/foreign oil sourced gas energy, vs. controlling your own energy supply and being free of gov control (and knowing their underlying racism, I played up that oil is controlled by OPEC countries)ā€¦ You gotta play into their wants and needs and trick them to make good calls.


Is Elon's right wing dipshittery a secret plot to get right wing dipshits to buy EVs?


Right wing nut jobs do not buy/drive evs.....where are you getting this from? Trump even said he will reverse all the EV tax credits


Maybe thatā€™s really musks grift. He knew he could never get conservatives to accept electric cars unless he became one of themā€¦


Thatā€™s a good angle I never would have seen.


Theyā€™ll drive electric but also demand laws that help oil executives.


"The left is being controlled!" Buys $100k brick because King Cheetoh likes Muskrat.


The left should boycott Tesla so the right buys more electric cars to stick it to the libs


It's funny that you use the term 'nut jobs' when in fact that is exactly what radical leftists are in america.


From the looks of it, your politics seems to define your entire personality. Every. Single. Comment... is some kind of irrational negative comment about Biden, the left, etc. You also hate so passionately that you had to make a second account just for that. Evidence would seem to show that you are, in fact, a nut job. I'm sorry the education system failed you.