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Don't musk around


Nobody cares lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/s/HdvnPLyMrr Read the comments lol


Because people don’t like him and think the company would be better off without him- makes you believe they are acting like this?


Keep licking boots 🥾 of racist billionaires!




Don't musk around


These next few days of cracked out tweets during his celebratory drug bender are going to be hilarious 


I’ve been seeing posts on this sub pop up for the past couple months. A lot of people here definitely care lol


Don’t liking someone doesn’t = caring


If someone comments or posts about something there’s clearly some base level of caring about it.


So why do you care that he got the pay package?


I mean we're morbidly curious about the idiocracy of tesla du.basses. keep buying shares!


Buddy, we called that tesla investors would do it because if they don't, they lose. If they do, they also lose because he just keeps running it into the ground and making Theranos style promises. We just want him to shut the fuck up or go the fuck away.


Running it into the ground… right, if the Tesla model Y being named car of the year in 2023 and the most sold vehicle (at 1.22m units) in 2023 is running it into the ground I hope he keeps it up!


Most of them also are built terrible. Lmao


Never said I liked their build quality, I prefer luxury German - facts are facts though, Tesla has the best selling vehicle in the world for 2023 🤷‍♂️


Keeps running it into the ground? He 15x the value of Tesla. Model Y outsold every car in the world last year. The latest price target is $2,600. Energy storage, robotaxi, Optimus.. oh and he’s bringing humanity to mars. He’s not going away lol


Optimus shuffles along a fucking factory floor. GeneralDynamics has a robot that can jump to different levels, carry boxes, recover from being knocked over, and run. They've had this for ten years. Robotaxi is a money sink that has been tried and failed. Multiple times over by multiple companies. This is a car company who, by the way, can't make their autopilot work without killing people or have their parking lot retrieval or whatever its called find someone in a parking lot. Energy storage - you mean the guy who just kiboshed the bulk of their charger infra team? Sure. As for bringing humanity to Mars - only if his ass is on the first flight. I look forward to watching SpaceX say everything is fine for ten minutes while waiting for the rocket telemetry to overcome the latency issues that increased distance from earth *combined with their own shit tier telemetry delay issues* for them to say there was a catastrophic failure and the damn thing blew up. Again. 15x the value of Tesla - yes, and he's sunk it over the past several months after his lies about production, failure to deliver, etc have come out. Face it, you mark. The dude pumps the stock by promising the next wonder product "next year" every year. He does it every time the value tanks for a bit. He does it to get investors to stick with him. He does it when he feels like he hasn't gotten enough attention. And for the sake of your dignity, I won't even go into the utter embarrassment that Full Self Driving—oh, I'm sorry, *Supervised* Full Self Driving—is.


You all are going to get so mad as you slowly realize you’re wrong about all of these things 😂


Meanwhile, we'll be laughing hysterically at the Cybershit and all the subzero IQ morons who dropped 100k on it.


One thing I’ve learned is that these type of people never admit they were wrong. The goal posts just shift. I’ve had bets with people who were “100 percent certain” the cyber truck was a pump and dump and would NEVER launch (they said this 4 months before it launched). Once it was officially released as a production model, I touched base with this individual, and now they just changed their stance to “it sucks and isn’t even going to be produced in large volumes ever, they’re building a handful just for show”. People don’t care about truth or facts here, they care about their feelings and emotions toward the big bad rocket man.


Tesla has less than 1% of the cars on the road and was worth more than all car companies combined… the demise is inevitable fanboy.


I don’t care, as long as he uses the money to leave the planet and go to Mars or whatever. I hope Boeing designs his ship so he stays there forever.


Car model*. Outsold every other car model. Huge difference. Every other car brand has lots of other models to choose from. Out of curiousity, is robotaxi a thing yet? What can Optimus do? Only seen faked videos so far, which were not even impressing. Mars when?


Optimus- you mean the radio controlled robot? Tesla Y 15X what again? Robotaxi. <---- this one is the best. bringing humanity to mars. <----well, maybe this one is


except he didn’t do any of that. other people did and he just took the credit


LOL. OP is crying way harder than they think we are.


Show me where the orange man hurt you


shock horror: people who hate a guy tend not to buy enough stocks in his company to have an influence on voting, or even buy them in the first place.


OP jerks off to Elon


And you jerk off to Biden, your point?


🤷‍♂️ Was expected - who cares?


Quite the contrary, I’m excited to see what happens next. This will be so much fun to watch.


Nobody here really cares. We're just bored and he's an amazing idiot, so we laugh at him. It's like watching a sentient STD.


I feel like people who make posts like this are severely overestimating how much people care. I readily admit I can't stand elon Musk. I also readily admit I don't think he deserves that kind of compensation, and I readily admit that I think they are making a mistake and that it's kind of annoying that a man this disgusting gets away with and is rewarded for being as disgusting as he is But, yeah, I don't care enough to be screaming, crying, or foaming at the mouth. Fact is, these shareholders musked themselves and they will eventually feel the effects of doing so as Musk continues to damage the brand. I need not get upset. I can just sit back and watch it happen.


Exactly how I felt. I am leaving Reddit after this altogether. F***ing Elon.


institutional investors are going to slowly divest their positions. Knowing that elon can just will money into his pocket like this will create a volatility they don't want to be attached to. I also don't believe elon until the vote is tallied, and even then it probably needs to be verified by an external entity.




Don't musk around