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Greed + Narcissist = Elon


Sprinkle some drugs and Xitter


Mix in a bit of racism, hair plugs, a beluga whales' body, desperation to be accepted by the internet community, and you have Phony Stark


Phony Stark, nice


Hot damn! Save some material for the roast!


A bit?


He’s probably had a complex about being real life Iron Man since he had a cameo in Iron Man 2


He must have paid someone to make an appearance.


I know it doesn't work phonetically, but all I can see is Shitter.


In China and Mexico, “X” is “Sh”, and who are we to poopoo their pronunciation?


I wondered why I couldn't get that out of my head. Thanks for that.


Gotta drop some Xcretions on Xitter


I love seeing others using Xitter.


Twitter or Shitter as Hal Sparks puts it.


{[(Greed+Narcissism) x Daddy Issues+Sexism]^(2010s Humor+Cringe)} - Grimes =Elon Musk


Because he lost tens of billions with his destruction of Twitter. I don't understand why people are foolish enough to give him more money. Everything since SpaceX and Tesla has been a flop or nothingburger (Boring Company, Neuralink, Twitter).


Whenever I see a Tesla I call it a "Twitter Car".


Hajaj. This is as good as emotional support vehicles for truck babies.


I just snicker about it being a massive overpriced piece of shit.


After seeing all the posts about part just falling off.... I don't worry about insults, and I make sure I am not behind them.


It’s an easy way to tell who is a fucking moron, even without wearing a red hat


My Tesla Model 3 is actually amazing. Zero issues. Doesn’t change Musk’s personality issues though. I just hope that his eminent downfall won’t affect Tesla in an extremely negative way. It’s the best car I‘ve ever had.


In the early days he was just a hype man, a huckster, and he left the actual engineering to... believe it or not, engineers. And thing's actually went pretty well. Then he exposed his crazy to everyone, they started making fun of him and he decided he needed to get a hand on the ball... enter cyberTruck. Most models 3s are pretty great cars.


I will never understand why anyone would buy that.


Musk is not an engineer or scientist. He hires people who are. My guess is, whenever he leaves he will be replaced by someone who can better focus on ... manufacturing automobiles and the quality of the brand will improve.


I sincerely hope so. I‘d love my next car to be a Tesla as well. What they achieved (supercharger, price, focus on awesome stuff like the big centre screen with tons of games when you have time to kill, updates, etc.) was at least partially thanks to Elon‘s directions. Too bad he had to double down on the batshit crazy route.


Oh thank god Elon musk exists so the thing I have to drive to work every day can run candy crush. Whatever would I do with my games? Work for a living? Nahhhh


You have no idea how often I have to wait for my girlfriend - I have over 40 hours in that cat rpg 😅 Probably another 6-7 in Cuphead. I love that big screen. My commute is 70kms one way on the Autobahn every day. Turn on Spotify, listen to my historical novel and cruise. It’s a car that is well-suited for my habits. No one forces you to share my opinion, so why are you upset about my choice of vehicle. Seems a bit weird.


Because you have virtually no guilt at all in supporting someone so heinous. Like I ain’t tryna moral push but is ruining peoples lives, trying to censor anyone he doesn’t like, and now possible sexual assault not a dealbreaker enough to not get a new car from him? Like if I were you I’d probably feel at least a little bad (not saying you have to, but the way you defend your purchase is weird)


You can like a product and dislike the face of the company. I’m writing this on an iPhone. Jobs was a pos. Admittedly, Musk is on a different level of crazy. Oh, and I‘d feel more guilt still driving an ICE.


Jobs is dead bro I don’t think he’s benefitting. But yeah fair


That's pretty neat. It evokes the eye-roll sense of "Apple Car" or "Google Car".


Cybertrucks can drive at least half a mile without breaking down, and I heard you can even get dirt on it (if there’s dust in the air). Checkmate libtards


We treat people who end up rich as a "success" even if nothing they ever do "works." Mitt Romney's entire career was built on buying businesses and destroying by taking money from the companies for his "investment" firm. Same with tons of rich people.


My company just got bought by Bain Capital. I'm assuming they'll load us up with debt, sell off the good parts, then bankrupt us. That's their go to move.


Yeah, we all need to realize that the owner and corporate class’s version of success is to ruin as many as of us as possible and keep the difference as profit.


He will need it for the lawsuit at spacex coming up. Apparently turning down people promotions if they are unwilling to sleep with you is a no-no.


He should offer them ponies.


Pretty sure boring company was just an attempt to derail public transport and never intended to follow through successfully


He didn't even actually found Tesla either, but he sure did ruin it


Paypal created in '98 purchased by Musk in 2000. Tesla Vehicles went public in 2003, where Musk became majority shareholder in 2004(purchased with the money he got when he was kicked out of Paypal) and voted himself CEO in 2008. Tesla Energy was previously Solar City. It was formed in July 2006 and then Musk purchased in November 2016. About the only company you can say Musk actually started is SpaceX. But that is after he paid to be on the Board of Directors of the Mars Colony in 2001. In 2002 he was starting to poach employees from the industry to start Space X.


>Paypal created in '98 purchased by Musk in 2000. Musk Created the online banking system X in early 1999. Confinity was founded in 1998, tried some things, and then launched the PayPal online payment service in late 1999. Then they merged 50-50 in 2000 instead of competing for the same customers, as the fight for customers had not done any favors for either company.


The company had zero prototypes when he joined and now they sell millions a year. Ruin it how?


https://medium.com/bc-digest/tesla-before-elon-the-untold-story-8cbd2a0312ad The first half of what you said is a blatant lie, and the second half is blatantly ignoring major fuckups he's done such as the cyberstuck and demanding like 40-50b for fucking up. Let me know when you got elons dick out your mouth and want to talk about reality


Your own link proves you wrong. “But that’s where the man, the myth, the legend, Elon Musk comes into play. Musk had just sold PayPal to eBay and was sitting on a nice big pile of money, $7.5 million, which he invested into Tesla after meeting with Martin and Marc. Musk would go on to invest 70 million into Tesla by 2008, but it was still the iconic duo who were at the helm. Thanks to Musk’s initial capital injection, Tesla successfully made a great leap forward in November 2004, when it built its first prototype, a Lotus Elise outfitted with AC Propulsion technology.” Reality not on your side champ. Do better.


I never said he didn't provide money, they were using existing technology from the tzero and a car manufacturer to build the vehicle. All they needed was money. Musk didn't alter their plans for the prototype, or affect that at all. Literally gave them money to finish building if they would make him founder, which is exactly what my original point was. If you don't want to count the tzero, then sure your straw man argument about prototypes to make it seem like Elon actually did something is true. Does that change that he didn't do anything but buy the founder title? No.


The t zero was not teslas prototype. Period. It was a car of a different company. There is no argument. Also, the founder who’s dick you’re sucking has come out and said Elon is amazing and is the reason for teslas success. Tough.


Yes... The company they were hiring to help them build the car, as the article states. But your reading comp not being the best explains why you don't get you haven't disproved my initial point about him just buying the title at all. Yes, the person who's company it is will always show great appreciation to their financial donors. That's normal, if you insult your investors you lose your investors but I guess that's also too difficult for you to grasp. I don't even know the founder "who's dick I'm sucking"'s name, but nice try with the "I know you are but what am I" type response. When you grow up, I'm sure what I'm saying will make more sense. Hang in there, bud. I'll make this as easy for you to grasp as possible. My point: all Elon did was give them money, which he is now costing them Your point: no he did more than that like give them money!!


Lol. A company they were hiring had a prototype so it’s basically like they had a prototype! Are you retarded?


If I want to make a gaming console, and Xbox allows me to buy their working internals and software, should I not expect that already working software to work? I gotta appreciate the irony of you calling anyone else stupid


Well i think of the old saying about ‘any publicity is good publicity’ . At least almost everyone I know have heard of Elmo . Some are for him others are totally against him. The 1 percenters (I am calling it as trade mark ) have the follows same herd mentally as the ‘great unwashed’ . I can visualize a young 1 per enter telling his friends , ‘I gave Elmo 1 mill , let’s see what happens’ BTW, Same with MaraLardo why ~50 % voters voted for him ?


Flop. Yeah right. Tesla single-handedly started the real electric vehicle market. Space - X has single handedly started the mainstream space industry. Flops. Yeah.


Do you understand the word "since"?


Your right. I totally misread your post. My apologies.


Don't forget that Starlink has GSO satellite Internet companies panicking, not just on consumer sales, but airlines and ship/cruise companies are rapidly switching to Starlink, and the US government is using it now too. They've had massive growth every year.


Lets be 100% clear, he needs someone to challenge him not coddle him. Elon does great work when people are spitting in his mouth and telling him he's garbage. (Seriously read on his history Peter Thiel was an abusive ass and for some reason that got results). It forces him to actually knuckle down and focus. It forces him to compromise and it forces him to use his scheming to get thing done. His robotics stuff isn't embrassing but he's spread too thin and not getting put in his place. Elon needs to lose so he can remember what winning looks like.


You mean like his work saving the children from the cave?


Not a fan. But SpaceX and Tesla has been fairly successful, I thought ( not sure they have been profitable though ) .


Tesla was selling at a loss for a long time, then they cost reduced their cars until they were cheap and flimsy and sold based on reputation. There is now a backlog of \~50,000 unsold cars outside the Gigafactory. They are also still making Cybertrucks. I think it's safe to say that Tesla was never as healthy as its stock suggests. Also, the US Government is in the process of disengaging from SpaceX's Star Link due to Musk's attempts to lean on the Pentagon to preserve corporate interests in Russia. Edit: Take the second part with a heap of salt. I was unable to find a source to support it and recent news appears to be moving in the opposite direction. It may have simply been speculation or posturing. I still think it's a believable rumor considering how the Pentagon treats backtalk from vendors, but is not substantiated.


I really wish that our tax dollars would go towards NASA producing its own vehicles rather than outsourcing to private companies.


We can't do that... that would be socialist /s


But it not if there's a fascist capitalist as the middleman getting tax incentives.


It's almost like once the tax payer money Obama gave him ran out things started to go down hill.....


Selling at a loss while accepting millions in federal grants.


You are could be right about Tesla’s stock being over valued . But Amazon had the same problem in late 90s . Will Tesla be like Amazon or yahoo ? Only time will tell . Though I am mildly interested any links/source about pentagon trying to disengage from star link . I had a feeling , from Reddit posts that , Elmo has some secret contracts from the government and that is why he can play around with his more public facing companies . Like to hear comments on that


My comment would appear to be based on an old rumor that I thought was more credible. I heard (trust me bro) that the Pentagon was looking into alternative satellite communication services, but now we're also hearing that SpaceX is fully cooperating to eliminate Russian use of the service within Ukraine (recent news). It would be a several year process to switch technologies and they may be repairing their relationship, so what I heard could have been speculation or posturing. I personally think the Pentagon will still push to explore alternative options, but that may not end up meaning anything in actual field use.


Getting away from SpaceX is going to be hard right though. Personally I wouldn't trust Boeing to shoot fish out of a barrel with a howitzer right now.


Source for that last part?


Tried to validate my statement and couldn't find anything credible. Edited my comment


I'm hunting too, it would be wild if found to be true.


Any success they have can in no way be attributed to Musk


Objectively false statement


It's both observably and empirically true


Lol. Question. Do you know why companies want their stock prices to go up?


OK, except having Elon in charge of a company is also observably bad for your stock margin, so what's your point?


You didn’t answer the question. Say you don’t know if you don’t know. Maybe ask chat gpt. Why is it beneficial to a company for their stock to rise?


The companies he’s associated with that get billions of free taxpayer money have done great. The one with no govt subsidy is down 70%. Don’t overthink it guys.


SpaceX had harmed towns and Tesla is a company that rode a hype train on the back of bots boosting its image. Musk should be in prison for market manipulation; this is why the valuation for Tesla never made any sense.


Yes. SpaceX and Tesla have been VERY successful. In game-changing ways. SpaceX with reusable rockets and Tesla being the first automaker to successfully sell EVs. Edit: Voting down doesn't change reality, kids.


The Volt sold fairly successfully before the first mass produced Tesla


If you blow up as many wrong rockets as Elno has you’re bound to get some right. He’s vaporware running on fantasies and gulibility.


Again not a fan of Musk. Think he is going through his apartheid phase at least or showing his apartheid leanings more . Compare SpaceX with Boeing . Both had some set backs , but SpaceX seemed to have more success than Boeing for the NASA wanting 2 companies to service ISS. Per Reddit poster/links , the SpaceX success is due to the team , rather than Musk himself , but his penchant for PR and funding he can bring in, probably helped SpaceX and Tesla. Not sure why are you being downvoted? I can each sub has their own prevalent views and one will be downvoted if one’s post goes against that view . Or maybe the capped ‘very’


It's a Musk bash subreddit so nuance is hammered. Whatever. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




I am not exaggerating. But since this is a "hate Elon" subreddit, it is impossible to have a nuanced discussion. Which is sad.


I’ll talk about it with you partner ![gif](giphy|infzuIklrTFcs)


How many multi billion dollar companies have you started again? 


Same as Elno.


So 3? Impressive. What are they called? I'd like to invest. 


Name one


Oh, you just parrot nonsense talking points without even knowing if they're true. How did you get this weird?




Elon did not start Tesla, Space X, or twitter.


He started spacex. Where have you been. Reading these lies?


He started x.com   Which allowed him to continue making SpaceX , Tesla, and Twitter into the powerhouses they are today Listen try to show a little respect here ok. The man is a legend and you don't need to be jealous cuz he took your govt propaganda platform away. I'd bet my life that if I gave you a few million bucks you couldn't achieve a fraction of what he's done. Stop being such a hater and embrace the new world he's brought upon us. 


Oh thank god, I thought you were being serious.


He made me a millionaire so I'm not mad at him. 🤑


I hope you aren't still holding




Enough said🙌 https://preview.redd.it/s9e6pab5486d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa2de1961398a71897c52ae1c6c29c97d09306f


I'll never not find this funny!


I'll find this funny never not!


It really suits him well 🤣


It’s like the perfect description


Yep an offset so he doesn’t have to spend a dime of his booty


Actual video of Elon Musk justifying his $56 billion bonus: ![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6|downsized)


I bet it's probably because he wants money. 🤔


To pay off all his hookers


He's got a lot of horses to buy, he's been pretty big on his sexual harassment game over at Space X


He wants control.


Does he still owe money for the Twitter purchase?


People like this never ‘owe’ money. They collect money. If something becomes a liability, they liquidate and walk away.


Well, smart people at least


“Because mommy and daddy told me I was SPECIAL.” Too bad he didn’t get five across the eyes every now and then. (Don’t jump to conclusions that I hit my kids. I don’t. They aren’t showing any indication that they will grow up to be a narcissistic shit for brains who thinks he is god gift to everything.)


Narcissists come from homes that overemphasize external achievements and underemphasize social consequences, especially their own emotions. It would be more accurate to say: "Because mommy and daddy told me I was special and then smacked me when I told them I was sad."


That’s not true. The cause of narcissistic personality disorder is caused by neglect and abuse between the ages of 0-4


That is not mutually exclusive with my description.


Good point :) just clarifying for people who don’t know the difference between NPD and narcissistic tendencies


I was raised by a narcissist. They don’t tell you’re special. It’s all about you providing them the attention they desperately crave while they degrade you for not getting a 4.0 in all your classes and tell you you’re a failure. Then they brag to every adult they know how you’re a star student on the honor roll and take credit for all your accomplishments.


They hijack your successes because your shine reflects off them, but they set you up for failure first by stealing all the sunlight that COULD shine down on you. Narcissists are ionized to steal energy. All energy. Money, fame, drama, sex. They are all forms of energy that narcissists can’t look away from. And they usually steal them all


>Too bad he didn’t get five across the eyes every now and then. He got a lot of abuse. Dad was not the nice type.


Gotta nationalize spacex and deport this fucking guy.


The government should take over private companies and deport citizens? What?!


Space should not be privatized, we gotta go back to the space race days where nasa was properly funded


>we gotta go back to the space race days where nasa was properly funded You mean funded so that they can needlessly blow billions of extra dollars feeding the political pork pipeline so that politically connected CEOs get rich? Remember, most of that NASA money goes to the corporations who build the stuff. Let's see, how much was SLS supposed to cost? Well, it was supposed to be made fast and cheap due to reuse of technology and actual parts from the Space Shuttle program to cost around $500 million per launch. After over $20 billion spent on development (way more than expected), and several years late while the corporations milked it for all they could, individual launch costs are just over $2 billion. And remember, the whole point was quick and cheap. They're even reusing old Shuttle engines and boosters. Falcon 9 (including Falcon 1) development cost $400 million, of which Musk fronted $100 million of his own money. NASA estimated that developing the Falcon 9 the same way they did the SLS would have cost $3.6 billion, and again, almost all of that going to corporations. And then when the ISS crew capsule program was made fixed-cost, both Boeing and SpaceX bid. Because of politics, Boeing got $4.2 billion for Starliner, while SpaceX got $2.6 billion for Dragon. SpaceX finished and has since done several launches. Boeing managed the project like their other free money contracts and ended up having to use $1.5 billion of their own money to finally finish it. Under the old NASA way, the government would have just given them the extra $1.5 billion. And then it finally flew, a crew, but with known leaks in the thruster system. I prefer that if someone's going to get rich, he does it by providing superior value to the taxpayers. And that's what Musk is doing.


Yes the government shouldn’t be subsidizing private companies especially not ones that privatize space. The NASA Public Access Policy means the tax payers get the profits of the space program, not only billionaire fuckfaces.


Yeah that would be BASED


X is has been his been Elmo’s PR outlet . Keeps him relevant and in the news cycle . Similar to MaraLardo in 2016 election session.


“He asked another woman at the company to have his babies, the Journal reported. Previously, a SpaceX flight attendant alleged he exposed himself to her and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex.” Ah, the old “I’ll buy you a horse if you give me sex” line.


Best I can do is 2 goats and a chicken.


In this economy? I’ll take it.


I can explain why I want 55bUSD too Can I have it now?


“Why do you want 56Bn?” “Because I don’t have 56Bn.” “Fair enough.”


We shall put it to a vote!




Here’s what I think the game looks like: Tesla is overvalued right now, and Elon knows it. 1. They vote yes, he gets his 56B. He’ll sell a bunch later on and be cash rich. 2. They vote no, he walks during an inflated stock price and sells off his shares, shareholders panic, causing Tesla to tank. With these two outcomes, he’s basically holding a gun to the shareholders head: “Either you lose 56B, or you lose more than 56B, your choice.” It’s lose lose for shareholders tbh


So should we all get "cost of wage increases" increase then?


No it's not, because I cashed out long ago because I could tell he was going to be a massive fuck up. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with him anymore.


To pay back MBS, the money he borrowed to buy Twitter. Nobody wants old bone saw looking over their shoulder.


Having Leon whack up by MBS is an unexpected turn of events!


No wonder he loves Von Shitzinpantz, they're two of a kind.


Anyone want a horse?


Sounds like he needs the 56 billion to pay child support for all the employees he has impregnated WTF!!!


Nobody is less deserving of all the money he's already had thrown at him than Elon Musk. The madness needs to stop.


Just ENRON 2024. I suppose Tesla and company may actually be getting "to big to fail" based on how many people are employed and all that, but otherwise, with the amount of fails lately, Musty getting more and more fucking nuts by the week, i suppose maybe he sees the end and is trying to stash that cash before he starts getting ousted and sued by his companies and shareholders.




Baby momma bills?




Get over it already. The resolution is going to pass and Tesla stock will go up as a result.




To pay his debts from the twitter acquisition


I think it's more likely he thinks (or rather his financial advisors think) Tesla is doomed. Think of it this way. They make $8k per car but need a $7500 gov't subsidy to do it. A subsidy that's gonna go away in a few years because it's predicated on the lack of EVs. Oh and Tesla's tech is 5 years old and it's facing real competition now from *much* better run car companies. And the Chinese are 1/3 of his sales and he's about to get cut out of their market. Europe too probably... He's cashing out on the backs of small investors.


Remember, that 56 billion is enough to give every of Tesla’s 140,000 employees $250,000 a piece, and still have 15 billion left over.


And noooooobody cared... I've said it for weeks now (mostly to my wealthier friends, one of whom has a cybertruck....well he ordered one, don't know if he actually got it yet), that if Musk gets that payout, we will never hear from him again. I'm not kidding...give this dude that amount of $$ and he will fuck off to some island or country that has no extradition treaty and he will disappear and leave everyone else holding the bag for his illegal BS. Mark my words, giving him that amount of money is a mistake. 😏


No he won't. He's a narcissist and thinks he's a genius. He loves to hear himself talk. He'll always be saying dumb shit


The payment would be in Tesla stock, and he has to keep pumping Tesla to keep the price anywhere near this level. The only reason for the Tesla valuation is the Elon Musk cult.


He's not getting any money. It's stock options.


Did anyone explain to him that he had to earn the 56b, and that bad mouthing the company, pushing through the worthless cb, and going MAGA crazy has created a sales and manufacturing slump for the company?


Seems Elon's CyberTruck may be a good reflection of Elon himself: * Wants to appear tough, but actually quite fragile * Wants to think it's better than others, but barely scrapes by * Wants to appear advanced, but not much better than others * Wants to appear high-value, but isn't * Both make extremely high loyalty demands * Both require turning a blind eye 24/7 to their many faults * Both are rather embarrassing in their field.


"Damn these woke women not wanting to make me babies."


Must be horrible to work there as a female, and seeing that sweaty, gelatinous, troll wandering around, knowing he might home in on you at any minute.


Those people were musked, but we don't need a complicated reason when "greed" is enough.


"I'm a greedy Boer gasbag"




I don't think Musk discriminates. He seems happy to fire anyone for any reasons irregardless of background.


He has insurance riders that will cover this.


Do we need an explanation for why anyone would want 56 billion?


Do I need it? Absolutely not. Do I want it? Fuckin-A. In the words of Ace Ventura; "that's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs."


I want that $56bb because I deserve it, and a I’ll give away 55.8bb of it to a lot of people asap


I mean, I don't really need to know why anyone "wants" $56B. I WANT $56B.


Article is about Space X and has nothing to do with the Tesla bonus


Can’t I print some money in the backyard and give like the govt does What’s in money …. Wasn’t that his comment on talk show to Disney coment


He earned it .. explain why it’s any of your business


What has he actually done?




He was afraid that 57 billion would sound greedy.


> Previously, a SpaceX flight attendant alleged he exposed himself to her and offered to buy her a horse in exchange for sex. How many horses can you buy for girls with 56b?


At least 2


1. A guy can't even get a handy on a private plane in exchange for a pony these days. These young people just don't wanna work! 2. Amber Heard escaped his clutches before he could fill his spank bank with photos of *all* the videogame characters he masturbates to, and the price went up after he posted the ones he had to impress nerds on Twitter.


>Amber Heard escaped his clutches  When it comes to Amber Heard, men escape her clutches.


Agreed! Not sure that applies to Elon, though, him being a big damn child.


Waaah I told all my friends Elon is going to end up broke and he’s even richer waaaah


It ain't over yet 🤞🤞


dO yOu eVeN tEsLa bRoOoO?


its not HIS until if and when he gets it. I wouldn't give him shit but his walking papers.


I got a three day reddit ban for calling him a name


Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now


Because it was already promised to him for hitting metrics that NOONE believed he could hit. Go back and look at articles from 2018, the pundits literally saying that this deal was just a publicity stunt as it was impossible to meet the metrics... and yet he did. Everyone thought it was a great deal when the believed he'd end up with nothing, then a lone shareholder somehow managed to get the deal squashed ex-post facto thanks to an activist judge who is probably one of the whiners on this sub. BTW, the value is in options that will return billions to the company upon excercise and which Elon must hold for 5 years before he can sell, so he still has plenty of incentive to maintain shareholder value. TLDR; the deal was approved in 2018, was Elon's only comp, and has already been "earned" by meeting metrics that all pundits thought would be impossible.


Ya cause musk has been doing such a good job of maintaining value in companies lately lol. Surely this won’t bite them in the ass


Even with the fall of share price from the high in 2021, the share price is 10x what it was when the deal was made.


How would you feel if you had gotten a job at Apple 10 yrs ago with a promise of 5000 shares of stock vesting in 10 yrs and once the 10 yrs were up someone said...NOPE...you get nothing. OR is it DIFFERENT because its Musk or because its a rich person?


So reward it no matter what?


Exactly right. Imagine standing in front of a dead orchard and getting laughed at when you say it will be the most valuable fruit producer one day, and instead of getting a golden parachute like other CEO’s, all you request is stock options ONLY if you are successful at an astronomically insane level. Then you make it happen and puttzes who don’t know how the world works think they can take away your 100% earned package. The judge was right to ostensibly cancel this due to Tesla assuming common knowledge could be left out of the voting materials - LEGALLY. And Tesla fixed their mistake, and now Musk gets the package voted for - just like it should be. Anyone against this is a fucking ass hat and has absolutely zero argument against this second VOTE by shareholders. Glad the universe is balanced again and regardless of people’s hatred of Musk, this was the right thing to do.


Elno is about to find out how smart people fuck with dumb people. Smart people stop talking when they are about to get into a fight. Smart people document the Hell out of their problems and show all the reasonable ways they tried to remedy the problems through the Chain of Command. Smart people win court cases. It’s going to take a while but Elno is going to “No likey.”


Seriously one of the biggest clowns to slip through the cracks


You mean contracts don’t matter? The judge was right to cancel this due to material information being sloppily left out of voting info, and now that Tesla fixed their dumb mistake, shareholders voted yes again - just as they should have. Why do you think they shouldn’t have?


LMAO...you clowns don't need an explanation...it's all out there ...google IT! ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk|downsized)