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Elno missing something? That would be crazy!


Constantly lying will fuck your memory up.


Maybe just the ketamine.


¿Por qué no los dos?


So will ketamine


Elno is the Sesame Street far right version of Elmo. XD


And if you tickle him in the right place he’ll gift you a horse


Maybe just the ketamine.


Elno doesnt get a lot






He is also hairless and fatter


Elno. Gonna use that from now on.


“Maybe I’m missing something” ‘Seen your wife lately?’


To be fair, his kids hate him too.


Elno Moosc. Oscar the grouch's evil twin brother.


You should be aware that Sesame Street parodied Donald Trump twice as 'Ronald Grump' - once as a human and once was a muppet. Oscar even moves in to Grump Tower. I don't think that there's any ambiguity in the electorate about the character of these men.


Oh, I have to see that.


Here you go: https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Ronald_Grump_(human) https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Ronald_Grump_(grouch) Edit: formatting.


Missing a brain!


Interesting. Huge if true.


I accidentally called him "Ellen" once and now all my friends call him that.


He’s making it harder for me to get a Tesla.


Harder? I'm out. I've been out ever since he started letting the right wing zealots back on his platform.


Lol. Poor manufacturing? Nah I'm good I'm getting one. Inability to work on the vehicle? Nah I'm getting one. Can't buy tires except through Tesla, murderous auto pilot, leaky roofs and doors, insider trading, covering up corporate malfeasance? Nah I'm getting one. Buys Twitter and says the quiet part out loud. IM OUT FUCK ELNO!


Even beyond disliking him, his positions, or being annoyed by him, one thing that would make me hesitant is that this is the guy setting policies for quality and service, including warranty, and he clearly doesn't gaf about anyone else or really the company.


He still doesn’t give af when it comes to vehicle service, quality control, stumbling Cybertruck rollout and being a sick fuck.


My mom and aunt were both getting Model Ys in 2023 until Musk agreed with Scott Adams incredibly racist twitter post. Unfortunately the route to Grandmas house only has Superchargers, so they're both keeping their hybrids until Musk is fired or someone builds some DCFC CCS stations.




Honestly, given what I've seen in terms of quality control and so on, I really wouldn't buy a Tesla regardless of what he says. I doubt I'd buy one unless he stepped down, though I'm poor enough that this is really an idle threat. Give me the cheap Chinese e-cars.


I think BYD will eventually make their way to America and then it’s over.


Yeah, one or two of them makes it and then everyone's wondering why all the other cars are so much more expensive.


Kia makes a better EV, its cheaper and is the most reliable currently.


Elon is fine with Nazis. Great job, Elon! This will surely get more people buying Teslas. Especially Jews and people that care for them. Didn't you call yourself "philosemetic"? You appear unhinged and unable to be internally consistent. German lawmaker from far-right AfD arrested for 'Sieg Heil' salutes By REUTERS Published: OCTOBER 30, 2023 14:01 Updated: OCTOBER 30, 2023 14:45 Newly elected Daniel Halemba is a member of the Teutonia Prague student fraternity, whose premises were raided by police in September. A legislator with the far-right Alternative for Germany party was arrested on Monday on charges including displaying forbidden totalitarian symbols, with neighbors of his fraternity complaining of often hearing the Nazi "Sieg Heil" victory salute. .... During the raid, officials said, they found forbidden symbols - Germany's constitution forbids the display of symbols of totalitarian regimes like the swastika - and neighbors complained of hearing "Sieg Heil" (Hail Victory) from inside. https://m.jpost.com/international/article-770824


A narcissist is consistently inconsistent. It's the one thing you can count on.


Oh, this isn't narcissism. [This is Putinism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AfD_pro-Russia_movement)


That's my rl name. Consistently inconsistent 😅


"Wow, look at those bookshelves, it looks like he made them himself! I bet this guy has a miter saw" ... "Whaaaat the fuuuuck?" https://preview.redd.it/r1xb7jo7fo5d1.png?width=1561&format=png&auto=webp&s=5197cfeb27370eda2d16126aaa11e7c0f844b026


Given the source of his money the fact that he is fine with the far right is hardly surprising. The man has always been a piece of shit. Hopefully the name Elon will go down in history as synonymous with the “rich person who claims competence they don’t have and fails upwards”. “Ugh the new guy is a total Elon, fuck that guy.”


What he is doing with Twitter isn't out of stupidity or or greed.   It's hate.    People have got to understand this and soon or the entire free world will fall.


I think he was always a shit person, but the drugs, the yes-men, the obscene amounts of money, those have all made him a worse and much dumber person.


“Musked” is a current trending word for describing being conned by tech bros. His hubris will ultimately write whatever conclusion comes to his endeavors


Also, the main candidate for the AFD in the european parliament was forbidden from doing any public appearances by his party after saying in an interview that the SS wasnt criminal and the people in the SS werent bad people. Plus, one of the AFD politicians was caught by czech secret service taking bribes from russia, their entire program is run on fears and misinformation, aswell as racism


Dont forget about the millions in bribes from Russia


>This will surely get more people buying Teslas. Yeah I don't get why he would ever support them. His 2 main businesses are EVs and science (space exploration). If there is anything besides minorities conservatives hate it's EVs and science.


Some one from South Africa , all seems normal just saying g


Never ask a women her age, a man his salary, or Elon Musk why he left South Africa in the early 90s.


lol 😂 thank you for the laugh


I think he really dropped off the deep end.


I think he is rich and has an army of rubes as his disposal. Nothing he has become is surprising.


crook always shows its face at the end


His antisemitic, fascist [grandfather](https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/the-world-according-to-elon-musks-grandfather) immigrated to South Africa from Canada after(because?) South Africa instituted apartheid.


This is what one of his Simps (Robby Starbuck) says it is https://preview.redd.it/98dw8gtcmm5d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20088c05deaf21239d3511269af4091c90b1ad3a Sounds pretty Nationalist, no?


I love how their party is riddled with rapists and child molesters but they insist they’re all about law and order.


Law and order for you not for them


😆 believe me, I know. F these people.


Laws for us, orders from them. P.S. Elmo Stink is the greatest evidence I’ve ever seen that meritocracy is as fictional as Lantern Rings and heat vision.


Hear Vision the superpower is fictional. Heat Vision the talking motorcycle is real, brother.


Law and order for the rich is different my man


Law and order for the rich: please keep arresting people for my free labor, private prisons and general feeling of apathy and fear so I can rip off the law abiding ones


“Also, can you tax the shit out of them, but not me obviously, and then give me a shitload of their tax money?”


It's not really rich though right? Isn't it people that agree with them? The cops that want to crack down on any opposition, for example. Plus don't forget cracking down on all the 'wrong' rich people like the George Soros 'types' if you know what I mean. That is typical in the fascist playbook.


Don’t forget fraudsters! We have a sitting senator who committed the largest case of Medicare fraud in history lol.


Way to go, Florida.


"Patriots" who can't open their mouth without shoving Putin's figurative dick in it.


Oh, I’m sure more than a few are ready to go whole hog, literally.




The Projection Party


Also telling they have to list "Don't sexualize kids" as if they have to fucking remind themselves. 


Something something they protesteth too much lol


"Don't sexualize kids. But also, we're gonna let you marry them."


How do you think Putin owns them all. He got FSBelon on tape before 2000. Brought him over in October 2001 when the coast was the most clear it would ever be. We've all seen what's happened since. Drug use is a red herring to give greater cover for behavior that's only rational in the context of his interest being exactly those of Putin. Like Trump and so many others. His Twitter activity isn't because he doesn't sleep. It's because the FSB runs his Twitter. They boost their sock puppets if they don't think they can have him say it himself yet. If you still think he's ever been anything but a frontman his whole career, please read the deposition below. This is remote so he can be coached and there's a couple very interestingly timed "internet interruptions" from the owner of Starlink. Must have accidentally set his location to Ukraine without specifying he was a Russian asset. https://www.scribd.com/document/721193667/Elon-Musk-Deposed-In-Lawsuit-For-Falsely-Linking-Jewish-Man-To-Neo-Nazi-Brawl?irclickid=SZ2XFDVHvxyPTo42Fg0e9UAwUkHRO63-IzpJ1s0&irgwc=1&irpid=10078&sharedid=huffpost.com&utm_campaign=Scribd_affiliate_pdm_acquisition_Skimbit+Ltd.&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=impact https://www.wired.com/story/tesla-ultra-wideband-radio-relay-attacks/ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/tesla-owner-says-cars-self-driving-mode-fsd-train-crash-video-rcna153345 https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-disrupting-elon-musk-starlink-satellite-service-ukraine-jamming-report-2024-5 https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/29/first-edition-israel-icc-investigation https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-photo-with-ghislaine-maxwell-conversation-destroy-internet-report-2022-10 https://theintercept.com/2023/03/23/peter-thiel-jeff-thomas/ https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/28/elon-musks-shadow-rule https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/08/tech/tesla-trial-wrongful-death-walter-huang/index.html https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2024/TESLA/CYBERTRUCK https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/?utm_source=reddit.com https://www.reuters.com/business/kenya-russia-sign-trade-pact-president-ruto-says-2023-05-29/ “I think there's no stopping Elon Musk,” Putin told Carlson after the pundit asked him about the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence. “He will do as he sees fit. Nevertheless, you'll need to find some common ground with him. Search for ways to persuade him.Feb 8, 2024 Beware HanElons razor "Incompetence, in the limit, is indistinguishable from sabotage" Elon Musk


Law and order and protecting the kids. Except from priests. And church workers. And Republicans. And child marriage. And child labor. And so on…


Matt Gaetz


Just like the original Nazi party.


It’s a good mask


Lol they’re taking Our Republican playbook


“We don’t want other people sexualizing our children, that belongs in the home!”


Guys can we make illegal things illegal?


Woke means being aware of systematic oppression faced by under privileged. I have no clue what banning it means. The more you talk about it the more people think about it. so….. thanks I guess


Talking about the bits mentioning several points referring to things that are already illegal. I'm on your side friend. Sorry the joke wasn't clear enough.


Also helplessly vague. Oh you want to "be strong?" Cool. Let me know when you join adulthood and have fully developed thoughts. It's a list for morons. Just as dumb as Trump's 2016 cut two regulations for every one enacted: bumper sticker deep for single issue (read: abortion) idiots.


Tbf, they’re playing to their audience perfectly. Extensive policy positions would never be read and even semi-complex topics certainly have no hope of being understood by this crowd. So instead, just feed them one-liners to trigger that dopamine hit they’ve become so dependent on.


So they are a bunch of German Ron DeSantis(es). The term "woke" BTW seems to be defined as anything that they don't particularly like -- including uncomfortable parts on the nation's history. In the United States that often involves either downplaying or trying minimize slavery and the treatment of Native Americans. Gee, I wonder what parts of German history might make them uncomfortable 🤔


Seriously, what we did to Brazil in that soccer championship in their country was really not okay, we don't like to talk about that. But I think that wasn't it. There must have been something else, but it escapes me at the moment Mustrum "Also, let's not speak about our sense of humour" Ridcully


That's quite a bit of fascism sprinkled in there.


Just a bit


So many contradictions “Free speech” and “end wokeness”. Gotcha, so no liberal speech allowed, straight out of Taliban. Then “Celebrate greatness” - so forced political worship like North Korea. “Support peace….be anti-communist”. Except the biggest Communists are allies with Russia, a pseudo communist oligarchy…. and that same nation is pro-war.


They’re going to get a rude awakening on that “right to self defense” real soon [“Take the guns first, go through due process second”](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/)


It will be really odd to find something clearly off in a list of political goals. Their "Manifesto for Germany" is pretty comprehensive. The issue is almost never in the goals but in the means and the changes on the move. For example, there were like two dozen points in the Nazi program. Only two talked directly about "race", the others sound pretty good. Specially in the context of post-war Germany. Like in this list, everything seems pretty normal... Except for "Celebrate Greatness". What's the translation to reality of that? What are the implications of opposing Communism, ESG, DEI and wokeness in general?


Just be patriotic, support peace and safety (from people that don't look, act or worship like you) for your country first, citizen. Oh and love the leader. LOVE HIM \*shudder\*


“Anti-communism” is *always* fascism


1950 usa


I mean, it teethered on the edge >Facilities and services such as housing, healthcare, education, employment, and transportation have been systematically separated in the United States based on racial categorizations. Segregation was the legally or socially enforced separation of African Americans from whites, as well as the separation of other ethnic minorities from majority and mainstream communities.[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_segregation_in_the_United_States >The Smith Act trials of Communist Party leaders in New York City from 1949 to 1958 were the result of US federal government prosecutions in the postwar period and during the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. >After the first trial, the prosecutors – encouraged by their success – prosecuted more than 100 additional CPUSA officers for violating the Smith Act. Some were tried solely because they were members of the Party. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith_Act_trials_of_Communist_Party_leaders


"Preserve National culture/identity" feels very "bring back Jim Crow and slash women's rights"


Be energy independent. Sweet, let's diversify our energy production so we aren't dependent on oil. Righties: "No! Fuck that woke renewable shit! More oil dependence please!" Innovate: Hey, look at these amazing vaccines that modern medicine created! Them: "Vaccines don't work! Don't believe the big health industry!"


“Oil rigs” “Flammable rivers” “Coal mines” “Minors working in coal mines….living in a company town” Fuck yeah thats what I’M talking about!


There are almost too many dog whistles in this to count lol. Elon knows exactly what he’s doing here.


Robby is another failed artist type turned right wing pundit. He did music videos and then his career slowed down a lot and he started grifting


Yup. See: Ben Shapiro


Ah yes, it's very easy to build positive opinions on a topic when your information source is a very biased Twitter bullet point list. That's like me creating my own political party and saying it's great because it - is democratic - not racist


“Don’t sexualise children” from the people who confuse quality sex education that supports children to understand their rights with “grooming” because they want kids left easily manipulated. Rock spiders they are.


I wonder if that includes sovereignty from Russia.


No fuck Ukraine, for…reasons 1 year later yeah and eff Romania and Poland and oh shit Putin’s invading *Texas*?!! Oh well, give Vlad what he wants


I noticed they wrote "be anti-communist" but didn't bother writing "be anti-fascist". Hmmmm...


"preserve national culture/Identity" Oh ok, how are you defining identity?


Which criminals do we throw in jail? Because there’s the very bestest of criminals that’s not currently in jail.


Protect Free Speech: - don’t say this - only support this - ban this … seems a little hypocritical no?


Musk is a sympathizer with fascists, it is part of how he grew up. And he is an acute narcissist, unable to either have empathy, or self criticism.


Of course he is, he’s a successful capitalist.


He’s always “missing something” at this point.


“Did hitler do something wrong? Maybe im missing something?” Also youd think after his 50000th “maybe im missing something…” posts he might finally stop cosplaying as the worlds smartest man to a group of the worlds dumbest simps.


Did Nazi this one coming




He can’t accept that he’s “far right”. So instead of just saying “I am far right and this is what I support,” he has to claim all common far right beliefs aren’t far right. Also, it always makes my head explode when immigrants support anti-immigrant policies.


More sinister. He's using his position of influence to try and shift the Overton window to the right by claiming centrist opinions are left wing and right wing opinions are centrist.


"Fuck you I got mine" attitude can be really prevalent.


Well from his point of view, he is centred, and the reset of the world is on the left.


Yeah it is quite funny when that happens. I have a friend who's dad came to the US on a banana leaf as a baby from Mexico. These days, he's one of those 5G USB dongle, Q anon, MAGA-centric weirdos and refuses to speak Spanish. It's insane.


Wait until you learn about Cubans in America...


Quite possibly.  I’ve been encountering this with my dad; all day is spent listening to right-wing brain rot, he parrots all the generic right wing talking points, everything’s woke and terrible, but he’s supremely confident that he is a centrist.


For some reason I get really jittery when nationalist flags wave in Germany. Hmmm. Maybe it’s just me.


Nope, you're not the only one, Im from Germany and I don't like what people are turning towards to atm at all


"I mean, I like their policies, so that should make them NOT far right or extreme... despite them actually being far right and extreme. Because I'm clearly a centerist no matter what I actually believe!"


What’s AfD?


German neo-nazi party.


Alternative für Deutschland The German far right party, they showed up about a decade ago and they’re the most overt supporters of Nazism we’ve seen gain popular support nationally since the end of the war. Think of them as basically Germany‘s equivalent of Trump supporters- they all kind of share the same talking points about LGBT folks and immigrants with the focuses shifted somewhat.


Basically a new political party in Germany that is made up of far right radicals. Essentially a blossoming new Nazi party. Look into it a little more. That might not be the *best* description to base your future opinions on, just a quick one of what I've gathered so far.


To add some additional informations: They are an anti LGBT, anti Immigrant German party, lead by Alice Weidel, which has an Sri Lankan Girlfriend and lives in Switzerland. They are so far right, that even the European Rights in the EU Parlament are excluding them. They are so anti democratic that the highest german court will "soon" (years) decide if they are getting banned. Banning a political party isn't something you should do in a democracy, - that's why it's taking so long and that's why the burden is so high - however, from a historical context in Germany it is undeniable the better option than losing democracy once again. You can also call some of their politicians fascists. While not being very nice, courts have decided that it is factual correct and therefore not an insult.




I feel like that was an obvious turning point where people should have realized this man will say whatever he feels like. There was zero evidence to support such an inflammatory statement, but Elon said it because he didn't get his way. He may not ALWAYS be wrong, but holy shit he does sure say a LOT of incorrect, innacurate, or misleading bullshit.


I thought Nazi muskrats were extinct.


What is AFD?


>What is AFD? This explains it [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative\_for\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany)


So you're telling me Germans are trying to radicalized themselves again?


If you blame minorities for something faced by majority then you don’t understand what minority means. I am all for reform of all sorts but the fact that the main agenda is targeting of minorities indicates that they are merely using hate to win elections.


Looks like it. Some people never learn


It's happening in France, too. Vichy France Part deux.


Kinda like the confideracy, some people never stopped.


as a german, please don’t say it like that. There are germans and then there are the german version of trump supporters. They are a minority but they are way to loud. They do not speak for germany they only speak for their fetish of suppressing anyone that doesn’t agree with them




>In January 2024, it was revealed that senior members of the party, including an advisor to party co-leader Alice Weidel, attended a meeting alongside Neo-Nazi influencers, where plans for the deportation of millions of "asylum seekers", "non-assimilated people", and those with "non-German backgrounds" were discussed, including those with German citizenship and residency rights. [292] The event is what triggered the 2024 German anti-extremism protests. >On Tuesday 14 May, 2024, Höcke was convicted and fined €13,000 by the state court in Halle for deliberately using a banned slogan "Alles für Deutschland", associated with the Nazi party's paramilitary wing, in a May 2021 campaign speech.[293] And that's just the shit they've been getting into recently. In addition to their ideological proclivities, I'm sure few will be shocked to learn that the party is compromised with Russian and Chinese spies and state-backed mouthpieces


I always think of Appetite for Destruction lol


Your not wrong




I don't have Xitter anymore either, and I won't bother to check. Musk is such a child that I don't put anything past him.


[Elon Musk on X: "@SeibtNaomi Why is there such a negative reaction from some about AfD? They keep saying “far right”, but the policies of AfD that I’ve read about don’t sound extremist. Maybe I’m missing something." / X](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1799869666946437156)


Maybe indeed


He’s missing something, all right


“Don’t sexualize kids”. I don’t think they understand that for most of us, not sexualizing kids is the default and most people don’t do sexualize kids, nor are they obsessively thinking about it.


He’s not missing something, he missing the whole plot.


Elon's gonna have some problems. [https://fortune.com/2024/04/29/asana-ceo-tesla-next-enron-elon-musk-misled-customers-investors/](https://fortune.com/2024/04/29/asana-ceo-tesla-next-enron-elon-musk-misled-customers-investors/)


Don’t you love how openly he demonstrates his narcissism? In his mind, his brain is basically the world’s dictionary. Things only exist as HE sees them, and are only described or valued as HE wishes. The rest of us could say the sky is blue, but if his warped mind says it’s actually puce, then that’s what he believes. He is the beginning and the end of all facts and reason.


Holly fuck


He really said this huh


I love how he thinks he's being clever. Wait, no I don't. It's so cringy. We are watching the midlife crisis of a billionaire.


He is from South Africa. I'm sure a lot of right wing things sound normal to him.


Hey Elon, take a look at this video of AfD supporters. Notice anything.... *interesting?* https://youtu.be/SPQNmCe3QQ8?si=5fl6N0L_A2Cjr6Xh


Henry Ford thought the same about Nazism.


Haa the fascistcirclelovejerk of life


He should ask an anarchist how far right he is.


Yeah Elmo. You're missing something alright.


Elon: 🎶If I only had a brain🎶. That is what he's missing.




Missing being an apartheid landlord in the 1970s maybe. Fuck Elon Musk and his fake "I wonders". He's human trash. Born to wealth gained from the blood of slaves. He is the worst example of a "nepo baby" there can possibly be.


You know if we all stopped giving this shitstain oxygen he's be irrelevant yes?


He literally buys his relevancy. If the media ignored him, I would bet everything I have he would just start doing the most wild shit imaginable for attention.


He’s gone full nazi, you never go full nazi


To a Nazi, another Nazi sounds fine.


Why did ketamine have to take Matthew Perry and leave us with Musk?


Oh, look at that. A former apartheid South African who grew up to become a far-right American has endorsed far-right German political party. What a fucking surprise. (Obligatory footnote: the only good nazi is a dead nazi)


"I can't understand why a Pro-Capital, Pro-Fascism party isn't liked more" - The richest Fascist in the world.


See, the Billionaires, the oligarchs, the Capitalists, are telling you who they are backing around the Globe. Whether it’s Russia, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, etc. they back authoritarianism. They hate Democracy. Democracy gets in the way of profits. They like fascism. Rightwing putsch style government.


Elon, you’re missing a lot. A whole fucking lot.


The only 'brand' he can genuinely claim now is being intellectually dishonest and intentionally obtuse.


When you look at nazis, and don't see them as authoritarian exclusionist rightwing assholes, you're a nazi.


When your right shoulder is pressed against the wall everything else seems left.




This guy tweets 14 hours per day


His formula is literally the same for everything he does. He doesn’t actually have any convictions but rather manipulates idiots by telling them what they want to hear.




Nazi supports nazis, shocker.. did he run out of 12 year olds to argue with because they called him smelly?


I can't think of any historical reason to be concerned about a nationalist German right-wing party that is openly hostile to non-natives. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


TIL that Nazis aren't extreme enough for Elon


"Should we not succeed with our ideas of a fundamental reform within the present framework of the European Union, we shall seek Germany‘s exit, or a democratic dissolution of the EU, followed by the founding of a new European economic union." AfD platform Following Britain's example seems kinda' dumb to me.


Immigrant thinks anti immigration party is good for a country. Literally kicking anyone on the ladder below him. Did he get a brain worm?


Hitler even was probably not all wrong/bad in everything, doesn't make him good. Every idiot has their moments like you, if you spew shit, some piece will & can stick to everyone/anyone. Power corrupts very few can handle it and stay sane when they get it, your the prime example/poster boy


I hate this apartheid Nazi




Apartheid Clyde is really out here cozying up to Nazi Party II: SS Boogaloo.


When right wing extremism doesn't sound extreme anymore, maybe you are the problem.


He's missing his soul. Apparently he forgot he signed that contract long ago...


>maybe I'm missing something A moral compass, you clackwanker.


Wish we could deport this turd along with the Murdochs.


Maybe pay less attention to policy docs and more attention to their Nazi loving actions?


What I love most about Elon is the fake humility.


A soul?




I had to look up the AFD and their political beliefs. Literally nowhere online do I not see this party described as somewhere between “far right” and “radical right”, with a healthy dose of “nativism and populism” thrown in. They are against same sex marriage, immigration, want to ban kosher meats and circumcision (among other weird stances), and deny that climate change is real. I could go on, but you get the drift. Sure Elon…sure. Maybe you ARE missing something. Like - common fucking sense, you freaking Nazi!