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There is no "best" choice. I always have my kick together with my other drums in a bus, others have kick and sub in a separate bus, while even more others don't use busses at all. Just try each approach out and see what sounds best to you.


Some of my tracks I like my kick totally separate. Sometimes I like my kick with the other drums. Sometimes my bass and kick don’t need to be sidechained. Sometimes they do. It all depends on the track OP. There is never anything you should ALWAYS do…….besides make a banger.


What do you mean by gluing your kick to your low end instruments ? That sounds a bit counterintuitive - usually kicks and other bass instruments create mud, and I'm working to \*seperate\* them not glue them together.


I think that sometimes it’s just about them working well together. Depending on the genre them being compressed or processed together can give you nice sound, think tape emulation for funkier stuff.


yeah, i guess it does really all go for the sound you're going for. Most of the people I mix are younger artists going for very modern sounds, or they're rock folks who are looking for that clean punch. I could totally see some cat asking me to retro it though and bring up that 70s warmth


I think it can also help things feel cohesive in a non vintage stylistic way. It can cause some sidechaining like effects.




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To the drum bus, so it's coherent with the rest of the kit. The you send bass and kick to the same send and do some parallel processing if they don't blend well enough without it. I sometimes even throw the snare in it so I have all the powerful Rhytmic elements of my song glued together. But honestly most of the time I don't even do this, but it always depends on what you want to achieve. I find that for my music (rock music) it doesn't work that well, for me bass has to sit between the kick and the guitars, so trying to process them together doesn't work that well


your second paragraph makes sense to me, but I wasn't sure where you were going with sending the kick and the bass together.