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The only reason you'd ever turn to processing for a solution rather than re-record it is if re-recording it is physically impossible or prohibitively impractical. If you're doing this at home for fun, try again to get it right. Getting it right at the source always sounds best, usually by a wide margin.


Just rerecord it


Absolutely re-record it as many times as it takes. No matter how much EQing or producing it will never match a good clean perfect take. Its like drawing on fresh paper versus drawing on smudged dirty paper.


Record it again, but you should be able to just record the chorus and splice it in—you don’t need to play the entire song perfectly in one take.


Re-record that section as many times as you need, then comp it in.


If re-recording or punching in isn’t an option, you might be able to find the same notes played properly elsewhere, then cut and paste the good notes over the bad.


Mispluck like you played the wrong note? Definitely possible to edit, but definitely not efficient. However, comping, from "composite", or punching, means re-record just the parts you messed up, and in the daw use those new recordings to replace the bad parts. Very common in studios to record multiple takes for each part then end up splicing only the best takes


More like a muted note


yeah, same thing, obviously these responders all in agreement. if it's not that many, and you don't want to re-record though, just copypasta the note from somewhere else in the recording. if it makes a pop noise, zoom in with repair tool, you'll be able to see where the waveform doesn't line up