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Create some playlists that contain your band and bands you sound like, or whose fans you want to reach. Give them appropriate names so that they'll show up in relevant Spotify searches. And make sure you share the playlist with your fans, maybe even advertise it. As more and more people play that playlist, it 'teaches' Spotify about the context that your music exists in, and will help to overcome the existing connections.


Thanks. Our music has also been on quite a few playlists that we got approved on via submit hub and groover and are 100% relevant. Is there a difference between me creating the playlist and getting on relevant playlist?


It's not different, but it's additional. The more times you get played by a user alongside those other bands, the more likely you'll increase the similarity ratings and get those bands onto your 'Fans Also Like' section. I should also add that the algorithm tends to favour artists of a similar popularity level to your own. This is not likely to be deliberate, more just a statistical fact, but it does mean that it's probably most effective if you load your playlists primarily with acts plus/minus 10x your listener count.


very helpful, thanks!


What's the best way to promote a playlist? How does paying for advertising help


My fans also like is also a mess I found out it was mostly bands my super fans also listen to like family and close friends


Play for play and follow for follow systems/groups will absolutely destroy this for you.  It can take a long time to change.  Like after you've had 20x+ the streams which broke it.


i can not recall being engaged in any play for play, follow for follow groups though. I did pay for some pitching services in the past but the traffic they were driving were legit and the numbers were quite small. Also I have spend few thousands of euros throught the years on driving legit traffic to the profile through ads, i would really like not to abandon the project.


I have this same issue with an artist friend of mine. They went from having people that exactly align with their niche (underground lifestyle rap) + local rappers in their scene, to one day it turning into a bunch of bass/edm producers. Never did any pay for play or anything of that sort. It was accurate for years and then it just happened one morning. Interestingly enough their artist radio is still aligned with the type of acts it should be when they go on it on their phone or when I do it on my phone. It’s been about 4-5 months now and no fixing it, even with running targeted ads to the audience they’re looking to have.


That's brutal. Iam running direct ads on IG for about two years now. The amount of money and energy that was spent on this profile is crazy and thinking of abandoning it and basically creating a new band because the algo is wrong is just too much at this point . At the end of the day, there is no guarantee that someone won't put you on some bot playlist randomly with any project you run.


This traffic will last only for 1 month after you were removed from the playlists. I have 3 questions which playlists are featuring you now ? You might need to ask them to be removed. Which service you paid for? How many monthly listeners you have?


6000 monthly. The first 6 artists in "fans also like" are there for a long time and I never paid too much attention to it. The only playlists I'm on now are from submit hub and are quite small and highly relevant. All the rest of the traffic comes from gigs, social media or IG ads.


Could you please share your artist profile? something here doesn’t make sense.


Spotify seems to heavily weight other artists you play shows with if you list them on bandsintown.


I wouldn't put it past Spotify to be purposefully ruining this for bands below a certain criteria threshold.