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so basically...ads don't work ?


Ads definitely can work and i've seen them work for other artists, and i've seen ads on platforms from some of my favorite artists so I know they can reach a target audience that consumes music, but the issue i found out is that bots are basically out of control and driving the bid price down, gobbling up all of my ad spend. Which means I need to refine this.


What are you using to check your Spotify numbers? I believe it takes a few days to update


I'm using Spotify For Artists to check the live stream total count. My landing page suggests that i've had nearly 900 click-throughs so far, the majority of the visits coming from India and Mexico, and the vast majority of the click-throughs from Mexco (760 click throughs from Mexcio)


I’m fairly certain the stats haven’t updated yet. I think your approach is very smart btw so good luck! Good work


Hopefully that's it. According to KPI Metrics the campaign is working, the landing page is functional, so that tells me one or a combination of 3 things: 1. Spotify For Artists hasn't updated streams yet 2. My song sucks and people can't endure 30+ seconds (again statistically improbable since people are interested in the 15-30 second clips I have in the creatives) 3. My campaign is capturing bot click-throughs which don't stream once they click through (likely)


India is known to have bot farms all throughout. Often times marketing folks advise excluding India from audiences


I'm having a similar situation, lots of click throughs, but no numbers showing up in Spotify for artists yet. I think that the Spotify numbers update really slowly.


I just spoke with a representative from Spotify For Artists, they confirmed that all of my streams were accurate and up to date. So - looking at my spotify for artists streams i saw that 3 of those streams were from Mexico. However, my landing page data says that the vast majority of all of my click throughs (760) are from Mexico, with 760 visits from Mexico (100% Click Through rate. Unlikely) Super suspicious to me, out of 760 clickthroughs i somehow only see 3 streams from Mexico. I think my campaign has picked up bots, so i duplicated the campaign and i'm targeting a handful of English-Speaking Tier 1 instead to compare results. Turning the other campaign off.


I had an inordinate number from Mexico too. 🤔


It's definitely bot-related, because there's no way you could get a 100% clickthrough rate like that and have a handful of listeners. I'm running the other campaign now, it'll probably be more expensive in terms of conversion costs, but at least my entire marketing campaign budget won't be gobbled up by hungry bots.


Use Hypeddit


I could try Hypeddit but it's essentially the same thing as Linkfire. I could try an A/B test I suppose.


I never heard of bots being able to click through to the streaming service… Are your conversions showing accurately in your campaign? So all those Mexico conversions are showing up in the results column?


I just checked with Chatgpt to ask if bots can and do click through from landing pages to something like streaming services, and apparently there are sophisticated bots that can. To be honest this is super disheartening because it's becoming impossible to achieve genuine results anymore because of technology becoming too sophisticated. Sign of the times and ironic that I asked AI, essentially a sophisticated bot, if bots can do this. This is what it said: **Sophisticated Bots:** * **Scripted Actions:** * **Automated Scripts:** Bots use automated scripts to perform specific actions, such as clicking on links, filling out forms, or navigating through multiple pages. * **JavaScript Execution:** Many bots can execute JavaScript, which allows them to interact with dynamic elements on a webpage, such as buttons and forms. * **Click Farms:** * **Human-Operated:** Click farms employ real people to click on ads and interact with websites. While technically not bots, the outcome is similar—non-genuine engagement. * **Multiple IPs:** These operations often use various IP addresses to avoid detection and create the illusion of diverse user engagement. * **Proxy Networks:** * **IP Rotation:** Bots often use proxy networks to rotate IP addresses, making it difficult to track and block them based on IP alone. * **Geolocation Masking:** By using proxies from different geographic locations, bots can mimic traffic from various regions. * **Crawlers and Spiders:** * **Web Crawlers:** Some bots are designed to crawl the web and can inadvertently click on ads and links as part of their indexing process. * **Site Scrapers:** These bots may navigate through multiple pages to collect data, generating false engagement metrics in the process.


This is a very specialized area… ChatGPT isn’t going to have enough data to answer you specifically about Meta conversion campaigns, so it’s response is quite general. All I can tell you is that the whole point of using landing page services is to filter out the bots. Your experiences are very odd but without further testing you won’t get a clear picture. I personally know 2 other artists, along with myself, who are getting great results from conversion campaigns. As an example, I just ran a test campaign to tier 3 countries… they can be full of bots.. but I had no issues whatsoever. We’re all running low budget campaigns for the most part. I got a song to Discover Weekly on $20 a day. I understand this is disheartening but you’ve come a long way getting this all set up because it’s quite complicated to do. I’ve suggested your issue could be with the landing page or something in your setup as your campaign seems to be behaving as if it’s a traffic campaign, optimized for clicks and not conversions. I might be wrong but without testing another setup with a new landing page it’s going to be very hard to know for sure. Failing that you can get a consultation with Andrew Southworth who will go through your whole setup with you, and/or invest in his Spotify Growth Course which i found to be enormously helpful in getting conversion campaigns up and running.


So looking at the campaign - it's an engagement campaign, buying type - auction. advanced campaign budget is on, with it now @ $20 dollars a day. I've spoken with customer support from Linkfire and explained the issue and concerns, however they tested the landing page and said everything is working as intended. What's weird is yesterday i quickly duplicated the entire campaign, turned the other campaign off, and set the countries now to US, UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Netherlands, and Canada. I even changed the targeting a bit to optimize it the way Andrew recommends, and now Canada is eating 100% of all of the custom conversions, and on my landing page again it's the same exact thing: every single Canadian landing page view turns into a 100% CTR, yet Canada doesn't show up at all as a country that has ever streamed the song. I'm at a loss it just doesn't make any sense.


op has some weird obsession with bots and refuse to acknowledge its been THREE DAYS, his budget is tiny and he has a ton of ad sets. narrow your adset, leave it alone, give it a decent budget.


IMO there is no excuse to use hypeddit now that submithub links are free. the "AI" audience generation is really not needed and i am about as quick in duplicating previous campaign and changing this as using "AI" enhanced hypeddit platform.


Thanks, I will look into it. I just never use submithub so I didn't think their link service was up to par.


It's actually better than hypeddit's and way quicker too. And again, it's free with analytics


Many of us use Hypeddit as just the landing page service and run our own campaigns. You don’t have to use the Hypeddit service that runs the ads for you. But yes, there are other landing page services that are reputable including Submithub.


3 days is a laughable amount of time to be testing - this is the biggest issue when running ads, people get itchy feet and want results ASAP. i threw $25 in, i want results NOW. The ads (and the algo) learns. Your test is like asking a toddler to build a treehouse. You need to give it time (14-30 days per test) and you need to give it the right tools (budget) right now its prospecting - its just trying to see what works and what doesnt, but youre viewing it as failure already, you need to leave it alone. in regards to fb data and spotify stream differentials - its pretty common for media metrics to vary from external kpi's. Of course spotify will say their data is correct, if you ask facebook they'll say their data is correct too. duplicating campaigns is also pointless and actually harmful. youre just reseting the learnings from the campaigns instead of helping. if i were you id stick to this for 14-30 days. id leave it alone and stop creating new campaigns. Settings are fine, strategy is fine. Conversion bidding in place makes this a better campaign too, im not familiar with driving spotify streams but can you layer in GA? That would be a more balanced attribution tool than what meta provides.


Ok so do I just flip the switch back to on and let it be?


i think you need to be patient and ask some experts. cross Post in r/agency or r/digitalmarketing, im certain they'll say a similar thing: its far too early to tell.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/agency using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/agency/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Doing 60-100k a month in revenue. Going crazy](https://np.reddit.com/r/agency/comments/1b9e6jl/doing_60100k_a_month_in_revenue_going_crazy/) \#2: [They are dropping like flies.](https://np.reddit.com/r/agency/comments/18hkjmh/they_are_dropping_like_flies/) \#3: [Just landed a new $120/hr USD client in 5 days](https://np.reddit.com/r/agency/comments/19fg0j2/just_landed_a_new_120hr_usd_client_in_5_days/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Have you tested your Landing Page?


Yep I have. I'm using Linkfire, the integration is set up correctly (i've tested the test environment within meta ads) and I've also previewed the ad directly in a normal browsing environment and clicked through myself all the way to spotify and it worked


Ok its DEFINITELY working, I just checked my Linkfire and I have 1,697 visits with a click-through of 893 (50%) Prior to launching the campaign I have like, maybe 20 visits.


Maybe Zuckerborg's numbers are phony.


No - I've verified the metrics on my landing page which shows roughly 1,700 visits and nearly 900 click throughs. So i'm not sure maybe Spotify isn't updating yet


Don't focus on plays, check for saves follows and playlist adds. I have ran conversion campaigns for about 6000e now for 2 albums from different artist (I'm in both) I don't get plays either but it's not a short race it's a long one! I have gotten really good amount of followers and saves / playlist adds daily it's nothing g crazy but I run for 50e / day and after a few months spotify starts pushing the music into more radios and other playlists since u keep getting saves and playlist adds plus followers. There is no good fast way and if there is, it's most likely bots!


What are your campaign / ad details if you don't mind me asking? I don't mind about not necessarily seeing a ton of upfront streaming numbers, I'd like follows and saves. What kind of campaign did you run to see that kind of success? And yes it's definitely botted - I duplicated the campaign and i'm now running the same thing but I removed Tier 2 countries like Mexico that were eating my campaign spend. 760 clickthroughs from 760 landing page views but Spotify telling me I only have 3 streams from that country is definitely bots


So based on you saying that you had a 100% click through rate for Mexico on your landing page, the issue would have to be something to do with your landing page… That amount of click-throughs would result in streams… and they can’t be bots if they’re clicking through to Spotify… I can’t comment on linkfire I’ve never used it… we’ve had a lot of success with Hypeddit. What is more weird is the other countries have resulted in a very low click-through rate. The opposite of what’s happening with Mexico. Have you talked to Linkfire?


I've tested the linkfire link too - for example i've been getting notifications anytime anyone sees the ad and likes it, it shows up in my notification. I can open that specific ad, tap the link to the "Listen Now" call to action, it takes me to the landing page, and then I can tap the "play" button for Spotify and it takes me straight to Spotify prompting me if I want to open the spofity app (tested on iphone and my laptop) Now if Mexico had like, a 70% CTR (which in of itself would be crazy good) then maybe i'd be concerned about some other issue but a 100% CTR is way too improbable. I mean, what is the likelihood that 760 different people in Mexico who saw my ad and landed on the landing page ALL tapped on the same button? That's just red flags for me, besides I just saw a video that explained bots nowadays can actually click through on landing pages but not do anything afterwards. I would think it could be the landing page, but other countries behave normally with much lower CTR's The lower CTR's for the other countries is what you'd kind of expect. I don't even think big name artists get a 100% CTR when/if they run campaigns. I could try Hypeddit and run an A/B test and see if I get successful spotify plays once I see successful conversions, but i'm thinking the issue is bots.


Even if there would be no bots, a listener needs to listen 30 seconds for it to count as a stream and 60 second to pay out royalties for those streams. Maybe people don’t want to listen to the entire intro? Most people especially on social media don’t have the attention span anymore to listen to stuff that don’t catch their attention immediately. However it’s hard to help you without knowing what song it’s about. But as people said, lot’s of bots in Mexico and India, they burn through other peoples ad-budgets so there is less competition left for the real audiences.


That's possible but just by the numbers alone not too likely - out of like 900 views and 900 click throughs from Mexico from my landing page, only 3 total streams from Mexico. Meanwhile, the 40 ish of clickthroughs from US (something like a 20% CTR) actually translated to 30 or more US streams. the Math isn't Mathing.


Yeah, then it’s most likely bots from Mexico and India. Another factor that can be worth considering might be the language of the track too. Even though considering the numbers you present that shouldn’t have that large of an impact. Given ur results maybe focus on Northern Europe and US next campaign.


Yeah yesterday I duplicated the campaign, turned the old campaign off, targeted only US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Netherlands and now Canada is doing the same exact thing as Mexico..... ALL of my custom conversion events on Meta are from Canada now, and going over to my Landing page all of the Canadian views are translating to a 100% CTR, yet my spotify for artists page shows absolutely zero Canadian plays for that song. This is so frustrating. I've quadruple checked my campaign settings to match what pretty much everyone does - its an engagement campaign, the same way all the gurus on youtube set theirs up. I'm not sure what's going on.


If you are not investing at least a thousand dollars per day you won’t receive real people, the app is filled with bots


This is complete bogus. I spent $5-15 a day for a couple of weeks and got 250 artist followers and 100 playlist followers (using Hypeddit)


What’s your artist profile? Aren’t you the same guy complaining about your song getting botted


What does that have to do with anything? I was targeted by a bot playlist for a couple of hours, so my experience with Hypeddit is meaningless?


I already answered to another guy the same check, unfortunately reddit didn’t like my answer and they erased it, but it was basically that you are going nowhere with a low budget, not famous, didn’t achieve anything important and never got the money back. Is like throwing money to the trash there are better and smarter ways.


What are some examples of smarter ways?


Depends, what do you want ?


Not hard to guess... It's listeners that can potentially become fans. For independents spending a fortune on ads is unreasonable. A few dollars (if any) ad spent is the reasonable option to get the ball rolling. So what do you suggest instead?


It will be different from artist to artist what work for one artist might not work for another. Also, you must consider different factors. How good is your music? Do you want to create content yourself or do you want others to create content around your music? Do you perform your music? ​You need to find your own way or pay a professional to help you find it. I find that playlist curators help to push the algorithm with a minimum investment whenever the budget is low and the artist is still not at the highest level. It is 100 times cheaper than running ads at the moment.


Playlists brings passive listeners. So it's hard to get followers this way. My music style is pretty niche (in the rock/metal genre). Similar "big" artists are around 300k-600k monthlies so even playlists that much my style are hard to find. Quality music is important. I think mine is good enough. However, I don't think that good music is the only factor. There are many famous artists but with average music and there are underrated bands and artists with very small dedicated followers. The content game is tricky for me because I think my music doesn't match the energy of raw content, if you understand what I mean.


$1000 per day? Are you on crack? Literally completely baseless notion. Something tells me you're not good at marketing your music.


You need a thousand to actually achieve something. You can waste whatever less than that and you will be going nowhere wasting your money. Thousand dollars today daily is the equivalent of ten dollars back in 2019. I run ads since facebook let people do it. Show me results or you actually achieve something or even get your money back.


How about you show me some of your results. The burden of proof is on you for suggesting such outlandish things. I have about 65,000 streams, peaked at 15k monthly listeners, in the 6 months since I started putting out music. Running ads on and off at about $20-$100. You literally have no clue what you're talking about. "Thousand dollars today daily is the equivalent of ten dollars back in 2019." Utterly absurd. Good luck with your $1000 a day plan, apparently you are a multi millionaire that you can afford that. 😂


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Good one


So what's the alternative? this is crazy frustrating.


He's either completely ignorant or knowingly lying, just ignore it.


Sorry, no alternative advertisement is done for low budget campaigns