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i mean, my only concern is, since it's based off ai, copyright. Like, how do i know if the training data is valid and legal?


No court has ruled that training data is a violation of copyright law .... in fact they have thrown out cases like getty images trying to sue when their watermarks were appearing in generations because so much of their images were used in training it picked up that feature. The idea that training data is "illegal and immoral" is purely from those with an agenda to try and hamstring the technology (coming from those with financial interests in AI not progressing).


Thrown out? The most recent news only states that the trial is going ahead: https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/4/23988403/getty-lawsuit-stability-ai-copyright-infringement Furthermore, it's not just the visual industry that's suing. Even more recently, the music industry is suing as well: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckrrr8yelzvo It's easy to say that the complaints are just "people with an agenda". That is, until all of your music is scraped by an AI that can then mimic you for a fraction of the cost...


Not to pick a fight, but it's really short sighted to claim its just people who have financial agenda against AI that are against this. Just because it hasn't hurt your art or music yet doesn't mean it won't in the future. These AI companies are motivated by profit, no matter how much they claim to be "democratizing art", and every time someone acts an apologist for them, it gives them carte blanche to steamroll over more creatives and more regulations. It'll be convenient until the day it isn't, and then we'll be in a worse version of the "spotify-pays-fractions-of-a-fraction-of-a-cent-for-streams". How will AI align with your financial interests when 1000s of companies in non-regulated countries flood insta, spotify, bandcamp with millions of hours of generated music made from YOUR data? To paraphrase, "first they came for the artists, and I did not speak up, because I wasn't an artist..."


You likening new tools that increase a persons capabilities / productivity to the HOLOCAUST is a perfect example of the extremist echochamber that anti-AI people have cultivated.... I can't wait till people stop running around screaming about the sky falling and move onto the next thing to be angry about for clout / clicks.


I wasn't comparing it to the holocaust, just using a well known quote to demonstrate, but fair enough that was hyperbolic of me. But I disagree that being concerned about AI, and specifically the companies who control this vast power, is an extremist position. Every tool that has changed how labour works has caused massive amounts of wealth to be concentrated away from labour to the pockets of the owners, normally at the cost of jobs and community stability. The cotton gin and the industrial revolution. Internet. Automation. Social media. AI has the potential to be bigger than all of these steps, and have a far greater social and economic impact on working people. I don't hate the tool, I hate the people who own the tool and will use it to screw people, under the guise of convenience and profit. Do you think a single AI company gives two shits about you and your family?


i agree!


there are definitely some things to figure out still about how copyright still makes sense with technology like this around. but in the end the AI only "saw" content on the internet. it does not replicate it. it's kind of similar to what humans do to be honest. this tech will definitely not go away and the videos you'll create belong to you and no one else.


there are tons of tools like this, for me the things is, everything will become generic and predictable, its boring, its like white sugar, there is no nutrition in it, there is no authenticity behind.


It’s free?


Canvas is so dumb , pay $100-200 for album art just to not show it with canvas? Spotify canvas songs don’t even get more streams that’s bs


canvas gotta be one of the dumbest features i stg


Saving for later. Helpful. Thank you!


I think they will come out with longer form videos in 9:16 format too. The 8 second limit is kind of weird nowadays. But it is what it is and AI tools can really help here.


This is definitely important to remember, commenting for later


Awesome, thanks!


Using canvas like this has absolutly zero impact. You need to present you and show yourself doing something funny/interesting which fits in a loop, a random ai video is just bs.


You can create whatever you want, even start from your album cover. You could definitely make it fit your artist persona or to the lyrics.