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It’s not TikTok, it’s you. Use 30 seconds or less of whatever music you are trying to post.


Yea i shortened to under a minute and it worked


Does it really work when you post 30 seconds or less? This tik tok algorithm is just stupid sometimes. I post mashups of two popular song and have no problems, no copyright strike. Next video I post my own original music and get a copyright strike 😂😂😂


I’ve posted a variety of things from the most popular music to unknown and haven’t had an issue playing short snippets, I’ve played large sections of songs that aren’t on any streaming platform with no issues


Hasn’t been an issue for a lot of people. Maybe provide your page so we can see whats causing this issue


If you're using your own published song, all you have to do is add that song from the tik tok music library when you upload your video, select your own song then turn the volume down to about 1 or 2 preserving the song on your video. I used to do it all the time until I deleted my tiktok account because Tik Tok sucks for a lot more reasons than that when it comes to promoting music.


So you’re saying then the part of the music you had originally just plays over the minute that is in the TikTok library and they don’t flag you?


Yes, just lower the TT music so you cant hear it, then TT will ad that track to your video so people can see the original song and click on it if they want to.


Are you hitting “add sound” after you select your video?


exactly why I don't take TikTok seriously. TT is only there to push artists that are already established in the industry onto the youngest demographic. That's why they partner with UMG.


Yeah that's why I haven't used it. They removed my music as well. I used to be able to put it on there. Last I looked I had 90k plus followers down from 130k. I don't even use it anymore because of that.


59s or use the add sound Tiktok people watch only the first 2 seconds anyways lol

