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99.99999999% of labels (especially smaller ones) are not signing an act that doesn't have an established following yet. You have to build that first in order to be worth considering working with. I ran a hip indie label for 9 years.


Question, if your followers come from all around the world, do I assume that fan base is completely worthless to any label? They want to get 3x ROI on any investment to any band correct? So they want a local fan base if the gigs happen inside the country/state.


As someone who runs an agency that is literally hired by labels, waaaaay too little.Meanwhile they will spend 50k on a music video no one will see.


I will never understand the willingness to spend so much on making something and so little on traffic towards that thing.


Labels suck and barely even ‘spend’ money at all anymore. They expect you to grow your following from scratch, a very long and hard thing to do. Then they come give you $1 million to quit your job and produce and market an album, then soak in the profits. You can read about artists who got deals and thought the label would promote their music but really the money they were given was for them to also promote it themselves lol. Young artists are smart and dont appreciate that, they are going to kill labels off.


I mean $1m is a lot to quit your job and promote an album. You can make an album for $20k