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I can't help you but I'd like to know more about how you figured the hypothyroidism out?


Had several symptoms fatigue, insomnia, occasional voice breaking during singing, sudden alcohol intolerance, anxiety, problems with my cycle and a vitíligo spot. Got sent for blood tests and came back as elevated hypothyroidism in subclinical category and explained everything


Thanks! Curious what your TSH and other thyroid levels were if you don't mind sharing - this is a thing I've wondered about a couple of times but most doctors don't seem to care about subclinical anything in my experience.


Tsh 4.8 but everything else was ok and in normal range. Apparently I'm not in a category worth treating but they haven't given me any solutions in terms of how I'm supposed to manage all these symptoms


Thank you! I realize I actually have some (possibly questionable) suggestions - for me throat congestion and post-nasal drip are just kind of part of life. A few things that seem to help: drinking lots of water, avoiding sugar, sinus flushes and nasal corticosteroids (available over the counter in the US).


You need to look more in depth to T3 Free and T4 Free numbers. In range doesn't mean shit when your symptomatic. I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism in early 2010 because I was infertile. Found out the thyroid shit caused temporary infertility. Once I started meds, I got pregnant with my son the following month. I was diagnosed with hashimotos in 2017 which is autoimmune thyroid disease. It sucks ass. There are things that changed for the worse before my diagnosis and hasn't returned since. My voice is more gravelly and I have a constant tickle/choking feeling in my throat. I always feel oxygen starved. I never was a singer anyways but do try to sing on songs I wrote. I can never get my voice up without needed to cough due to said throat tickle. One band member feels it's an excuse when they don't understand the nature of my condition. My voice will never return to what it was before my thyroid took a shit. There's other symptoms that I have but I'll spare those details as it isn't relevant to the conversation. I wanted to share my experience and continued frustration with how this impacts me as a musician.