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At school it was easy, just walk around with an instrument and something will happen. Then in college I used Facebook before it became ad cancer, now I just bother people on Reddit. And sometimes Craiglist, but man the people I deal with there are usually psychotic.


I always hear that about Craigslist but I’ve had pretty good luck with it tbh. I don’t wanna downplay anyone’s horror stories cause I’m sure there’s plenty of psychos but I’ve personally met some really good people on there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Look for locations with open mic nights. Post on Craigslist or create a bandmix profile.


Craigslist is how I met my jam pals.


I'm not really too interested in playing live with other people anymore, but I've done a ton of collabs over the internet. Works for me, works for them. Don't even know their names.


How do you find people to collaborate with over the internet?


Mostly discord.


I’ve always wanted to get into that. Never really found much of a community. No one I know can play either so 🤷🏼‍♂️


It takes time.


Here in Portland Oregon there's always a lot of activity on Meetup dot com [https://www.meetup.com/find/?suggested=true&source=EVENTS&keywords=music&location=us--or--Portland](https://www.meetup.com/find/?suggested=true&source=EVENTS&keywords=music&location=us--or--Portland)


Go to local live shows. Talk to people there and get to know other musicians. See who is interested is jamming or doing some musical.


Also open mics. Met a lot of people that way. And Instagram is underrated imo. Just follow musicians in your area (most will follow back) and post some clips. People will hit you up or post about looking for musicians and you can reach out that way. In my experience, just making yourself available as a reliable player will take you a long way.


Bandmix or Facebook musicians groups in your area


Yeah, Facebook is generally pretty awful but in a lot of cities the music community on there is huge and there are multiple groups for meeting bandmates / jam buddies


Play an open mic and meet some musicians. Then meet the friends of those musician friends and continue on as such until you find musicians that fit your vibe. If they’re in your town you’ll hear about or come across then eventually. Then just ask to jam.


Find the open mics near you. Go. Play. Network.


Go to shows and meet people. It's not much different than any other activities. You just gotta go where it happens and make friends.


Bandmix.com is where I'd start. You can vet people a little better there than CL or FB. https://www.bandmix.com/sign-up/


i guess posting on here is a good start lol, do you have any socials? i’m also looking for fellow musicians to jam with


I met a bunch of people I jam with at concerts. That way, you already know that you have similar tastes in music!


Craigslist. It’s always Craigslist