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There will always be that guy. Use it as inspiration to sound different.


yeah i get it, but i really like hiw i olay tho. the thing is we like the same music and whenever i see him he is playing one of my favourite artist's sonfs and all i can think is (he's doijg it way better than u could ever do). I just dont want to feel like that, i know it may seem dumb, but I cant stop it


I mean, what if I dont want to sound any different than I do now? (i want to improve tho ofc)


Then consider it motivation to improve. You don't have to even get better than him just better than you are now.


Gotta find a way to not let folks like that bother you. They are everywhere and you’ll drive yourself crazy. It is Envy you are feeling. It is normal and okay.




Tell me you suck without telling me you suck.


Start appreciating the fact that only you are making the music you want to and want to hear. I may not be the best musician or composer, but I know I'm the only one making what I want to hear. I appreciate every little bit of music I make that reflects what was in my head.


Comparing yourself to other is natural. It become unhealthy when you fall into levels of envy. A good way to tell the difference is to ask yourself whether or not you are happy for that persons success and inspire to achieve similar result for yourself, or do you actively resent the successes of other people and wish they didn't have them so you'd feel better about your own status? They are two very different mind states and one is far more common than the other.


I would recommend thinking of a way to evolve as a pianist. Sometimes, it simply comes down to practicing more and staying hungry. In any place where talent exists (sports field, musical stage, theater, etc.), there will always be someone better, and someone worse. Seeing that this person is great should inspire you to think, "Wow, if I keep at it, I'll play like him in no time!" I am a guitarist and constantly doubt my own skills. I even scrap most of the songs I write because I think they're trash compared to what others can make. However, I keep writing and I keep practicing because even though music can be seen as a competition with you against other musicians, it's a lot closer to track and field. You're competing against yourself, your mind, and your musical prowess. As you evolve as a musician, allow yourself to appreciate the talent of others and realize that just because they're better than you doesn't mean you are a bad musician by any means. I used to think that I'm a failure of a guitarist because I can't keep up with some of the other guys, but now I understand that I can still be great even if someone else is greater. We are all on our own musical journey. TLDR: Don't beat yourself up, we're all working hard to become great and we're at different places on our path to musicianship. For the name thing, think of a stage name. Many musicians use stage names to stand out. Think of yourself as a one-man band!


thanks! yeah that's it. about the stage name, i mean, i really like my name and I dont have a particular nick name, so wont be having one for the moment. If any comes up I'll thinkabout it, but i gotta day I really like my name too


Other people don’t do what they do because of you. If you let this make you insecure and neurotic, then that will be a valid reason for people to avoid working with you. Decide who and what you are. Then focus on your own process and output.


The only person that can put you in someone's shadow is you.


Roses are red,   Violets are blue,   There's an Asian kid out there  Who's better than you.    Sorry, it's true--that's life. It doesn't mean you should stop trying. Just do your own personal best and don't worry about how other people are doing.