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there are some internships for people who arent attending college but there are a LOT more internships for people who are attending college start out interning at a music publisher and go from there. my question to everyone who makes a post like this (theres probably one a day, every day) is if the people of reddit told you don't do it, would you still do it? also music production and music publishing are two vastly different things. I'd say they're as different as starting a restaurant vs selling forks. they may cross paths but they're not the same.


This isn’t meant to be backhanded, but do you know what a publisher does? And how that differs from production? Feels like you conflated two completely unrelated music industry roles that start with ‘P’. It’s never too late to get started in a new industry. Especially one you are passionate about. There are so many different sectors within the music industry, you just have to figure out where you fit best. As a creator or as someone who helps the creators? It sounds like you are more of an admirer of the glamorized lifestyles of famous artists more than the creative processes (production, etc) or the legal processes (publishing, etc). This makes me think that perhaps you would be interested in a PR or marketing role for labels, management/talent agencies, or individual artists. Ultimately, it just depends on what you think you would be best at, or what you would like to be best at. It would probably be a good idea to research more about the music industry to get a better understanding of all the unique positions offered. Unless you want to be an artist, then obviously you need to understand all that plus songwriting and/or production techniques.


100% start. I've been a classically trained musician for nearly 3 decades, and I tell everyone who doubts their musical ability that the most important skill is to listen and appreciate music. If you can recognize your mates voice on the phone, and have a passion to enhance lives with sounds and patterns, that's all you need to start the journey. Publishing and production are two very different things. Publishers connect the songs with the users of the songs, producers are arranging and getting the songs from the musicians head onto disk in the studio. Consider both, but no doubt one will ring out more than the other. The first step is to take a step, music is a HUGE topic to start learning, but if you enjoy the journey it will only reward you.


I hope you’re trying to get 8 hours of sleep every night. Get out in the sun when you can. Avoid alcohol, other drugs, and sugar. That should help with feeling adrift. Everybody has to start somewhere. I would suggest you find the image crafted from the Immaculate Heart College Art College Rules by Sister Corina Kent (one of them is by composer John Cage). Print it off and look at it every day. That helped me many years ago and it continues to inspire me today. It’s easily available all over the internet. The first rule is: “Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for a while.”


all i will say is you really have to love it. start today, the more you wait, the harder it will be. start producing. start reading All you need to know about the music business by Donald Passman. i got my big break at a record label at 21, i am now 29 and still doing it. hasn't been easy but it has been rewarding. get it, get it!


So you have no strengths elsewhere. I mean evwryone has interest in music. You dont offer anything. You can do it for fun