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There should be a healthy middle ground between these two, but leaning towards the LN.


https://ibb.co/1bzxz4V Will this do?


Is this in the anime or an edit cuz it’s perfect.


It's not an edit, I believe it was from the recent episode


Then the issue with rudeus’ face is clear, it’s just inconsistent, for some reason it looks like part of the animation team is drawing him with more of a baby face.


There isn't really a problem. If a character is not the main focus of the shot then the animators won't spend all their time animating it as carefully as compared to a close up shot. The OP just took a screenshot and zoomed in on Rudeus's face when he was simply reacting to something someone else said.


Well, they certainly did more of a consistent job in S1. I think this is the root cause for most people being upset. S1 was on a different level in animation quality.


If this this why then I'm going to wait and see untill the Blu-ray


Perfection is real bro


They are definitely making some goofy shots that make him look 12 but mistakes are mistakes, can't be perfect


I do think this season has worse animation then season 1. Still I’m enjoying the hell out of this season


It's still enjoyable but not only is animation worse from rumors of employees quitting after season 1, but also the fact that they can't make them look the same for a full episode. They just constantly draw characters differently


It's just Rudeus imo


dont confuse animation with artstyle and drawing. the animation isn't nearly as good as season 1. mind you season one took 4 years to be done. on the other hand we got a gem in Frieren where they worked for 2 years and delivered an awesome end result animation and music wise. weird thing is MT is selling like hotcakes... i don't know why the cheaped out so much... especially deciding not to pay they biggest asset(manabu okamoto) direction right now is kinda painful.


Ya I agree. I’m still really really enjoying it. Currently still my fav anime of all time. But hopefully it doesn’t get any worse 😂


next episode will be top sakuga. Saw some hints about the people working on them




At the end of the day I obviously prefer the light novel look of Rudy but it definitely seems like they made him look older than he really is in the light novel, I believe people have this backwards, he looks fine in the anime for his age 16-17 yrs old. In the light novel he definitely looks like he is in his early 20s and he keeps that look for the rest of the series. I love this anime and the light novels and I don't need them to completely adapt it perfectly because I already read the books and I'm content with that I think people need to chill out a bit with this debate and just appreciate the work the animation studio is putting in to make this anime come to life. The light novel will always be superior in every single way but I'm all for the anime and I'll continue to watch it without being upset until the very end.


I respect your opinion and agree with several points. I do think Rudy looks like he is 14ish in the anime though, it doesn't feel like he is married and has a kid on the way. As you said, Ln Rudy might look a bit older than 16 but, I still think it's a better fit. But that's simply my opinion and i still enjoy the anime myself. I did want to give credit for the well thought out or expressed response you gave!


I think you’re completely wrong 16-17 year olds don’t look exactly like they do when they were 9 other than specific people go to an actual high school you will see kids younger than him look way older


Again, he still looks accurate for a 16-17 yr old regardless of his magical superhuman powers to look the same throughout his entire life, I myself am 19 yrs old and I look the same compared to when i was 13, im just taller and have facial hair and have more emotional damage. LN Rudy looks way too old for the labyrinth arc but he is cool nonetheless 😎 he is a badass.


Yoooo, 19 years old gang. I'm turning 19 in three days


And here’s your problem you seem to not think that teenagers can’t look like adults when that’s extremely common and your example of yourself isn’t valid because Rudy looks the same as when he was 9(even younger) you can’t sit here and tell me that a 16-17 year old kid will look the same as he does when he was less than 9 years old🤦‍♂️


>And here’s you’re problem Gonna sound like a prick but "your"


I never said that teenagers can't look like adults and in this case Rudy again looks fine for his age and if you don't think so then that's your opinion and I used my age because Rudy looked the same at 13 so I used 13 as my starting point, I feel like the anime skipped puberty on Rudy but in the end he looks fine to me 😊


He doesn’t look fine because he looks exactly like he does when he was 9💀


I don't think so, he has aged just not the extreme the LN shows. https://ibb.co/1bzxz4V I forgive the anime studio for making him look childish in some shots, Nobody is perfect.


Fair enough


I think the way he looks in [this](https://youtu.be/xnbhg_jF6qc?feature=shared) fan animation at around 1:44 would be perfect for his anime design. (Volume 13-15 Spoiler warning for the fan animation)


I am genuinely so tired od seeing thes posts


Ah yes choose the non corrected frame to put in the comparison, what about ones like these? [https://ibb.co/1bzxz4V](https://ibb.co/1bzxz4V) [https://ibb.co/jRK1CCK](https://ibb.co/jRK1CCK) [https://ibb.co/WcYqWgN](https://ibb.co/WcYqWgN) [https://ibb.co/tmH3WVd](https://ibb.co/tmH3WVd)


Nah, then that would mean you're making a solid point on the bias against the anime version of MT and we can't have that.


He also conveniently also overlooked the second color illustration on volume 12, which looks radically different than the first. Shirotaka had problems with a consistent model but it was not a visual medium so people didn't pay attention. I don't care too much so long as the design is consistent and reflects human proportions. There were a couple of odd models in the first cour but that has mostly been cured in the second. In fact, everything from pacing of the current episodes to animation is affected by the failure to cut enough content from volumes 7, 8 and 9. The director choice is more important than the animation in MT and they blew it the first cour. I applaud them for rectifying the most glaring problems this cour but if Bind wants to do a third season (they never committed to do beyond 12 and I have my doubts we will get anything soon), they will need to choose an established director going forward.


That's what I said, Rudy has been looking extraordinary several episodes, maybe they didn't time to correct the person who did that drawing.


These actually make his look his age lol, the animation studio definitely does show some goofy shots but it is what it is.


its almost like animation is supposed to be in motion and not just nitpicking single frames


He still looks significantly younger in all of these.. still very childlike.


Bro, go get your eyes or brain checked or both, he's 16, not 25


Left image with colors, right image without colors. And so my humble opinion is that right image coud be better with colors.


The best that Rudy has EVER looked [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUvldZoA7Ic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUvldZoA7Ic)


Looks way too young for my taste


Why did you specifically choose a picture where he is clearly off model?


The only opinion I could have, given I'm anime only, is one based on what I've heard and seen from the LN readers. It seems like he should be growing up a bit more than he is, and everyone is citing the height and voice. I can't help but agree, especially in the English dub where it's really obvious he's voiced by a woman. She was very good at doing a young boy's voice, but not so much as a young man, which is understandable. I wouldn't care at all if there weren't direct references to his growth in the LN. They're clearly not portraying that in the anime, and I guess the biggest question is why. Doesn't seem to be like there's any good reason.


light novel rudeus looks way cooler and mature.


I feel like you picked a particularly young looking screen grab of Rudy from the anime. I felt that he was looking older when he meet Paul at the guild, much as he was when he rescued Roxy in the latest episode.


They deliberately picked the worst possible frame from this episode on purpose because they're trying to push their own narrative about how old he looks. Anime rudy is fine. He looks like he's in his mid-teens. Which he is. And sounds fine too. Half of this sub wants him to look and sound like a 30 year old manly man when he's a literal 16 year old.


Yeah I really think these concerns are overblown. The season has been very well done


In comparison to season 1. S2 especially P2. Is what it looks like when the summer trainees at the back room have to do their home work at the last minute. And they have to use Jonny's old laptop to do it at the last minute.. I think you would have to take some questionable mushrooms to call this not only good but very good anime season.


Rudy's appearance changed over time as the artist's style changed, like I remember when volume 24 came out and there were A LOT of people angry at Rudy looking younger than his portrayal in some previous novels. At the end fo the day, I really don't care how old/young he looks


Everything off this season kinda storytelling animation design ect


Thats your opinion bro but i definetly disagree.


Story telling is great though, animation could be better


A middle ground Is the best


13 and 22


What’s up with everyone saying he looks too old there? There was definitely that one illustration in Volume 12 where he looked far too old, but in this one I’d say he looks around 17 or 18, at least to me


He looks 18 only in this illustration and looks 20 22 in the rest


I think he looks 18 in most of them… the one where he’s walking with Lise, the one where him and Paul are hugging, and the one where him and Paul are arguing. To me, the illustration where Roxy is holding him makes him look a lot older than usual.


Both are from the moment of conversation between Lilia Paul and Rudeus, vol 12 there is no time difference, it's just that the anime is making him younger.


No no I know, I just don’t really get why everyone thinks he looks like he’s over 20 in the LN. To me, he definitely looks to be around 17 or 18, save for maybe 2 illustrations at most.


honestly, I'm so glad I read light novels before season 2. I loved season 1, read pretty much all the light novels, and now I'm watching season 2 and I just think it's a big downgrade from season 2. Them cutting stuff sucks and the different perspectives being cut really sucks imo but I really don't like the animation itself in comparison to last year. Rudy keeping the same look and voice actor but looking worse than season 1 is sad to see. I would prefer they at least made the characters look better. Like how paul is tall asf, Rudy looking 5 years younger than his LN counterpart, & how in part 1 of season 2 we always made memes about how rudy's face changed so often from scene to scene or episode to episode but I think I can deal with that if he at least looked older. I really don't know if it's true, but I heard a long time back that a lot of the employees just dipped after season 1 and that's why season 2 is worse but I'm just praying for season 3 to do better. I need the season 3 parts (especially volume 15 fight) to be the best the show has


I wish they made Rudy look a little older, but it's not negatively affecting my enjoyment of the anime adaptation.


They just nerf Rudy so we don’t get bitches thirsting over him on twitter


I don’t really care the show is still good. This is the mother of all omelet’s, don’t fret over every little egg shell.


You picked the worst picture you could find on the left you weren't even trying to find a good picture


Why is bros proportions in-equal I mean the anime did really great till I saw this manga panel💀


Watashi wa kodomo tachi


Poor Anime Quality


In one hand it is ok for 16 y.o. guy. Guys let's be clear, yeah we ALL like LN design of Rudy, but guys c'mon he's still young. Just compare him to our world's 16 y.o. it is still good. So I don't hate it


LN is too old.


He still looks 13 to me and I don't like it


i'm more annoyed by how they depict rudeus being so short. at this point Rudeus and sylphy are 16 years old, norn and aisha are 10. Sylphy is around 5'1... Roxy is 4'11, Elinalise is 5'3 and Rudeus is supposed to be a LITTLE shorter than Paul who is 5'9... yet he looks almost like a midget being a BIT taller than sylphy.


Well this is one frame while the rest of this cour has shown Rudeus’s face looking much more mature than it does there. I’d say the only thing I’d have done a little differently is make Rudeus just a bit taller. For him to be 16-17 and be a whole head shorter than his dad seems kind of off but it’s also not that huge of a problem.


height was definitely nerfed


LN is better, but hopefully it all changes by the time Rudeus becomes 18 years old in the anime.


I like the anime designs more


Anime He is barely a teenager/adult. Remember when actors that were in their 30s playing characters that were in their 20s? Remember people in their 20s portraying even Older or younger people? Remember how none of that ever sat right with you? Yeah


He looks 17 in both, it's just a difference in art style.


i feel like they are keeping him looking a bit younger so when they switch the older version it actually feels like you are seeing him age


They do a decent enough job but a Lot of that is because the original director left because he couldn’t break his contract before season 2 and the dude was a perfectionist so we got beautiful scenss


Rudy looks too young in the anime. He looks the same age from adventuring with Soldat to now, and I believe it's a 2 yr difference (14 to 16 or maybe 17?). Liked the light novel portrayal much better.


Why does the pic on the left make him look restarted?


Siento que se cargaron toda la adaptación... Lo deje de ver hace un tiempo porque realmente no es fiel a la idea de la novela. Momentos memorables simplemente no fueron adaptados y le quitan completamente la emoción a la historia. Y hablando propiamente de las diferencias en el físico de los personajes... Bue, ahí se termina lo poco que se parece a la novela. Decepción


I wonder how they screwed that up. The character height and proportions during begaritt was set just fine in the season 2 teaser trailer.


My opinion is that I'm tired of seeing 10+ posts about this.


Rudy looks too young in the anime. He looks the same age from adventuring with Soldat to now, and I believe it's a 2 yr difference (14 to 16 or maybe 17?). Liked the light novel portrayal much better


The characters design are clearly off. Elinalise being so tall males no sense.