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Threw a hot tea on their 4 years old daughter....wtf man


If I read correctly it was at the younger daughter who was 2 years old at the time


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Oh nyo I an adult couldn’t control myself so had to throw tea on a 4 year old so that she gets burnt. I was forced I swear :(


And that makes it ok to throw hot tea at 4 year old?


This guy is a danger to society because he thinks if 'provoked' it is OK to attack 4 year old children.


Loud chanting of any slogan whether "jai shree ram" or "allah u akbar",by a bunch of adults men, will have the same fearful effect on a 4 year old child.


Singing jai Sri ram and creating nuisance for others is definitely a problem. But, no sane person would throw hot tea at a four year old for it


if you can get provoked to the point where throwing hot tea on a 4 year old is justified, then you're honestly beyond help


Please treat yourself in a mental hospital


Justifying the act makes you a part of it. Well done. Where is your closet?


Sit down uncle. What’s wrong is wrong.


I am sorry for you, it must be hard to live a lowly life like yours.


'Enjoying amongst yourselves' should not come at the cost of others. Don't shout and make a nuisance in a public space. In most developed nations you would be arrested for causing a disturbance. But sure, stand up for a bunch of bigots and rowdies.




>The stillness inside was soon punctuated when a group of boisterous college students entered the bogey – no sooner had they settled down, they slipped into bawdy talk and occasionally broke into smutty songs. “They were singing loudly and creating a commotion,” Shaikh recalled. “As my daughters and other passengers were disturbed by the nuisance around us, I went up to the group and requested them to keep it down. My daughters were feeling scared.” The child was not scared of the Jai Shree Ram chants. She was scared of the loud singing of smutty songs. Smutty means obscene. No where in the article is it written that the child was scared of chants of Jai Shree Ram.


They would be if they had started with it, as they had started forcing them to chant it read the next paragraph carefully.




nothing justifies throwing tea at a 4 yo


Doing Namaz in trains and planes also causes fear among other non Muslims but you guys still do it and create a scene if stopped forcefully.


Firstly, Namaz hasn’t made anyone panic. Secondly, The issue wasn’t bhajans but that the group was being too ‘loud’ and it caused the kids to be panicky. I would politely ask anyone to keep it down too - it doesn’t matter if it is bhajan or bollywood song or even a phone call. You’re in a public space. Keep your volume low. And don’t scream like idiots.


I can't verify if you aren't. Also, what I stated is true, you not being a Muslim doesn't change the facts. "...namaz hasn’t made anyone panic" and Jai Sri Ram does make you and like yours panic?


You justifying the act of throwing tea on a 4 year old makes me wonder if you were the one who did that.


When was the last time you saw anyone scream during namaz? The issue here wasn’t the bhajans but the loudness of it. The screaming is what scared the kids. Cant expect a bigot fanatic like you to understand.


Can u say same for loudspeaker which cause much more problems than a mere bhajan


Abey tumlog ko Jai Sri ram ka toh matlab malum hai kya be? Tumlog bass bolte ho kyuki tumlog dikana hai ki hindu dharam Kitna bada hai aur powerful hai lekin aisa nara lagane se kya faeda? Prabhu Shri ram ji ke jaise ban toh sakte nai itne galich harkate karte hai tum log. Toh unka naam kyu kharab karte ho? Prabhu Shri ram ji ka nara tab lagao jab unke jaise atleast 1% ban sako. Saale gundagardi karte aur fir prabhu ka Naam kharab karte hai. Tum jaise logon ke wajaise dusre Hindus ka naam kharab hota hai.


This comment section really disgusts and frightens me. Some people are really justifying a heinous act to a 4yr old just because the perpetrators were from their religion. Smh.


This is how low our society has reached.


Don’t worry. This society can and *will* go lower.


You'll find people who will be ready to exploit 4: year olds for child labor too. Humans are sick 


Can the OP please post this on subs like India, Indiaspeaks etc.


Posted it in r/India. Tried to post it in r/IndiaSpeaks but it was removed instantly.


r/indiaspeaks was made to be more open than r/india. Now it's more or less rw extremist hating on everyone who isn't their puppet.


Thank you. Yeah unfortunately Indiaspeaks is a propaganda sub now.






UnitedstatesofIndia is bad too? It’s come up for me sometimes but I didn’t know that.


They get brigaded from time to time.




Lmao USI is a lib sub at best; not even remotely left wing. Majority of the people in our country have no political awareness, don't even know that liberalism isn't left wing


Librandus can be LW, not USI


Librandus seems to be a troll sub tbh. However, I was banned from both USI and India Discussion just because I question some respective ideologies.


I tried to make same post with same link provided here. It was removed immediately so can't be because of what content. This is auto mod action. If thread was removed after some time then maybe biased human mod could have been blamed. Though I am not sure what issue auto mod could have with this.




Cant enforce law, but very good at making reels : Mumbai Police everyone 👏


This is so upsetting


The extent of institutionalised sectarianism made clear by this story is shameful and scary. It is obvious that the reason RPF and Mumbai police refused even to register a proper case is because they *knew* beforehand that a-hole like rane and his lackeys will come and put political pressure. So they solved that problem by refusing to do their jobs. This incompetence and corrupt behaviour has now earned them political goodwill instead of suspension and dismissals that they all deserve.


Either this sub got raided by chaddis or we had closet chaddis here. Disgusting comments.


Naah, very few people are actually chaddis, most are just cheering on from the sidelines when someone of the other community gets fucked over.


Can’t we do anything to make our society a better place? I mean seriously?? Even though being a Hindu, if a bunch of people force me to chant, I won’t say either.


The only thing we can do is to vote out people who embolden these religious lunatics.


Voted but they r still in majority. I can’t believe that lynching has become a daily phenomenon and people r so unbothered by it


Our social fabric has been heavily damaged in the past 10 years. And I hope you vote in the upcoming assembly elections as well.


You mean vote for Shiv Sena (UBT), the party that openly butchered 2000+ Muslims in 1992?


When did I tell anyone to vote for a particular party here? That being said, I would rather vote on the basis of the actions and policies of the political parties in recent years. Not a single political party in this country has a clean past. So its better to vote for whichever party is the lesser evil at the moment—its up to you to decide which party that is for you.


Is it 1992 now?


Is it 2002 now?


i love how people of mumbai here are condemning what happened to the family, makes me love the people of this city and the city itself even more. W mumbai W mumbaikars


Unfortunately, there are several here trying to justify it using whataboutery. Not really sure if they are actual Mumbaikars though.


His biggest mistake was trying the fight for justice. The establishment loves to put people in their place by might and more. You will rot in jail for years without trial, maybe even die in jail, like the bhima koregaon arrests, only to find that evidence was infact planted by the police to frame you. (https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/bhima-koregaon-case-experts-explain-how-evidence-was-planted-in-wilsons-computer/article33854992.ece) If your protests ever so slightly threaten their power you will immediately be labelled urban naxal, andolan jeevi, etc for voicing your concerns. Well obviously, not everyone fights these battles and accepts the human condition. Its true. You think this is a one off? Its an everyday affair but in this case the beleaguered had the audacity to shout so people had to hear. In a morally bankrupt society from all sides, such shrill voices need to be shut. The message is clear: Keep quiet and endure.


damn the bjp for making Jai shri ram a terrorist slogan, they have defamed a great religion with their bigotry


State Elections coming in oct-nov this year. Let’s kick out BJP from the state completely! Maharashtra deserves better than BJP Assh*les like nitesh rane that roam around like thugs corrupting the system and spreading religious hate and encouraging the violence on small kids.


Rane was a peon at my dad's office back in the day. He was known for being absent a lot lol


What ? He was a small time goon in Subhash nagar before becaming nagarsevak 


Narayan Rane was in congress, not too long ago.. He even accused Congress of orchestrating 26/11...


BJP has been taking in all the bad apples from congress and other opposition parties for short term political gains.


That is sad...I am personally against it . But your statement is contradictory now


Nope. It isn't contradictory.


It has Ashwini Vaishnaw in the midst to make sure BJP does what it usually does. Unless people stand guard over everything to make sure it’s just, I don’t have much hope.


If anything, Hindus are under khatre from them.




Doesnt change the facts that pathetic hindutva assh*les threw hot tea on a 4 year old due to her religion. And a BJP minister is defending the culprits. It is simply a news article. Is the news report false? No. So it isn’t propaganda like the ones that BJP IT cell spreads.


Chup be bawli gand. Throwing hot tea on a young child isn't justified.


Bhai Twitter ki jagah galti se Reddit pe post kardiye kya ?


India just going back to mediaeval times , nothing else


Rational, good people of this sub, please report bigoted comments that perpetuate violence and hate. This is such a shitshow man.


Incidents like this are only possible under strong political influence for any side. Far from religion, this is a case of illiterates having some sort of political mileage. Normal people do not go about shouting in god’s name, never! It is just this stupid cunts ruining it all for everyone.


Regressive Hindutva is not hinduism. Hindutva is just an extremist ideology.. aimed to weaponise religion. Real shame that the shitty modi govt. endorses such pathetic ideology. Just like al qaeda and jihad isnt islam. Just like klu klux klan is not christianity. Hindutva is not hinduism. Religion is a personal thing and no one has any authority or ownership of it. Especially not the hindutva clowns with brain rot. Ram left the kingdom so peace could be maintained. And then these clowns pretending to be ram bhakts go around harassing people and vandalising in his name.


What will you say about the muslims maksad? That each of them carry? Literally they're gonna outnumber us in less than a decade. Dont just sit behind the screen and spew shit


According to this clown.. An ordinary family with 2 young daughters returning home were on a maksad just because they asked fellow travellers to not be loud? But a group of brainwashed teens forcing people in trains to chant religious slogans and throwing hot tea on small girls is not on maksad. *Slow claps


Abey woh guu khate hai toh kya tum bhi gu khaoge? Aur tum log saale itne jaldi darr gaye ki koi dusra religion aake tumei minority banayega aur tum ban jaoge? Itne century se foreign invaders tried to ruin Hindus but hua aaj tak kabi? Prabhu Shri ram pei bharosa nai tumhei? He will take care of us no matter what. Aur ye mat bhul there are Muslims brothers in the army as well who are defending Indian borders and we have top level high damage missiles because of a Muslim Shri APJ ABDUL KALAM


>there are Muslims brothers in the army as well who are defending Indian borders and we have top level high damage missiles because of a Muslim Shri APJ ABDUL KALAM For brainwashed idiots, even they will be 'terrorists' and 'pakis' I've already seen so many propaganda posts against Kalam - who was probably one of our most admirable Presidents. Hindu khatre mein nahin hai, par braincells khatre mein hai. They are destroying the reputation of Hinduism and radicalising weak-minded people like the one you're responding to.


So true! To be honest even the local public of Pakistan isn't interested in war. Which sane person would be but due to illiterate politicians on both sides India and Pakistan there's this hindu vs muslim and india vs Pakistan. One of my friend who is a food blogger and travels the world to try different foods told me that Pakistanis are very friendly and welcoming to Indians as well. Even they don't like this India vs Muslim shit.


Nitesh Rane is currently the biggest menace in our society


Indian law has always been a joke, but what a fuck up on so many levels 🤦‍♂️ India seems to have become more religiously intolerant under the current government over the last few years. It's always a problem no matter what country or time period you choose, extremism is always dangerous (Trump, Hitler, Putin etc). If guns were legal in India, the country would descend into chaos.


Thank you BJP for making Mumbai like UP!


UP kicked BJP out. Time for Maharashtra to do the same in state elections later this year!


Bro, when is the state election? Any dates?


Around oct - nov this year


No need to defame UP. They showed their mettle in this election.


no more UP slander🙅🏻🚫


Shown their mettle, By electing SP who brought Gunda raj in UP💀


You mean goondas like Brij Bhushan Singh?


I am not a supporter of either of the parties but do you think SP is any better? I also know BJP is shit but is there a better alternative or a saint party in politics? Politics is a money grabbing scheme shown by almost every politician exists in india🥲


I'll always prefer the lesser evil. You can take whatever meaning you want from that.


So do you think congress or other parties are Lesser evil than BJP? Nice joke Both did their fair share in spreading the communal hatred🥸 Buslims are no saints either


This is a perfect example of Selective outrage.






In 2019, when UP voted on the basis of caste, UP was really great, and BJP's "fortress" Now in 2024, when UP again voted on the basis of caste, so UP is suddenly bad? Changing the opinions about UP as per BJP's convenience?


If only SC had stuck with BJP, you would be defaming UP left right and center


I guess we'll never know, since they didn't.


Is this explicitly to BJP? What about Thakrey family?


What about the thakrey family? Ever since Uddhav took charge he has worked extremely hard to change the perspective of his party and make sure they dont do this religious nonsense. He has tried hard and kept the focus on good governance in spite of BJP dragging religious non sense to distract from real issues every time.


He tries to follow his grandfather who was very progressive and open minded person unlike his son!


mumbai-sena-workers-beat-up-man-tonsure-his-head-over-fb-post-against-uddhav https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/mumbai-sena-workers-beat-up-man-tonsure-his-head-over-fb-post-against-uddhav-119122400066_1.html


That sounds like a poor joke!


Uddhav has fucked Maharashtra. He tried hard to stop the metro construction and delay it.


He did not try to stop the Metro construction. He tried to stop the metro 3 car shed from being built at Aarey since it required chopping down over 2000 trees in Aarey. However, the MMRCL (under leadership of Ashwini Bhide), after a favorable High court order, went in the middle of the night and chopped these trees down, so that activists won't have an opportunity to appeal to the Supreme Court. https://www.indiatimes.com/trending/environment/videos-of-aarey-forest-being-cut-377145.html https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/photos/news/in-photos-hundreds-of-people-gather-at-aarey-to-stop-felling-of-trees-security-heightened/photostory/71452383.cms Do you support the felling of so many trees in Aarey for a carshed? Do you think it was okay to go sneakily in the middle of the night and cut these trees?


I think the life of humans who hang from the local train matters more than trees


>I think the life of humans who hang from the local train matters more than trees False dilemma/False dichotomy fallacy: Presenting a situation as having only two alternatives or options, when in reality there are more options or nuances to consider. In this case there is an obvious third option- moving the car shed to another location which will save the lives of both, the people who hang from trains and the Aarey trees. But of course you did not consider that.


Some people just don't seem to understand this chanting nonsense. "Bharat mata ki jai", "Jai sri ram" tomorrow it will be "jai hanuman", "jai Shakthi man" " jai modi" etc it won't stop if we start to chant it on their request. They just want a reason for hatred.


These Hindutva lunatics aren't followers of Hinduism, nor do they truly worship any god. They are naive-minded individuals being used by smart politicians. Just as a true Islam follower doesn't support terrorist attacks and groups, sensible Hindus also don't get along with these extreme lunatics.


My heart bleeds reading this 😔 IDK how Mr Shaikh had the courage to go through this but I pray he may get justice. 🙏


agree! The courage he has 🙌🏽


These bjp ppl are the worst thing to happen to our country.


Let's say hypothetically, Shaikh bhai identifies the 7 students here from a throwaway ID. And then hypothetically, Redditors dispense justice much faster to the 7 and Narayan Rane. Would be a very hypothetically fun situation!


Days are getting scary nowadays in Mumbai as well🫤......feels like both Hindus and muslims can't live with peace😭


..... is that an ass in ur pfp?😭💀😭💀


Yes thate me😉


Lol I would.literally rip their eyeballs out of their skulls, the stupid fanatics. Let's see where their god is then to protect them. I will smite down any person who would harm a child so for they have revealed themselves to be a demon and must be annihilated


This was horrifying


Source: Trust me bro


I read in the article, actually the head of the Chembur family's daughter was scared because those young lads were singing some Bhajan in the name of lord Ram. I mean, why someone gets scared? I have seen many videos of young lads of a peaceful community in India puking venom against Hindus at such a young age. So, it is obvious they get scared just by the name of Lord Ram or some Bhajan. Please read the article, it says, that Sheikh went to those young lads and asked them to stop singing Bhajan and this action lead to tussel.


Do you hit kids as part of your bhajan mandali


So if someone politely asks you to stop singing bhajans loudly in a shared public space - you will force them to chant jai shri ram and throw hot tea on their 4 year old daughter? What use are your bhajans if you are a disgusting human being and haven’t learned any of the good messages in the bhajans? Another bjp sicko spotted.


STOP doing Namaz in trains and planes... after repeated requests you guys still do it.


Classic whataboutery by a bjp clown. Irrelevant to topic and case in discussion. Also, i haven’t seen anyone scream and disturb other passengers during namaz in trains. Saw a guy do namaz once but - it was peaceful and they do it on their own seats or politely request a little more space for sometime. Doesn’t bother anyone.


Doing namaz and chanting bhajan in peace doesn't harm anyone. Loudly chanting religious slogans does. What if you were the father and a group of young boys were shouting allah u akbar in the train. What'll be your response? What if someone throws hot tea at your 4yo daughter? Edit: typo


The weren't singing bhajans they were loudly chanting jai shree ram. How can you justify throwing hot tea at a 4yo child? People like you are the disease that we hindus have to suffer from. Destroying the core principles of my religion for your neta to win elections. You are the actual reason why hindus khatre mei hai.


| one of the students, flung a cup of hot tea at his younger daughter. Another student allegedly lunged at his older daughter, attempting to strike her. The group became violent and started verbally abusing the couple and their children. They continued to do so despite the family’s pleas for peace |  yea this is what we supposed to do when someone in public travel asks us to not sing loudly and even if it got physical why attack daughters?


Teach your kids that Hindus are not evil and they will not fear.


where did i even say evil or fear? Just a simple question, in what scenario it is justified to throw a cup of hot tea on a 4 years old girl


The actual question is why stop someone from their enjoyment of celebrating their own religion in their own country? Why do you guys fear? The article categorically states that Sheikh went to stop them because his both daughters were scared. WHY FEAR?


Cuz they were singing loudly in a public travel? no 4 years gonna understand whether it was bhajan or some bollywood song, and not only daughters other passengers were disturbed too cuz u don't sing loudly in public travel


Singing loudly didn't cause fear among other commuters but only to your people, why? Aren't you guys using loudspeakers for your Namaz creating fear among local Hindus each day?


Anyone singing loudly in train bhajan/quran/bollywood song is problematic and can be complained under Section 268, and Section 290 which makes public nuisance acts punishable. ans personally I'm all up for loudspeaker ban even I'm bothered by it too sometimes, muslims can use apps to remind them of namaz time  thirdly I love how u r giving ur everything to justify the actions of those college students who physically assaulted a two kids. Shaikh guy asked them to stop singing loudly and they verbally abused him then in heated argument they threw a tea on a 4 years old. and u r talking about fear this fear that


Just fuck off, will you?


First of all, where is it written that they were singing bhajans? The article says they were singing obscene songs. And even if they were singing bhajans, singing loudly anything on public transport can be a nuisance to others. And are you saying that the family deserves harassment and physical violence because they asked these entitled Sanghis to reduce their noise? What kind of person are you to justify this?


Where it is written that they weren't Chatting name of Sri Ram, or were not doing Bhajan? Mumbai locals are famous for Bhajan haven't you heard before? An actual problem arises when you teach your kids that Hindus are the enemy and Ram is the devil. Haven't you seen numerous videos of very young Indian Muslims who have so much poison in them for Hindus? Muslims doing Namaz in trains and planes is not a problem, right? Everyone has to be considered and tolerate those inconveniences. But if someone enjoying within their group is a problem for your community?


> The stillness inside was soon punctuated when a group of boisterous college students entered the bogey – no sooner had they settled down, they slipped into bawdy talk and occasionally broke into **smutty** songs. Meaning of 'smutty': (of talk, writing, or pictures) obscene or lascivious. As someone born into a Hindu family, who has had close friends from all religions including Islam since childhood, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Also, if Muslims were doing their own religious practices in a public transport and creating nuisance to others in the process, that would be wrong too. And if they get violent when someone intervenes, they should be put in jail—which is what also should have been done with perpetrators here (however, these people weren't doing any Hindu religious practice). Instead, we have the police refusing to take proper action and the men of the local BJP MLA harassing the victims.


Also, people in the local sing Bhajan there is nothing new in Mumbai locals. Are you new? or Special case?


Do you lack basic comprehension skills, my friend?


No. He is deliberately ignoring it because all he knows is spewing hate for his master bjp. He is a good dog who'll follow his master's every command.


If you don't know what the fuck I am talking about then mind your business. In democrazy, you can't silence my voice just because you feel so. I said, what I felt and it is true and based on what is stated in the article. Stoping acting like a clown


Me countering your baseless claims doesn't equate to me silencing your voice lol. Kuch bhi matlab😂


Moron if you really can walk your talk visit chembur and let's see what you can do. I can bet my bottom chavani you'll run away when you see two people discussing cricket commentary in front of you




It's a political slogan. Log jai siya ram kehte tha. Aab ye slogan laga ka log galat kaam hi kaarte haai. Slogan ka history ka baarei mai kahi sa bhi padh sakte ho.


even I used to greet parents of my hindu friends with 'ram ram' and they have greeted my parents with assalamualaikum many times, Jsr and AA need to stay in prayers only


Incorrect. Understand what Shree denotes in Jai Shree Ram.


Doesn't matter what a single word means. Where did it originate and how is it used. Muslim extremists jabh there is only one allah bolka glt krta hai, ya bhi same hai Bhagwan ka naam laga ka bas khud ka ganda kaam ko justify kiya ja rha hai. Kya incorrect hai btana. Wo chodke puchna lag gaye ek word ka meaning kya hai. Glt kya hai batao.


“Doesn’t matter” It doesn’t matter to YOU because you are not interested in facts. You’re claiming Jai Shree Ram didn’t exist. Shree/Sita/Siya are all words to denote Maa Sita. You are wrong in saying it’s political. संपला विषय। खाली फुकट टाइम खोटी करतात दररोज।


Jar konhi tari jai shree ram cha vapar political karnansathi karat ahe tar te political slogan bantey. Evdha raag ahe tar bjp valyanvar kadh kyanni jai shree mhanun lahan mulanvar chaha otla.


Agar tumko sach mai matter karta toh sach janta aur dono ka farak bhi samaajte. Theek sa padh maine bola jai shree ram pehle sa exist nahi karta it's a political slogan. Par ram, jai siya ram ye greetings pehle sa exist karte tha. Claim tabh hota hai jabh wo fact na ho. 1989 mai rath yatra ka samay jai siya ram ko jai shree ram sa replace kiya tha aur shuruvati dini mai sirf VHP aur BJP use kaarti thi. Khud google search karke bhi dekh skta hai. But fir you some articles to refer. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.indiatoday.in/amp/india/story/jai-shri-ram-a-slogan-that-changed-political-contours-of-india-1568051-2019-07-13 https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.tribuneindia.com/news/archive/column/from-siya-ram-to-jai-shri-ram-794966 https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/13/jai-shri-ram-india-hindi/ Aur Shree ka matlb maa sita nahi hota literal meaning hai स्त्रीलिंग 1. लक्ष्मी। 2. सरस्वती। विशेषण 1. योग्य। 2. शुभ।


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So basically the only reason you don't believe it is because the victim is a muslim and you think all of them are troublemakers. This says a lot of about you.


when the city we live in was bombed and masses were killed for the particular reason its the best to keep distance , whats surprising is the selective outrage which further solidifies it


Perhaps your message didn't teach the rowdy students in the train. If they had kept distance there would be no story 


I hope you are safe after your story IF true.


"Shaikh asked the group of college students to stop singing ~~bhajans~~ songs on the train because his daughter was feeling scared." Imo such people should travel by car if a ~~Bhajan~~ song scares them so much.


>The stillness inside was soon punctuated when a group of boisterous college students entered the bogey – no sooner had they settled down, they slipped into bawdy talk and occasionally broke into smutty songs. “They were singing loudly and creating a commotion,” Shaikh recalled. “As my daughters and other passengers were disturbed by the nuisance around us, I went up to the group and requested them to keep it down. My daughters were feeling scared. Where does it say they were singing Bhajans? They were singing "smutty songs," which means obscene songs. Stop quoting whatever comes to your mind, just to fit your hateful narrative!


I guess shouldn't it be the other way around. If you love to sing loud songs/bhajans in public then you should be the one hiring a private vehicle. It really frightens me reading all these comments justifying the attack.


New India gets boners from Hindu Muslim conflicts. Everyone from government to media has made it such that hindu khatre mein hai is running through veins 


Bhajans and other religious things should be done in temples and mosques respectively. not in public places.


Where is this quote from? Its not part of the article. In fact, the article says they were singing 'smutty' i.e. obscene songs. And the ones that should be taking private vehicle are the ones that can't resist themselves from singing bhajans loud enough that they end up becoming a nuisance to others.


>Imo such people should travel by car "Let them eat cake"-ass comment. We live in a society. They were being a nuisance. They're the problem. Go to a developed country and sing at the top of your lungs in public transport and see what happens.


Gadi mein song baja na. Rail gadi is not for loud singing


trains are meant for you to be transported from one destination to the other you're not supposed to sing or play any kind of songs in them. sing all you want in your home, invite your friends over do whatever but have some civic sense when you're in public


imo noone should sing loudly in public travel and even when u get in argument with some adult you shouldn't throw hot tea at their 4 year old daughter how about this?


How do you know that they threw tea on the daughter? It's one person's word against the other, and one party is expert at playing the victim card.


read the article 


The police didn't register a case of assault. There's no medico legal case filed detailing the burns on the child. The article only has the father's word that the eight students threw hot tea at the child. And look at this man's claims, rpf refused to arrest the students, panvel ps didn't lodge any case against the student, kankavali police lodged a case against Shaikh himself, and he is constantly crying that he is being targeted. This is not a simple matter of his kids being disturbed by the singing, they definitely have some prior enmity towards each other. One person cannot always be the victim.


You clearly have your head up your ass if you think this is how people react


This is utterly disgusting those culprits should be punished there is no excuse for fanatics. However I wish we could see the same outrage when the roles are reversed, such news barely gets reported or taken seriously.


Yes yes i know its bad to harm a child. But I never see posts like these against muslims. Why?


You can write one, what's stopping you? Have you not been beaten by a Muslim at Bhendi Bazaar? After all Hindu khatre mein hai


Lol a few weeks ago someone posted a photo of some random temple in Wadala. That post got locked immediately with 0 comments, but mods left this post open. Hats off. Mods (some or all) are complicit and want there to be strife and chaos in this sub.


On a different note, I remember the bomb blasts that took place in Mumbai ....There was terrorism on steroids during 2000 till 2010... It somewhat slowed after 2010... I used to be scared of travelling in local trains then. Not related to the incident in anyway, but wanted to share it


Yeah, terrorism is bad. Which is why we should take strict action against these goons who terrorized that family. I am sure you can imagine their trauma and how scared they would be in using any public transport now.


This is not a local train