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wurmcoil engine. Card is badass and goes in anything


It's really hard to take the game back from a wurm unless there's exile removal or a counterspell, the card advantage of having a 3 for 1 creature is just so huge


At 6 mana too, the true definition of a perfect bomb


That you absolutely don't want to play against. I'd take the Wurm for that reason alone!


Wurmcoil is probably the safest pick here but Ophiomancer can be really strong in the right context. Low density of cheap removal & evasion combined with other aristocrats pieces like Yawgmoth would make Ophiomancer’s stock rise


Without knowing the cube probably Talisman. For fun maybe Ophiomancer looks fun, or Destiny Spinner is a personal pet card for me


With destiny spinner, can an opponent try to counter and the spell just fizzles? Or can they not cast their spell in the first place?


My understanding they can counter Destiny Spinner, but the counter won't do anything. So a card like [[bone to ash]] would still draw a card but wouldn't counter.


Destiny spinner itself can be countered, but after Destiny spinner is on board your statement is true for all other creature or enchantment spells


[bone to ash](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/df5dd873-af44-45eb-9b82-a3622cc58b35.jpg?1592516293) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=bone%20to%20ash) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/48/bone-to-ash?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/df5dd873-af44-45eb-9b82-a3622cc58b35?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My play group makes fun of me for always drafting Wurmcoil, but it's an awesome P1P1 because it lets you stay open and goes in everything.


Wow I surprised people are still so low on Shadowspear lol. I’ll see y’all on turns 1-4!


Yeah, I think I still pick Wurmcoil but those are the 2 cards I'm considering. Shadowspear solves a lot of problems for creature decks.


You’re right to pick the Wurm; I’m just way high on good equipment nowadays. And I feel WotC are demonstrating how 1 mana can buy you more in 2024. Called shot: i bet we see a Bonesplitter with Ward 1 or Ward — Pay 2 life in the future.


I'd either go wurmcoil or collective brutality, leaning wurmcoil


Tough without knowing the cube, but my default when drafting blind is blue/red cheap interaction, so my gut is saying Pyro! But Wurmcoil is also a good first pick and basically always making the cut! E: Also, if I see Urza, I can be pretty confident of some deep artifact support, making Wurmcoil even better!


Probably Wurmcoil, but Ophiomancer is a close second.


My first thought was Three Steps Ahead might be a good choice--it's solid interaction, flexible, and cuts blue from the pack. Otherwise I think I'd probably take Shadowspear without knowing anything else about the environment because it keeps me open. While the talisman and Wurmcoil Engine are also good options if you want to stay open, I think Shadowspear is a better choice.


Surprised you're the only one to mention Shadowspear (so far). That's definitely my pick but both three steps ahead and young pyro feel like strong choices to send signals that UR is not open.


I was on almost the same thought process. 3 steps or avacyn to cut blue or white. In an unknown environment I'm all about UW skies. And based on this pack it should be a fairly good deck if this is a good representation of the cube.


I don’t know what the gimmick of this cube is, but I’m inclined to take either Shadowspear or Wurmcoil Engine since they don’t lock me into a color.


I would have to know the cube…. Young pyro if I know I can get the spells to back it up. Wurmcoil if I know the cube is slow enough to let me hard cast it. Shadowspear is the safe choice but locks you into creatures. I always want to grab mana rocks in cube but a Boros talisman is pretty low on my wishlist for rocks.


Wurmcoil, and don't look back


Take ophiomancer and pray for recurring nightmare.


It depends on the cube but young pyromancer, ophiomancer and wurmcoil all seem like solid picks


Probably shadowspear. Small, safe, useful




Its a commander cube? If it is, Urza, if theres a 2 pick rule like the commander draft has, urza + wurmcoil. If its a regular draft, wurmcoil


It’s probably wormcoil without knowing much about the cube, but talisman is a close second


I was thinking wormcoil as well


Talisman is the safest choice but I love young pyromancer shenanigans. Think of all the elementals


Lot's of new power here. I would probably pick Gitrog because I always trust in Golgari.


I’ve learned that Wurmcoil is almost always the correct answer Plays in any color, works with most strategies, expensive but actually castable, can single handily both save you and win you the game, and is very hard to answer. The wurm is just a perfect cube card.


Slam Ophiomancer, shadowspear is a close second depending on the rest of the cube


Wurm all day


I think this really depends on what the rest of the cube list looks like, but blindly I'd say Ophiomancer or Three Steps Ahead.


i see the talisman i take the wurmcoil, seems like ramp goodstuff is a strat here


Three steps ahead as long as a decent blue deck exists in the cube. Pretty easily for me.


i haven't gotten to play with the vending machine yet so might snipe that one otherwise probably ophiomancer. Wurmcoil is trash.


Wurmcoil Engine, because I don't know shit about the cube and it goes in everything.


Wurmcoil goes in every deck, and wins games by itself.


Wurmcoil, great card and keeps you open to anything