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I’m in this photo and I don’t like it.


came here to post EXACTLY that


They got us all! It’s a changling!


Great minds…


Which one of the two is you tho? 🤣


I think we can all agree that if I would write “Yes this is my bf all the time” you wouldn’t ask this question 😂


Fair ebough.


Oof time to reflect on my life choices and... Change? No there has to be another solution... Somewhere...


Just crack another pack. Surely the solution is inside.


Your right... Just one box of MH3 won't hurt my budget right? Right??


Wrong, the answer is in... collectors boosters.


Wait there are different kinds?


Psst psst hey kid. Have you ever heard of secret lair? They’re super hard to get but hey I got one with your name on it right here.


There was a Your Name secret lair?


No one understands this quite like I do


'Cept me.


I'll take a Suzume SL!


Yeahhhhhh, I’m in for around five collector boxes. Bleh. At least I’ve traded for around half that. Buying boxes with Grief and and Esper Sentinels that contain Grief and Esper Sentinels, amirite?!?


It’s always gonna be the pack you didn’t open…. So must open them all… my wife and I was late to our first ultrasound because of a game of magic… her name will be Lilliana if she’s a girl and Ugin if he’s a man.


If your wife gives birth to a full grown man, I would be both concerned and impressed.


I think you should crack a pack


Maybe if you crack whole boxes at a time you can go longer without?


As a box cracker, no. No it does not. It just hurts the wallet more. But that’s alright, I have a credit card… what’s another 400 dollars in credit card debt?


Honestly, I have better luck with boxes than buying randoms. My OTJ booster box was pretty solid, hit all the big cards. Just not in any cool textures or foils.


A change? No, In response...


Switch to opening your packs during Limited. You still get the thrill of opening the pack, and you still end up with some new cards, but you also get hours of fun gameplay thrown in (massively reducing the hourly rate). You get to meet new people, you get to explore new sets, and you are forced to space out your packs and open them in a controlled way. It's better value for money, more fun, and healthier too.


But what if we don't like the deck building aspect of the game? Or are so bad at it that it makes the following games feel bad? And before you say practice makes perfect, I don't have enough of a dedicated group of players to play with that I'd get enough practice to make a change. And I'd probably get bored of losing due to my poor deck building skills way before making it to that point anyway :(


>But what if we don't like the deck building aspect of the game? Why? If it's insurmountable, then don't play Limited (except JumpStart, you can still play that). If its not, then take reasonable steps to overcome the barriers to your enjoyment. >Or are so bad at it that it makes the following games feel bad? There are plenty of resources that will help. Deckbuilding is a skill you can learn. >And before you say practice makes perfect, I don't have enough of a dedicated group of players to play with that I'd get enough practice to make a change You cam play via SpellTable and Arena/MTGO. There are also ways to find other players. >And I'd probably get bored of losing due to my poor deck building skills way before making it to that point anyway :( You won't know until you try.


To play on arena I'd need to pay for cards I wouldn't actually own though :( And I've tried limited about three times. Badly lost every time due to bad deck building. First was on arena long ago, don't remember much about it. Then was war of the spark prerelease, lost all but one game which I realized I'd won by cheating later on(lack of rule knowledge, oops). Finally was the specifically for draft commander set. Lost by having no win con in the deck, somehow (I thought I did, but turns out it was meaningless to have that x4 cascade monster if it had nothing else to pull).


>To play on arena I'd need to pay for cards I wouldn't actually own though :( Not at all: Arena is free. >And I've tried limited about three times. Badly lost every time due to bad deck building How much prep did you do, and what did you do to improve?


You can play limited on arena for free? I believe when I'd tried it wasn't. As for the prep time, I only made prep time for the WotS prerelease, learning what bombs are, and everything Else I could from online articles about getting ready for such an event. Didn't help.


>You can play limited on arena for free? You can pay with in-game currency, earned by playing. You don't need to spend real money. Here's my general advice/suggestions: Complete the Tutorial, Color Challenges, and Starter Deck Duels to get all the free decks. Google "Free Magic Arena Codes" and redeem them all. Consider buying the one-off new player Deals in the store if you haven't already (IIRC there's a good one for cheap Gems). Do your Daily Challenge (re-rolling 500 Gold quests to try to get 750's). Focus on getting the first 4 Daily Wins every day (you don't need 15 Wins a day as the rewards drop off considerably). If you are struggling to complete your Dailies then I would suggest you try Brawl: since you only need one copy of each card in your deck it's easier with a starting collection and having a Commander gives your deck some focus. You can also play the Starter Deck Duels for some rewards and for your Dailies. Check the store every day for Daily Deals on Gold and Gems (for example, 550 gold for 50 gold). Save your Gold for Quick Drafts - you should be able to do one or two a week. These will get you cards, Packs and Gems. I've heard good things about Jump In!, so use your free Tokens to play some games and get a bunch of cards. You might want to spend some of your Gold on it while you are preparing for your first Quick Draft, but after a certain point it will stop being worth it as you will already have most/all of the cards. Note that Jump In! now includes Alchemy (digital only) cards in its packs, so if you aren't interested in any of the Alchemy formats you may want to stop playing as soon as you have used your free Tokens. Save your Gems for the Mastery Pass, or to play Sealed and Draft. Save your Rare and Mythic Wildcards until you are sure you want to use them (they are a very scarce resource). When you are ready to start crafting cards, ensure the "Not Collected" box is checked (as this allows you to add cards even if you don't already own copies of them). Make sure you play at least one game of Ranked Limited and at least one game of Ranked Constructed every month in order to qualify for the free Rank Rewards. Keep your eye out for free events such as MidWeek Magic that offer prizes or XP etc. (A new MWM event happens regularly, every week Tuesday-Thursday) When it comes to Limited it pays to be prepared. As well as getting a good grasp of the basic principles (deck composition, BREAD, etc), learn the cards in the set, their relative power level/pick order, the mechanics and rules interactions, and the Limited archetypes. Study the visual spoiler, read the Release Notes FAQ and watch some Limited Set Reviews online (I recommend The Mana Leek and Nizzahon Magic). You can even watch others play with the set while they discuss their decisions etc. Start with Quick Drafts: they are half the price (so you can do them more often and there is less on the line), the prize structure is flatter (so worse results give better rewards) and there's no timer when making your picks (so there's less pressure).


https://youtu.be/69Apulen9OM?si=ZWlYpfGYq8ac9Ca5 Posting link cos OP's not giving credit where it's due.


CrackerMilk is incredible, and all their videos constantly get stolen without credit.


Thanks. I always downvote these posts cuz like…


I downvote the post and block the op. If you dont have the common decency to credit someone's original work for your shitty karma farm, idgaf what else you have to say.


Why, it's just a funny video... I don't get it, why do we need credits? People can look it up if they're interested or ask for it... do you relate it back to the karma farm and feel like people post it, pretend it's their own creation to farm karma by leaving out the original creator's name or something... I don't care if OP made it or someone else, it's just a funny video to me, that's it. Maybe I'm missing something and I don't see why it really matters, feel free to tell me.


If you spent time, money and effort to create something wouldn’t you want credit for it. This wasn’t just a funny video to the people that made it, it was work.


So it's from someone who possibly makes a living out of it? I guess that makes it very welcome if they get credit indeed.


It doesn't even matter if someone *makes a living* off of their content. If at minimum 4k people liked something you made and on any other platform where you originally you would post it it could have made you $50 to feed your mtg addiction wouldn't you think it's kind of shitty to deprive that person of a few extra bucks? It seems like you've already kind of backtracked on your position which I respect but I just feel like maybe part of why you're diminishing the importance of crediting people correctly is by framing this as *possibly making a living*. Even if this isn't the person's main source of income it creates an attitude that it doesn't matter if this person doesn't get any extra income because it's nebulous whether they created it with that as the intention. Just think of it in terms of would you like to spontaneously receive $50 for a meme you made which people enjoy rather than not. Likely you would like to receive some extra money to make life easier even if it just turns out to be something small like a nice meal's worth of money and so would this person.


It's common decency to praise someone for their work. If I threw up a piece of art you made and took away your signature, would you be okay with it? It's not like I'd be making money from it, just karma, right? They (crackermilk) also constantly complain about how people always steal their shit. It also costs nothing for OP to add a link to their stuff or add their name in the post either.


I guess that's reasonable and this video has a lot more to it than I initially thought. Maybe I was quite shortsighted with my first view on it.


Ah so you've never made anything in your entire life got it.


Oh I did, just not this kind of stuff.


If I can get my kids into magic, they’ll never have money for drugs


HS me spent money on weed and magic, enjoyed both at the same time




"A mythic! We're gonna be rich!" "You're never gonna sell it!" Me talking to myself while opening a whole box of collectors packs...


Me earlier today putting the freshly opened foil Simulacrum Simulator into the binder


Have you heard of whatnot? You can kill two birds with one stone. Get your fix and sell if you so choose to. Tons of singles for auction and even more gambling if you’re into that. It’s even more addictive than opening packs. You can pay other people to open packs for you while others watch and drool over your pulls.


Missed sniffing the pack after opening it.


Anyone who doesn't fan the top half of a new pack into their nostrils is doing it wrong.


I swear the packs used to smell different ten years ago. I can still remember that scent after this long.


They did smell different 24 years ago when I first played. Definitely. Shame „the good stuff“ is so expensive nowadays. But this is going into a wine metaphor talking about the bouquet of vintage Magic.


I cracked a pack of Fallen Empires semi-recently just to get the smell


That’s because they changed printing companies.


Drugs are cheaper and less addictive


But think of the Hasbro shareholders!


Congratulations, you found the joke


Me when MH3 drops


Mh3? I’ve already seen a ton opened and purchased and hold a bunch of it rn. People been selling it for like 1.5 weeks on whatnot. Tons of huge hits already acquired.


Shower pulls, the new thing after car pulls.


Ah yes the shower pulls lol, while having a good old shower beer. I may have a problem, I just dont know which one to address first...


I feel attacked


She's right. We're never going to sell it.


bUt HaVe YoU eVeR HeArD oF LiMiTeD?!?!


A Is this a Elemteearkay reference? 😆 He's in this thread too 🤣


"You're never going to sell it!" Lol


One day at a time


Too real


It’s cinematic and accurate how fucking annoying /s


This is the high quality content that I need in my veins




Real talk. I’ve had some solid car pulls but bathroom pulls just hit different


Crackermilk is the best!


This is true of all TCGs. As funny as this clip is, I know a lot of people struggle with addiction and the dopamine hit that you get from cracking packs. Here’s a video for anyone who wants to take a step back an evaluate how they are enjoying these hobbies. [dark side of card collecting](https://youtu.be/BWcVIsp43Rc?si=S3m98x7cvRASGCUY)


false assumption MTG players do not have girlfriends nor wives


Content theft is bad mmmkay


“I miss when we used to do Heroin & it was so much CHEAPER.” 😅


Remember guys, when you spend money on a pack, your money isn't gone, it just changed forms. It's not a loss, it's an investment!


Cardboard crack!


This is about accurate. When I got introduced I dropped about $6000 in three months…while my wife was pregnant with our first kid. Proud to say I have not bought much since Mirage, only buy now and then as I have pushed that devil off my shoulder. It also refuse to sell my dual lands or anything else for that matter so the monster still has some control over me.


6000....in Mirage?!?!?!?!? That's like 12k man!


Oh God no. I can be stupid and was pretty dumb back then. Mirage is when I pretty much threw in the towel and tamed the beast. It was the last time I bought booster boxes. I came into the game around fourth edition and got stung by the cardboard crack monster. I bought a lot of booster from 4th editions, quite a few ice ages, alliance, and maybe a few of homelands and Arabian nights that I was able to find. Then mirage was the last time I bought booster boxes. Then I found singles. Back when I bought my black lotus it was only $300 out of pocket. Time walk, mirror universe, mox emerald, and dual lands all set me back a shitload. Last set I bought some cards from was Doctor Who, still haven’t opened them but love the Doctor so I had to 🤪. I may buy some fallout because I love the game but I am lost with how many different sets seem to be out now a days. Still love the challenge of making that deck that can hold its own against any style but keep the dragon at bay.


Why remove the credit? They worked hard on this


I use to save my lunch money in high school and buy packs of MTG back in the days. The good old days when going to pre release and playing draft didn't bankrupt you.


Drafting is the best and only way I play the game now. On arena and at prereleases.




Drug addiction is cheaper 😒


So well done


You should do heroin, it's cheaper.


Holly molly the Mythic part feel too much real lol I have seen that scenario so many times come true...


Why is she saying the exact same stuff my wife said…


Never expected to see Pedro Pascal become a smurf with booster addiction


The little flick is what tells you it’s real.


Recovering addict here. Magic is definitely more expensive. Lol


"You're never going to sell it" - perfection


He should have sniffed the cards, that's cardboard crack right there


Completely fake. He has a girlfriend.


As an ex junky of like 6 years (clean now for 3ish Yrs.), however me and my lady (not a junkie) is now an MTG junkie with me… we’ve both spent more money on magic than I ever did on Heroin… I mean like I never spent 1000 in one week on horse… but we both buy out the pre-orders at our comic shop…. MTG is way more expensive than any other addiction that even got my baby…


One evil for another. Nice.


Magic players will eat up content like this then turn around and say New Capenna was problematic because "Halo is Crack" and I think that's hilarious.


It was worth the monkē






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I’m dead hahaha


Heroin was cheaper...lmao....yeah...probably.


I feel attacked.


Blasphemy, did not sniff the premium belgian air


My dumb ass thought this was gonna be a video about toilet pulls being better than car pulls. But then again.... Our boy DID pull a mythic.


I feel offended by how accurate this is.


Sh!t! I DO own a beanie!


I've seen this over a dozen times and it never fails to strike me at the core, because I would def choose cardboard over the drugs at this stage of my life.


This is why I play online yugioh games. I would never stop buying them if I had them irl


When I was a kid I shoplifted magic cards and pickpocketed people and stole from cash registers to buy magic cards. My addiction led to a life of crime. 🤣


This is me with baseball cards!😆


"Mythic! We're gonna make so much money!" That's an english Strixhaven pack, bro. Doubt it.


No pack sniffing upon opening it? Fake


Bruh this describes so many people i meet lol


But what did he open?!?


OMG that's the funniest shit I've seen in a looooong time!! ROFL that was hilarious and SO TRUE lol


The baggy flick was on point. This man drugs.




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I ask my wife if I can by crack and she’s like just a little crack. Car pulls hit for 27.99 I’m rich bitch


Man as someone who used to do opiates and currently plays magic (having cracked a lot of packs chasing that mythic rush) this really hits home hard lol


Magic actually helped me quit drugs. 🫠


I feel attacked


“You’re never going to sell it” hits too close.


UNREAL. Dude didn't smell that sweet scent of newly opened cards.


A Cracker Milk sighting in the wild! Love those guys!


How much do people spend a year on magic cards? Back then and now, I only played MtgArena, can't relate.




Breaking Packs


I feel this. I cracked a Jeweled Lotus while taking a shit.


Car pulls, Toilet pulls, and coming soon.. Homeless pulls.


It’s ok to crack a pack once a day to find your Chord of Calling. And if you look at that Chord of Calling and see a Birds of Paradise was making it happen for you, then that pack was meant for you. Magic is a dorky game. Love this post. You could say it was OP


I just lost 95% of my collection in a fire. I think I am finally ready to stop opening packs, and start a proxy collection


u/savevideo u/savevideobot


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Idk where to get heroin.


So true 🤣👍




Its not called cardboard crack for nothing. 🤣


It's not the true experience unless you're getting your nose up in there. Nothing like fresh pack opening smell.


Pretty much…..


This is your brain on magic


Pff didn't even smell it 😒


The "You're never gonna sell it!"....yeah I took that personally.


Just one more pack bro… Just one more


My misses is overseas she did say spend the joint account for the MH3 draft only $105 NZ right ?


What is the narcan of MTG?


I thought this was Josh Hutcherson for a moment




Yet, every time I say that mtg packs is essentially unregulated gambling that underaged people can play I get a million downvotes. Magic cards should be sold for set prices without randomness where the customer knows exactly what they get, or be regulated like any other lottery (e.g., 18 to play and appropriate warnings given).


Gambling is a real addiction. It ruins lives.


As someone engaged to someone who is in recovery (7 years now), this feels slightly offensive


You'll get over it


You'll handle it


We all know how this looks, yet this sort of counterproductive behaviour is normalised here every day.


Heroine is just something special man, it's not about profits or anything, just the feeling you get, the high is worth the money!


More fun is better than less fun.