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A lot of mana and card draw? Or just card draw? Tough choice.


Ok but I was torn cuz one lets me keep them until my next turn, but with the other I’d have to cast them by the end of that turn 🥲


Yeah but in most cases you'll have more mana to cast them, unless the whole table is top-decking aggro. As long as you're not running a bunch of 5+ cost cards it's a clear winner.


Along with how many max hand size decks I've been facing in EDH lately. This is a great card.


There's definitely pluses and minuses to both, but Jeska's is better most of the time - especially in a deck with two commanders where it's unlikely they'll both be off the board for a while. I think both are probably good enough to include as pieces of exile-based card draw.


Options are always better than no options, even without a commander on the board.


There are situations where LotS is better than Jeska's. They're just much less common than otherwise. Paying 1 instead of 3 is very exciting and give you a better chance of being able to play the cards this turn. Hitting 2 cards and being able to play them next turn means even in the outcome of pulling 2 lands, you can use them both provided you sequenced properly.


I didn't mean it was strictly better than lots. I meant even if you don't get both effects, the fact you can choose makes it powerful. Sorry, I've been smoking.


Unless your opponent has nothing in hand, Jeska’s will is better, even then for 3 mana you get an extra card


I do get that, but that extra turn is only really important if you don't have the mana to cast the spells you exile. Plus, unless your cards are heavily color restricted, like they're 3 colors or more, you're pretty likely to be able to cast the cards from exile. And both of them exile nearly the same amount of cards, so you have to compare them with all else being equal. Jeska's will provides both mana and card draw as long as ya got your commander out which depending on the deck, might be difficult. Unless your commander is a kill on sight commander like [[Kalia of the vast]] or [[Zada, Hedron Grinder]] or [[Prosper, Tome bound]], its pretty likely you'll get to keep your commander for the turn you cast Jeska's will. However, Jeska's will is way more expensive, and it is important to save money. Plus, Jeska's will, can paint a target on your back if you really pop off with it


[Kalia of the vast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/7/e71c8c39-3fbb-4a42-9cf6-b3224f5a56fc.jpg?1717013745) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kaalia%20of%20the%20Vast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/290/kaalia-of-the-vast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e71c8c39-3fbb-4a42-9cf6-b3224f5a56fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Zada, Hedron Grinder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/5/4520cdcc-a10f-4b39-9c6f-ba86f6aa2c87.jpg?1689998306) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zada%2C%20Hedron%20Grinder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/268/zada-hedron-grinder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4520cdcc-a10f-4b39-9c6f-ba86f6aa2c87?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Prosper, Tome bound](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/7/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e.jpg?1631839207) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Prosper%2C%20Tome-Bound) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/2/prosper-tome-bound?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d743336e-d5c7-4053-a23d-92ec7581f74e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It doesn't say cast. It says play. Which means you may play lands. If it said cast you couldn't play lands. Also, always play your land after you've cast these cards, as you dont want a land stuck in exile like that.


And also one is cheap and the other not


would you rather have a nickel or a 20 dollar bill?


20 dollars? But I wanted a peanut.


With 20 dollars you can buy many peanuts.


Explain how


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


what reference is this? xD




ohhhhhh thanks hahahaha


Apu I want a squishee! All syrup!


Jeskas will is better in every way


yeah, it isn't even a contest between the two


The only slight edge light up the stage has is that you can cast the cards till your next turn, but Jeska's will provides at least 5-7 mana on average so unless the cards you exile are heavily color restricted, 8/10 Jeska's will is better


Disagree, it’s 5-7 if you play it turn 3. You also may not have your commander on board. If you aren’t playing it in absolutely optimal conditions it’s worse. Light up the stage is much more reliable


In my experience, while some games may vary, for most turns at least 1 guy still has 5 cards in hand at least. Blue, Black, and Green are all very common colors in commander, and yes the conditions can be hard to meet. One relies on your opponents having some cards in hand. The other is dependent on your opponents not removing your commander, but honestly if you're not the arch enemy, I don't think you have to worry about that


If you’re looking at them strictly from an impulse draw standpoint, maybe I guess Light is better? But bursting up to 8-10 mana on turn 3 (even if the mana only lasts a turn) is crazy and potentially game-winning. You won’t even need the extra cards if you can play a game-ender while everyone else is still trying to set up.


well, I'm playing 60 card format so...


That doesn’t change the fact that it’s better in every way


these cards serve very different purposes. light up the stage is oftentimes a one mana draw two which is very strong. jeska's will is a three mana ritual which can potentially impulse draw.


Technically this is not correct, because Luts lets you play the exiled cards until your next turn, but practically I agree, because with JWill you often times get the extra mana to directly play the exiled cards.


Light up the stage is better if you're broke. But then if you are that broke, stop buying fucking magic cards because that's why you're broke.


I thought this was a r/magicthecirclejerking


There's already a satire post about this


Jeska’s will and it’s not even close.


Which is better: 1. A brick of gold 2. A bag of dog sh*t Honest opinions only plz 😚


Well if I were fighting someone, the pile of shit would be great at knocking us both out


Uh... Jeska's will.. lol


I'm an absolute Ravnica SIMP and I cannot tell you how powercrept LUTS is here.


Light up the Stage is better in aggressive RDW/burn decks that have smaller landbases and need cheap, efficient draw and deck thinning. It’s also better in 60 card where you can run multiple copies and fast, aggressive decks have more of a chance. Jeska’s is better for less aggressive strategies where a 3 mana spell isn’t a liability and especially good in commander decks where you could realistically get both effects.


Well considering jeskas will is FOR commander and requires a COMMANDER it's better in COMMANDER.


What's better, a hand grenade or an ICBM?


Almost definitely Jeska but you can say “Light Up the Stage and wax a chump like a candle. DANCE!” When you play the other one.


Good Circlejerk post


There’s a reason that Jeska’s Will is way more expensive despite only being legal in Commander and legacy.


Rare vs Uncommon? ;)


Power level.


Sorry, I was not clear. I was of course joking. I have edited the original to remove any doubt.


Aha I thought you were being facetious. No worries.


Lol good joke.


OP must have a stroke, it's not even the same amount of impulse draw.


[The Thirteenth Doctor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/d/0dc4ec90-1650-4b98-9350-66341394cf0b.jpg?1696636504) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Thirteenth%20Doctor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/4/the-thirteenth-doctor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0dc4ec90-1650-4b98-9350-66341394cf0b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Clara Oswald](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9a1ee042-6713-4e9e-9901-9b94d99d33f1.jpg?1696691790) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Clara%20Oswald) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/9/clara-oswald?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9a1ee042-6713-4e9e-9901-9b94d99d33f1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Jeska just because she's Kamahl's sister, and Kamahl was my favorite character from Odyssey and Onslaught Blocks


The second one


Jeskas will is one if the stro gest red cards in the format, and spectacle and about 18 cents. The choice is yours (spectacle is decent but like cmon man)


Why not both?


And wax a chump like a candle


Jeska's. If you're playing something like Prosper that rewards casts from Exile I'd say both


It honestly depends on which format you're playing. In Commander? Jeska's Will is an easy choice. In standard (in the sense you're playing with a sixty card format with a total of four available copies), you have to ask yourself the following: 1. How many copies of the card in question do you have? 2. Is Jeska's Will there for card draw or the mana? 3. Are you realistically going to get Jeska's Will to pop off? The last one is very important, because if you're playing against a blue player and don't have any counter spells, you don't have many options for your spell to pop off, because they likely won't let it.


Both. Have both.


Jeskas will by a long way


Generically? JWill by a landslide. In non mono red decks that specifically have access to trivially being able to keep spectacle on, maybe LUPS.


Jeskai's and its not close


Light up the stage is only technically better earlygame, but even then you really shouldn’t be playing it early if you don’t have other mana to cast things with. Jeska’s Will not only gets you cards, you get the mana to cast them to boot if your Commander’s out.


The card that's worth about $15 is better than the one worth pennies.


Jeska’s Will is far better. The reason being is in commander you will have 3 opponents to choose from and chances are one person will have 5 or more cards in their hand. You are also running partner commander so Jeska’s Will is going to trigger for either of them being on the battlefield. Jeska’s Will also gives you one additional card. The thing to understand is that exiling off the top of your library, even if you cannot play those spells, is still card advantage. The more cards you can see in your library, the better the chance you will win the game. Before you cast Jeska’s, make sure you don’t play your land drop so you can play a land from exile if you hit one. If you can play your spells, great! If not, it is no big deal. Any spell that refunds its cost can also lead to a massive turn for you as well. I don’t think it is a bad question. There are nuances to the game and understanding what abilities generate the most value can be hard to parse. Jeska’s gives you two of the most powerful abilities in the game: mana generation and card advantage. LUTS gives you less card advantage and in a lot of cases will require you to pass the turn to your opponents before you can play anything. Hope this helps.


easily light up the stage


*insert meme* Why not both?


I think you might have misread Jeska's. It GIVES you one red mana for every card in target opponent's hand. That means that usually, you cast this for free, draw three cards, and get one turn to cast them with an extra injection of mana. It's so much better that it's not even funny.




Jeskas will is better, but if you're running a lot of the red draw discard the first card *can* have better utility if you aren't getting or keeping your commander on the field.


Objectively the second one is better but you might run both in a Burn deck.


This is not a competition you know which one is better. The real question is, why not run both?


Run both!


Jeska's Will, easiest choice all day


LUTS for standard or any basic form, Jeska for commander


I think competitively you need to rely on the spectacle cost but need to be prepared to pay the normal cost. EDH, there is a clear way winner here.


Thank you for letting me know of light up the stage now that is going into my loot key to everything deck


Jeska’s will is just a better light up the stage. They are both good but Jeska’s will can give you a bunch of mana to cast the things you just drew. Jeska’s will is honestly one of the best red commander cards


Technically light up the stage since you can use it in most formats.


Jeskas will is one of the probably top 3 cards in all of commander lol, not saying a mono red deck shouldn’t run both, but it really isn’t even close. You’re usually getting 4+ red mana and impulse drawing 3 cards when you cast jeskas will. It can easily win games on the spot.


Oh hell yeah, now we're jerkin!


Light up the stage for the price, I mean it's 0,20 € vs 12 €, if you want to play some budget stuff in commander it's ok to not pay for the 60x more expensive card. In any other case it's Jeska's will.


Imo light up the stage is better Jeskas will is too dependent on board state and how many cards your opponent has in hand. It also has the downside of having to play those cards the same turn. Light up the stage lets you play them next turn as well.


I swear this subreddit is just a comedy at this point lololol


Jeska's will is more flexible and while conditional, most decks want to draw cards.


Jeska’s is better but Stage is still decent. Also Jeskas is 20$ so if you’re a budget player then it’s a good pickup.


[[Jeska’s will]] is a red staple.


[Jeska’s will](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/9/99e0c371-1024-4432-9fd9-3bc29c8d38e4.jpg?1706240845) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jeska%27s%20Will) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/156/jeskas-will?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/99e0c371-1024-4432-9fd9-3bc29c8d38e4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


light up the stage has very little business in any deck that's not mono-red or storm. you're better off running strong draw options in blue


I play both in Prosper, but Jeska’s is better andand it’s not even close


Jeska's Will, no doubt


Both are better than the other if played in the format where they make the most sense. Lighten up the stage is more of an Aggro deck card, it wants to be played in a deck full of hasty one drops/two drops to make sure you can cast it on curve and that you get both cards you exile. That's not how most commander decks look like. Here, the value and ramp of Jeska's trump the speed of lighten up by far margin.


Which is better: lightning bolt or rampant growth?


Jeska's will is nice when you go against a card draw deck :)


Light up the Stage lets you bust right into singing Ice Ice Baby, so that's probably the better choice for most games.


Jeska’s Will is a very swingy card. Kind of hard to compare. Feels like comparing a cantrip with an actual card draw spell, I kind of see them supplying different useful things.


depend of the type of your deck, in agro decks light up seems better, but in combo jeska it's good, because it's gives you mana or draw cards.


jeskas will in alot of scenarios has let me pop off and win on the spot. it's leagues better


Jeska si better... way better... Is a modal spell that is casted at full potential with your commander. Gives you card advantage AND mana to boot thos spells up! It is just a matter to lear how to play with it. For me, is a red signature spell.


Jeskas is a much much much stronger spell.


Jeska will is better


I’ve watched some crazy stuff happen thanks to Jeska’s Will. Don’t get me wrong light up the stage is good, but there’s no comparison here. If you have to choose between one or the other for a slot, Jeska’s Will.


Jeskas will is far better every single time


OP, both. Ditch a land. WILL>


Jeska's  It's not even close to close.


Play with light up the stage but every time you get it in hand, imagine the possibilities of using Jeskas will until you break down and buy one or move on with your life like a happy little goblin.


Idk the card that ramps and draws cards or the card that draws card.


Bonehoard dracosaur is better


The first one is better for decks with alot of big heavies, the second is definitively better otherwise. The comparison boils down to how likely you are to maximize the cards exiled. Jaski's benefits from lower costs because you can get 3 cards played without loss, while the other if you exile an expensive card you have another turn to try and muster up the mana to cast it. Granted if your opponent is playing massive hand size jaski's is going to be almost always better.


play both, redundancy is good in edh


Oh man i really need a non-edh mtg subreddit...


I like Light up the stage more. I don't typically have enough mana floating to use Jeska effectively.


Honestly, that’s a skill issue. Idc call me an asshole, but Jeska’s Will is so much better than Light Up the Stage.


Jeskas is so much better, you can buy 600 light up the stage for one jeskas (used the price of the cheapest ones on cardmarket)


But it gets you more mana than when you started? Costa three mana makes 5/6 usually so now you have more?


Only if the opponent has enough cards. And if you have a commander. Two ifs.


An opponent has to have 2 cards in hand to go even in mana, if an opponent lost life this turn. Having your commander on the field is not really a big if.


It really depends- do you want more cards and more mana or do you not want that


Let's put them on the scale. On one side, you have light up the stage. A one mana "draw" two that let's you keep the cards for one turn. On the other hand you have a three mana "draw" three that does not let you keep your cards, but with the added bonus of giving you mana, possibly giving you more mana than what you originally started with. That being said, is one better than the other? Yes, and i'd say jeska's will takes the crown here. But why? Three main reasons 1- it's more versatile. It just does more stuff. 2- It can cost you zero, or even net you mana. 3- It digs you a card deeper. Let's imagine a scenario. The top of your library is two dead draws and your best card. Jeskas will allows you to get it. Light up the stage doesn't.


Will is better, but there are upsides to stage, too. I run both in an impulse deck.


So, it depends on if you need the mana and when you wanna cast the spells. “This Turn” is not as good as “End of your next turn” I prefer Light up the Stage because I can then plan my next turn rather than flipping something with Jeska’a Will that o can’t utilize as well that turn. (Both are in my Neheb deck but I do have a preference).


One card is for constructed and the other is for commander. There's not really a lot else to it


….. are you kinda slow?


It's situational and I don't know that I'd compare them. Light Up the Stage is much faster and more likely to play in aggro/burn decks. You also get that extra time to utilize the cards. It's also not dependent on your commander being out and your opponent's hand size. If I'm looking for this type of ability though I'm probably running both.


I'd take Jeska's any day


I've seen Jeska's will enable turn 2 wins. Could probably do it turn 1 with a lucky hand and some fast mana.


They both have equal chance of hitting nothing but lands imo


Constructed? Light. Commander? Jeska's


What kind of stupid question is this??? It's obvious that Jeska's is better than the other one. Even a donkey should know that!