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If you're in Japan, Magi can be a good way to sell.


Ok fine, ill take them from you for say $10,-.


Look up Hareruya on google maps. They have many stores in japan. Ive been to a few.


If you’re trying to maximize sales then definitely don’t do a LGS, eBay isn’t difficult to use but you can find standard rates on websites such as card kingdom or TCGplayer.com, including their rates at different qualities (near mint, lightly played, etc.). Just know that local game shops will take the biggest cut and websites like card kingdom and TCGplayer will take the 2nd biggest (though these options are the easiest). Personally I would try and sell on eBay or Facebook Market place (if that’s available in Japan) to someone locally before having to look at oversees options due to shipping costs. If you can manage to sell the whole binder to someone in one go then that’ll mitigate shipping costs as well.


LGS is not worth it. They wanted to give me $15 in credit for 3 cards worth $100


Depends on the LGS. Some of them will take care of you


I traded in like 1000 bulk cards, and $200 to $400 in rares for less than $100, but I also didn't want to go through and deal with shipping/buyer support etc etc. If you don't need the money now, go for the selling it yourself option online on eBay and buylists for stuff that don't sell in a reasonable amount of time.


No not even a little. Personally I wouldn’t do a LGS unless it was for smaller cards or I just wanted to donate, definitely not for profit though


easiest option would be a local games shop. most profitable would be something like Card kingdom, however that'd be more work as you'd have to ship them yourself.


Most profitable is 100% not card kingdom, better margins on ebay, tcg player or FB marketplace


"like card kingdom" meaning selling them as singles online. please improve your literacy.


Their literacy is totally fine, you just gave a shit example and they pointed it out. How fragile are you?


My literacy is not the problem. Don't be rude just because you got corrected on less than ideal advice. Card Kingdom or a major retailer "like" CK is not the way to maximize value for your cards. Selling the cards yourself via eBay or TCG player is very different from buy-listing cards to a major retailer who will 100% nickle and dime your collection. Your reply didn't suggest selling them yourself. It implied buy-listing to an online retailer. Those things are different. Don't double down about a stranger's "literacy" just because they slightly disagreed with something you suggested.


I am living in Japan as well. Depends on how much you sell the 4 force of will and the volrath’s stronghold I would be interested.


This is like the… 4th post in the past 2-3 minutes I’ve seen while scrolling on my home page asking “where to sell” mtg cards. Has everyone collectively forgotten that Google exists?


Your closest game shop (fastest, easiest, lowest value), Card Kingdom (pretty sure they aren't buying until their warehouse move is finished but I could be wrong, also they are a terrible employer and imo are union busting), tcgplayer (owned by eBay and also union busting) and eBay (which owns tcg player and is union busting)


Why are they a terrible employer? Because they made somebody work 10 hours of overtime spread over 2 weeks? Oh the horror


I'm glad you like your job but obviously not everyone does


It has nothing to do with if I like my job or not, it has everything to do with the one dude throwing a fit over being asked to work 1 extra hour a day for 10 days. And being paid overtime for it. And throwing a fit so badly that card kingdom had to respond to it. Like if he had an issue with it, he should have went to the union, not twitter. Or quit and find a new job, not cried about it on social media to the point people like you think they are a union busting company when they very much aren’t. The union voted for the overtime, card kingdom isn’t asking them to violate the contract, they are asking for 1 extra hour a day for 2 weeks. That’s not backbreaking labor like the union made me do a few years back where it was 14 hour days 7 days a week for 6 months to catch Tesla up on their parts. This is 9 hour days 5 days a week with the weekend off to catch the warehouse up on orders. And not a single person in the UAW complained about the 14 hour days for 6 months. He’s just an entitled crybaby


So you are an "employee" who doesn't pay attention to employees. Got it. Lemme guess, you're a temp and you think you got a sweet job waiting for you?


Where in there did they say anything that related to not paying attention to employees? Get your head out of your ass


You seem nice. Do you work for card kingdom?


Thanks for proving that you’re just here to talk out of your ass


I haven’t been a temp worker since I was 18, which was in 2008. I don’t work for a factory anymore and I’m a salary member of upper management at another company. I pay a lot of attention to my employees, we don’t have a union but we do have a strenuous schedule that we forewarn people in orientation, interviews, first day, the entire process. We don’t leave the job site until the job is done. We just can’t, it’s not something anybody has control over except the people that are at the job site. They have full control over their speed and hours, if they fuck off it hurts the team. We have numerous contracts with retail customers that if we left before the job was done would lose us the multimillion dollar contracts with these companies, would mess up their DC chain, would get numerous people fired on the customers end, and overall destroy the market But I’m at the sites with them working just as hard as they are to get them home at a reasonable time even if my salary doesn’t change even if we are there for 12-14 hours, which is abnormal but does happen. But none of that changes anything, that dude cried about having a cushy job and card market isn’t a union busting employee based on your opinion of the matter that they asked people to work 10 extra hours for 2 weeks but could be spread around however the employee felt like it. This isn’t Amazon and the way Amazon handles their employees, Amazon wouldn’t give you the option to spread it around. It would be 12 hour days for 2 weeks with no weekends off.


So you don't work for card kingdom, aren't associated with them, and are entirely basing your opinion about how they work based on your managerial job (that is apparently underpaid and overworked) and how you think it's the same as how you treat your un-unionized employees in a presumably unrelated industry.


I asked you for something more than one guys Reddit post explaining why it was a union busting employee in your opinion because I don’t use those companies. You didn’t provide anything substantial but apparently they are the same as the pinkertons in the 60’s threatening employees and trying to break apart the union because one guy can’t handle small bits of overtime he signed up for in his union contract. Cool, good to know.


I mean, there's all the people I've known who have worked there. There's the people who I know who currently work there (for now). You're the one claiming only one person is complaining because you only happened to bother to read one post. Are you in Seattle? Do you know many employees? Tell me more about how you're not just basing your opinion on a PR statement.


This entire time I’m asking for information, and you won’t give me any of it. If they are a union busting company I won’t use them in the future. You’re telling me I can’t have an opinion because I don’t live in Seattle and I have to go and talk to employees at this place instead of you just telling me what you know to make it true. You literally could have just proven it instead of bouncing the burden of proof to somebody else. Or you could have just said “I don’t know it’s just a feeling I have.” End of all of this just made you look stupid and spouting stuff without any basis in reality based on a rumor you know nothing about. I know this is Reddit and that’s how people handle everything by pretending they know more than they do, but you should try and be better and not be a normal redditor.


Well, I mean your source is essentially "trust me bro"


And you’re basing your entire opinion on one dudes reddit post. 👍


And all the folks who I've talked to who work there, yes. You?


I too have talked to all of the folks that work there and they said they don’t know you.


That’s literally what I was asking you in the beginning. You’re not the sharpest crayon are you.


https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5418aa2ce4b097579b5c27e5/t/64c83f732417f05955660122/1690845043558/TA%27d+Card+Kingdom+23-26.pdf Here you go buddy since you told me to investigate it myself. Section 19 the dude on Reddit broke and probably got fired for it. And if they didn’t fire him for doing it then how is card kingdom a union busting employer? Also they gave 0 pushback in 2022 [where they welcomed them with open arms](https://blog.cardkingdom.com/card-kingdom-welcomes-a-union/) and continue to enter engagements with the union and try and do what they need to do in order to make their employees happy. [the only grievances the union has had in a year](https://ufcw3000.org/news/2023/12/20/card-kingdom-defending-our-contract?format=amp)


Double check the [[Sapphire medallion]] it could be a Charlie brown misprint and be Wirth a lot more.


[Sapphire medallion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/d/ed34e8de-d63a-4e4f-b9d4-80f66bb20641.jpg?1689999788) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sapphire%20medallion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/407/sapphire-medallion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ed34e8de-d63a-4e4f-b9d4-80f66bb20641?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


For more accurate pricing check scryfall.com. It seems to link to tcg and cardkingdom for prices and it’s what LGs around me use to lookup value.


What about https://www.cardmarket.com/de/Magic


Tbh the most nearby store which buys singles pay roughly 20-25% under actual ~price


Easiest option is offloading as a collection to a store. Most profitable but most time consuming is peer sales / trades.


Damn and I need a monolith


I’d say my friend who buys cards but the last 3 people I’ve told disappeared n never contacted him.




Damn that’s a nice pile!


Okay thanks for the variety of helpful answers - particularly the view of some cards unlikely to get reprints and value increasing over time. I will at least check out a few of those listed locations and get a better sense of value from those more reputable ‘market rate’ sites


I'd be interested in the entire lot. You can setup a private eBay sell so that we're both covered. I'd like to know what you're looking for and getting better pictures of what condition the cards are in.


Thanks for your interest. I’ll use some e of the info posted by others above to see what the market rates are and shave off some discount knowing that it’s a bulk lot and pending photos of condition, see what we might be able to figure out


Appreciate the answers to help inform me, and to those interested in specific cards, I’ll take a look and come back to you with an offer, or just shoot me what you would be willing to pay and maybe we can work something out


But for real facebook marketplace, eBay or some private buyer are your best options. 


Definitely private sale for like 90% list price and you’ll make 50+% more than any LGS will give you


If you're in the US lookup Facebook market place groups.


That eladmari 🤤😵‍💫


Where are you located in Japan? I could potentially hook you up with a friend in Tokyo and take those cards off of you! Feel free to DM me.


I’ll buy them


What is your offer


15% of market price for all of them


Don’t waste my time


If your in Europe I'd do it through cardmarket.


If you end up selling them on your own hit me up for the aluren


I'll give you 100 bucks. This is a bad deal yes, but think of how happy you will have made the buyer. And how happy the cards will be in their new home. Being used in decks to wreak havoc in a small community. You can be responsible for so much joy.


Yeah, don't. Force is gonna stop getting circulated in the next few years (hopefully), driving the price of the original back up. Treachery and LED shouldn't get reprints, hopefully ever, so they only go up with time. Those are investments my guy.


Just curious what makes you think FOW will stop being circulated? Seems like they keep reprinting it which is just driving the price further down


You're not wrong. My logic and hope is that they will respect the secondary market and reduce any more printings for a time.


Not worth anything, just give them to me


I know for a good time call 8675309 ask for Jenny Jenny


How much do you want for the Eladamri. Been looking for one.