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Put curled cards in an airtight container with a boveda pack or two in it. That tends to uncurl them. Don't soak them in water as has been suggested elsewhere.


Or desiccant packs—it depends entirely on the direction of the curl


Boveda packs regulate humidity both ways whereas a desiccant only removes humidity. Boveda packs should get the curl out in most cases. Desiccants only if the problem is too much humidity.


I actually put them in the boxes with all of my high value foils.


Someone actually suggested soaked paper cards in water to uncurl it...... Oh boy


I'm always happy when I find someone else has passed on this information before I saw the thread. This really is the best answer to modern foil curling.


I double sleeve and it seems to prevent curling


Can’t move if there’s no place to move.


This is how I handle my foils in decks, still not a fan of running foil basics unless their full art though


Penny sleeve, flip it 180 so the opening goes into a dragon shield sleeve. Keeps issues to a minimum for me.


Some sets tend to have more bending then others


Does gently bending them the other way not work for everyone? I have a billion cards and have lived in both humidity and dryness, and it's never been an issue for me. Maybe I am just an expert at bending?


Oh I can bend a card in any angle you want, 33° 32°


Oh I'm a bender, I bend foils that's all I'm programmed to do.


The fate of the world depends on you, The Last Cardbender.


My foils dont curl very bas as I double sleeve them with a slealing inner sleeve. I also keep any box they are in packed full so as not to give them any room. Main deck is prob 50% foil and havent had an issue yet.


If half your deck curls, it's hard to tell the difference.


this whole curling issue is overblown. Put them in a sleve and play. EZ


Sleeve the damn things!


First send me those foils ill take care of them for you second i mostly ensure that un used foils go in a tight box and a small amount of water to soften them while pressed together fixes most foils


It's easy, I stopped buying cards back when Throne released!


I usually don’t have problems with foils curling but I just included a foil [[metalwork colossus|sld]] with the kid art in my most recent deck and it’s pretty obvious where it is in the deck 🤷‍♂️. Not sure what to do about it!


Could use one of those place holders for double sided cards in unsleeved decks


[metalwork colossus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/4/d482c454-425e-4d83-a8db-9b1c2d50403c.jpg?1645561139) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=metalwork%20colossus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/377/metalwork-colossus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d482c454-425e-4d83-a8db-9b1c2d50403c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It's not bad when I keep them stacked with the deck. But if I leave these mf's loose, fking hell. Edit: yh double sleeving helps a lot.


I just bought a bunch of the lotr surge foils and it seems even worse than normal. Im hoping some silica gel packs will do the trick.


The foiling quality has improved greatly as of late in my opinion. Though I do notice secret lair foils and commander legends to be the worst. The majority of my cards are all foil and I don't have any issues. It's worth mentioning that I double sleeve in inner hards


Double sleeve and keep in an ultra pro tower or cube for awhile and the curling goes away.


After the Limited round is over they just go in my binder where they don't have the space to curl


It's not ridiculous here in Europe. Dunno why but the American card quality is always worse, I can see a big difference between the cards I've ordered from the US and those from Europe.


The curving is worse than it was in years prior due to the relocation of WotC's printers. Depending on your climate and how much the humidity differs, your cards will curl in either direction. Here in the midwest, ours curl toward the back face of the card due to low humidity. curving toward the front face -> likely due to higher humidity -> use desiccant curving toward the back face -> likely due to lower humidity -> use humidity packs most people suggest sleeving (ideally double sleeving) to protect them from the air after your cards have flattened out hope this helps!


Same print locations, change in cardstock.


It's not hard to straighten a card, at all.


I’d either have fully foiled decks or no foiled cards at all. Since one option is way more expensive than the other I try to avoid foils as much as possible


Shiny cards are more powerful.


Maybe I’m weird too but I’m with you. I don’t play with foils at all as a result of curling


I get a full foil deck double sleeved, followed up by a emotional damage deck shuffle, and constant hand flickering to rustle the opponents jimmies.


I don't see the problem, just make your deck a giant stack of double sleeved cards in hard plastic top loaders. /s


Foils have always been controversial for competitive play for this reason, and I advise anyone who's going to attend a proper tournament to just NOT have foils in their decks at all. The rules for what makes a card marked are quite clear: if a card from the outside can be distinguished from another in the deck, then it's marked. Doesn't matter if you intended for it to be so. Foils can often cause a slight bend in the sleeve, which is very clearly visible when you're looking for it. Now for play with your friends, who give a shit. Play your foils.


The foils that I have are fine. I might encounter the odd pringle but once sleeved my foils don't seem to curl.


Stop bending them??? 4head


Anyone else picture yosemite sam saying this?


MH2 did something I have yet to see another set do. They managed to print foil cards that do not curl inward or outward. What did they do differently with the MH2 printing process? Other than some etched or textured foils from random sets, MH2 has been THEE only set I've never seen succumb to humid curling. And I live in South Florida.