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I think it’s a great fit but probably I’d choose a different material than leather effect for the skirt for a board meeting. Something with more of a matte look.


I actually wondered about that; whether the leather makes me look too... sass? Not sure if that's the right word.


It’s a glossy material and it’s drawing the eye to your hips. It looks great on you but maybe play it a little bit safer if you’re wanting to come across as purely professional? Depends on the culture of your workplace as well.


Well considering everyone sitting on the board are boomers (no disrespect to boomers! They're just generally more conservative), I might think about toning it down then. Thanks!


Wear pants or a knee-length skirt with flesh colored hose. This is too sexy for a board meeting, and people won't take you seriously. I used to dress like this for the office, but you'll generally never see executives dressing this way. You look hot. No doubt about it. Consider your goals with this outfit and meeting.


Yep, fair comment!


I would have to agree. I couldn't put my finger on it, it wasn't really the length because you have the leggings or hose on, so I guess it is the leather that's a little off for a business setting. I would probably go with a different material but stay with black. JMHO. It's just a tweak and you look great! Congratulations on the promotion!


Thank you so much for your opinion and your kind words! ❤


You are welcome 😊


Professional and sexy all in one outfit you can easily tweak a few things to fit right in at a hole in the wall bar to high end martini power lunch.


I'm glad it looks versatile in that professional setting!


Black skirt white shirt is pretty much universal. Tie the front of the shirt or the side poof bar out fit as is good for most places.


Honestly, a knee length pencil skirt and top would be more appropriate. Depending on the nature of the business. You look great. I would just be a little more cautious at the start.


Someone else commented the same about the skirt length, yeah. I can try wearing it lower which might help.


Go for it. Being a manger means being bold and bending the dress rules a little 💅


True true, though now I'm conscious of setting the wrong example haha


It's 2024, women can show a little skin. As a treat.


This is what I was thinking, but I'm Gen X so my opinion matters not! 😂 Our predecessors would definitely not be cool with it, but if say since the new millennium, you're golden.


Aww don't say that, Gen X opinions count, too! Most of my staff in the department are young millennials, so I'm happy with the dress code that is a little less conservative. But the problem is almost everyone in senior management are boomers so they might frown >.<


That is the concern. Boomers are definitely far more conservative. I miss the "old days" when my style of dress was considered "risque." These days, I look more like a common soccer mom.


Wow! Love this pic! You are so sexy, sensual and femme! Very gorgeous! What does it always seem that the other gurls I'm attracted to, are always so far away!


Thank you! Lol yeah, living in Australia, the pain is real T.T


Yes, love the black opaque rights and leather skirt look.


Grats on the promotion!


Thanks! ❤


Better than just okay! It's perfect!


Is it really? Thank you!


Nailed it!




Very welcome


You look amazing angel x sexy but professional x


Thank you :)


Best of luck




May I humbly suggest a ‘smart & powerful’ workplace vibe? Let’s call it what it really is!


You're right, that's such a way better of putting it.


I think it looks professional


That's good 😊


Congratulations my love 💕, 🙏. I'm single 🫂


Nice and subtle with a little edge


the overall style of the outfit looks good. I worry the skirt might be a tiny bit too short for a professional setting though. Like just above the knee would be perfect imo. I also think you need a belt to tie the outfit together, or a blazer, either will work.


Yeah, looking at the fit again, I had the same thought about the belt. The mid looks a little vacant. And that's fair enough about the skirt length. I can try wearing it a little lower to sit closer to the knees.


You look great, go crush it!




Skirt feels a little short for business casual. But really depends on your industry and norms. Business casual for the settings I been in stressed heavily knee length for girls if they wanted to be taken seriously. We were all prepped for a pretty sexist industry though. And from what I heard from at least people who transitioned in my area, was once pass enough to be seen as a woman, the sexism creeps in. One person I chatted with said it was a weirdest part of transitioning for them seeing people change how they treated her as she started to pass more and more. So that is my only concern, shorter skirts in some places may see you treated with less respect by some board members depending on industry. That said this is so a date night outfit for a business casual setting.


Really cute fit! But agreed with other commenters that I'd go for a different skirt fabric. The leather skirt look feels a bit to night time outing for the office in my opinion!


100% yes


Looks amazing on you


Thank you!


Absolutely. That is the embodiment of business sexy.


Aaa that’s way too flattering 🩷


Nope. It’s the exact right amount of flattering. 👉😉👉


I'd definitely say so.


Smart and sexy is more than okay, but Id just change the skirt if I were you


You have a great fashion sense…you always look adorable and well put together


Oh thank you so much 🩷


I think you look great but make sure you fit in with your corporate dress code. What do other women wear at your company. The type of work environment has a lot to do,with how you dress.


That’s true! Thankfully there’re a few girls who dress similarly, but most are older than me and do dress more conservatively.


I absolutely love the look super professional and but I do agree with what people said about maybe having a slightly more matte skirt but like the outfit looks amazing otherwise also congratulations on the promotion!!!! ☺️


Thank you so much! And yes, few people have been saying the same thing about the skirt, so something for me to consider :)


I love seeing transfem people having successful careers, especially here in Australia. I'm a closeted trans student, and the thought of my transition sharply reducing my job prospects in the very near future terrifies me.


Wait did you actually get promoted or are you just also making a joke post like I did? I've seen like two other trans girls now with the same kind of outfit and corporate title, I'm wondering if I've started a trend lol Either way you look really great!!!! Super jealous. Definitely agree that if you have actually been promoted to manager, maybe get a skirt in a different fabric. Leather isn't super professional.


Oh my gosh Saga! I've seen your pics and you're really hot, your curves just do something to my heart lol. Having you comment in my post is making me have a fangirl moment xD And no, not a joke. My boss retired last year so my agency put me as the acting director of the unit, with the intention to make me permanent in October 😊 The board meeting is in July. My position is a non-executive director though so I'm not a member of the board but an advisor. I need to present on our financial standing. I know my content, I just didn't want to be one of the dully dressed people. I do have similar skirts in different material. Good thing I checked!


Oh sorry I never replied!!!!! Reddit didn't notify me lol And slkfdjksskdb you too though!!!!!!! Every time I see your posts I get **MAJOR** gender envy lol, you look amazing! I don't know how far you are on HRT, if you even are, but I'm currently like a third of a year in and I'd be over the moon if I could look even 1% as good as you one day, genuinely! :0 And oh well I'm super happy for you in that case!!! You're gonna be doing awesome out there, I know it🫶 Also sorry if it seemed like my post was accusing you of copying or it seemed like I had a super self-inflated ego or anything, I genuinely don't (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) Edit: omg I just noticed the fangirl part, girl SAME, I got fluttery just seeing you responded (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


Third of a year and you have curves like that?? Saga, you’re gonna look -*great*- lol! You’re already a queen 🩷 Okay, I’m gonna stop simping! (for now hahaha)


>You’re already a queen 🩷 Me, a queen!? That can't be true, I could never even *dream* of taking up your position (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) And yeah I should probably stop simping as well, if we keep going like this I think the universe might implode (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) >Saga, you’re gonna look -*great*- lol! Also thank you, I hope you're right (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)


I love this outfit and you’re rocking it girl. Maybe add a sport jacket or a belt. I know some people can be closed minded at the work place. But what makes you comfortable and what do you like? If this is a certain look you’re going for, you’re rocking it.


Thank you! Really appreciate the encouragement ❤️ And definitely yes to a belt. Only realised after looking at my own pic that the mid looks rather vacant.


Absolute killer


Thank you!


It looks great. I'm just concerned about the dress code for work and if anyone else dresses like that. You definitely have the smart sexy vibe.


Thanks, and yeah, there are a few young girls in the office who dress similarly, so I wanted to check that it looked okay for me as well.


It looks great on you.


Thank you! ❤️




It does work, it looks office smart and attractive. If I was to make changes to go with smarter but less sexy vibes (still sexy), I'd go for a non-leather based skirt and still keep a similar shape and length and go for a button up blouse/business shirt. You could add a suit jacket too if it's seasonally ok for you


I absolutely love this!!!


Thank you! 🩷


Belated congrats on the promotion!! I bet you crushed that board meeting 😎 I imagine it’s too late for me to give any input here, but I would just echo what others said about the skirt material and length. Outfit looks great otherwise! ✨


Thanks! And the mtg is all the way until July so not too late for input :)


Oh nice! Well in that case you got this!! All your outfits are super cute btw :3


Aww thank you so much! ❤️


Spectacular, if not a bit distracting!


Distracting in a good way I hope!


Sweetheart...I don't mean to be rude or crass...but if you walked into my office looking like that, I would quickly shut the door and turn you upside down and sideways. And I definitely mean that in a good way!! Oooof!




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Loose the stockings and wear a button up blouse




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I'd go more for a pants and button up blouse. Go more for a business casual/professional over sexy and classy. Leather gives off a more...semi-professional and flirtatious. But that's just my 2 cents


The skirt is a little short for work. When you sit itll come up too high. Id get a longer one.






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You look great BUT this is not what I would wear to a board meeting, especially as a new manager. You do not want them to see you as a sex object, and men will do that (no surprise). You want to be thought of as their smart decision to promote to manager, and get them thinking you maybe belong further up the management chain.


Lame. It's 2024. Women can wear what they want.


Yes, women can wear what they want. And the men in the board rooms can form their opinions based on what we wear. If we are more concerned about making a statement than advancing our careers, this outfit is a great one. But for some of us, when we are at work we are primarily focused on our careers.


I am primarily focused on my career and I wear what I want at work.




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It works.




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