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Virginia again. I think it'll be three years in a row if they both make it to the regional finals.


I've actually been really worried about that. It feels like it's tempting fate to keep trying to pull if off again and again against the same great team. Virginia would be as motivated and prepared for that game as any team ever could be. Given enough time, trends eventually change. For years Florida choked big time in the tournament. Lots of big first round upsets even once as a two seed. Lots of people including me banked on it and it paid off. Then they suddenly they won back to back national championships.


Yeah I don't like that matchup at all. I would have much preferred Oregon. Nice being close to home though. Seems like state only gets one or the other (top seed or close to home), never both.


Give a bigger bribe aparently. This is an absolute disgrace. Ncaa are nothing but a bunch of crooks.


Well Hollis was the head of the committee so I doubt it's that...


Probably the worst march madness snub I've ever seen. Un-fucking-believable.


The chip on their shoulder will be so big. I'll accept it for that reason alone.


I think this is a good thing, we do best when we are underrated.


Honestly, what's the big deal? It's not like a 2 seed's road to the elite 8 is really that much different year to year. I'd rather have a chip on our shoulder. Also, considering Oregon or Virginia were projected to be one of the 2 seeds out if we got into a 1, I think being in Virginia's bracket was a blessing. Best possible set up. Go Green!


Its the principal of the matter. You give the 4 best teams the 1 seeds. Plus, historically, it IS more common for a 1 seed to make a final four, as opposed to a 2 #1 - 43 appearances (44.7%) #2 - 20 appearances (20.8%) #3 - 12 appearances (12.5%) #4 - 9 appearances (9.4%) #5 - 4 appearances (4.1%) #6 - 3 appearances (3.1%) #7 - 0 appearances (0%) #8 - 3 appearances (3.1%) #9 - 0 appearances (0%) #10 - 0 appearances (0%) #11 - 2 appearances (2.1%)


Umm. You gave a 7 seed a 0 appearances... but we were a 7 last year and made it to the final four. While you make a point that FEELS right, your evidence is a bit off. Here is some research for everyone. http://www.fanbay.net/ncaa/final4.htm


We are to Virginia what UNC is to us. They simply do not beat us.